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Vaccine FAILURE, on every level.

Can you tell us? Some of us just can not stand to watch that kind of shit. I tried again, still could not do it. Too much attention whore youtube faggotry and not enough data. Just give me the damned data already.
i cant stand most of it. i watch the whole thing... while doing other stuff. but i never watch those sort of things.

it moves quick, and throws shade at the youtoob censorship. easy to watch if you have some boring like a computer update going on another screen.

basically says that bill gates and fauci made ass loads of money off of this bs. and how they did. iirc bill to the tune off 500mil half of which was funneled thru donation to his charity and was tax free.
then it went thru that piece where they say we where wrong, forgive and forget.... thanks for the money.
i cant stand most of it. i watch the whole thing... while doing other stuff. but i never watch those sort of things.

it move quick, and throws shade at the youtoob censorship. easy to watch if you have some boring like a coputer update going on another screen.

basically says that bill gates and fauci made ass loads of money off of this bs. and how they did. iirc bill to the tune off 500mil half of which was funneled thru donation to his charity and was tax free.
then it went thru that piece where they say we where wrong, forgive and forget.... thanks for the money.

Pretty much, this.

Bill made back 10 fold his investment. 1000% return.

Bill was listed as the biggest "philanthropist" but turns out he gave it to his own Non-profit for tax write offs.
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Can you tell us? Some of us just can not stand to watch that kind of shit. I tried again, still could not do it. Too much attention whore youtube faggotry and not enough data. Just give me the damned data already.

He annoys the fuck out of me too. But he's thinking and has good stuff. If you ever see him in interviews, he owns them. He's smart.

But then again, lots of people are, but he's out there as a "personality" bringing it.

He's using his "popularity" to good use, and he isn't afraid to do so.

He gets some respect from me for doing so.

That is great. I hope it passes and becomes active. Let other states follow.
No, it's kinda bullshit. #1- we don't need MORE laws. We need LESS laws. #2- I don't give a shit if you want to take experimental meds as long as you give consent and weren't forced or coerced. #3- this opens the door for other meds later on... its more .gov deciding what you can put in your body, just in the opposite direction.
No, it's kinda bullshit. #1- we don't need MORE laws. We need LESS laws. #2- I don't give a shit if you want to take experimental meds as long as you give consent and weren't forced or coerced. #3- this opens the door for other meds later on... its more .gov deciding what you can put in your body, just in the opposite direction.
So much this!!!!
No, it's kinda bullshit. #1- we don't need MORE laws. We need LESS laws. #2- I don't give a shit if you want to take experimental meds as long as you give consent and weren't forced or coerced. #3- this opens the door for other meds later on... its more .gov deciding what you can put in your body, just in the opposite direction.

Yep. This is the wrong way to go.

However, it is bringing to light how the legislature can enforce mandates (if it's struck down).
No, it's kinda bullshit. #1- we don't need MORE laws. We need LESS laws. #2- I don't give a shit if you want to take experimental meds as long as you give consent and weren't forced or coerced. #3- this opens the door for other meds later on... its more .gov deciding what you can put in your body, just in the opposite direction.
Good point.
Allow it by law, and let the market play out. Doc gives shot, someone gets adverse effect, patient sues doc and pharma to the point that docs and pharma will be scared to injure more people and willingly stop doing it. Not by threat of law, but lawsuit. The American way.
My girlfriend read in Twitter last night that all the "antivaxxers" on Twitter were loving that monologue and the fucktards were appalled.

Not bad, I laft.

When you’ve lost Woody…

Edit, the vax/pharmaceutical part is set up in the first half, you can skip to the last 2 minutes for the good part:laughing:
News: Sadly, Woody's private plane dropped out of the sky on Sunday afternoon, in rural Utah, on it's way back to LA.
No, it's kinda bullshit. #1- we don't need MORE laws. We need LESS laws. #2- I don't give a shit if you want to take experimental meds as long as you give consent and weren't forced or coerced. #3- this opens the door for other meds later on... its more .gov deciding what you can put in your body, just in the opposite direction.
I agree, with one exception. It should be illegal to use experimental medication on children except in the case of life saving treatments. Like the right to try bill under Trump. That I am totally fine with as at that point normal meds dont work.

Woof !!! Weird Conspiracy Joke :eek:

Well I guess I will add to this thread. There are three different instances here, all involving my wife's side off the family who were all double to triple vaxed. My MIL was diagnosed with cancer shortly after getting the shot in 2020 fought for a year, so far 9 months in remission. 3 months ago wife's grandma was diagnosed with cancer, they are giving her 2 weeks to a year maybe. 2 weeks ago FIL developed a large clot in his leg and had a stroke. While at the hospital they find he has an enlarged artery in his heart, and a mass on his tongue. He spent 5 days in the hospital after they thought they had everything sorted out was released. Yesterday we get the call from MIL saying he woke up and said he felt great and was very happy that he had got too spend time with all the grandkids and family the two days prior, bent down to hug and kiss his wife and while standing back up said I don't think I should have done that and fell over dead.

I'm not sure if it was the shots, they all seem pretty healthy before they got them. It sucks for all involved, but it is hard to show compassion after being chastised so many times. I made it very clear to them from the start that my wife, kids, and I would not be getting vaxed, and if they wanted to have us at gatherings we would come, but will not wear a mask or go along with any other crap. They were not happy about it for the longest and I was told that I was being a self centered asshole. I casually told them the shots don't seem to be fairing them too well, and they could treat me however, but I am looking after my families well being.
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