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Vaccination mandates on the horizon.

This, The religious belief thing boxes you in. They can come back later and go, here ya go, this one doesn't have anything in it, that you were against previously.

and it prevents beliefs from maturing over time.

of course, I could see some attempting to use this logic against certain religions... I am actually curious what islam says about this....
The gov agency I work for uses the following verbiage:

It accordance with Reference A (Executive Order 14043) and <government agency name>'s duty to provide and maintain a workplace that is free of known hazards, we are implementing a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy effective immediately.

So they took it upon themselves to add that little catch-all at the end implying that anyone not vaccinated is a workplace hazard. This is a steaming pile of horse shit
The gov agency I work for uses the following verbiage:

It accordance with Reference A (Executive Order 14043) and <government agency name>'s duty to provide and maintain a workplace that is free of known hazards, we are implementing a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy effective immediately.

So they took it upon themselves to add that little catch-all at the end implying that anyone not vaccinated is a workplace hazard. This is a steaming pile of horse shit
They did the same. That was handed down from the government. You can bet on it.
Just submitted a religious exemption, and immediately got this back. Fucked up they didnt just put these in the form that they have you fill out.

Good morning,

As part of our review of your Religious Accommodation request, please respond to following questions:

How long have you held the religious belief underlying your objection?
Please describe whether, as an adult, you have received any vaccines against any other diseases (such as a flu vaccine or a tetanus vaccine) and, if so, what vaccine you most recently received and when, to the best of your recollection.
If you do not have a religious objection to the use of all vaccines, please explain why your objection is limited to particular vaccines.
If there are any other medicines or products that you do not use because of the religious belief underlying your objection, please identify them.
Would complying with the COVID-19 vaccination requirement substantially burden your religious exercise? If so, please explain how.

As a reminder, all answers provided need to be complete and accurate. Any intentional misrepresentation contained in this request may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment

Thank you,

____ Vaccine Accommodations
The other vaccines did not use dead babies, and since you are anti-abortion, that is what makes this one different.
And if things change in the future, don't forget you always have the right to convert to another religion at any time.
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The gov agency I work for uses the following verbiage:

It accordance with Reference A (Executive Order 14043) and <government agency name>'s duty to provide and maintain a workplace that is free of known hazards, we are implementing a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy effective immediately.

So they took it upon themselves to add that little catch-all at the end implying that anyone not vaccinated is a workplace hazard. This is a steaming pile of horse shit
You need a blood sucking lawyer to ask them for proof that none of your coworkers have any disease that you may come into contact with during the course of your day. I think a full medical and criminal history needs to be taken to make sure the place is as safe as possible.
You need a blood sucking lawyer to ask them for proof that none of your coworkers have any disease that you may come into contact with during the course of your day. I think a full medical and criminal history needs to be taken to make sure the place is as safe as possible.
I wish I had that kind of "fuck you" money
The gov agency I work for uses the following verbiage:

It accordance with Reference A (Executive Order 14043) and <government agency name>'s duty to provide and maintain a workplace that is free of known hazards, we are implementing a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy effective immediately.

Which is a absolute fucking JOKE because it's known that the 'Vaccine' does NOT prevent infection OR transmission. :mad3:
There is evidence that transmission rates are Higher among highly Vax'd polulations.
The other vaccines did not use dead babies, and since you are anti-abortion, that is what makes this one different.
And if things change in the future, don't forget you always have the right to convert to another religion at any time.
A friend of mine submitted her "application" for religious exemption, her HR department came back with a questionnaire to "find out more" about her religious beliefs. Specifically they asked what vaccinations she had, had previously and how long ago; when did she "convert" to the religion and what other products does she avoid as part of her beliefs.

Basically, if your answer is "I don't want the vax because it contains aborted fetus tissues" then you have to back that up by stating what other products/vaccines you avoid due to this belief.

So do your research and have answers prepped beforehand, here is just one page I found (not claiming it is accurate, just that I found it) using a quick Duck-Duck-Go search: Products That Use Aborted Fetuses [+Downloadable List]
If i got the "were calling your religious bs bluff" letter back, id make it my goal to write the most in depth legitimate responce possible
I'd pretend to be a flaming fucking caricature then start annoying the absolute fuck outta HR until they got sick of dealing with me.
"excuuuse me, it's Xir or Xim, you absolutely need a hug honey" Then you dispense one (1) regulation hug
I haven’t had a vaccine since I turned 18 and was able to choose for myself. All my previous vaccinations were at the direction of my parents.

Either way I will tell anyone to fuck off. If your truly religious in your beliefs against the vaccine then I will stand beside you to defend your right not to have it. Up close or from a distance. As for me, its a fuck you cock sucker my belief system is none of your God damn business and I am willing to die defending that statement. We all die sometime and there is no room for cowardice in my life.
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If i got the "were calling your religious bs bluff" letter back, id make it my goal to write the most in depth legitimate responce possible
My girlfriend went above and beyond detailing every angle possible with bible verses to back it up start to finish. If I ever got to the point of needing that line of bullshit I'm doing a straight up copy/paste of her response for damned sure.
My girlfriend went above and beyond detailing every angle possible with bible verses to back it up start to finish. If I ever got to the point of needing that line of bullshit I'm doing a straight up copy/paste of her response for damned sure.
Well, let's see it, post it up. I'm sure others here could use it...
If i got the "were calling your religious bs bluff" letter back, id make it my goal to write the most in depth legitimate responce possible
Mine has embarrassing shit in it. If they are making me share, I'm making them blush. My boss will NEVER look at me the same. I swear to all holy gods if I have to interview or fill out anything else, every answer is going to be-

"I masterbate the virus from my body."

Fuck. Them. :mad3:
The gov agency I work for uses the following verbiage:

It accordance with Reference A (Executive Order 14043) and <government agency name>'s duty to provide and maintain a workplace that is free of known hazards, we are implementing a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy effective immediately.

So they took it upon themselves to add that little catch-all at the end implying that anyone not vaccinated is a workplace hazard. This is a steaming pile of horse shit
That's a straight up copy of the OSHA general duty clause. This part: "and <government agency name>'s duty to provide and maintain a workplace that is free of known hazards."

That sets a pretty crazy precidence when it comes to communicable diseases.
You need a blood sucking lawyer to ask them for proof that none of your coworkers have any disease that you may come into contact with during the course of your day. I think a full medical and criminal history needs to be taken to make sure the place is as safe as possible.
Yup!! I would demand to know everyone who has a mental illness and what drugs they are on and what the company is doing about it to prevent workplace violence events. Some bullshit ass training and a no weapon sign doesn't count. Are they fireing them? Why not? It's their duty to have a workplace free of hazards and workplace violence is a pretty big one....
That's a straight up copy of the OSHA general duty clause. This part: "and <government agency name>'s duty to provide and maintain a workplace that is free of known hazards."

That sets a pretty crazy precidence when it comes to communicable diseases.
I caught herpes off your toilet, PAY ME!

I caught mono from the coffee, PAY ME!

This cold came from Clara in Payroll, PAY ME!
Maybe it's time to make complaining to Osha about other unsafe conditions in the workplace a common occurance.
Hell....it doesn't even need to be anything 'unsafe'......just anything that makes you 'feel' unsafe. Maybe make a report about EVERY sidewalk on property not having a handrail.
Maybe it's time to make complaining to Osha about other unsafe conditions in the workplace a common occurance.
The only issue with that, besides keeping an overpaid workplace safety beaurocrat like me employed, is companies will crack down and go above and beyond the standards to keep OSHA off their ass. So you could inadvertantly create a shittier, more draconian, work environment for yourself by bringing the feds in, especially if you are in a place like CA, OR, or Washington with overly liberal crazy, business hateing OSHA state plans.
The only issue with that, besides keeping an overpaid workplace safety beaurocrat like me employed, is companies will crack down and go above and beyond the standards to keep OSHA off their ass. So you could inadvertantly create a shittier, more draconian, work environment for yourself by bringing the feds in, especially if you are in a place like CA, OR, or Washington with overly liberal crazy, business hateing OSHA state plans.
Stupid should hurt.

it isn't necessary that we win, only that they lose.
read this morning that a hospital system near me just fired 100 nurses who didn't get the shot.

yeah... we've seen the meme... there's no way anyone can justify calling this a pandemic while simultaneously gutting the healthcare system.
Stupid should hurt.

it isn't necessary that we win, only that they lose.
What I'm saying is you would lose in the end. All the complaints would justify further draconian COVID measures in your workplace. Yea it would be a bit of a time suck, mainly for people already employed there to argue with OSHA, but it wouldn't make the company itself hurt, just your self.

It would be like you calling the ATF on your local gun range on some trumped up BS because they changed the hours or something stupid like that. Ultimately it will hurt everyone.
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