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Vaccination mandates on the horizon.

My wife does home health and administers the shots offsite...
Can she just mail it to us like ballots?
I mean that way is safe and secure. They proved it last election.

You knew this was coming

/Chicago Police Union Sues City Over Vaccine Mandate — Hours After Getting Slapped With Suit From LightfootThe police union's suit against the city, Mayor Lori Lightfoot and Supt. David Brown alleges they didn't properly negotiate with the union over the COVID-19 vaccine mandate.
CHICAGO — Chicago’s largest police union has filed a dueling lawsuit against the city as officials on both sides face off over a vaccine mandate.
Mayor Lori Lightfoot announced Friday morning the city had filed a lawsuit against the Fraternal Order of Police and its president, John Catanzara, for allegedly “encouraging a work stoppage or strike.” Just hours later, the police union announced its own suit against the city, Lightfoot and Supt. David Brown, alleging they didn’t properly negotiate over the mandate.
At the heart of the suit are disagreements between the city and police union over Chicago’s requirement that all city workers, including police officers, report their COVID-19 vaccination status by 11:59 p.m. Friday — though workers technically don’t need to be vaccinated yet.
Catanzara shared a video Tuesday where he urged officers to defy the mandate. Those who don’t report in will be placed on a no-pay status, officials have said.
Catanzara suggested the standoff could lead to half of officers being taken off the streets.
That amounts to an attempt to encourage employees to stop working or strike, leading to the Law Department filing a complaint against the union and Catanzara, Lightfoot said in a Friday morning news release.
“As Chicago’s mayor, I cannot and will not stand idly by while the rhetoric of conspiracy theorists threatens the health and safety of Chicago’s residents and first responders,” Lightfoot said in a statement. “President Catanzara has time and again deliberately misled our police officers by lying about the requirements of the policy and falsely claiming that there will be no repercussions if officers are insubordinate and refuse to follow a City and Department directive or order.
“… By doing so, and by predicting that 50 percent or more officers will violate their oaths and not report for duty, Catanzara is encouraging an unlawful strike and work stoppage which carries the potential to undermine public safety and expose our residents to irreparable harm, particularly during an ongoing pandemic.”
In comparison, the police union’s dueling lawsuit alleges city officials did not appropriately negotiate over the mandate, sending out information about the vaccination policy without discussing those terms with the union.
Those changes “have eroded the morale of the officers” and constitute a breach of the union’s collective bargaining agreement, according to the union’s lawsuit.
Lightfoot said Friday morning she expected a judge to hold a hearing in her lawsuit during the day, though she was not certain that would happen.
A Verified Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief has been filed by @FOP7Chicago in the Chancery Division of the Circuit Court of Cook County.
Still, the mayor has dismissed Catanzara’s prediction of staffing issues, saying on Thursday that officials “don’t expect” his estimation to be an issue this weekend.
Lightfoot said Thursday workers who don’t report in their vaccination status will be contacted over the course of several days, as the city wants to give them “the benefit of the doubt.” If they did violate the city’s rules, they’ll be placed on no-pay status — but they shouldn’t stop working until a supervisor tells them to do so, Lightfoot said.
Workers who do stop working prematurely risk losing their jobs, officials said.
“We fully expect that members [of the Police Department] will show up and, unless they’re told to go home, they need to report for duty,” Lightfoot said. “I hope that members are not led over the cliff without a parachute by anyone who tells them they can just ignore legal, proper direction.”
Lightfoot and Catanzara have frequently clashed, but their battle over the vaccine mandate has been particularly fraught with tension.
Lightfoot announced the mandate in August, and the Fraternal Order of Police immediately voiced opposition to the measure. Other COVID-19 safety measures — like requiring officers to wear masks — have also met resistance in the Police Department.
Shortly after the mandate was announced, Catanzara compared it to tactics used by Nazi Germany.
“We’re in America, Godd–n it. We don’t want to be forced to do anything. Period. This ain’t Nazi f—ing Germany, [where they say], ‘Step into the f—ing showers. The pills won’t hurt you.’ What the f—k?” Catanzara told the Sun-Times.
Catanzara later apologized for his comments, which were criticized by the Anti-Defamation League and other groups. Afterward, 44 aldermen voted to generally condemn statements that compare Nazi tactics, like the use of poisonous gas chambers to murder people, to COVID-19 safety measures, like wearing a mask.
This week, Catanzara posted a video where he urged officers to reject the mandate and not report their status. His comments were released the same day a former police union boss died from COVID-19.
Catanzara said he does not think the city should be able to require workers to get vaccinated, nor does he think officers should trust the city with their private health information.
The union president said he expects the standoff over the mandate could lead to about half of officers not working. That comes as Chicago is struggling with murders, shootings and other violent crime.
“If we suspect the numbers are true and we get a large number of our members to stand firm on their beliefs that this is an overreach and they’re not going to supply the information in the portal or submit to testing, then it’s safe to say the city of Chicago will have a police force at 50 percent or less for this weekend coming up,” Catanzara said in the video. “That is not because of the FOP; that is 100 percent because of the mayor’s unwillingness to budge from her hard line.”
Catanzara suggested that any violence that happens as a result of having fewer officers on the streets would be the result of Lightfoot’s actions.
But Lightfoot fired back Friday, saying Catanzara has “ruined his career” and “been sanctioned over and over and over again” for breaking rules.
“I do not want to see young officers who are doing heroic work follow his lead,” she said. “He’s yesterday’s news. I want these officers to think about themselves, their families and their careers.”
First Deputy Supt. Eric Carter said officers who don’t comply with the mandate can face discipline “up to and including separation,” or firing.
“For the department to get through this pandemic, we must do it together,” Carter said at Thursday’s news conference with Lightfoot. “Our job as professionals is to provide safety to the residents of Chicago, who we serve and protect.”
Four Chicago police officers have died from COVID-19, and thousands have had the virus. Dean Angelo, a former president of the police union, died Tuesday from COVID-19.
The information that people must submit to the online form is “very basic” and “not intrusive,” Lightfoot said.
Officers who don’t want to follow the mandate can leave the department, Lightfoot said. She said she is concerned officers refusing to get vaccinated will hurt efforts to rebuild trust between the department and everyday residents, as residents “have a right to expect that those officers are not gonna get them sick” when they interact.
“It’s an honor to be a Chicago police officer. And anyone who says, ‘We get to do what we want, when we want it. We get to have the kind of policing that we want when we want it,’ that is the kind of policing that has happened in our city for far too long,” and it’s why residents don’t trust police, Lightfoot said. “We’re not having that anymore. It is a new day in the city of Chicago.”
After Friday, all city workers who are not fully vaccinated must agree to twice-weekly testing through Dec. 31, at which point they are required to be fully vaccinated or they can face discipline. Workers can also apply for exemptions.
The requirement is meant to protect workers and members of the public with whom they interact.
“The health of our city workers directly impacts the health of everyone they interact with,” Lightfoot said. the mandate is about ensuring a safe workplace, “but fundamentally, it’s about saving lives.”
I just googled "children's right to health care decisions" and the overwhelming consensus is that children are only able to make their own decisions with respect to health care when they reach the age of 18, before that the right lies with the parents.
Except for abortion, or hormone treat for trans people, or any other agenda favored by the left.
Except for abortion, or hormone treat for trans people, or any other agenda favored by the left.

I wasn't going to say it because unfortunately in today's society it seems like that's already implied. Clown world.

I'm sure glad I don't have kids to try and raise on today's world and I feel for those who do.
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In NY in the early teens kids can get vaccinations, abortions, std tests/treatment, etc without parental consent.

Aaron Z
Ok, so back to my question: Does a kid have a right to DENY the vaccine, even if the parents want him to get it?
Or is it a one way street only, where kids only have rights that are favored by the left agenda?
Ok, so back to my question: Does a kid have a right to DENY the vaccine, even if the parents want him to get it?
Or is it a one way street only, where kids only have rights that are favored by the left agenda?

I think if you look through history, many instances will show that kids typically need to either be legally emancipated, or their parents deemed unfit to make those decisions and another guardian appointed to make those decisions in order for the kids to have any leg to stand on to prevent their parents making those decisions for them.

I'm sure it varies by state, as it should, and I believe abortions were a "carve out" with regards to children's rights.

I see where you're going with this and it seems like you're trying to determine what's "right" vs "what's the law". Unfortunately in this instance (vaccination), those 2 are likely at odds with each other.
I am genuinely curious if a kid out there doesn't want it, can the parents force him?
If that's true, I feel real bad for any kids that will be forced into it.
People have got to stop saying socialist. We’re a fascist country now.
ehh, both words are kind of shit because both are without a concrete definition

"authoritarian" would be an okay substitution, though really it ain't that quite yet either because I haven't been asked for my (nonexistent) shot papers even once, nor have I been arrested for responding to "here's a free mask" with "no thank you"
Ok, so back to my question: Does a kid have a right to DENY the vaccine, even if the parents want him to get it?
Or is it a one way street only, where kids only have rights that are favored by the left agenda?
IIRC they have to affirmatively allow their parents to go into the exam room with them and to let them view their health records, so I would assume that they can refuse it if they wish.

Aaron Z
I am genuinely curious if a kid out there doesn't want it, can the parents force him?
If that's true, I feel real bad for any kids that will be forced into it.

I'm with you there, I think it's a travesty if this is forced on a kid that doesn't want it.
Here in Larimer County Colorado they are imposing a mask mandate (for everyone) unless the business has a vax mandate.

fucked up
So anyone else hearing that vaccine mandates are just another Biden janky scam?

He hasn't followed through with the order to have OSHA create the law. Businesses don't have a right to enforce this sham until OSHA creates the rule.

The theory is, it would never pass legal scrutiny so let's just say we're doing it but never follow up with making it legal.
Last I heard a few weeks ago was that the honcho of OSHA was not going to implement such a mandate.

Could be wrong and it could change any day, but that’s the last I heard on it.
So basically what happened in 2021 then.

Above is quoted for retardedness.

Republicans do not play the long game at all and that is their down fall. The Liberals are/were masters of the long game, look at how much they have pushed things. Conservative ideals of 2021 was communist liberal propaganda of the 1990s. While the right was arguing about abortion and gay marriage, liberals were taking over all the cultural, media and educational institutions, it really was a masterful plan. So I really don't know what reality you live in, but you basically replaced what literally happened over the course of our life times and replaced it with republican as some sort of weird fan fiction.
Twit is a brainwashed Communist. Pure and simple.

He’s the kid that when he did something wrong and his parents said ‘why did you do that’?

He replied: because everyone else was doing it.

His parents then asked: ‘well if everyone jumped off a cliff, would you do the same’?

And Twit said: ‘Yes. Yes I would. I am a good Communist, I am afraid of Freedom because I can’t handle it.
Freedom comes with personal accountability and responsibility and I’m not comfortable with that’
I just googled "children's right to health care decisions" and the overwhelming consensus is that children are only able to make their own decisions with respect to health care when they reach the age of 18, before that the right lies with the parents.
That’s the way I read it and has been my experience thus far.
Parental responsibility goes beyond “you aren’t the boss of me”, but actually, yes I am until you’re a legal adult.
I wasn't going to say it because unfortunately in today's society it seems like that's already implied. Clown world.

I'm sure glad I don't have kids to try and raise on today's world and I feel for those who do.
My daughter wasn’t planned but I’m damn glad she is here.

That said, I would never consider having a child in this fucked up world we have now.

Bless those with many years to go.
Just a reminder of what natural immunity looks like:
Just submitted a religious exemption, and immediately got this back. Fucked up they didnt just put these in the form that they have you fill out.

Good morning,

As part of our review of your Religious Accommodation request, please respond to following questions:

How long have you held the religious belief underlying your objection?
Please describe whether, as an adult, you have received any vaccines against any other diseases (such as a flu vaccine or a tetanus vaccine) and, if so, what vaccine you most recently received and when, to the best of your recollection.
If you do not have a religious objection to the use of all vaccines, please explain why your objection is limited to particular vaccines.
If there are any other medicines or products that you do not use because of the religious belief underlying your objection, please identify them.
Would complying with the COVID-19 vaccination requirement substantially burden your religious exercise? If so, please explain how.

As a reminder, all answers provided need to be complete and accurate. Any intentional misrepresentation contained in this request may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment

Thank you,

____ Vaccine Accommodations
Just submitted a religious exemption, and immediately got this back. Fucked up they didnt just put these in the form that they have you fill out.

Good morning,

As part of our review of your Religious Accommodation request, please respond to following questions:

How long have you held the religious belief underlying your objection?
Please describe whether, as an adult, you have received any vaccines against any other diseases (such as a flu vaccine or a tetanus vaccine) and, if so, what vaccine you most recently received and when, to the best of your recollection.
If you do not have a religious objection to the use of all vaccines, please explain why your objection is limited to particular vaccines.
If there are any other medicines or products that you do not use because of the religious belief underlying your objection, please identify them.
Would complying with the COVID-19 vaccination requirement substantially burden your religious exercise? If so, please explain how.

As a reminder, all answers provided need to be complete and accurate. Any intentional misrepresentation contained in this request may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment

Thank you,

____ Vaccine Accommodations
I don't get why it has to be a deeply held religious belief to not get it. Why isn't "i don't fucking want it" a good enough deeply held belief:confused:
Just submitted a religious exemption, and immediately got this back. Fucked up they didnt just put these in the form that they have you fill out.

Good morning,

As part of our review of your Religious Accommodation request, please respond to following questions:

How long have you held the religious belief underlying your objection?
Please describe whether, as an adult, you have received any vaccines against any other diseases (such as a flu vaccine or a tetanus vaccine) and, if so, what vaccine you most recently received and when, to the best of your recollection.
If you do not have a religious objection to the use of all vaccines, please explain why your objection is limited to particular vaccines.
If there are any other medicines or products that you do not use because of the religious belief underlying your objection, please identify them.
Would complying with the COVID-19 vaccination requirement substantially burden your religious exercise? If so, please explain how.

As a reminder, all answers provided need to be complete and accurate. Any intentional misrepresentation contained in this request may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment

Thank you,

____ Vaccine Accommodations
It's none of their business . Your medical history and religion are private and shall remain private.
I don't get why it has to be a deeply held religious belief to not get it. Why isn't "i don't fucking want it" a good enough deeply held belief:confused:
This, The religious belief thing boxes you in. They can come back later and go, here ya go, this one doesn't have anything in it, that you were against previously.
Has anybody said they only would get the actual FDA approved vaccine Comirnaty, and it wasn't available?
I've posed my company a question along those lines (not saying I would take it), but also added since the company-sponsored life insurance doesn't pay out for experimental treatments (such as these shots), will the company itself provide insurance if they force the experimental versions of the shot. The response.....still waiting....for weeks
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