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Vaccination mandates on the horizon.

Article from 2009, notice the lack of agenda with this article in pre-Covid world:

Good article. My wife's coworker at the hospital got Guillain-Barre from a flu shot years ago. Nearly wrecked him, he's an old man. The hospital is requiring everyone to get the covid shot unless you have a religious or otherwise exemption.

The hospital DENIED his request for exemption due to Guillain-Barre. :mad3: He's waiting it out to see if they'll actually fire him.
my wife comes out to my shop last night when the GOV told tater head to shove it. lots of lawyers gonna get rich.
My wife did the same via text,

Still waiting for someone to ask fouchi where are all the superspreader events from sporting events. Some college stadium just had the second highest attendance ever. Still don't see the outbreak.
Please let this airline thing become a movement.

In other news, you may come across bullshit propaganda right now that claims this is the worst disease to ever hit the US.
Claims are out there brainwashing you into thinking this Covid is worse than Spanish Flu of 1918.
Guess what? They are liars and they are full of shit.

Let me give you the data.
Covid: 700,000 deaths out of a population of 330,000,000 = .002
Spanish Flu: 675,000 deaths out of a population of 105,000,000 = .006

Spanish Flu is 3 times worse, and that's based on their bullshit pumped up numbers where a stage 4 cancer person dies while "with Covid".

Back then less an agenda and claiming car accident victims and gunshot victims counting as stats of dead by disease. You know damned well that out of those 700K, most of them were had a foot in deaths door whereas Spanish Flu was real deal that killed healthy and skinny kids.

GTFO with the bullshit brainwashing. I just gave you the numbers you need to see the light. See it. Don't let them mindfuck you.
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You thought you "did your part" and got the vax.
You thought you were done.
You thought wrong.
Please let this airline thing become a movement.

In other news, you may come across bullshit propaganda right now that claims this is the worst disease to ever hit the US.
Claims are out there brainwashing you into thinking this Covid is worse than Spanish Flu of 1918.
Guess what? They are liars and they are full of shit.

Let me give you the data.
Covid: 700,000 deaths out of a population of 330,000,000 = .002
Spanish Flu: 675,000 deaths out of a population of 105,000,000 = .006

Spanish Flu is 3 times worse, and that's based on their bullshit pumped up numbers where a stage 4 cancer person dies while "with Covid".

Back then less an agenda and claiming car accident victims and gunshot victims counting as stats of dead by disease. You know damned well that out of those 700K, most of them were had a foot in deaths door whereas Spanish Flu was real deal that killed healthy and skinny kids.

GTFO with the bullshit brainwashing. I just gave you the numbers you need to see the light. See it. Don't let them mindfuck you.

LA extended vax mandate from oct 15 to nov 15 because of staff shortages.
When people are this dumb about a simple pandemic, this will happen. Mark my words and re-read them in 25.

The Republican party that takes the power of the presidency in 2024 will quickly and even brutally purge the government and its institutions of anyone who refuses to go along with their propaganda and aggressive expansions of executive power.
They’ll say America was saved from Covid and liberals, and they’ll insist this doctrine be taught in schools, or else withhold funding and accreditations. Press and media freedoms will be restricted. Google will be coerced into changing search algorithms to favor sources of propaganda. Protests will be treated as insurrections and countered by armed militias. The police will look away.

The Republicans won by playing the long game. Authoritarians are dramatically over-represented in Congress and all across the federal government. The Supreme Court is lost. Too many states are lost. All of this took time. It took 30 years.
When people are this dumb about a simple pandemic, this will happen. Mark my words and re-read them in 25.

The Republican party that takes the power of the presidency in 2024 will quickly and even brutally purge the government and its institutions of anyone who refuses to go along with their propaganda and aggressive expansions of executive power.
They’ll say America was saved from Covid and liberals, and they’ll insist this doctrine be taught in schools, or else withhold funding and accreditations. Press and media freedoms will be restricted. Google will be coerced into changing search algorithms to favor sources of propaganda. Protests will be treated as insurrections and countered by armed militias. The police will look away.

The Republicans won by playing the long game. Authoritarians are dramatically over-represented in Congress and all across the federal government. The Supreme Court is lost. Too many states are lost. All of this took time. It took 30 years.
Seriously, stop teasing, some of us can only salivate so much:usa:
Looks like Chicago will be a fun place to be this weekend (NOT)

Chicago police union chief tells officers to ignore vaccine mandate: 'What will the city do' if 50% of police fired?​

he Chicago police union chief called on officers to ignore the city's vaccine mandate set to take effect on Friday.

In a video posted to YouTube, Chicago Fraternal Order of Police President John Catanzara told officers, “Do not fill out the portal information."

“I’ve made my status very clear as far as the vaccine, but I do not believe the city has the authority to mandate that to anybody — let alone that information about your medical history," Catanzara said.

The city's vaccine mandate will place officers who do not submit proof of vaccination by the deadline on a "no pay" status. The police union is preparing a lawsuit against the city of Chicago.


“It’s safe to say that the city of Chicago will have a police force at 50% or less for this weekend coming up,” he added.

Catanzara also instructed officers to file for an exemption from the mandate but not to confirm the vaccination status with the city.

“I can guarantee you that no-pay status will not last more than 30 days,” he continued. “There’s no way they’re going to be able to sustain a police department workforce at 50% capacity or less for more than seven days without something budging.”

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot addressed speculations about police non-compliance with the vaccine mandate during a press conference Wednesday.

"What will the city do if over 50% of cops go into work and get sent home this week?" a reporter asked Lightfoot.


"I don't expect that to happen," the mayor responded. "And again, I'm going to be focused on the positive ... that all our city employees ... do their duty and make sure that they get vaccinated."

"I've been very clear," Lightfoot added. "The only way that we can maximize safety in our workplace is to get people vaccinated."
When people are this dumb about a simple pandemic, this will happen. Mark my words and re-read them in 25.

The Republican party that takes the power of the presidency in 2024 will quickly and even brutally purge the government and its institutions of anyone who refuses to go along with their propaganda and aggressive expansions of executive power.
They’ll say America was saved from Covid and liberals, and they’ll insist this doctrine be taught in schools, or else withhold funding and accreditations. Press and media freedoms will be restricted. Google will be coerced into changing search algorithms to favor sources of propaganda. Protests will be treated as insurrections and countered by armed militias. The police will look away.

The Republicans won by playing the long game. Authoritarians are dramatically over-represented in Congress and all across the federal government. The Supreme Court is lost. Too many states are lost. All of this took time. It took 30 years.
So basically what happened in 2021 then.

Above is quoted for retardedness.

Republicans do not play the long game at all and that is their down fall. The Liberals are/were masters of the long game, look at how much they have pushed things. Conservative ideals of 2021 was communist liberal propaganda of the 1990s. While the right was arguing about abortion and gay marriage, liberals were taking over all the cultural, media and educational institutions, it really was a masterful plan. So I really don't know what reality you live in, but you basically replaced what literally happened over the course of our life times and replaced it with republican as some sort of weird fan fiction.
When people are this dumb about a simple pandemic, this will happen. Mark my words and re-read them in 25.

The Republican party that takes the power of the presidency in 2024 will quickly and even brutally purge the government and its institutions of anyone who refuses to go along with their propaganda and aggressive expansions of executive power.
They’ll say America was saved from Covid and liberals, and they’ll insist this doctrine be taught in schools, or else withhold funding and accreditations. Press and media freedoms will be restricted. Google will be coerced into changing search algorithms to favor sources of propaganda. Protests will be treated as insurrections and countered by armed militias. The police will look away.

The Republicans won by playing the long game. Authoritarians are dramatically over-represented in Congress and all across the federal government. The Supreme Court is lost. Too many states are lost. All of this took time. It took 30 years.
Did you accidentally replace democrat with republican? You do know that everything bolded has already happened?
Step 1: Ignore and ban ivermectin(a protease inhibitor).
Step 2: Act like you're smart for your work with protease inhibitors.

What a clownshow.
Is there less of an agenda in the military with regard to death certificates and cause of death?
What is the rate of death among healthy young adults?

Let's look at the numbers in the military(deaths/total people):
Navy AD: .00000002
Army AD: .00000002
Air F AD: .00000001
Marines: .00000001

That's a lot different than the numbers we've been seeing that claim this disease, for young healthy adults, has a death rate of what? 99.97? Or was it 99.997? Both are bullshit when you see just low it really is.
Looks like you're right.
The calculator I was using was not handling the whole equation so I added the zeros but wasn't doing it right.
Thanks for the correction. Here are the correct numbers:

That is the threat rate from the disease.
Curious if we can find out how many military folks died from the vaccine now...
Fuckin newsom is playing both sides to this. If you donate enough money to him, he wont mandate the vaccine on you.

A Kern County Superior Court judge on Thursday granted a request from the state prison guards’ union to block a vaccine mandate that was set to take effect Friday.

Judge Bernard Barmann issued a temporary restraining order that partially prevents the state from enforcing an Aug. 19 Department of Public Health order that required all employees — including correctional officers — who work in or around prison health care settings to be fully vaccinated by Oct. 14.

“What I don’t want to do is I don’t want to put somebody in a situation where there’s something that happens to them that truly is irremediable,” Barmann said Thursday, referencing vaccination in a court discussion that was streamed online.

Two hundred and forty inmates and 39 prison employees have died from COVID-19. Sixty percent of Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation employees are vaccinated, according to a department website.

The state’s Aug. 19 order tightened prior vaccination requirements by eliminating an option for certain employees to get tested twice a week instead of getting the vaccine.

It was one of two vaccination orders affecting prison employees. The other came from U.S. District Judge Jon S. Tigar in Oakland on Sept. 27.
Tigar’s order aligned with a recommendation from federal receiver J. Clark Kelso, who oversees medical care inside California’s prisons. It required the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to make a plan to vaccinate all prison employees within two weeks.

The department, in conjunction with the receiver, submitted a three-page vaccination plan Tuesday that would require all employees to be fully vaccinated by Nov. 29, with progressive discipline beginning Nov. 15 for any employees who hadn’t received a first shot by then.

But — also on Tuesday — the department and Gov. Gavin Newsom filed a notice that the state plans to appeal Judge Tigar’s ruling, leaving the requirement in limbo.

The California Correctional Peace Officers Association, which contributed $1.75 million to Newsom’s recall defense, has argued against both vaccination orders in court.

In Kern County, the union is pursuing a preliminary injunction to keep the state from enforcing the Aug. 19 Public Health Department order. Barmann’s temporary restraining order shields correctional officers from discipline while the court weighs the injunction. Filings are due in the injunction proceedings next week.

The union’s petition asked Barmann, whom Newsom appointed to the Kern County court in December, to issue a restraining order for all affected prison employees. But Barmann issued an order only affecting employees represented by CCPOA: correctional officers and some higher-ranking peace officers who work in prisons.
But if the dangers are present outside of the workplace, how does a workplace rule keep them safe?
Further, If they are still alive after 20 months of working in that environment without a vaccine, why is that data not on the table? Why disregard natural immunity?
I'll take "what is no money in natural immunity for $1000" Alex.
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