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Vaccination mandates on the horizon.

I guess you could call it that. I’m not labeling it anything but evil intent.

Why else would this be thought of or considered?

Fake vax cards.
Not everyone has a phone to implement cell verification.

What is the one thing that only YOU would have on you at all times that they would accept?

Some sort of permanent personal stamp.

You think I’m kidding? Look where we have gone in 20 months.

They want this. They are pulling out all the stops to get EVERYONE on board.

This has already been patented. Already in the works.

They are making their move NOW. Not later.

When I read about 1930’s Europe as a kid I often wondered and thought about how awful that must have been.

Now I’m living it. As dystopian as it may seem, this is where we are planned to go. We just need to realize it.

It could never happen here in America.

It’s happening folks. Right now.

It’s cliche’ to compare it to the book 1984 but if you haven’t read it, you should because the world is using it as a how-to manual.

But I’m just a tin foil hat wearing deplorable who is to be classified a dissident or domestic terrorist because I question what I see getting on around me that doesn’t make sense.

Lol. It’s comical if it wasn’t actually happening.
This was done 80 years ago. Anyone who cant see their play deserves to be played.
Next step: You don't want the vaccine, huh? Well, you're gonna get it even if we gotta slip it in ya while you think you're getting something else.

Kids go in for flu shot, walk out vaxxed.
Next step: You don't want the vaccine, huh? Well, you're gonna get it even if we gotta slip it in ya while you think you're getting something else.

Kids go in for flu shot, walk out vaxxed.
That seems like a cut and dried lawsuit.....:mad3:
Next step: You don't want the vaccine, huh? Well, you're gonna get it even if we gotta slip it in ya while you think you're getting something else.

Kids go in for flu shot, walk out vaxxed.
I live about 45 minutes from Evansville and this is the first I've heard of that. The local stations must be avoiding the story
Same, the monkeys behind the pharmacy counter at my local Walgreens make me question wtf is wrong with people. With the huge wave and push of covid gene therapy shot, I could definitely see it being a mistake.

I am making a mental note for next time my toddler is getting shots to check the vials/syringes before they poke him/ I sign anything.
Same, the monkeys behind the pharmacy counter at my local Walgreens make me question wtf is wrong with people. With the huge wave and push of covid gene therapy shot, I could definitely see it being a mistake.

I am making a mental note for next time my toddler is getting shots to check the vials/syringes before they poke him/ I sign anything.
I know someone who recently left Walgreens after working in the pharmacy and their opinion is that the problems start with mismanagement and incompetence at the corporate level and work down to the mismanagement of local stores.

Aaron Z
These are the same people that folks receiving the COVID shot are relying on knowing how to give an intra-muscle shot versus intra-vascular. Some studies on the COVID shot going intravascular look disastrous
So anyone else hearing that vaccine mandates are just another Biden janky scam?

He hasn't followed through with the order to have OSHA create the law. Businesses don't have a right to enforce this sham until OSHA creates the rule.

The theory is, it would never pass legal scrutiny so let's just say we're doing it but never follow up with making it legal.
So anyone else hearing that vaccine mandates are just another Biden janky scam?

He hasn't followed through with the order to have OSHA create the law. Businesses don't have a right to enforce this sham until OSHA creates the rule.

The theory is, it would never pass legal scrutiny so let's just say we're doing it but never follow up with making it legal.
The whole idea that osha has the authority to make a rule for the workplace for something that is not solely present in the workplace is far from legitimate. That shit would never hold water with a level headed judge.

This is a virus that is present all over the world, not just In workplaces. The flu is present all over as well, has osha made a rule that businesses over 100 employees need to mandate their employees get the flu shot and show proof? Fuck no and fuck you Brandon!
There is "COVID-19 Guidance for Federal Contractors and Subcontractors" from the "Safer Federal Workforce Task Force" which is driving a lot of this. That document established the 8 Dec deadline. The OSHA mandate idea was made to affect everyone else (if it ever happens).
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If Evansville walgreens is anything like the one here, I could see that totally not being on purpose.
Ok. Let's see data on how often it has happened over the last few years before Covid.
Should be an easy conclusion, right? If in the past people go in for flu shots but end up with something else in their arm, then let's see how often it happened back then.
And we can compare to how often it's happening now.

What if? What if it did not happen in the past, but only happening now? Is that was true we would be forced to accept it's intentional, right?
Ok. Let's see data on how often it has happened over the last few years before Covid.
Should be an easy conclusion, right? If in the past people go in for flu shots but end up with something else in their arm, then let's see how often it happened back then.
And we can compare to how often it's happening now.

What if? What if it did not happen in the past, but only happening now? Is that was true we would be forced to accept it's intentional, right?
It's walgreens. It's basically Dollar Store with drugs. There's not gonna be any records. Or data. "You want flu shot??? Um... okay... :picks nose: Um... I think its... like... this one. So like go over there and like wait a bit." [takes vape break]

It's walgreens. It's basically Dollar Store with drugs. There's not gonna be any records. Or data. "You want flu shot??? Um... okay... :picks nose: Um... I think its... like... this one. So like go over there and like wait a bit." [takes vape break]

Im surprised they dont offer the "Vax" at a shithole like that for $
Oh, and while you good law abiding citizens are losing your jobs, guess who's going to get them?
Convicted felons, that's who. How, you ask?

Because if you have a criminal history, now is your chance to delete that criminal history...if you are willing to get the vax.
Future employers will no longer know if they are hiring a convicted felon or not. But if you hire someone that is vaxxed, you can suspect that they just might be.
Oh, and while you good law abiding citizens are losing your jobs, guess who's going to get them?
Convicted felons, that's who. How, you ask?

Because if you have a criminal history, now is your chance to delete that criminal history...if you are willing to get the vax.
Future employers will no longer know if they are hiring a convicted felon or not. But if you hire someone that is vaxxed, you can suspect that they just might be.
Rules and time limits vary by state but those sound like normal thresholds for applying to have a record expunged or sealed. Basically they're just having someone help you fill out a form you could have filled out yourself. There probably isn't any special treatment going on there. They're just marketing it like it's special.
Ok. Let's see data on how often it has happened over the last few years before Covid.
Should be an easy conclusion, right? If in the past people go in for flu shots but end up with something else in their arm, then let's see how often it happened back then.
And we can compare to how often it's happening now.

What if? What if it did not happen in the past, but only happening now? Is that was true we would be forced to accept it's intentional, right?
Rules and time limits vary by state but those sound like normal thresholds for applying to have a record expunged or sealed. Basically they're just having someone help you fill out a form you could have filled out yourself. There probably isn't any special treatment going on there. They're just marketing it like it's special.
So, no favors will be done here?
I had a friend apply to get rid of a misdemeanor from 20 years ago.
No chance. You think if he went to get the shot his chances won't go up?

If these criminals are being misled, then I welcome the backlash from said criminals when they get angry about being scammed and seek revenge.
So, no favors will be done here?
I had a friend apply to get rid of a misdemeanor from 20 years ago.
No chance. You think if he went to get the shot his chances won't go up?

If these criminals are being misled, then I welcome the backlash from said criminals when they get angry about being scammed and seek revenge.
The chances will go up only because someone from "the system" is preparing the paperwork. If your buddy paid into the system and hired a lawyer to help him odds are his record could easily go away. It's all about money. The system hates cheapskates.
Back in July, we had a thread where the CDC corrected the number of people that died from the vax, remember that?
CDC said there was an error and "only" 6,000 had died from getting the shot.
At that time, in July, the total amount of people that got the shot was 178,000,000.
So, let's look at their numbers and crunch them to see the rate of death(best case). 6,000/178,000,000
That's your number right there.

Now let's look back to 1976, when the government ENDED a vaccine program because too many people were dying from it.
It was a swine flu scare and people started getting the shot. 40,000,000 people got the shot. Then, people died. Therefore, the government put a stop to it. You know how many people died? 25. Let's run the numbers on that real quick. 25/40,000,000 What's our death rate?
That's our number.

Compare the two numbers.
1976 = .0000006
2021 = .0000337

6 compared to 337? That means(best case), this vaccine has killed 56 times as many people as the vaccine did back in 1976 when the government back then ended it. Yet here we are, and they are still pedal to the metal.

Article from 2009, notice the lack of agenda with this article in pre-Covid world:
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