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Vaccination mandates on the horizon.

Could someone please explain how giving up your job & your home then fleeing your state for a ‘friendlier’ state is fighting Anything? This is a cancer in our country and hiding from it won’t make it go away.

It’s not fighting anything per se’, but rather preserving as normal a life for your family as possible for as long as it holds out.

Do you also chastise the survivors of the Titanic for not banding together to keep that ship from sinking?
I will not claim religious or medical exemptions, those do not apply in my case.
Claim "personal beliefs" as an exemption, it does apply to you in this case.
Your personal belief is individuals should be free to make their own medical decisions.
It’s not fighting anything per se’, but rather preserving as normal a life for your family as possible for as long as it holds out.

Do you also chastise the survivors of the Titanic for not banding together to keep that ship from sinking?

you are right.

but so is he.

quitting your job IS an action.

moving to another state - meh, youre right, its hiding. But quitting your job and setting the office on fire is definitely an act.
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you are right.

but so is he.

quitting your job IS an action.

moving to another state - meh, youre right, its hiding. But quitting your job and setting the office on fire is definitely an act.
Monday morning I will write a sternly worded letter to my Congressman stating my opposition to all of this.

That should do it. Now I have time to work on the truck.
Just an update and small win for me. For the time being I am able to keep working as a registered nurse. Almost 40% of the staff at my primary employer as a nurse emailed the employee health coordinator asking for exemption paperwork and if by going that route would they still be let go. So the CEO sent out an email saying they would not be making any immediate changes, encouraged everyone to get vaccinated ASAP, and she would let everyone know what the path will be once the official mandate comes down. From my understanding the official mandate hasn't been written or given an official date yet, which makes it impossible to fight something that technically doesn't exist. My guess is they will release everything the day it is implemented to keep it out of court for as long as possible.

On a side note, for your reading pleasure go look up pfizer's new patent they were just awarded. The patent number is 11107588
how about a link, I cannot figure out the search feature there
He just sent glitter b@mbs.

Not sure if it changed anything, but he certainly got their attention.
looked it up, reads like some kinda microchip thing like they stick in dogs
I don't see the word Pfizer in there at all
I don't see the word "inject" or "implant" with regard to any chip.
All I see is talk about electronic devices, like contact tracing and suggestions for treatment, etc.

Whoever thinks this is anything, could you explain why and maybe cut and paste a single sentence showing it?
I don't see the word Pfizer in there at all
I don't see the word "inject" or "implant" with regard to any chip.
All I see is talk about electronic devices, like contact tracing and suggestions for treatment, etc.

Whoever thinks this is anything, could you explain why and maybe cut and paste a single sentence showing it?
maybe I'm just getting the thing from implication or something
I'm bad at legalese
I don't see the word Pfizer in there at all
I don't see the word "inject" or "implant" with regard to any chip.
All I see is talk about electronic devices, like contact tracing and suggestions for treatment, etc.

Whoever thinks this is anything, could you explain why and maybe cut and paste a single sentence showing it?
Think QR code implants.

Already patented
oh, so it's a holocaust serial number tattoo? neat
I guess you could call it that. I’m not labeling it anything but evil intent.

Why else would this be thought of or considered?

Fake vax cards.
Not everyone has a phone to implement cell verification.

What is the one thing that only YOU would have on you at all times that they would accept?

Some sort of permanent personal stamp.

You think I’m kidding? Look where we have gone in 20 months.

They want this. They are pulling out all the stops to get EVERYONE on board.

This has already been patented. Already in the works.

They are making their move NOW. Not later.

When I read about 1930’s Europe as a kid I often wondered and thought about how awful that must have been.

Now I’m living it. As dystopian as it may seem, this is where we are planned to go. We just need to realize it.

It could never happen here in America.

It’s happening folks. Right now.

It’s cliche’ to compare it to the book 1984 but if you haven’t read it, you should because the world is using it as a how-to manual.

But I’m just a tin foil hat wearing deplorable who is to be classified a dissident or domestic terrorist because I question what I see getting on around me that doesn’t make sense.

Lol. It’s comical if it wasn’t actually happening.
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I don't see the word Pfizer in there at all
I don't see the word "inject" or "implant" with regard to any chip.
All I see is talk about electronic devices, like contact tracing and suggestions for treatment, etc.

Whoever thinks this is anything, could you explain why and maybe cut and paste a single sentence showing it?
I’m reading that as just a system on people’s phones or whatever to track anybody you’ve been in contact with… it shows that the info would be displayed to the individual if they’ve been in contact with an infected person; going to be hard to fit a usable display into a transdermal microchip.
Claim "personal beliefs" as an exemption, it does apply to you in this case.
Your personal belief is individuals should be free to make their own medical decisions.
The fact that this sillyness is even being discussed is why I am done with the corporate world for now. I do appreciate the thought, but I dont think any of the exemptions are going to work. I am ready to explore something else.
Yesterday I spoke with the neighbor to the back, I am going to start soil prep to garden the 100x20 easement. That neighbor even wants to help with labor to support me! The neighbor across the street and I have started talks on his half acre lot for a potential market garden. He is also an established handyman, which is the other avenue I am wanting to add to the income mix. With my remodeling experience on my own stuff, I have multiple offers to start bidding work when I am ready.
HA - HA!

i am down with this.

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A security guard at an Apple store in New York City was stabbed after he told a customer to wear a mask, police say
Katie Balevic
Sat, October 9, 2021, 11:14 AM

A security guard at an Apple store in New York City was stabbed after he told a customer to wear a mask, police say
A cloudy sky behind a brightly lit Apple logo in a Manhattan store
An Apple security guard was stabbed in Manhattan after he told a customer to wear a mask. Mike Segar/Reuters
An Apple security guard in New York City was stabbed after he told a customer to wear a mask.

The assailant ran away from the scene while the victim was taken to the hospital in "serious but stable condition," the NYPD said.

It is the latest in a string of violent incidents that have erupted across the nation over mask requirements.

A security guard at an Apple store in New York City was stabbed on Friday during a confrontation with a customer over mask requirements.

A spokesperson for the New York Police Department told Insider that the 37-year-old security guard "was stabbed one time in the left arm and one time in the forehead with a knife" after a "dispute over wearing a mask inside the store."

The NYPD does not have a suspect in custody, the spokesperson said.

The suspect - who the NYPD described as an "unknown male Black wearing a black sweatshirt with red lettering, blue jeans, and black sneakers" - ran from the scene into a nearby subway station.

"The victim was removed via EMS to Bellevue Hospital in serious but stable condition. There is no arrest at this time and the investigation is ongoing," Detective Sophia Mason said.

The incident unfolded at the Apple store on Ninth Avenue and West 14th Street just after 6 p.m. on Friday, Mason said.

The store was "closed until further notice," according to an automated message on the store's voicemail. Apple, which requires masks in stores, did not immediately return Insider's request for comment.

New York City requires masks on public transportation, in hospitals, and in schools. Local guidance advises wearing masks indoors.

The incident was the latest in a string of violent confrontations over mask mandates. In similar outbursts across the country, a Wisconsin man punched a pizzeria manager who asked him to wear a mask; a father beat an elementary school teacher over mask requirements in California; a Pennsylvania theme-park employee was punched after telling a visitor to follow masking protocols.

Read the original article on Insider
Sooner or later, in the name of "safety", you're gonna have to consider stopping the mask bullshit because more people are dying and going to the hospital for fucking with people than Covid itself.

hear hear.

Im going to start sending people to the hosital myself, come november

Sooner or later, in the name of "safety", you're gonna have to consider stopping the mask bullshit because more people are dying and going to the hospital for fucking with people than Covid itself.
Fact ! Its also a good retort to the greeter at walmart....'hey, i have a mask here for you' to which i replied ' you hear about that guy in ocean shores?'
Think QR code implants.

Already patented
This was also covered in the unmasked 2030 thread I posted last week.
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