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Vaccination mandates on the horizon.

I'll take "what is no money in natural immunity for $1000" Alex.
But to stand by this " the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has reviewed the latest guidance, science and data on COVID-19" is totally ignoring natural immunity and is NOT SCIENCE. A scientific approach considers ALL Angles.
Looks like Chicago will be a fun place to be this weekend (NOT)

Chicago police union chief tells officers to ignore vaccine mandate: 'What will the city do' if 50% of police fired?​

Firing them would be the best case scenario. The sooner Shitcago implodes on itself, the sooner this state will become a decent place to live
Fuckin newsom is playing both sides to this. If you donate enough money to him, he wont mandate the vaccine on you.
That's not what I got from the article. Says they had to go court.
Where do you get that donating money to him ended up with him saying they don't need to abide by mandate?
That's not what I got from the article. Says they had to go court.
Where do you get that donating money to him ended up with him saying they don't need to abide by mandate?
Why else would he be trying to stop a vaccine mandate for Cal prison guards? He is pushing it on the whole state, but why not them?

An articel that points the finger better:

Much more clear in that article. Thanks.
Of course, won't get traction on the tv news I bet.
I can not find any legit info or source to answer the following question:
If a child does not want the vax but the parents want them to get it, does the kid have a right to refuse it?

I searched in a variety of ways, even clicking a random pop up pretext from a kid perspective that read "can my parents force me to get vaccinated", yet no matter the search terms, all results only come up with the point of the kid wanting the vax while the parents do not. Never in reverse.
I can not find any legit info or source to answer the following question:
If a child does not want the vax but the parents want them to get it, does the kid have a right to refuse it?

I searched in a variety of ways, even clicking a random pop up pretext from a kid perspective that read "can my parents force me to get vaccinated", yet no matter the search terms, all results only come up with the point of the kid wanting the vax while the parents do not. Never in reverse.

I just googled "children's right to health care decisions" and the overwhelming consensus is that children are only able to make their own decisions with respect to health care when they reach the age of 18, before that the right lies with the parents.
But that goes against everything he has said. Typical politician:mad3:

it just shows you, the PEOPLE have the power

but them again I dont expect that prison guards are spineless pussies, you know?

Also LA sheriff said he will NOT be mandading it or enforcing it for his staff. Said he cant afford to lose 10% (my guess more) of his staff and believes anything to do with health should be a CHOICE


Dozens of US nuclear lab workers sue over vaccine mandate​

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — Workers at one of the nation’s premier nuclear weapons laboratories face a deadline Friday — be vaccinated or prepare to be fired.

A total of 114 workers at Los Alamos National Laboratory — the birthplace of the atomic bomb — are suing over the mandate, saying exemptions have been unduly denied and their constitutional rights are being violated by Triad National Security LLC, the contractor that runs the lab for the U.S. Department of Energy.

It will be up to a state district judge whether to grant an injunction to prevent employees from being fired while the merits of the case are decided. A hearing was underway Thursday.

The lawsuit alleges that lab management has been harassing employees and has created a hostile work environment. The complaint outlines the experiences of many of the workers, including one who was screamed at for not being vaccinated and was told by a fellow crew member that he and his family deserved to die.

The lab has declined to comment on the lawsuit and has not answered questions about the current vaccination rate among employees, whether any exemptions have been approved or what will happen to employees who refuse to be inoculated when Friday rolls around.

The plaintiffs include scientists, nuclear engineers, project managers, research technicians and others who have some of the highest security clearances in the nation for the work they do. Some employees said many of those who could lose their jobs are specialists in their fields and would be difficult to replace in the short term.

Some of the employees who are part of the lawsuit have worked for Los Alamos lab for decades, while others are newer hires who have relocated to New Mexico from other states and countries. Thirty-four of them are named in the lawsuit and 80 have opted to remain anonymous, citing fears of retaliation.

While the lab said last week that more than 96% of workers had at least one shot, it’s not known yet how many have received a second dose. Some workers have estimated that the percentage of those fully vaccinated by Friday will be lower.

Some employees have estimated the lab could lose anywhere from 4% to 10% of the workforce because of the mandate.

'No meaningful consultation' on federal vaccine mandate, union president says
“In any organization there are people, not always recognized, who quietly make the work of others possible. Lose them, and you are in trouble,” said Greg Mello of the Los Alamos Study Group, a watchdog group that has been monitoring lab activities for years.

The lab currently employs nearly 14,000 and is among the largest employers in New Mexico. It's also located in a county that is among the most affluent in the U.S. because of its high population of Ph.Ds.

Attorney Jonathan Diener, who is representing the workers in their lawsuit, said the case includes a wealth of scientific information to consider, but he was hopeful the judge would make a decision soon because people's lives stand to be upended.

The lawsuit cites statements made over the last year by top officials in the U.S. and with the World Health Organization in which they noted that there is more to be learned about how the vaccines reduce infection and how effective they are when it comes to preventing infected people from passing it on.

“The fact that the vaccines have only been shown to reduce symptoms of the recipient and not prevent infection or transmission is a fact extremely important to plaintiffs' claims," the lawsuit states.

Since the lab's vaccination rate already is thought to be high, Mello said forcing the few holdouts to get shots would make no epidemiological difference.

“If LANL doesn’t have herd immunity at this point, there is no basis for the mandate. LANL is not being scientific," he said.

Some of the workers have raised similar arguments, saying the high degree of scrutiny that is required of them when working with nuclear weapons or other high-level projects is not being applied on the vaccine front despite the lab's extensive modeling work for the state on spread and other COVID-19 related trends.

Lab Director Thomas Mason has said the pandemic has had a serious impact on the lab, citing higher numbers of COVID-19 cases in unvaccinated employees. However, employees who are pushing back said the cases among the unvaccinated would naturally be higher because the lab had removed vaccinated employees from its regular testing pool.

At Sandia National Laboratories, based in Albuquerque, all employees and subcontractors must be fully vaccinated by Dec. 8 or file for an exemption by Friday. Lab managers made COVID-19 vaccinations mandatory for new hires on Sept. 13.

So far, more than 88% of Sandia employees, interns, post-doctoral staffers and contractors at sites in New Mexico and California are fully vaccinated.

In New Mexico, nearly 72% of people 18 and over are fully vaccinated. That percentage hasn't moved much in recent weeks as more people are pushing back against the vaccines.

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I just googled "children's right to health care decisions" and the overwhelming consensus is that children are only able to make their own decisions with respect to health care when they reach the age of 18, before that the right lies with the parents.
Not doubting you, but doubting google. You sure it's 18? Is that written in law? Children have a lot of rights at the age 13. May not can do anything harmful to them like smoke, drink or get a tattoo but they are able to tell a judge where they want to live and it being the final answer. I know I went through that myself. I could only imagine the same for health care?

I couldn't image parents to be so evil but for them to be able to determine your health at age 17 is mind blowing. There's a tremendous lot an evil parent could force you to do at that age. And it only be for a revenge situation.
I just googled "children's right to health care decisions" and the overwhelming consensus is that children are only able to make their own decisions with respect to health care when they reach the age of 18, before that the right lies with the parents.
Or the school…
I just googled "children's right to health care decisions" and the overwhelming consensus is that children are only able to make their own decisions with respect to health care when they reach the age of 18, before that the right lies with the parents.
In NY in the early teens kids can get vaccinations, abortions, std tests/treatment, etc without parental consent.

Aaron Z
Well, it’s happened. My wife is now being forced to get vaccinated by December 8th. Her office is in Virginia. 100% telework with absolutely ZERO exposure to any co-workers.

This is not, never has been, never will be about safety and health.

I don’t even know what country this is anymore.
Well, it’s happened. My wife is now being forced to get vaccinated by December 8th. Her office is in Virginia. 100% telework with absolutely ZERO exposure to any co-workers.

This is not, never has been, never will be about safety and health.

I don’t even know what country this is anymore.
United socialist states of America
Well, it’s happened. My wife is now being forced to get vaccinated by December 8th. Her office is in Virginia. 100% telework with absolutely ZERO exposure to any co-workers.

This is not, never has been, never will be about safety and health.

I don’t even know what country this is anymore.
State, private, or federal mandate?
People have got to stop saying socialist. We’re a fascist country now.

Her company is a federal contractor. Probably zero hope of beating it.
Have an attorney write a letter stating that they are requesting private medical information and it is a violation of her right to privacy. Worth a shot.
Have an attorney write a letter stating that they are requesting private medical information and it is a violation of her right to privacy. Worth a shot.
Better would be get in writing that if there is any adverse effects of the vaccine it’s 100% on the company because they are forcing you to take it.
Better would be get in writing that if there is any adverse effects of the vaccine it’s 100% on the company because they are forcing you to take it.
The emails sent preemptively shoot those options down. Mine had a long memorandum that said my philosophy, personal, scientific, etc. beliefs do not matter. They and no one else is responsible for any future anything including that you aren't guaranteed to be safe from any illness it is supposed to work against.
Not doubting you, but doubting google. You sure it's 18? Is that written in law? Children have a lot of rights at the age 13. May not can do anything harmful to them like smoke, drink or get a tattoo but they are able to tell a judge where they want to live and it being the final answer. I know I went through that myself. I could only imagine the same for health care?

I couldn't image parents to be so evil but for them to be able to determine your health at age 17 is mind blowing. There's a tremendous lot an evil parent could force you to do at that age. And it only be for a revenge situation.

I'm not sure about any of the information I posted for the same reason you mentioned, Google.

I only posted to give Yota Up a different search term to try and use for his own research, which I'm sure he'll follow up on and substantiate.
How many pharmacies you think you need to try before an employee accepts $400 for filling out the card without the poke?
For cross state lines, you will need to self report anyways.

Yeah, I understand principle and all, but a huge swath of unprincipled people will fill in their own with minimal information, respond to no questions and never be audited over it.

Look at how many unprincipled people are pushing the mandates? Nobody gives a sbit about your integrity, they just want to see a card...
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