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Useless things about your day!

Look, I'll throw together the rad mount with some bullshit 1" square tube I found in dad's barn, but when it comes to suspension or steering I'm not fucking around. :laughing:
YOU aren't fucking around but what about the locals? Me thinks Mark and Mandy meth head don't have the same ideals when it comes to hot gluing metal. :laughing:
Dad won’t let the vax thing go. He replied 3 times after my last email saying I’m done talking about it. Then this morning involved my wife in a new email about how I’m being so careless and atleast SHE should get it :mad3:
If I wanted to be taken out of the will I would just tell them I voted for trump and threw away the biden book she sent all of us after that mouth breather won 🙄
Dash lights kicked back in the car this morning. I'll be changing the ABS speed sensor after work. I really hope its not the tone ring. I really don't want to dig that far into it.
Is there any reason to use anything but the cheapest Chinese shit for the display portion of a DRO? I'm gonna ask a local supplier for a scale package for my lathe. Is it worth buying the display from them too? I can get a cheap 3-axis display for under $100. They want double that at least.
How to attempt to true up a giant ring on a chip dryer drum

Find the biggest bench grinder in the plant, put a 14" 36 grit wheel on it, attach it to a lathe compound, and bolt the whole mess to some 1.5" plate

Mock it up, yep that looks good

Throw a bunch of rusty steel at it and make sparks for days
Dad won’t let the vax thing go. He replied 3 times after my last email saying I’m done talking about it. Then this morning involved my wife in a new email about how I’m being so careless and atleast SHE should get it :mad3:
If I wanted to be taken out of the will I would just tell them I voted for trump and threw away the biden book she sent all of us after that mouth breather won 🙄

I'm sorry, that sucks. That was my life last year. Me and mine are the black sheep branch of the family tree, and do just fine.

I live my best life I guess.
I bite my lip, they kinda bite theirs.
Now that they all got their shots, I get to hug my grandma.

I expect there to be more fall flu drama, and possibly election integrity issues.

Not gonna bend, not gonna pretend, I may bite my tongue and change the subject, but I won't be pressured into agreeing with bullshit
Dad won’t let the vax thing go. He replied 3 times after my last email saying I’m done talking about it. Then this morning involved my wife in a new email about how I’m being so careless and atleast SHE should get it :mad3:
Sounds like your dad and my mom are working the same angle, except my mom texts instead of emailing
How to attempt to true up a giant ring on a chip dryer drum

Find the biggest bench grinder in the plant, put a 14" 36 grit wheel on it, attach it to a lathe compound, and bolt the whole mess to some 1.5" plate

Mock it up, yep that looks good

Throw a bunch of rusty steel at it and make sparks for days
Thank you for reminding me that my lathe compound is big enough to do that. :laughing:
Just being really fucking pushy. Every time before the election when I talked to my mom on the phone she would bitch about trump without me saying anything remotely related to him. Dad emailed again about an hour ago. Asking why SPECIFICALLY and again saying “god forbid”(they have never been “religious”) something were to happen to me and/or my wife.
I haven’t responded to anything at all. I’m really surprised he or my mom hasn’t called by now. I’m expecting the siblings to get called in to ask me why too because they will be “concerned” 🙄
How to attempt to true up a giant ring on a chip dryer drum

Find the biggest bench grinder in the plant, put a 14" 36 grit wheel on it, attach it to a lathe compound, and bolt the whole mess to some 1.5" plate

Mock it up, yep that looks good

Throw a bunch of rusty steel at it and make sparks for days
I love you.
Just being really fucking pushy. Every time before the election when I talked to my mom on the phone she would bitch about trump without me saying anything remotely related to him. Dad emailed again about an hour ago. Asking why SPECIFICALLY and again saying “god forbid”(they have never been “religious”) something were to happen to me and/or my wife.
I haven’t responded to anything at all. I’m really surprised he or my mom hasn’t called by now. I’m expecting the siblings to get called in to ask me why too because they will be “concerned” 🙄
just tell them that you've seen the light and that you're moving to a commune in northern idaho where you can be free to be who you were born to be

a leather wearing shaved head curb stomping neo nazi
bid them adieu on the phone with a shouted HEIL DER FUHRER BIDEN

at least my parents would laugh, yours might develop a sense of humor?
A bird committed suicide with my truck this morning, my place to stay fell through and some dickbag mangled my door lock while I showered this morning, so things are going about as well as I expected them to :lmao:
Did the cock sucker get into the truck? I fucking hate thieves:mad3:

Just keep your head up. You’ve got the job thing figured out. And it’s a lot easier to sort out a living situation standing there in person than it is over the phone from half the country away.
No just fucked the inside of the door lock up, I didn't notice till I went to stick the key in, I'm assuming it was someone real special because there's literally three totes full of housewares and tools just sitting in the bed.
Wife's having a knee replacement 8/5. She drives a Tacoma. We also have (had) her Mom's Scion after finishing probate. Was gonna sell the Scion. Landcruiser doesn't run currently, and there's no way in hell she can get in and out of the 4Runner (Crawler) with her bum knee.
she moved the Tacoma and Scion to the adjacent street Monday, for street sweeping Tuesday.
Mind you, these are the only two vehicles she is able to get in and out of.
At about 11:30 Monday night........................................
Carnage 2.jpg
Carnage 1.jpg
The Scion was in impecable shape.
'05 with about 18k miles
MIL bought it from the Toyota Dealer with about 5k miles on it.
Beautiful purple flake black paint, interior was like off the show room
Some ghetto big custom rims, but it looked great

'08 (I think) Taco
Bought it new
It's served her well

The Scion was in impecable shape.
'05 with about 18k miles
MIL bought it from the Toyota Dealer with about 5k miles on it.
Beautiful purple flake black paint, interior was like off the show room
Some ghetto big custom rims, but it looked great

'08 (I think) Taco
Bought it new
It's served her well


That F'N sucks, I'm hoping there was enough insurance to cover the losses?

Something similar happened to a mechanic at a construction company I worked at, somebody wiped out both of his parked cars and ran, no full coverage, broke ass good ole boy. The guy was a producer, not afraid to work.

Owner of the company, probably worth 100mil, walked the yard every day with a cigarette and diet coke checking on his yellow iron and the men who fixed it....

Lent him a supervisors truck for a couple months, when the oldest supervisor truck came out of rotation, boss had it freshened up, run through the truck shop for repairs, run through the paint shop and gave it to the mech. Was a great place to work.
And even with Modelo cans laying under the Tundra that caused that mess, the wife doesn't think they did a sobriety test on the driver. Hopefully the insurance company sent the police report today so we can find out.
If they didn't do a test, I WILL be talking to the Station Chief. Not that I'll get anything out of it. :homer:
ffs. when it comes to vehicles it all hits at once.

Radio is garbage in the truck.

dad-wagon is still getting the dash lights. ORdered a new sensor and the kid got the wrong one.

Pulse coil is going in the DR.

BEfore long I'll be riding my son's XR50 to work.
Dad won’t let the vax thing go. He replied 3 times after my last email saying I’m done talking about it. Then this morning involved my wife in a new email about how I’m being so careless and atleast SHE should get it :mad3:
If I wanted to be taken out of the will I would just tell them I voted for trump and threw away the biden book she sent all of us after that mouth breather won 🙄
Have you politely thanked him for being part of the medical research on an experimental procedure so his son and family can wait util the trials are done before deciding on wither or not to get the jab? For the children.

Or if you want to virtue signal tell them you are choosing to keep your body organic.
My mom has generally left me alone about getting vaccinated, but all the doom and gloom and supposed unvaxed deaths finally was enough for her to try to get trip me into getting that shit. 34 years and she still hasn't figured out that shit doesn't work because I don't feel guilt. Told her no and the next time she tries that shit I'll just block her phone number. Not a word since. :laughing:
My parents are mid 70's and as hardcore Republican as you can get. They also believe this vaccine is the only thing that will save anyone from the deadly coronavirus. They already had corona... mom was asymptomatic and dad had the mild flu for 3 days.


Me- "No. I already had it. I'm fine. I'll stick with vitamin overload and exercise, thanks."


Me- "I told both of you months ago... in a couple of years, maybe I'll get one of the 'rona vaccines. But I swear on my life... if you so much as mention it one more time, I'll never get it. I'll die, and go burn in hell for all eternity unvaccinated. Just out of spite."


Well I turned in the rental this evening, my Tundra was supposed to be ready today, got a call from the body shop this afternoon that while buffing it they had a freak accident and scratched the paint, one panel has to be re painted so It won't be ready until tomorrow afternoon. Oh well, I don't really need to go anywhere tomorrow morning but the wife has the day off so her car will be here.
ffs. when it comes to vehicles it all hits at once.

Radio is garbage in the truck.

dad-wagon is still getting the dash lights. ORdered a new sensor and the kid got the wrong one.

Pulse coil is going in the DR.

BEfore long I'll be riding my son's XR50 to work.

Omg, radio doesnt work, need to take it to the stealership. Its unsafe.

You let your kid (3 y/o?) order on amazon or rockauto? Who dafuq orders from a brick and mortar these days.

If only you had a POS rusted in half 90s ford you drool over. all your vehicle problems wouldnt be an issue. :flipoff2:

I drive 20 y/o shit and never worry.
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