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Useless things about your day!

Have you ever thought to yourself "If people didn't need to drink wine out of fancy-ass glasses, I'd be done with the dishes right now."

I hate wine glasses
Was just a tiny earthquake here that felt like about 10 people jumped in my livingroom at the same time. Just one good bounce. I actually assumed one of the large pines on my property fell.

Cool starry bra i know

I totally missed it. My kid did mention something about that time while he was poopin, but I thought he was just making a really advanced toddler fart joke.
so throw them away and use coffee cups instead
or hell, just drink it straight from the box

I was pretty close tonight, but living with me doesn't give my wife many chances in life to be fancy, so I figured I should let her and her friends have this one.
I've been laying in bed awake since 2am trying to fall back asleep. The ac condenser fan bearings went out I guess it was loud enough to wake up my wife, I couldn't hear it. I guess I'll take a look at it at 4 when I get up... it's going to be a long day.
My truck did that weird shut off suddenly thing I mentioned in the other thread again today and nobody on I25 near Foco wanted to let me over to get on the shoulder, so I just coasted to a stop in the hammer lane while it cooled down for ten minutes, buncha inconsiderate pricks.
I25 north of Denver sucks above average.
This motherfucking thing I knew it was bad news since the first time that I saw it...but have no idea what it is
Dubbed with the dad-wagon last night. Unplugged the ABS wires and a few seemed to have a little corrosion on the pins. Took a small file and cleaned them up a bit. Replugged them back in. No ABS/TC lights on this morning.

I hate chasing this shit.
I've been laying in bed awake since 2am trying to fall back asleep. The ac condenser fan bearings went out I guess it was loud enough to wake up my wife, I couldn't hear it. I guess I'll take a look at it at 4 when I get up... it's going to be a long day.
wise old mexican logic:
bust ass during the day, you'll sleep better at night if you're tired
This motherfucking thing I knew it was bad news since the first time that I saw it...but have no idea what it is
it turns off your AC when power demand is high
they also put them on electric water heaters
around here you get a pretty big discount on your rates to run them

keep in mind they have a built in startup delay of like 2 minutes so that they aren't ever trying to start a compressor against a pressurized high side
it turns off your AC when power demand is high
they also put them on electric water heaters
around here you get a pretty big discount on your rates to run them

keep in mind they have a built in startup delay of like 2 minutes so that they aren't ever trying to start a compressor against a pressurized high side
It was causing locked rotor noises and making everything extremely hot. The condenser fan wasn't turning.
It was causing locked rotor noises and making everything extremely hot. The condenser fan wasn't turning.
you needs you a new capacitor prolly
it's that silver tin can looking dingus in the condensing unit
any supply house will have a hundred on the shelf

make note of which terminal the wires are attached to
they're labelled "c" "fan" and "herm"
you needs you a new capacitor prolly
it's that silver tin can looking dingus in the condensing unit
any supply house will have a hundred on the shelf

make note of which terminal the wires are attached to
they're labelled "c" "fan" and "herm"
It's working great now.
I do need to change the contactor so I'll be picking up one of those and a capacitor.
fuck that, I just bang on it with a wrench when she sticks.

You can tell we rarely use it.
still haven't turned on the AC yet this year.
you needs you a new capacitor prolly
it's that silver tin can looking dingus in the condensing unit
any supply house will have a hundred on the shelf

make note of which terminal the wires are attached to
they're labelled "c" "fan" and "herm"
it was 4am when I was fugging with it but I did pay a little attention to things.
Was having an ok day til about 2 hours ago.
Got an email from my dad saying they wanted to get the family together for Christmas, somewhere drivable because “kids aren’t vaccinated so it’s not safe to fly(they are both vaccinated and have flown multiple times), more sentences and ends with “all adults must be vaccinated” replied back with “see you next year then”
My mom tried pulling the “you won’t see us until you’re vaccinated” ultimatum a few months ago. Didn’t work then, not gonna work now.
so there’s that
Found out yesterday kids will be able to go back to school in the fall… but masks are required and will be “assessed” in November depending how the plandemic is going.
Have the construction company guy coming to look at all the shit under the house in about an hour and a half. We shall see how that goes. I doubt I will get a decision til the end of the week or later.
Fucking furious right now about the first two and anxious about the last one. FUCK!
Drove the wagon today, no ABS/TC light. Go to pick kiddo up, light kicks on. Drive all the way back to the little shop to use their scanner. Kid busts out some Snap-On tablet. Right front speed sensor. Here's the code. He reluctantly took the $20 I gave him, but he saved me a few hours of figuring this thing out. New sensor coming in tomorrow. THat should solve it.
I swear I'm not from pakistan



not today, but a couple weeks ago

didn't have proper insulation paper, luckily grandpa had some asbestos paper squirrelled away
he also believed that that particular slinky needed to be contained for whatever reason lol
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