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Useless things about your day!

Was entered in a 24 hour endurance race this weekend up in NY. Constant rain made for much entertainment. Ultimately the race was cancelled 7-ish hours in due to flash flooding

Yes, that is a dirt bike sticking out of the water. The racer was fine.

Our team leader never even got to turn a lap and our 3rd guy drowned his bike/had to get towed back in (prior to the actual flash flood)

The pit lane after I finished my stint, about 4 hours in.

another month, another past due statement from the hospital for shit I already paid. FML this organization is 100% inept.

So today I printed out every transaction receipt and credit card transaction number, organized them by statement and receipt into groups and went down there and laid them on somebody's desk and said it was their problem, they had the money already and to stop sending me bills.

so I guess we'll see.
their billing is so fucked up they have statements and balances for services that were performed and paid for on other statements.
If we had just paid them at their face value we'd have overpaid the hospital by 1100 dollars.

I've come to the conclusion that medical billing is either horribly inept, or maliciously byzantine.
I've got to be 15-20 hours deep into this over the last 4 months.
for shit that we paid less than a week after getting the bill. easy pay online it said, that was a lie. should have mailed a fucking check.
another month, another past due statement from the hospital for shit I already paid. FML this organization is 100% inept.

So today I printed out every transaction receipt and credit card transaction number, organized them by statement and receipt into groups and went down there and laid them on somebody's desk and said it was their problem, they had the money already and to stop sending me bills.

so I guess we'll see.
their billing is so fucked up they have statements and balances for services that were performed and paid for on other statements.
If we had just paid them at their face value we'd have overpaid the hospital by 1100 dollars.

I've come to the conclusion that medical billing is either horribly inept, or maliciously byzantine.
I've got to be 15-20 hours deep into this over the last 4 months.
for shit that we paid less than a week after getting the bill. easy pay online it said, that was a lie. should have mailed a fucking check.
Oh, I can relate. My wife had medical bills up the wazoo when we met. I was paying them them something like $600 a month. Bills just kept coming. After a year, I asked for receipts of all payments made. They told me they didn't keep any. I asked for a list of all cost procedures that I had paid for. They didn't keep any. They eventually sent me about fifteen pages of stuff. But the pages were double sided, some here duplicate, page seven was actually page twelve and was the same as seven. Things were photocopied over each other. The same procedure with the same dates was repeated multiple times. I told them I was all done paying for it. They simply responded with "ok". and that was that.

The whole thing is so broken. I wonder how may people have been paying every month for the same thing a hundred times over.
Guess you're so old Google is also a challenge, the nurse will see you soon :flipoff2:
No, I just don’t give a fuck enough to look, you brought him up and left it at that. You were either going to respond with an explanation or like you did. I was not disappointed :laughing: i half expected a let me google that for you link
It was always my belief that they send the bill to the patient/responsible party long before insurance pays in the hope that both parties pay the same bill and the hospital/clinic gets paid 2x.

I have always waited 90 days for the insurance to settle up then paid the remaining balance on procedures not done in my primary Dr's office. (lab draws and such)
Oh, I can relate. My wife had medical bills up the wazoo when we met. I was paying them them something like $600 a month. Bills just kept coming. After a year, I asked for receipts of all payments made. They told me they didn't keep any. I asked for a list of all cost procedures that I had paid for. They didn't keep any. They eventually sent me about fifteen pages of stuff. But the pages were double sided, some here duplicate, page seven was actually page twelve and was the same as seven. Things were photocopied over each other. The same procedure with the same dates was repeated multiple times. I told them I was all done paying for it. They simply responded with "ok". and that was that.

The whole thing is so broken. I wonder how may people have been paying every month for the same thing a hundred times over.
that's the thing right.
this isn't some crazy emergency medical procedure or anything. We're talking about paying for some lab work and an EKG, basic trivial shit.
shit approved by the insurance company in advance.

this should have been the easiest thing to deal with ever. Paid them, got proof of payment, still get bills, WTF?

paid directly from the insurance company's website for claims. Clearly indicated they had already paid the large protions and then it was the few hundred bucks for what we owed. paid that on the website, hospital just loses the money in their "cashapp" department. That lady tried to explain it to me like I was a moron, but basically if they can't manually match a payment to a statement then they just sit on the cash and somehow it's my responsibility to track it the fuck down, even though I've called and emailed about this shit for 4 months now with them and provided them information to find their payment because we already fucking paid it.

It was always my belief that they send the bill to the patient/responsible party long before insurance pays in the hope that both parties pay the same bill and the hospital/clinic gets paid 2x.
100% they bank on this.
this should have been the easiest thing to deal with ever. Paid them, got proof of payment, still get bills, WTF?
I blew a head gasket when I wanted proof from them of all the payments I had made. We don't keep any of those records. They don't keep any records of any payments made? What kind of half assed....
Went to the ER with a broad I was dating years back. After they got her fixed up, a hospital admin came into her room for all her billing info, and after getting that started asking me for mine. I politely yet tersely told her to pound sand, no way I was putting myself on the hook for whatever billing clusterfuck they were about to embark on.
Went to the ER with a broad I was dating years back. After they got her fixed up, a hospital admin came into her room for all her billing info, and after getting that started asking me for mine. I politely yet tersely told her to pound sand, no way I was putting myself on the hook for whatever billing clusterfuck they were about to embark on.
I had once tore my psoas muscle and drove myself to the ER. I was doubled over in pain. They put me in the room and before they treated me their #1 concern was payment. Couldn't even see a doctor. I'm not paying anything until you figure what is wrong with me. They asked me to leave.
oh, and the funny thing is, like half of the bills got paid. So it worked for 50%.

which means they saw all the other bills had gotten paid through the website, but just thought that we'd left these couple ones out I guess.
and they're apparently completely unable to go and look for other transactions that may have been made on that same day and account to match transaction amounts with statement amounts.

which is why today they got credit card transaction approval numbers. So I can at least prove that they took money in these amounts from the cigna website.

as you can tell, I have way more fucking knowledge than I should ever had of some bullshit.
Crawled under the house Wednesday night to look for water leak making the tub have low water pressure. Found that the 3” sewer pipe separated(came unglued it looks like) from the down pipe of the toilet…..AND the 1.5” drain for the sink pulled out of the 45*fitting too. Looking around there is only 1 working support bracket(and 2 broken ones) for the entire area under the bathroom. One metal strap plumbers tape was removed by them to allow them to install the Y fitting and left hanging too. :mad3: I’m supposed to be getting a call on Monday. If I don’t then I will be going to their office. Master bathroom is not usable at this point without causing more of a mess under the house 🙄
Had the pipe directly under the shitter pull apart about 4 years ago, in a crawlspace that's not really a crawl space (1930's addition to add plumbing to the house, they left a space underneath for a 5 foot nothing, half-starved alcoholic Irishman to crawl in) I tore the bathroom floor up to gain access. Only bathroom in the house too.
another month, another past due statement from the hospital for shit I already paid. FML this organization is 100% inept.

So today I printed out every transaction receipt and credit card transaction number, organized them by statement and receipt into groups and went down there and laid them on somebody's desk and said it was their problem, they had the money already and to stop sending me bills.

so I guess we'll see.
their billing is so fucked up they have statements and balances for services that were performed and paid for on other statements.
If we had just paid them at their face value we'd have overpaid the hospital by 1100 dollars.

I've come to the conclusion that medical billing is either horribly inept, or maliciously byzantine.
I've got to be 15-20 hours deep into this over the last 4 months.
for shit that we paid less than a week after getting the bill. easy pay online it said, that was a lie. should have mailed a fucking check.
Maliciously inept. Ever bill they send out has a nonzero chance of some sucker paying it. I've come to the conclusion that a fake ID with my picture and south of the border sounding name is far better than any insurance if I need to go to the ER.
Had the pipe directly under the shitter pull apart about 4 years ago, in a crawlspace that's not really a crawl space (1930's addition to add plumbing to the house, they left a space underneath for a 5 foot nothing, half-starved alcoholic Irishman to crawl in) I tore the bathroom floor up to gain access. Only bathroom in the house too.
Finally able to talk to guy in charge, told him about everything. Emailed him the pictures and video and explained that everything that’s wrong is stuff they installed/touched/modified. He replied back and said he would have the field supervisor and foreman we had come look and let me know their decision. If they say they won’t fix it or will try to charge me in any way I’m thinking it’s going to have legal intervention. Not what I want to deal with.
Finally able to talk to guy in charge, told him about everything. Emailed him the pictures and video and explained that everything that’s wrong is stuff they installed/touched/modified. He replied back and said he would have the field supervisor and foreman we had come look and let me know their decision. If they say they won’t fix it or will try to charge me in any way I’m thinking it’s going to have legal intervention. Not what I want to deal with.
Show up in person and tell him you want him out there with his guys when they do their inspection. People don't do well with confrontation, it's a lot easier to keep people honest by calling them on their shit in person than it is to rely on phone and email.
Show up in person and tell him you want him out there with his guys when they do their inspection. People don't do well with confrontation, it's a lot easier to keep people honest by calling them on their shit in person than it is to rely on phone and email.
They called me back and are sending someone out to look Wednesday afternoon.
Not even sure how the medical industry is still functioning.

I got my first bill from the anesthesiologist 8 months after the operation. They hadn't sent it to the insurance, just straight to me. Told them to contact my insurance. They stated they didn't have that info. Since this cant go on my credit, I'm going to let them figure it out.
Pulled the Freestyle into the garage. Yanked one tire. Looked at the ABS plug. Looked factory. Popped the hood to follow the line up and the battery terminals caught my attention. They seemed to have a rare form of an STD. All blue and fuzzy. Cleaned them up and they were corroded to all hell. I'm thinking that may have been the cause of the ABS and TC light to kick on as well as the transmission going into safe mode.
They called me back and are sending someone out to look Wednesday afternoon.
I'm sure they will, and I'm sure that person will determine it's not their fault and the company continue to give you the run around.
Be polite, be professional, but also be a pain in the ass. Those are the customers who get their concerns taken care of. If you don't give them the opportunity to run you around, they won't.

Half my job is is dealing with homeowners on stuff like this. I hate having to shift the blame if I know my guys fucked up somewhere along the line, but if I can I will because it's what I get paid to do. Its real easy to blow off a homeowner if they have no real ground to stand on because they signed off on the builder inspection, signed off on walkthroughs, ect. On the other hand, if a homeowner is a pain in the ass, but in the right and can prove it there's not much I can do to get us out of it. It's easier and less costly to just go make it right than it is to get out of it in those cases, but it makes it a lot easier to deal with if the homeowner is polite and professional about it. If they're an asshole they're just getting the bare minimum.
I'm sure they will, and I'm sure that person will determine it's not their fault and the company continue to give you the run around.
Be polite, be professional, but also be a pain in the ass. Those are the customers who get their concerns taken care of. If you don't give them the opportunity to run you around, they won't.

Half my job is is dealing with homeowners on stuff like this. I hate having to shift the blame if I know my guys fucked up somewhere along the line, but if I can I will because it's what I get paid to do. Its real easy to blow off a homeowner if they have no real ground to stand on because they signed off on the builder inspection, signed off on walkthroughs, ect. On the other hand, if a homeowner is a pain in the ass, but in the right and can prove it there's not much I can do to get us out of it. It's easier and less costly to just go make it right than it is to get out of it in those cases, but it makes it a lot easier to deal with if the homeowner is polite and professional about it. If they're an asshole they're just getting the bare minimum.
I’ve been a polite pain in the ass and will continue to be. The office is 15 mins away if I need to get in their face. When I called this morning and said I was expecting a call back from the manager they knew it was me who was calling before I told them who was calling. I know it’s been 7 years since they did the work but the rest of the plumbing for the house that was built in 1979 is still just peachy. I will be crawling under the house with they guy and making sure he sees everything and how they didn’t do their job correctly.
7 years you're out of warranty. Sorry
That’s what I’m expecting them to say.
the fact they didn’t put the all the hangers they removed back or add new ones to support the added weight of the rest of the new piping is my argument
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I’ve been a polite pain in the ass and will continue to be. The office is 15 mins away if I need to get in their face. When I called this morning and said I was expecting a call back from the manager they knew it was me who was calling before I told them who was calling. I know it’s been 7 years since they did the work but the rest of the plumbing for the house that was built in 1979 is still just peachy. I will be crawling under the house with they guy and making sure he sees everything and how they didn’t do their job correctly.

I'm not even talking about getting in their face. I'm talking about just asking the owner in person to come look with his guy so there's no he said/she said or anything else.

7 years you're out of warranty. Sorry

That would have been my response from the start. 7 years later and I'm not even entertaining coming out to look at something unless it would be under warranty.
2019 I was useless rode this bike less than a mile a d put back in shed, 2020 rode the same mile and had a fuel leak, parked back in shed again.
2021, changed an o ring in the carb and put on 80 miles so far.
I'm not even talking about getting in their face. I'm talking about just asking the owner in person to come look with his guy so there's no he said/she said or anything else.

That would have been my response from the start. 7 years later and I'm not even entertaining coming out to look at something unless it would be under warranty.
Company has offices all over. They mainly deal with major projects and insurance claims. Was recommended them from my parents friend who does insurance adjuster claims for high dollar homes or something like that. I’m glad they are coming out. I don’t have high expectations they will be willing to fix it without cost but it’s worth a shot.
I’ll video record the inspection on my phone
Rough cut
Green wood
Full 2 inches x full 4 inches. No sides have been surfacededh
It is 2x6, 2x8 and I think a couple might be 2x9 or 2x10, but otherwise correct.
The guy had a sawmill that would make an OSHA inspector drool, one big (3'?) blade, no guarding, probably older than most on this site.

Aaron Z
Getting ready to check out another wv property. Drove through the night to get eyes on it and be able to make an offer before someone else if needed. Just shy of 100 acres, rolling topo, coal, and a good location for a good price.
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