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well if you're getting flow outta the registers the air is returning somehow
prolly through the stairwell, so crack a door and run the blower to get the downstairs air pushed upstairs, maybe even close some of the downstairs registers to give a little more pressure to the upstairs ones

just give it a go, man
Well the registers that are in the upstairs ceilings barely put anything out. I mean, it eeps out. You could hang a string, and it wouldn't even move with the air. I think the four 8" ducts going up just is too much volume for the unit to push. That's what I was thinking going to one. Then once in the attic, split it there. Then use two of the current four registers in the ceilings as returns.

We keep the doors open, ceiling fans on, and have an oscillating fan at the top of the stairs. Its still almost 80.
well if you're getting flow outta the registers the air is returning somehow
prolly through the stairwell, so crack a door and run the blower to get the downstairs air pushed upstairs, maybe even close some of the downstairs registers to give a little more pressure to the upstairs ones

just give it a go, man

If there's a 12deg difference you need more circulation.

You heat with wood. You should know this shit. You basically want the system to work in reverse of how it works in the winter.
Well the registers that are in the upstairs ceilings barely put anything out. I mean, it eeps out. You could hang a string, and it wouldn't even move with the air. I think the four 8" ducts going up just is too much volume for the unit to push. That's what I was thinking going to one. Then once in the attic, split it there. Then use two of the current four registers in the ceilings as returns.

We keep the doors open, ceiling fans on, and have an oscillating fan at the top of the stairs. Its still almost 80.
well you seem resistant to trying anything easy
best of luck
Well the registers that are in the upstairs ceilings barely put anything out. I mean, it eeps out. You could hang a string, and it wouldn't even move with the air. I think the four 8" ducts going up just is too much volume for the unit to push. That's what I was thinking going to one. Then once in the attic, split it there. Then use two of the current four registers in the ceilings as returns.

We keep the doors open, ceiling fans on, and have an oscillating fan at the top of the stairs. Its still almost 80.
Big pipe, low speed.

Small pipe, high speed.

Right now you have less than the volume coming out the upstairs registers (assuming approx equal number upstairs and downstairs and the runs to upstairs are longer). Of course it's not moving a string.

Close the downstairs registers. Force more volume through the upstairs.

You want the air to have to travel as far as possible to get to the thermostat.
In the winter time the heat is fine. We've got that dialed in pretty well. The only variation is what wood ends up in the stove.

We have the four large pipes, and I think its just too much volume for the unit to push.

We have about half the registers closed down stairs. Computer room is open (three monitors and a 3070 make it HOT in there). Living room, and my wife's work office. The rest are closed.

I'm thinking its just the lack of returns. There's not a single one upstairs. Something needs to be done about that.
Of course it works fine in winter. You're dumping heat into the bottom and it naturally rises.

The air is taking the path of least resistance out the downstairs vents and straight into the downstairs returns and the hot air is just sitting around upstairs.

You need to close more registers so the long path out the upstairs vents, then downstairs, then down the returns becomes the path of least resistance.

Close all the downstairs registers. Then balance the room to room temp by varying how open the upstairs registers are and how open the downstairs returns are.
Man, we have something like ten registers downstairs. Maybe fifteen. Three are open. Close those up to?

The other angle too is in the basement, the four 8" ducts leading to the attic have those little butterfly scoop jobbers on them. I can close off each one of the four vents. Was thinking closing two off to up the pressure on the other two that would be open.
Another question I had, am I pushing hot air down to get cooled, or am I trying to come up with a way to get more cool air up?

I have a decent sized fan at the top of the stairs that I can setup to push the hot air down. That's easy to do. Not sure how I'd setup the fans to push the cool air up though. Fan a the base of the stairs maybe?
I have dampers in all of the ducting in the house.

they are labeled winter/summer now because it took me two years to figure out the balance for each so that the house remains reasonably the same temperature up and down depending on seasons.

You're trying to get the cool air to the upstairs, it will come down on it's own. Close off the downstairs ducting and force more air upstairs.
Man, we have something like ten registers downstairs. Maybe fifteen. Three are open. Close those up to?

The other angle too is in the basement, the four 8" ducts leading to the attic have those little butterfly scoop jobbers on them. I can close off each one of the four vents. Was thinking closing two off to up the pressure on the other two that would be open.
Is anyone in the attic? Do you need the attic cool? If not then close them. Is this an unfinished attic? Insulated attic?

What you're going for here is a very specific pattern of airflow. Evap core > ducts -> upstairs -> downstairs -> return ducts -> evap

Another question I had, am I pushing hot air down to get cooled, or am I trying to come up with a way to get more cool air up?

I have a decent sized fan at the top of the stairs that I can setup to push the hot air down. That's easy to do. Not sure how I'd setup the fans to push the cool air up though. Fan a the base of the stairs maybe?
The A/C is pushing hot air up via the ductwork. Once the system gets working the relative vacuuum caused by the downstairs return will be drawing cold-ish (will be a few deg below whatever your thermostat is set to) air down the stairwell. Make the fan blow down the stairs if you want to help it out.
they are labeled winter/summer now because it took me two years to figure out the balance for each so that the house remains reasonably the same temperature up and down depending on seasons.
Same here. :laughing:

Just when I have it dialed for winter, its 90º outside and I'm going back to the summer balance.
Another question I had, am I pushing hot air down to get cooled, or am I trying to come up with a way to get more cool air up?

I have a decent sized fan at the top of the stairs that I can setup to push the hot air down. That's easy to do. Not sure how I'd setup the fans to push the cool air up though. Fan a the base of the stairs maybe?
You can't have one without the other.
First thing I would do is check those flex ducts, my money is on they are collapsed somewhere. I've never been a fan of that stuff.
Is anyone in the attic? Do you need the attic cool? If not then close them. Is this an unfinished attic?
I don't think I'm explaining it correctly. The ducts come from the basement and enter the attic, then through vents from the bedroom ceilings. They're not exiting into the attic. That's just where the pipes are running. The dampers on the ducts are in the basement. I can shut them off before the air even goes upstairs.
I don't think I'm explaining it correctly. The ducts come from the basement and enter the attic, then through vents from the bedroom ceilings. They're not exiting into the attic. That's just where the pipes are running. The dampers on the ducts are in the basement. I can shut them off before the air even goes upstairs.
In that case leave them open.
You can't have one without the other.
First thing I would do is check those flex ducts, my money is on they are collapsed somewhere. I've never been a fan of that stuff.
I hate these things as well. They're not collapsed. I've spent some time in the attic disconnecting each duct to confirm they are open, then connecting them again. The problem with the attic, is no floor to walk around on. I'm stepping on the trusses to maneuver. I wanted to lay down a bunch of plywood this Spring, but $$$. Once that was done, I was going to run one piece of solid pipe the length of the attic to replace the four flex pipes.
Had one of those days today. Everything that could go wrong pretty much did. Mostly because of people not paying attention. I don’t blame them it’s 90+ out. The last time we had this many days in a row 90+ was like 2018 lol.

So while one of the dump trucks was on the ac machine I whipped a few shitty’s with the bimmer. My new wheel came in so these tires need to die lol. Definitely makes a guy smile whipping shitty’s when there is so much smoke you can see anything!


That was how much after turning around and fumbling with my phone trying to get a picture lol.

New wheel day. Hopefully the sticky’s show up this week so I can toss them on.


I made it 40 years. This is the first set of wheels I have ever purchased to make a car look nicer. What a :homer:
Went to my brothers for supper because our BIl was in town from San Diego. We got on the ruckus’s and cruised the compound with the kids.


Full on daddy daycare lol :lmao:

This is why our wife’s don’t trust us alone with the kids :lmao: My wife leaves for more than a day or two and my mother panics and basically lives at my house. None of them have faith in our kid raising skills.
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Trimmed down the windscreen on the street bike. Took about 4" off. When for a ride. Its better, but the wind still isn't low enough. Brought it back and took another 2" off. WIndscreen is flush with the dash now. Looks fine. Smooth. Doesn't look crooked. Turn out better than I expected. It was dark and raining so I couldn't test it out with the other 2" taken off. Hopefully it helps though.
Seems useless is my goal....so by 9am it was this....then by 3pm it was that, mothfukle 7stitchies.
My wife would have rinsed that out with vodka and super glued it. "Pfft... you're not going to the doctor for THAT. Bite this wash cloth and don't you dare wake up the kids."

Unfortunately it happened somewhere I can't talk about, I just wrapped it and carried on with my critical task of lifting very expensive shit out of a tight spot far 3 hours.
First time since 1995 I've needed outside surgical assistance.
Tomorrow I get to go rigging slings on a 45t crane, only going to be up n down the high boy a dozen times, can't find folks able to tie Velcro shoes let alone do cool easy shit.
Dr. says to cut out caffeine. First morning of half and half regular and decaf coffee to wean myself off. This shit sucks.
Of course it works fine in winter. You're dumping heat into the bottom and it naturally rises.

The air is taking the path of least resistance out the downstairs vents and straight into the downstairs returns and the hot air is just sitting around upstairs.

You need to close more registers so the long path out the upstairs vents, then downstairs, then down the returns becomes the path of least resistance.

Close all the downstairs registers. Then balance the room to room temp by varying how open the upstairs registers are and how open the downstairs returns are.
While that may make the upstairs cooler, it’s going to kill efficiency and most likely will not dehumidify the house properly.
My wife would have rinsed that out with vodka and super glued it. "Pfft... you're not going to the doctor for THAT. Bite this wash cloth and don't you dare wake up the kids."

Meanwhile I'd be bled out and tossed in the garden shortly after. :laughing:
Brought my camper home to clean it up, get it up for the pandemic premium sale or use it on the 4th.:usa:
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