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United States Death statistics 2020 vs. 2018

San Francisco. 885,000 tighly packed peoples with heavily used public transportation. And bathhouses . . . .:laughing: 0 Covid ICU from our own source. Proof positive that mask work :flipoff2::flipoff2::flipoff2:

I went from San Francisco to ucsf hospital in Oakland after my initial post this morning and as of Tuesday they had 0 but today I saw a doctor walking out of a room in a forced air space suit thing.... assume its covid?
By my math and data sources I have come to

2018 at 2,839,205 using CDC statistics found HERE: FastStats - Deaths and Mortality (cdc.gov)

2020 at 2,760,302 (to date) using ~ United States Deaths Clock - IndexMundi And COVID INSANITY CONTINUES: US Has Seen No Increase in Overall Deaths in 2020 - Yet Americans Continue to Cede All God Given Rights to the State (thegatewaypundit.com) and a few other sources.

I guess we will see, but I have been looking at several statistics via social media and the news that is saying we are going to experience a 350k increase by years end.

I need to know where they are getting these numbers. I have scoured and can NOT for the life of me find any solid info that supports that. Any idea?

I'm not going to read through this whole thread because from everything's I've been reading on here is the Kungflu is BS and Trump was robbed of being reflected.

So I'll just jump in because I had this same discussion on another on board.

The death rate is up. I like how your math uses 2 completely separate sites for data.

I looked up the CDC site that stated 2,855,xxxx deaths in 2019. From this table


Notice how they use a different URL for the 2020 estimate? Yeah. If you look at the same site for 2020 & read the footnotes you see for 2020 it only lists through June and is already showing 1,626,000. The average monthly death rate in 2019 is around 240k. Just using the average monthly death rate in 2020 of 271k ...by the end of Sept we would be put us at around 2,439,000 and a year end total of 3,252,000....which is far different then the table shows.

now just for full transparency this was the final reply I made on the forum I discussed this in.

I am taking exactly what the CDC site and page you posted says. It specifically says it is from 2/1-11/28 AND that it does not include all deaths during that time period.

They have a total death count (that has been coded thus far) of 2,654,00 for the time period they listed...which is 10 months. I am simply taking average and extrapolating it out to a full 12 months.

Average for the 10 month is 265k. There are 44 weeks listed in that table....that means an average of 60,318 deaths per week. If those averages hold then 2020 will hit around
weekly average 60,318x52= 3,136,545 deaths
monthly average 265,400x12=3,184,800 deaths

This isn't all deaths...even by the tables own footnote...but we won't adjust for that....so you will have over 300,000 more deaths then the previous 5 years....again based on the information posted

So I am sure the death rate is quite a bit higher this year then the previous 5 years listed in the table.

This discussion was from 12/5 and I haven't revisited the sites to see if any of the data has been updated for what it's worth


Dude... just go to the dam website that is listed in your table...

Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) (cdc.gov)

If that table holds we are literally on track to be equal to or just below the death toll of the last few years prior to this "pandemic" year.

And if the chart the CDC shows as 281,000 COVID19 related deaths are accurate, then I sure would like to know what area we "improved" in! Less Cancer in 2020? Less Heart disease?

Thanks for adding another log to the fire. :lmao: Basically just proved our point... (that was your point, right?).
Ah fuck. I should've known people here were too obsessed with their narrative to understand.

You can't take data from different sites and compare them. They site for 2020 numbers is very much truncated.

Also the link you posted states the deaths listes are from 2/1 on. It is not including ANY of January. Nor is it all deaths just yet. Do you even read the footnotes?

let me help you Click image for larger version Name:	Screenshot_20201220-175844_Chrome.jpg Views:	0 Size:	356.3 KB ID:	240591

So direct from your link...which was my link I used in my first argument with retarded Trumpeteers. It shows we are at 2.8m deaths from 2/1-12/12. Seems to be missing almost 6.5 weeks (since the week of 12/12 is only half way reported) even if we assumed that 12/12 was only about 26k deaths.....the weekly average for the 46 weeks listed is 60,890 deaths per week. If that average held steady that will add another 365,340 deaths to the year. That makes it 3,166,280 for 2020.

Again I fear the critical thinking has been lost in this world.

You are doing what you blame others or doing....posting sites without reading and understanding them first. You find what you like and then regurgitate it as if it somehow proves your narrative.
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So your saying this chart that you posted is NOT correct? Or is correct? :confused:

fetch (1125×639) (irate4x4.com)

It is not correct.

It was a chart floating around back at the end of November trying to show that the deaths for 2020 would be in line with other years. I was pointing out that the data was coming from different area within the CDC's site and therefore suspect. I then went to the link for 2019 and used the data for 2020 on the same page and got my quoted figures.

Then you posted the site but ignored the footnotes that it was only 46 of the 52 weeks of the year...so you were wrong as well as the chart I posted. I then went on in both cases to use the data give. On the actual CDC page and using the law of averages show that 2020 will be higher then the 5 previous years by 300k deaths...much like is being reported.

I'm not sure what you are confused about ...but I am not surprised you are

So to expand on it. In 2019, if we only took 46 weeks of the average 54,904 deaths/ week. There would be approx. 2,525,580 deaths for the number of weeks. That means we have roughly 275,397 more deaths....which is pretty accurate to what they are reporting for covid deaths for the year.

I guess its all a conspirconspiracy though and the numbers are fake news.
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In looking at the CDC data on influenza A / B this year is also confusing. In DECEMBER.... we are having record LOW numbers of the flu, where in comparrison for other years they were starting to peak at this time.

Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report | CDC

Every state at this time, is low to moderate. How would one explain this? Are mask and social distancing driving the numbers down?! And lack of mask and social distancing from Trumpers driving COVID numbers sky high?!

Come awn man....
It is not correct.

It was a chart floating around back at the end of November trying to show that the deaths for 2020 would be in line with other years. I was pointing out that the data was coming from different area within the CDC's site and therefore suspect. I then went to the link for 2019 and used the data for 2020 on the same page and got my quoted figures.

Then you posted the site but ignored the footnotes that it was only 46 of the 52 weeks of the year...so you were wrong as well as the chart I posted. I then went on in both cases to use the data give. On the actual CDC page and using the law of averages show that 2020 will be higher then the 5 previous years by 300k deaths...much like is being reported.

I'm not sure what you are confused about ...but I am not surprised you are

And I'm not entirely sure you aren't being lied to and gobbling up some bs.
And I'm not entirely sure you aren't being lied to and gobbling up some bs.

That is why I use the same site and page for information and don't jump around. I also use official sites data like the CDC's site.

Or you are just being ignorant and can't except that not all of the news reported is somehow "fake news"

These numbers are from the CDV's site. It is currently ran by Trumb's people...so they must be conspiring against him and everyone else....and just reporting misinformation for the New World Order so they can impose tyrannical 1984esque restrictions on all of us
🙄 🤣
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I also dont give a shit what the numbers are for various causes of deaths. I am looking at the overall deaths...this way I am not worrying about lower flu,cancer,heart attack death, etc.

To your question about the flu...it is very possible that the reduced gatherings, masks and social distancing are contributing to lower flu cases. When Covid is much more contagious it would.make sense that actions to slow the spread of that would have a bigger impact on the flu.

That right wing site that you posted makes no fucking sense. His own spreadsheet shows he is only counting from 2/1 -5/2 for 2020...but from 1/1-5/2 for 2018....not to mention his data appears to have been gathered when they had only reported half of the 5/2 week. Since the CDC states it is no all deaths it is easy to assume as more deaths are reported the weekly totals may fluctuate.

his spreadsheet that I downloaded from the article shows 787,181 total deaths from 2/1-5/2 in 2020 and 648,042 if you take out the last 3 weeks in the list(probably because the data is less complete) his 2018 data shows total deaths from Jan 1-5/5 as 1,066,832 from all jurisdictions. His data is purposefully confusing because he posts the jurisdiction totals so its a bit more work to exclude dates from h
this total..(at least on my phone) i get 841, 301 if I take the CDC site weekly numbers from 2/1-5/2 now. That is still missing Jan.....so assuming a 240k/month death rate average prior to Covid...you would have approx. 1,081,301 for 1/1-5/2 2020...which while not much higher it is still higher...and this is the beginning of the Covid response and we've seen elevated death rates from May to now.

So I dont trust your right wing, rightwire site.
I also dont give a shit what the numbers are for various causes of deaths. I am looking at the overall deaths...this way I am not worrying about lower flu,cancer,heart attack death, etc.

So the correlating decreased Flu, CA, and heart related deaths ETC related to the increase in Covid deaths is merely coincidental ? Seems fishy that we've gotten that good at curing cancer, eliminating the common flu and eliminating heart disease at the same time despite social distancing, masks, and shutdowns, that we are losing the battle against Covid.
So the correlating decreased Flu, CA, and heart related deaths ETC related to the increase in Covid deaths is merely coincidental ? Seems fishy that we've gotten that good at curing cancer, eliminating the common flu and eliminating heart disease at the same time despite social distancing, masks, and shutdowns, that we are losing the battle against Covid.

My point...

The numbers are skewed at best and homeslice left out "provisional"

Theres no real numbers in just yet from the cdc. the NVSS still has no solid number, nor does the NDI (National Death Index).

The CDC seems to be fabricating some things.
So the correlating decreased Flu, CA, and heart related deaths ETC related to the increase in Covid deaths is merely coincidental ? Seems fishy that we've gotten that good at curing cancer, eliminating the common flu and eliminating heart disease at the same time despite social distancing, masks, and shutdowns, that we are losing the battle against Covid.

More like the coding of cause of deaths is suspect.....but the total deaths are higher this year. I don't disagree that some of the deaths are coded incorrectly...and many may be coded for fraudulent reasons....but the total number of deaths is up by around what they are claiming the covid deaths are...so I am more inclined to believe the numbers then people crying "fake news" with.l nothing more then fear and "anti-establishment' as there reasoning.

If's amazing how the total deaths are higher yet you guys just ignore it. It's just like Trump and his "alternative facts"
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More like the coding of cause of deaths is suspect.....but the total deaths are higher this year. I don't disagree that some of the deaths are coded incorrectly...and many may be coded for fraudulent reasons....but the total number of deaths is up by around what they are claiming the covid deaths are...so I am more inclined to believe the numbers then people crying "fake news" with.l nothing more then fear and "anti-establishment' as there reasoning.

If's amazing how the total deaths are higher yet you guys just ignore it. It's just like Trump and his "alternative facts"

IF the numbers can be trusted... that's a big IF right now.

It's a lot of speculation and by their own wording "provisional" statistics at the moment. I will wat for the year end tallies to be delivered first. According to other sources, it isn't adding up in the CDC's favor, which was the entire crux of the argument presented on page one and delivered through all the pages you admittedly did not read.

OK, Donnie?

In case you don't understand the difference and how it's subject to change...

Understanding Death Data (cdc.gov)

There's a lot of guesstimating going on, and on page 1 a cite a source getting it's data from counties, states and compiling the info.

I still have that same number and it's fairly accurate from the day before yesterday.
Quick question: Why has nobody held Fauci to task? All those dead people on his watch, under his authority. Everyone blames Trump and Pence. They are not doctors. Unless Fauci had a plan and Trump shut it down, it's all on Fauci. He's the top dog for this thing, and he failed the country, right?

The rat face bastard just keep talking in that half dead voice and blah blah. What the hell has he actually done the last 10 months?
IF the numbers can be trusted... that's a big IF right now.

It's a lot of speculation and by their own wording "provisional" statistics at the moment. I will wat for the year end tallies to be delivered first. According to other sources, it isn't adding up in the CDC's favor, which was the entire crux of the argument presented on page one and delivered through all the pages you admittedly did not read.

OK, Donnie?

In case you don't understand the difference and how it's subject to change...

Understanding Death Data (cdc.gov)

There's a lot of guesstimating going on, and on page 1 a cite a source getting it's data from counties, states and compiling the info.

I still have that same number and it's fairly accurate from the day before yesterday.

geez, thanks, I had no idea the numbers weren't 100% 🙄

I am 100% fine waiting until the final numbers are released. The provisional numbers aren't 100% and do not include all deaths as I have stated multiple times. Chances that the numbers are going to go down is very small. It's not like people suddenly didn't actually die. Numbers will most likely go up as more deaths are tallied and found. Also, much of the coding may very well be changed after investigation.

So, i'm fine waiting and have only used the provisional numbers to illustrate that the numbers are pretty accurate (as of now, using the provisional data) in saying that there are almost 300k more deaths this year while the media is reporting almost 300k deaths from Covid. So it's pointing to Covid killing 300k people this year and not somehow just being coded as Covid deaths and all others shrunk magically.

Also, i didn't read the entire thread because, like almost all threads in Irate4x4 GCC, it is just a bunch of "BS" and "lying" and "MSM trying to mislead us" Not to mention that the very first post uses different websites to compare data and I state that you should use the same website for data sets. So excuse me for not wading through a shit storm to get my point across using numbers, logic and non-right wing leaning sources.
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From one of our local news stations:

COVID death rate estimates plummeted since beginning of the year

Really shocked they posted that, even if it is watered down.

And given that articles reporting and the total number of people infected to date, there is no mathematical way 300K people will have died this year. There's no way that 200k people will have died this year. The number, if going by the math in the article posted puts the total death rate from covid around 60-65k people dead... and I suspect that number is HIGH, given there is virtually NO Influenza stats this year, or at least a miniscule amount given what is usually is.:rolleyes:

This whole thing is bullshit, but people like Pike keep pushing the narrative and demanding people mask, go broke and suffer. Awesome.:homer:
Well... there ya go. :laughing:

to humor you, I went to your US Death Clock site in the first post. it states right at the top that the numbers do not include Covid deaths and that the numbers are ESTIMATES. They simply take the average deaths in previous years and turn it into a "clock" to estimate how many people have died at any given time in a year. It's not even reported information 🤣

However, to humor you and your assertion that the numbers they are "reporting" are showing that we are inline with previous years deaths, and that the numbers don't add up 🙄 I added up their figures and it comes to 2,797,420 as of 10 AM MST today (mind you this is ever increasing due to their "clock" and their estimated deaths per second/minute/hour, etc" . They have a link in the note about the Corona Virus count, which is just takes you to a dashboard. Finding the US on there, shows 317,668 deaths from Covid. So, based on the site you used, we would have 3,115,088 deaths in 2020 so far.

Odd that it seems inline with the other numbers I've posted.
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And given that articles reporting and the total number of people infected to date, there is no mathematical way 300K people will have died this year. There's no way that 200k people will have died this year. The number, if going by the math in the article posted puts the total death rate from covid around 60-65k people dead... and I suspect that number is HIGH, given there is virtually NO Influenza stats this year, or at least a miniscule amount given what is usually is.:rolleyes:

This whole thing is bullshit, but people like Pike keep pushing the narrative and demanding people mask, go broke and suffer. Awesome.:homer:

🤣 do you even read the articles? the article posted simply states that the estimated death rate (fatality rate) from March to now has dropped....which is not surprising at all. They threw out the doomsday numbers in the beginning because they didn't (and still don't) fully understand Covid. They had super high predictions for mortality rate. They have revised those as they've understood the disease more and as they have expanded testing.

The article even says that the "senior scholar" they quote is estimating based on confirmed and unconfirmed cases. So his estimates is somehow including unconfirmed cases...a number he has to guess at using various methods (but does not go into how he gets that number, nor what that number is) However, EVEN if you believe the article 100%, you need to actually understand WHAT THEY ARE SAYING. In NO WAY are they disputing the number of deaths. They are simply disputing the mortality rate....AND USING UNCONFIRMED CASE COUNT to say the mortality rate is lower then originally predicted. Now, don't get confused on the paragraph towards the bottom that says the WHO estimates an even lower fatality rate. They are saying the estimated fatality rate for those under 70 is lower and that it would be around 2,000. That is also based on UNCONFIRMED CASES...and they've said for a long time, it doesn't hit younger people as hard...so it is not at all surprising.

The New York Times reported in April that the COVID case fatality rate -- the number of known cases divided by the number of deaths -- was 6.4%. Currently, the case fatality rate is probably closer to 1%, according to Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.

Adalja estimates the infection fatality rate, which estimates how likely someone is to die based on both confirmed and unconfirmed COVID cases, is lower-- around 0.5 or 0.6%. That number depends on how good the COVID testing is, Adalja said.

Let me walk you through this. The "senior scholar" is saying that the mortality rate is likely around .5-.6% He is not disputing the number of dead...so if we take the roughly 300k that have died and use his mortality rate of even .5%, he is basically saying (without saying it) that the number of cases, both confirmed & unconfirmed, is approx 60 million. Since reports are showing almost 18 million cases confirmed, it's not surprising that they would estimate a confirmed case count of only around 25%. That just means they are estimating for every confirmed case there are 3 unconfirmed. This is not new or groundbreaking or anything. Many reports have estimated that for every confirmed case there were 2-4 number of unconfirmed cases.

I'm sorry you can't find much that fits your narrative. If you read the articles and actually use some common sense with the data they are using (or claim to use) you may be able to critical think it and get a better idea of what is going on.
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Quick question: Why has nobody held Fauci to task? All those dead people on his watch, under his authority. Everyone blames Trump and Pence. They are not doctors. Unless Fauci had a plan and Trump shut it down, it's all on Fauci. He's the top dog for this thing, and he failed the country, right?

The rat face bastard just keep talking in that half dead voice and blah blah. What the hell has he actually done the last 10 months?

Because Fauci has any authority to implement anything right? I mean, Trump was so vocal about what we should do. Trump is the pompous ass that disputed much of what medical experts claimed. He is the one that had no federal plan and no guidance for states. He is the one that sidelined briefings and new confrences. He is the one that sidelined Fauci when he didn't like what Fauci was saying.

Are you seriously saying that someone that has warned (granted, some of his advice has changed since the beginning as they understood more) made suggestions, and has been contradicted by your deal leader is somehow responsible? I feel Fauci did as best as he could given Trumps ego and bullshit misleading information. Information that unfortunately many of his nutswinging followers believe (and apparently still believe)
🤣 do you even read the articles? the article posted simply states that the estimated death rate (fatality rate) from March to now has dropped....which is not surprising at all. They threw out the doomsday numbers in the beginning because they didn't (and still don't) fully understand Covid. They had super high predictions for mortality rate. They have revised those as they've understood the disease more and as they have expanded testing.

The article even says that the "senior scholar" they quote is estimating based on confirmed and unconfirmed cases. So his estimates is somehow including unconfirmed cases...a number he has to guess at using various methods (but does not go into how he gets that number, nor what that number is) However, EVEN if you believe the article 100%, you need to actually understand WHAT THEY ARE SAYING. In NO WAY are they disputing the number of deaths. They are simply disputing the mortality rate....AND USING UNCONFIRMED CASE COUNT to say the mortality rate is lower then originally predicted. Now, don't get confused on the paragraph towards the bottom that says the WHO estimates an even lower fatality rate. They are saying the estimated fatality rate for those under 70 is lower and that it would be around 2,000. That is also based on UNCONFIRMED CASES...and they've said for a long time, it doesn't hit younger people as hard...so it is not at all surprising.

Let me walk you through this. The "senior scholar" is saying that the mortality rate is likely around .5-.6% He is not disputing the number of dead...so if we take the roughly 300k that have died and use his mortality rate of even .5%, he is basically saying (without saying it) that the number of cases, both confirmed & unconfirmed, is approx 60 million. Since reports are showing almost 18 million cases confirmed, it's not surprising that they would estimate a confirmed case count of only around 25%. That just means they are estimating for every confirmed case there are 3 unconfirmed. This is not new or groundbreaking or anything. Many reports have estimated that for every confirmed case there were 2-4 number of unconfirmed cases.

I'm sorry you can't find much that fits your narrative. If you read the articles and actually use some common sense with the data they are using (or claim to use) you may be able to critical think it and get a better idea of what is going on.

CDC admits at least 96% of deaths from Covid19 were WRONG! - NewTube
Do not bring facts into this conversation. His religion is real and you nor any other naysayer will be heard.

He doesn’t care how many times the people telling him it’s real have been caught lying.

I can’t wait for him to try and argue that the cdc is wrong in the story you posted, by citing information from the cdc to back his argument :lmao:

LMFAO. You guys are hilarious. "Let's go to a site the supports my view point and post that as proof"

I watched the video....because I actual do listen and read and analyze what other people post (most of the time) not like you guys, who like to spout only what fits your narrative.

the video is once again NOT DISPUTING the number of death....merely stating that Covid 19 is BY ITSELF not the cause of death in many of the reported cases. It's weird that the CDC and health professionals say there are comorbities. No one is disputing this. I also agree that many deaths are coded fraudulently.....However, how you guys can ignore the fact that there are going to be 300k+ MORE deaths this year then the at last 5 years on average is just funny. I mean, you must really be blind.

I guess based on your logic and that of OAN, there can never be more then one cause of death. Never will comorbities be included in death certificates. Smoke for 40 years, get COPD and then die from pneumonia...yeah, only pneumonia killed you....the COPD an inability to get oxygen into your lungs has nothing to do with it. Got it.

Also, the stupid OAN clip talks about how 131k deaths were suffering from "life-ending diseases" well shit, that could be all of us. They go on to list dimentia & cancer. Well sure, they could be life ending in 1 day or possibly 5+ years...but let's not worry about that part of it. They had a disease already and were going to die already...so why would Covid kill them?

gunracer1 said:
t is hilarious what a good sheep can over look.

funny, I can say the same about you. I've backed figures up....even using a website Fletcher posted to back up his stupid claim. yet, you like to overlook all that and just post stupid retorts.

If any people are sheep it would be you guys. You keep listening to your conspiracy theory, bs right wing "news" sites and refuse to listen to or acknowledge ANY information from without them...I would say you fuckwads are the sheep.
If any people are sheep it would be you guys. You keep listening to your conspiracy theory, bs right wing "news" sites and refuse to listen to or acknowledge ANY information from without them...I would say you fuckwads are the sheep.

100% Agree. Sheep in lions clothes.
LMFAO. You guys are hilarious. "Let's go to a site the supports my view point and post that as proof"

I watched the video....because I actual do listen and read and analyze what other people post (most of the time) not like you guys, who like to spout only what fits your narrative.

the video is once again NOT DISPUTING the number of death....merely stating that Covid 19 is BY ITSELF not the cause of death in many of the reported cases. It's weird that the CDC and health professionals say there are comorbities. No one is disputing this. I also agree that many deaths are coded fraudulently.....However, how you guys can ignore the fact that there are going to be 300k+ MORE deaths this year then the at last 5 years on average is just funny. I mean, you must really be blind.

I guess based on your logic and that of OAN, there can never be more then one cause of death. Never will comorbities be included in death certificates. Smoke for 40 years, get COPD and then die from pneumonia...yeah, only pneumonia killed you....the COPD an inability to get oxygen into your lungs has nothing to do with it. Got it.

Also, the stupid OAN clip talks about how 131k deaths were suffering from "life-ending diseases" well shit, that could be all of us. They go on to list dimentia & cancer. Well sure, they could be life ending in 1 day or possibly 5+ years...but let's not worry about that part of it. They had a disease already and were going to die already...so why would Covid kill them?

funny, I can say the same about you. I've backed figures up....even using a website Fletcher posted to back up his stupid claim. yet, you like to overlook all that and just post stupid retorts.

If any people are sheep it would be you guys. You keep listening to your conspiracy theory, bs right wing "news" sites and refuse to listen to or acknowledge ANY information from without them...I would say you fuckwads are the sheep.

You literally just said that you know that many deaths counted are fraud and in the same post called us the sheep because we’re not falling for your religion.

You can’t make this shit up:lmao::lmao:

Post up an exact figure of how many are fraudulent.
You literally just said that you know that many deaths counted are fraud and in the same post called us the sheep because we’re not falling for your religion.

You can’t make this shit up:lmao::lmao:

Post up an exact figure of how many are fraudulent.

Um, post up where I said I know many were fraud? I said I believe many are coded fraudulently.

I'm not sure how this is funny an how it is some sort of "inside joke" for you.

I do believe that some were coded fraudulently. That doesn't mean that it some how makes everything irrelevant. I can understand how some Dr's may want to code a few deaths here or there as Covid for any number of reasons. Do I think it's a large % of the deaths being reported...no. I simply acknowledge that some people are lazy, scammers, idiots, etc. Do I have general faith in most Dr's to accurately report that Covid 19 had a large role in the deaths they are claiming...yes....but do I give a little understanding that not all are going to be accurate...sure.

You can keep ignoring the numbers, trying to spin them how you wish...but at the end of the day, you appear to be wrong in your assertion that the deaths are over reported in 2020 and that this year will be inline with 2018, 2019, or any of the last 5 years. I've posted how the numbers line up, show the sites I get them from, I've even gone to those sites people are trying to use to defend their position and have shown how/why there is a misunderstanding with what you (proverbial you meaning whomever is claiming the site proves their argument) are reading on the site....but alas, it's not sinking in with most of you. It's a lost fight. You are blinded by your "religion" as you claim I am blinded by one. Even though I've made the claim only that the deaths are about 300k higher this year then in the past 5....so I'm not sure what religion I'm buying into....but again, it's a lost fight.

Until you can post up any figures to dispute the ones I've posted (even using a site posted by Flecker)...and not just some news article from some right wing site that doesn't even really dispute the numbers, I will just have to believe you have your wool pulled over your eyes and are sheepisly following your orange master and his claims that there is "nothing to see here"
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