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United States Death statistics 2020 vs. 2018

Deleted Member

By my math and data sources I have come to

2018 at 2,839,205 using CDC statistics found HERE: FastStats - Deaths and Mortality (cdc.gov)

2020 at 2,760,302 (to date) using ~ United States Deaths Clock - IndexMundi And COVID INSANITY CONTINUES: US Has Seen No Increase in Overall Deaths in 2020 - Yet Americans Continue to Cede All God Given Rights to the State (thegatewaypundit.com) and a few other sources.

I guess we will see, but I have been looking at several statistics via social media and the news that is saying we are going to experience a 350k increase by years end.

I need to know where they are getting these numbers. I have scoured and can NOT for the life of me find any solid info that supports that. Any idea?
I work for a company that makes caskets, and I do know that the plants have been working extra the last couple months to meet demand. Typically that doesn't start until January, so it is a bit early this year.

Edit: but we've also seen a lot of years where rates were down in the last 15 years, so its not exactly a fixed thing, so impossible to say how much is covid.
2018 was also an anomalously high year. It had it's own unexplained surge in deaths per capita relative to 2019 and 2010-2017.
There is this:


As of October, CDC was reporting about 200k "excess deaths" attributable to covid with excess deaths defined as deaths beyond typical number from previous years.

Over the course of 10 months this averages out to about 660 a day. For comparison purposes, there was on average about 8,000 deaths per day before covid. Assuming the number of excess deaths linked to covid is reasonably accurate we can conclude that covid is significant but not nearly significant enough to justify the draconian response.
excess deaths linked to covid is reasonably accurate we can conclude that covid is significant but not nearly significant enough to justify the draconian response.

and this is where the issue comes from the johns hopkins was looking at in the "this checks out" thread, because there is a very significant drop in heart/cancer/etc. which are listed as common co-morbidity for covid, when it "appears" that it should be listed as primary

hence how we can have ~200k "excess deaths" and still be below the previous standard all source death total
and this is where the issue comes from the johns hopkins was looking at in the "this checks out" thread, because there is a very significant drop in heart/cancer/etc. which are listed as common co-morbidity for covid, when it "appears" that it should be listed as primary

hence how we can have ~200k "excess deaths" and still be below the previous standard all source death total

Isn't it just amazing how in 2020 COVID has cured the flu, cancer, heart disease, diabetes . . .

. . . and maybe even old age & motorcycle accidents? :rolleyes:
. . . hence how we can have ~200k "excess deaths" and still be below the previous standard all source death total
We can't. But I don't think there is any credible data showing that we are above or below the historical average and there probably won't be for a while. When the dust settles (which could take years) i think we will find that the impact of covid was above that which can be attributed to normal "noise" but its not like we have bubonic plague wiping out a third of the population! And lets not forget that the draconian government response carries its own life and death consequences. This latter impact will be much more difficult to tease out of the data.
You can add my grandmother in Feb 14 days short off a 100 yrs old living on her own. My uncle in June blew a gasket/stroke . My father 2 months ago from diabetic / Joe dimensia . Grandma and dad went to sleep and didn't wake up , both were at home:smokin: which is what they wanted . None of them were listed as covid :laughing: but the hospice nurse had some stories about deaths being categorized as covid ,including there own family.
Would it not stand to reason that IF there are additional deaths, it could be oldsters in poor health may have been ‘helped to the hereafter’ sooner than they would have died, so the next couple year’s numbers would trend Lower? For instance, my aunt passed recently of a heart attack. She had teh Covids so of course that’s what killed her. But the reality is that she had been struggling with her health for several years (diabetes, broken hip, etc) She would have likely made it into next year then passed, thus 2020 = +1 2021 = -1
Would it not stand to reason that IF there are additional deaths, it could be oldsters in poor health may have been ‘helped to the hereafter’ sooner than they would have died, so the next couple year’s numbers would trend Lower? For instance, my aunt passed recently of a heart attack. She had teh Covids so of course that’s what killed her. But the reality is that she had been struggling with her health for several years (diabetes, broken hip, etc) She would have likely made it into next year then passed, thus 2020 = +1 2021 = -1

The numbers may never be accurate... and likely always will be swayed by some sort of spin. Unfortunately, Covid is a religion....
I don't necessarily disagree and will have to read that later, but given how many people are out of work, working from home, not going out, ect, ect I would think there would certainly be some offsets in reduced deaths in other previously high areas like accidents and whatnot.

Will also be interesting to see what other health effects happen in the coming years from so many people being at home so much. Lots of people are putting on quite a bit of weight this year and sitting for extended periods of time in general is god awful for your circulatory system.
Will also be interesting to see what other health effects happen in the coming years from so many people being at home so much. Lots of people are putting on quite a bit of weight this year and sitting for extended periods of time in general is god awful for your circulatory system.

minor weight gain effects would be hard to quantify. However, you could simply look at increased suicide, overdoses and domestic violence to gauge the effect people being home so much.
I don't necessarily disagree and will have to read that later, but given how many people are out of work, working from home, not going out, ect, ect I would think there would certainly be some offsets in reduced deaths in other previously high areas like accidents and whatnot.

Will also be interesting to see what other health effects happen in the coming years from so many people being at home so much. Lots of people are putting on quite a bit of weight this year and sitting for extended periods of time in general is god awful for your circulatory system.

Maybe in your neck of the woods people are staying home, but in my little resort community we have had RECORD turn out over the summer and well into the now for visitation. People are escaping the cities and flooding the country sides. Enough so that I want to move to a smaller area. Nothing like going into the wilderness when you expect to see a 100 or so people on a really crowded day and look at a couple thousand. It brought the suck over the last several months.
Maybe in your neck of the woods people are staying home, but in my little resort community we have had RECORD turn out over the summer and well into the now for visitation. People are escaping the cities and flooding the country sides. Enough so that I want to move to a smaller area. Nothing like going into the wilderness when you expect to see a 100 or so people on a really crowded day and look at a couple thousand. It brought the suck over the last several months.

Talked to a friend recently who said she has traveled more this year than ever... “I mean, why not? Nothing will ever be this sanitized again.”

I had not good response.
Is it possible that if the numbers aren't seen in 2020 they could be projected into 2021?

Use the whole holiday season excuse and what not.
Is it possible that if the numbers aren't seen in 2020 they could be projected into 2021?

Use the whole holiday season excuse and what not.

This whole year though had been subject to the Pandemic. I remember in March, that little keebler elf fawkstain saying we would see hundreds of thousands dead. If the numbers are accurate, that's not even close.

I am guessing the actual number of deaths from Covid might be in the tens of thousands. 15-20k deaths more than likely...

They can push the deaths into next year, but I don't think it will help their narrative at all.
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