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Trump's chances of winning? Down to the wire, you're Chic Anderson - make the call.

After receiving an e-mail with directions on returning a mail-in ballot, I think there's going to be A LOT of them that are not going to get counted due to a missed item not being filled out appropriately. The e-mail literally stated that if any of the things listed (there were about ten of them) were not completed in full, then your vote would not count.

There is no way I would trust a mail-in ballot, simply for my own human error. Hence why I'll be at the polls November 3rd after work.

Do you want mail in ballots to be scrutinized or not? If someone can't follow those directions they probably would have trouble doing an in person paper ballot as well.
After receiving an e-mail with directions on returning a mail-in ballot, I think there's going to be A LOT of them that are not going to get counted due to a missed item not being filled out appropriately. The e-mail literally stated that if any of the things listed (there were about ten of them) were not completed in full, then your vote would not count.

There is no way I would trust a mail-in ballot, simply for my own human error. Hence why I'll be at the polls November 3rd after work.

almost as if it's been planned...
Under the federal Help America Vote Act (HAVA) of 2002, every voter who casts a provisional ballot is entitled to find out from his/her county elections official if the ballot was counted and if not, the reason why it was not counted.


and here is what my county website looks like


basically, after mailing back in your ballot, you can enter some quick personal data and get a status. everybody should have access to something similar so that they can verify personal ballot integrity
Paper here color the dots, then you put it through the machine and it logs it in.
Old voting machines were mechanical you could either pull the one party lever or do them one at a time when you were finished, you pulled the lever your vote was recorded and the curtain opened. At the end of the night the 2 judges would stick their keys in and turn the crank and every thing was recorded on 4 foot by 5 foot sheet of paper in triplicate one went to the county one to the Dems and one to the Repubs everybody had the same information in print, I don't seem to remember as many hassles with who voted for whom back then, plus there was no early, or mail in you wanted to vote your employeer was supposed to give you time off to do so. The one thing we did at the poling station was make sure that the number of people who had been into vote matched the number of votes counted.
Is it not possible for people to just go and vote? Since masks are the cure to covid... and all these people go to Walmart anyway.... heck a county would just put a voting booth at Walmart they would prob triple the turnout...
Is it not possible for people to just go and vote? Since masks are the cure to covid... and all these people go to Walmart anyway.... heck a county would just put a voting booth at Walmart they would prob triple the turnout...

Too easy, plus some of live 40+ miles from Walmart
I've heard that Bloomington is full on mask nazi though. Karen's yelling and accosting people without a mask on and shit. Is there any truth to that that you've heard? Was trying to figure out a special trip the misses and I could go on during a rain break from harvest and was thinking about a restaurant she used to go to while at IU.

Yup...Bloomington has a "tip line" to call to turn people in who aren't wearing masks. BPD isn't doing much, but the health Dept Karen's will show and issue you a summons for a fine.
its freaking stupid.
But Utah is conservative territory.

Here's the States that count

North Carolina

I think Texas is safe for now but 2024 without a strong Republican candidate is going to be a tossup, and then we have a Democrat Supermajority for all time in POTUS with the other States that are swinging.

Guess you missed this part.
Originally posted by YROC FAB View Post

I just drove from the middle of Utah down threw Vegas down to Parker AZ and back and seen 1 Biden sign. I probably seen 600 trump flags at least.
I don't get the support. What has Trump done to make things better? Things seems worse to me.

The whining and crying seems worse, also the protesting, looting etc......but we all know what that stems from.
Weird. I figured if our podunk area had electronic, everyone did.

Some of companies that make those make slot machines....back in 03 or so there was some whistleblowing about the ability to cheat via algorithms for years already at that point...then there was an investigation based on that, that started around 09 iirc....this is fuzzy old memory.. but I was most surprised that no one gave a fuck and summed it up as a tool all parties will exploit.

So I detest electronic voting....the paper ballots that go thru the scanner are easiest to manipulate.

Fuck private voting. And if you don't pay net taxes for the year and are not retirement age....I can't see why you should be able to vote others work into your pocket. And I am one that spent most of my life getting most of my taxes back.

It's bullshit and promotes the theft and necessity of POS full time lying thieving politicians and elites class.
I don't get the support. What has Trump done to make things better? Things seems worse to me.

Record Low Unemployment... that means people are working which in turns put more tax dollars towards whatever.

You haven't had a missile fired from North Korea since 2017

The little historic peace deal in the middle east.....

Stopped the flood of illegals across the border, no issue here just come legally

Haven't heard much from ISIS lately..... i hear there's money in wars and we've been in a war since ????? for too fucking long..

You got a boost in your weekly / monthly check.

Google is your friend for the other shit...

Has he been the best President, no.... has he been the worst one... no. (don't get me wrong I think he says stupid shit and don't agree with everything)

So tell us how it's Worse to you?
I don't get the support. What has Trump done to make things better? Things seems worse to me.

H mm....

Based on what....???? What is worse?

First I will acknowledge Trump is a bullshit artist and bombastic Carnival Barker ... A debt manager and leverager to allow branding and marketing that when luck is good, you can outrun debt and come out ahead.

But you have to acknowledge feelings are not always fact....

The people...or Group of voters that disliked him most and voted for him the least, benefitted from HIS policies the most. 2018, 2019 black women owned businesses smoked everything else, which truly makes the guy EVERYBODY'S PRESIDENT. because when we all win....we all win.

Sure Obama can claim expansion and job growth continuity, but there were glaring segment's cut out of that painfully small incremental millipede steps of growth, by policy decision. The tide was rising....but HE ... Oblamer, chained down certain groups to keep them begging for air. And his last year in office was a trump bump as well.

Now... I see this style of slow growth managed decline as possibly a better way, if it is a slow to rise slow to fall scenario verse volatile markets. But that's boring and ...

He was gutting our military from the inside as well. So fuck that maggot POS.

For Trump...

The negative news coverage is a huge.....or rather...theee YUGE problem here.

90 plus percent since day one. Average people only see that....or so the media prays for anyway. Fear and Doom all day.

and the main stream media .... "fake news" as the annoying orange carnival Barker sees it, is actually what Trump is running against.

Not that potato that is Biden. (Salty cracker reference)

So it's anyone but Trump vote verse Trump.

A blind shortsighted juvenile feelings based choice with horrifying consequences.

Enacted by non-stop misdirection and dishonest reporting since he came down the escalator.

The choice is clear, there is no choice if you do not want to be a slave to tyrants like Cuomo, and Whitmer...or rather Whitlermer
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