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Trump's chances of winning? Down to the wire, you're Chic Anderson - make the call.

Guys look, I am really trying to "get it" about Trump. I really want to see the good things he is doing for the country. I cannot see past his rhetoric, his endorsement of right-wing extremists and all the other dumb shit he does. I heard he doesn't even work much, watches 7 hours of TV a day (https://www.google.com/search?q=trum...hrome&ie=UTF-8) and tweets dumb shit and lies. Over 20K lies alreaedy.

Besides the media misquote about charlottesville (can't believe people even still talk about that with the shitshow that is 2020) what other specific right wing extremists has he endorsed? I do find it funny that the politician who has sold his soul to china, great racial equality track record there, is somehow the careing candidate who will bring harmony and stability.

The presidential position is a fucking joke and is supposed to have little actual power, the fact the nation thinks opposite, on both sides, is scary.
I knew he wouldn’t take me up on it. He even mentions Trump not accepting the election results and making this a totalitarian government. :laughing:

One of the board members at my office said the same thing. He's going to refuse to leave the White House and claim dictatorship or something. :laughing:
Besides the media misquote about charlottesville (can't believe people even still talk about that with the shitshow that is 2020) what other specific right wing extremists has he endorsed? I do find it funny that the politician who has sold his soul to china, great racial equality track record there, is somehow the careing candidate who will bring harmony and stability.

The presidential position is a fucking joke and is supposed to have little actual power, the fact the nation thinks opposite, on both sides, is scary.

There is no evidence to support Trump endorsing any white supremacist groups or far right-wing groups. Much like the Floyd footage, everything Trump says is chopped, edited, and manufactured to swing an opinion and create an image of him. That's what people like Eviltwat are seeing. Funny, everyone who said they used to hate Trump, despised him, but finally started watching the source material in full, all became Trump supporters. They saw the bias, they saw the lies, they saw the manufactured image the MSM created, and they're now standing with Trump.

The early voting cracks me up. Look at the rallies for comparison. Trump voters are waiting for election day, to vote in person.

Also, I've never taken any of these surveys or polls, and haven't met anyone who has...so who are they polling? :homer:
I knew he wouldn’t take me up on it. He even mentions Trump not accepting the election results and making this a totalitarian government. :laughing:

Shouldn’t be surprised as it is his mo. He will troll to his limited abilities. If someone calls him out directly, or provides data that is to the contrary of what he writes, he ignores it.
What's really disturbing is just how many snowflake sheep legitimately believe the COVID death toll would have been any different with a democratic in office. I hope there is a legit civil war over this hyped flu and manufactured race war. People are now rioting because black scum are being justifiably killed by police after they charged the office with a knife or pointed a pellet gun at them.
Guys look, I am really trying to "get it" about Trump. I really want to see the good things he is doing for the country. I cannot see past his rhetoric, his endorsement of right-wing extremists and all the other dumb shit he does. I heard he doesn't even work much, watches 7 hours of TV a day (https://www.google.com/search?q=tru...rome..69i57.6745j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) and tweets dumb shit and lies. Over 20K lies alreaedy.

I really think you need to explore other sources for your information. The media paints him only in the light they want him to be in. Look at the results. The fact that you think he watches “7 hours of tv a day” and link to a google search really discredits your opinions.
Biden landslide win. House and senate.
Trump will try to steal it. Militias will be given the "ok".
We shall see what happens then.

I know you are trolling but I kind of wouldn't mind this outcome. I've been telling anyone who asks that Im voting straight party ticket. Democrat. Always get a shocked face. I tell them "screw it, lets get those assholes in and let them wreck it, get this shit over with". To which I have swayed a few other patriots. :laughing::laughing:
I know you are trolling but I kind of wouldn't mind this outcome. I've been telling anyone who asks that Im voting straight party ticket. Democrat. Always get a shocked face. I tell them "screw it, lets get those assholes in and let them wreck it, get this shit over with". To which I have swayed a few other patriots. :laughing::laughing:

Same kind of thinking got us Clinton and Obama
Same kind of thinking got us Clinton and Obama

1- to be clear, I will not be voting dem.
2-I doubt my sentiment was what got us clinton and obama. obama was purely a feel good vote, black guy blah blah blah. who cares about clinton. this time around the country is literally sitting on a powder keg that each vote puffs on the fuse. if you cant see that.......
What's really disturbing is just how many snowflake sheep legitimately believe the COVID death toll would have been any different with a democratic in office.

Just look at the death and infection rates in democrat states and cities for your answer. I came from a democrat controlled area that was under pretty harsh lockdown to a republican controlled area with pretty lax restrictions by comparison. The positivity rate and death rates are similar, this lockdown stupidity needs to end. Wash your hands and stand 6ft apart for God sakes!!
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German Communists are worried? That's the best news I've heard in weeks

A lot of peace in the world is at stake you know. We should be going towards China / Russia collectively as the western nations.
Else Chine will simply also wipe their butt with the USA... Nobody need a China world police ya know.
Besides the media misquote about charlottesville (can't believe people even still talk about that with the shitshow that is 2020) what other specific right wing extremists has he endorsed? I do find it funny that the politician who has sold his soul to china, great racial equality track record there, is somehow the careing candidate who will bring harmony and stability.

The presidential position is a fucking joke and is supposed to have little actual power, the fact the nation thinks opposite, on both sides, is scary.

Never said he IS caring and kind. But what he IS doesn't seem to matter much, don't cha think? It's only important what he looks like on TV.
So the latest Biden clip has him saying hes running against Bush. He says it once and obviously realizes something is wrong, but says it again anyways. Lol.
A lot of peace in the world is at stake you know. We should be going towards China / Russia collectively as the western nations.
Else Chine will simply also wipe their butt with the USA... Nobody need a China world police ya know.

In other words the rest of the world needs America to lead the way again, take the punches while you Europeans stand back and call us fascists, barbarians, stomp on your lace hankies while blubbering about how we are going to destroy the world because we have nukes and have used them "Once" yeah I am 64 years old I have heard your whining ass babies all the time you have your fucking hand out begging for money. Fuck you go out on your own look at what happens when the big guys on the block take their marbles home, that is why Trump pisses you off, you might have to protect yourselves again. We'll just sit back and watch you all become a bunch of scabbling little countries that we have counties that are bigger than you.
IN CASE I HAVEN"T MADE MYSELF CLEAR "FUCK YOU"! My family left Europe along time ago
So the latest Biden clip has him saying hes running against Bush. He says it once and obviously realizes something is wrong, but says it again anyways. Lol.

Watch his wife's mouth in that clip, she's saying Trump, Trump... she looks like a really bad ventriloquist
I counted 5 "Republicans for Biden" signs while out on my route in Trump country today. First Ive seen of those

I don’t think I’ve seen any of those yet. But I did see Democrat’s For Trump signs all along I5 between Sac and Corning.

And saw some pretty big pro-Trump displays.
Trump will win. And probably win big enough to silence any voter fraud or "stealing the election" BS.
All the democrats who voted for Clinton in 2016 will vote for Biden, that is a given.
I have heard a lot more 2016 "Never Trumpers" say that they have changed their stance and will be voting for Trump this time around. This is because he has made good deals for the US, and has followed through on a lot of the promises he made.
I have not heard of anyone who voted for Trump in 2016, but is not going to vote for him in 2020.
By that logic, Trump will win with at least the same margin he did in 2016.

Doesn't matter much to me. Both the D's and R's are spending this country into the ground. I hate that my kids and grandkids will have to pay for all this.
A lot of peace in the world is at stake you know. We should be going towards China / Russia collectively as the western nations.
Else Chine will simply also wipe their butt with the USA... Nobody need a China world police ya know.

In other words the rest of the world needs America to lead the way again, take the punches while you Europeans stand back and call us fascists, barbarians, stomp on your lace hankies while blubbering about how we are going to destroy the world because we have nukes and have used them "Once" yeah I am 64 years old I have heard your whining ass babies all the time you have your fucking hand out begging for money. Fuck you go out on your own look at what happens when the big guys on the block take their marbles home, that is why Trump pisses you off, you might have to protect yourselves again. We'll just sit back and watch you all become a bunch of scabbling little countries that we have counties that are bigger than you.
IN CASE I HAVEN"T MADE MYSELF CLEAR "FUCK YOU"! My family left Europe along time ago

Seriously Europe needs to pull their weight. I think the West needs to stand up against China and now Russia, but that doesn't mean exactly what bigun said. Riding the US's coat-tails like we're still subsidizing the Cold War.

Europe is plenty rich and needs to spend better than their 2% NATO obligation.

It's not like Europe will get a better deal, is Germany going to let China invest Greece or Portugal? That's a more immediate German and French concern than it is US.

Do your jobs.
There is no evidence to support Trump endorsing any white supremacist groups or far right-wing groups. Much like the Floyd footage, everything Trump says is chopped, edited, and manufactured to swing an opinion and create an image of him. That's what people like Eviltwat are seeing. Funny, everyone who said they used to hate Trump, despised him, but finally started watching the source material in full, all became Trump supporters. They saw the bias, they saw the lies, they saw the manufactured image the MSM created, and they're now standing with Trump.

The early voting cracks me up. Look at the rallies for comparison. Trump voters are waiting for election day, to vote in person.

Also, I've never taken any of these surveys or polls, and haven't met anyone who has...so who are they polling? :homer:

I have been getting polled every other week or so. I’m a die hard Biden supporter. Fuck telling those liars the truth. I’m not putting a target on me and my family.
Just look at the death and infection rates in democrat states and cities for your answer. I came from a democrat controlled area that was under pretty harsh lockdown to a republican controlled area with pretty lax restrictions by comparison. The positivity rate and death rates are similar, this lockdown stupidity needs to end. Wash your hands and stand 6ft apart for God sakes!!

I like the 6' rule. Close talkers have always bothered me. :flipoff2:

But yes, there is no correlation to lockdowns and mask mandates stopping infection rates. It hasn't stopped infection rates in any of the states or areas. People will get sick. But, no one seems to talk about the fact that as the number of new cases soar, the deaths decline. Hmmmm....
Oh yeah. From the party that fake impeached a president.....for exactly what that potato bragged about at a presser..... Sad times.

With spontaneous Trump rallies on both coasts no less.....

Never mind that Trump has been trying to set that argument up for the last 3 months or so.

The dems will shriek "RUSSIANS!" and the GOP will shriek "teh mail in voting!" Neither will be correct but that's all we're going to hear one way or the other.
Never mind that Trump has been trying to set that argument up for the last 3 months or so.

The dems will shriek "RUSSIANS!" and the GOP will shriek "teh mail in voting!" Neither will be correct but that's all we're going to hear one way or the other.

After receiving an e-mail with directions on returning a mail-in ballot, I think there's going to be A LOT of them that are not going to get counted due to a missed item not being filled out appropriately. The e-mail literally stated that if any of the things listed (there were about ten of them) were not completed in full, then your vote would not count.

There is no way I would trust a mail-in ballot, simply for my own human error. Hence why I'll be at the polls November 3rd after work.
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