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Trump's chances of winning? Down to the wire, you're Chic Anderson - make the call.

I can't even make a prediction. I sure do see a ton of enthusiasm all over for Trump and nothing for Biden. Even in San Francisco and the Bay Area, I've only seen a couple Biden signs, although still no Trump signs there.

Because only fanatics and cultists that fell for it hard are loud and enthusiastic...

All the old people see a small child vs. a calm and collected, reassuring voice of reason. As an example.
Because only fanatics and cultists that fell for it hard are loud and enthusiastic...

All the old people see a small child vs. a calm and collected, reassuring voice of reason. As an example.

Bruh, the last time he was elected, it was by the silent majority.

I dont know how you can get more fanatic than burning and looting cities. And I really don't think the people doing that were flying Trump flags.

Get your head out of your schnitzel receiver.
You're as delusional Joe the pedo if you think he is going to win you little goose stepper.:lmao: :flipoff2:

Your resorting to name calling "pedo joe, slow joe, whatever" shows your colors clearly.

And yer missing an "as" in there, don't trip in rage kay?
Your resorting to name calling "pedo joe, slow joe, whatever" shows your colors clearly.

And yer missing an "as" in there, don't trip in rage kay?

Why is some little faggot from Germany even care , worry about your own countries problems.

And my description of Joe are quite accurate < you're just to stupid to see it. :flipoff2:
All the old people see a small child vs. a calm and collected, reassuring voice of reason. As an example.

You didn't watch the debate because Biden threatened a "dark winter" more dead COVID bodies, and empty chairs at the dinner table. And our course, only he can stop that from happening because he did so well with the H1N1 pandemic that infected 60 million Americans.
You didn't watch the debate because Biden threatened a "dark winter" more dead COVID bodies, and empty chairs at the dinner table. And our course, only he can stop that from happening because he did so well with the H1N1 pandemic that infected 60 million Americans.

Oh I watched it. The entire thing, as did many European sheep. We discuss the funny shit show, bur for me it's personal.

You are not listening, just bleeping like all Trump sheep do.

There’s no tradeoff between “the economy” and “public health.” Instead, these are two forms of wealth that grow — or suffer — in tandem.
Biden landslide win. House and senate.
Trump will try to steal it. Militias will be given the "ok".
We shall see what happens then.

I do really appreciate how consistently stupid you are. I know every post is going to be laugh worthy, and you never disappoint.
Change is coming. Ultimately over time, liberals always win.

No doubt about the change, you’re right there. If Biden is elected at the end of four years you will see Americans poorer than we were with Obama, taxed harder than ever before, and you’ll see our country bow before scum like China and Russia with him and Harris in control. You will also witness an America less free than ever before and living with more restrictions than we can imagine.
No doubt about the change, you’re right there. If Biden is elected at the end of four years you will see Americans poorer than we were with Obama, taxed harder than ever before, and you’ll see our country bow before scum like China and Russia with him and Harris in control. You will also witness an America less free than ever before and living with more restrictions than we can imagine.

What's four years anyhow. Let's see how it plays out.
My idea of Freedom includes all humans in a country.

Look at them looting... And keep sticking your head in the sand dreaming of law and order.... Oh boy, you really do need to live though it, my darn Iranian coworkers are right - you just cannot see the fascism incoming with 4 more Trump years.

Democracy is almost dead.
What's four years anyhow. Let's see how it plays out.
My idea of Freedom includes all humans in a country.

Look at them looting... And keep sticking your head in the sand dreaming of law and order.... Oh boy, you really do need to live though it, my darn Iranian coworkers are right - you just cannot see the fascism incoming with 4 more Trump years.

Democracy is almost dead.

Again, I will remind you of this and you will deflect, but ALL of these riots and protests from the two main groups started, formed, and ran free under Obama. I showed you news footage and you ignored it. Obama purposely divided this country for 8 years. You didn’t live here. You didn’t see it. This is not from Trump. The looting and rioting has reached epic proportions and Trump has let the states handle it. That’s not fascism. That’s giving the states the freedom to run their own. The blue states have let it get this insane, like Oregon, California, and wherever else the idiots are burning down cities.

I know you can’t fathom this, but that will NEVER leave city limits. Ever. They will be killed in rural America. Not by Trump, but by us. They know this and it’s why they never made good on their rural America threats.
What's four years anyhow. Let's see how it plays out.
My idea of Freedom includes all humans in a country.

Look at them looting... And keep sticking your head in the sand dreaming of law and order.... Oh boy, you really do need to live though it, my darn Iranian coworkers are right - you just cannot see the fascism incoming with 4 more Trump years.

Democracy is almost dead.

Also, can I point out that you treat our injustices like they’re all Trump’s fault? Never mind career politicians like Biden are the one’s that did nothing for minorities in almost 5 decades. Not even Obama did anything.
Because only fanatics and cultists that fell for it hard are loud and enthusiastic...

All the old people see a small child vs. a calm and collected, reassuring voice of reason. As an example.

Man I need you to hear my 93 year old mom on Trump versus Harris/Biden
What's four years anyhow. Let's see how it plays out.
My idea of Freedom includes all humans in a country.

Look at them looting... And keep sticking your head in the sand dreaming of law and order.... Oh boy, you really do need to live though it, my darn Iranian coworkers are right - you just cannot see the fascism incoming with 4 more Trump years.

Democracy is almost dead.

Your gaslighting and attempts to flip the facts do not work here, fascist.

We've had to put bullets into fellow countrymen before and we'll do it again.
Ball state, Purdue, or iu? We were in Bloomington a couple weeks back and noticed very few Biden signs. That's not the case for north of Indy tho. Alot of Biden signs in zionsville, Carmel, fishers area.

IU...most I have been seeing are around campus and student housing. Out side of that, its a lot of Trump stuff in Monroe Co.
Freedom loving American's lose again. Guaranteed.

Yup, both Trump and Biden care NOTHING about the citizens freedoms.

The most critical issue in this POTUS election is Court nominations. Trump makes excellent Judicial nominations.

The shortest path to restore American freedoms is to vote Trump.
Is it me or has Everboob sounded more right than left lately after switching his stance on masks...??

I have hope Trump will win. I’ve done my part and voted. Currently flying two Trump flags, Trump yard sign, and a Gadsen flag. None have been messed with yet. Let’s see if they last the next 8 days. :stirthepot::laughing: I have yet to see a Trump supporter that switched to Biden but have spoken to a few people that were solid Biden and switched right before voting. We live in a typically democratic area, but if the Trump trains VS Biden trains is any indication, then it’s very possible Trump will win again. We have a conservative republican running for our Senate district against a piece of crap Democrat Vincent Gonzalez and she’s gained a lot of steam during her campaign. I very hopeful she wins.
Is it me or has Everboob sounded more right than left lately after switching his stance on masks...??

I have hope Trump will win. I’ve done my part and voted. Currently flying two Trump flags, Trump yard sign, and a Gadsen flag. None have been messed with yet. Let’s see if they last the next 8 days. :stirthepot::laughing: I have yet to see a Trump supporter that switched to Biden but have spoken to a few people that were solid Biden and switched right before voting. We live in a typically democratic area, but if the Trump trains VS Biden trains is any indication, then it’s very possible Trump will win again. We have a conservative republican running for our Senate district against a piece of crap Democrat Vincent Gonzalez and she’s gained a lot of steam during her campaign. I very hopeful she wins.

I have a co-worker whose brother is from the valley and he works on the Latinos for Trump rallies and their PR stuff. He said their latest event had 2,000 people at it. He thinks the valley will not be blue
Is it me or has Everboob sounded more right than left lately after switching his stance on masks...??

I have hope Trump will win. I’ve done my part and voted. Currently flying two Trump flags, Trump yard sign, and a Gadsen flag. None have been messed with yet. Let’s see if they last the next 8 days. :stirthepot::laughing: I have yet to see a Trump supporter that switched to Biden but have spoken to a few people that were solid Biden and switched right before voting. We live in a typically democratic area, but if the Trump trains VS Biden trains is any indication, then it’s very possible Trump will win again. We have a conservative republican running for our Senate district against a piece of crap Democrat Vincent Gonzalez and she’s gained a lot of steam during her campaign. I very hopeful she wins.

I saw three Biden signs placed across the street from the Whataburger in Raymondville. I was shocked I didn’t see a lot more down there.
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