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Trump's chances of winning? Down to the wire, you're Chic Anderson - make the call.

I have a co-worker whose brother is from the valley and he works on the Latinos for Trump rallies and their PR stuff. He said their latest event had 2,000 people at it. He thinks the valley will not be blue

Yeah. I think we have a good chance of flipping our district red. Long shot but the best chance I’ve ever seen it having.
But you took time out of your day to respond. :flipoff2:

I do love stingrays tho, awesome animals. :)

One....Strike that.....two replies. Hardly measures up to you and your obsession with the American political system.

Thanks for following along.

I'm out on this one.:smokin:
IU...most I have been seeing are around campus and student housing. Out side of that, its a lot of Trump stuff in Monroe Co.

I've heard that Bloomington is full on mask nazi though. Karen's yelling and accosting people without a mask on and shit. Is there any truth to that that you've heard? Was trying to figure out a special trip the misses and I could go on during a rain break from harvest and was thinking about a restaurant she used to go to while at IU.
I just did a scientific experiment you can do right now! Go onto Amazon and look for 1. Trump Pence flag; note number of reviews. 2.Biden and Harris; note number of reviews. It is crazy lopsided! See for yourself! :lmao:
My prediction.......

There are going to be massive floods of liberal tears running through the streets on election night and alot of Dem incumbents that are up for re-election are going to be bitch slapped right out of office. I think the majority of Americans in this country are over the unnecessary bullshit and drama the Dems have brought in the last 4 years and truly want change.

I counted 5 "Republicans for Biden" signs while out on my route in Trump country today. First Ive seen of those
My prediction.......

There are going to be massive floods of liberal tears running through the streets on election night and alot of Dem incumbents that are up for re-election are going to be bitch slapped right out of office. I think the majority of Americans in this country are over the unnecessary bullshit and drama the Dems have brought in the last 4 years and truly want change.


God I hope you’re right

The stupid is going to be off the chart in the dem controlled areas :eek:

* My new shotgun will be in purgatory during this 🙁
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I just did a scientific experiment you can do right now! Go onto Amazon and look for 1. Trump Pence flag; note number of reviews. 2.Biden and Harris; note number of reviews. It is crazy lopsided! See for yourself! :lmao:

I hope this isn't a false flag (ha, get it, false FLAG, LOL) and just a sign of the times where the older/wiser red voters care about flags/signs and the younger/stupider blue voters care about social media.
I hope this isn't a false flag (ha, get it, false FLAG, LOL) and just a sign of the times where the older/wiser red voters care about flags/signs and the younger/stupider blue voters care about social media.

BTW: Ordered two flags...can't wait to give review. :smokin:
Oh I watched it. The entire thing, as did many European sheep. We discuss the funny shit show, bur for me it's personal.

You are not listening, just bleeping like all Trump sheep do.

There’s no tradeoff between “the economy” and “public health.” Instead, these are two forms of wealth that grow — or suffer — in tandem.

your opinion means nothing :flipoff2: , you live in a beaten country. :lmao:

I do not :usa:
By all indications right now, it looks like Joe Biden will win relatively easily. That should bring me a sense of calm and peace. I should be excited that it looks like this country is rejecting the violent, hate-fueled, racist, xenophobic rhetoric of the current administration.

Instead, I’m worried.
I just drove from the middle of Utah down threw Vegas down to Parker AZ and back and seen 1 Biden sign. I probably seen 600 trump flags at least.
I just drove from the middle of Utah down threw Vegas down to Parker AZ and back and seen 1 Biden sign. I probably seen 600 trump flags at least.

But Utah is conservative territory.

Here's the States that count

North Carolina

I think Texas is safe for now but 2024 without a strong Republican candidate is going to be a tossup, and then we have a Democrat Supermajority for all time in POTUS with the other States that are swinging.
But Utah is conservative territory.

Here's the States that count

North Carolina

I think Texas is safe for now but 2024 without a strong Republican candidate is going to be a tossup, and then we have a Democrat Supermajority for all time in POTUS with the other States that are swinging.

I will tell you this much, the western side of Pennsylvania is LITTERED with Trump signs. They outnumber Biden signs 50 to 1. I'm sure that's true for central Pennsylvania, but can't guarantee anything for the eastern side of this state. Governor Wolf has upset A LOT of people, and he's a diehard Democrat. So...we'll see.
By all indications right now, it looks like Joe Biden will win relatively easily. That should bring me a sense of calm and peace. I should be excited that it looks like this country is rejecting the violent, hate-fueled, racist, xenophobic rhetoric of the current administration.

Instead, I’m worried.

I know you won't believe this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvgrYCmyO7k

You also won't go back and do 8 years of research on the United States under Obama, but I can tell you this much, you're pointing that finger to the wrong side. Your stupidity and ignorance of what the United States really is, and what is really going on, is proof of the world's manufactured journalism is doing its job.
By all indications right now, it looks like Joe Biden will win relatively easily. That should bring me a sense of calm and peace. I should be excited that it looks like this country is rejecting the violent, hate-fueled, racist, xenophobic rhetoric of the current administration.

Instead, I’m worried.

8 years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPVNJgfDwpw&pbjreload=101

I finally had a black friend tell me he grew up with his parents telling him that white people hated him, and that we were terrible people. Funny, because as a white person I was taught to accept everyone, no matter what color or creed they were. :homer:

Just keep denying.
By all indications right now, it looks like Joe Biden will win relatively easily. That should bring me a sense of calm and peace. I should be excited that it looks like this country is rejecting the violent, hate-fueled, racist, xenophobic rhetoric of the current administration.

Instead, I’m worried.

what indications have you got? Biden doesn't currently cover the spread that clinton had and lost on election day.

of course, the violent and hate fueled racist rhetoric has been largely and overwhelmingly from the biden camp.....
8 years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPVNJgfDwpw&pbjreload=101

I finally had a black friend tell me he grew up with his parents telling him that white people hated him, and that we were terrible people. Funny, because as a white person I was taught to accept everyone, no matter what color or creed they were. :homer:

Just keep denying.

even longer ago than that. this has been a tool for decades and decades (centuries?) for "control over the black mind"
By all indications right now, it looks like Joe Biden will win relatively easily. That should bring me a sense of calm and peace. I should be excited that it looks like this country is rejecting the violent, hate-fueled, racist, xenophobic rhetoric of the current administration.

Instead, I’m worried.

Your trolling is weak as fuck. It’s pathetic at best. Put your “knowledge” where your mouth is.



it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make for a chance for you to stop spreading your stupid ass shit on this site. Of course there’s no stopping you from making an alternate username so you can keep posting and you don’t seem like a person that could keep their word so doubt it’d work out anyway....
8 years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPVNJgfDwpw&pbjreload=101

I finally had a black friend tell me he grew up with his parents telling him that white people hated him, and that we were terrible people. Funny, because as a white person I was taught to accept everyone, no matter what color or creed they were. :homer:

Just keep denying.

With this video, what are you trying to tell me? Nothing new to see really, it's same same with white Christian kids talking about Muslim kids and vice versa. Indeed, over here white kids are less racist, and the Muslim kids are taught that: white Christian women are whore and you don't need to listen to them, matter of fact you don't need to listen to any females. And love your homeland, not this shitty German place. Fuck the police and authority! Then they ask why their kids are failing in school and ending up on the streets selling drugs and getting into jail. Little Muslim boys are looked at like little kings that may do anything they wish ever.
Your trolling is weak as fuck. It’s pathetic at best. Put your “knowledge” where your mouth is.



it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make for a chance for you to stop spreading your stupid ass shit on this site. Of course there’s no stopping you from making an alternate username so you can keep posting and you don’t seem like a person that could keep their word so doubt it’d work out anyway....

What if Trump steals the election and the USA descends into fascism Russia style? Do we both permaban? ... It's a stupid idea really, either scroll past my posts or engage in a discussion.

But to the point:

- Biden has led Trump nationally by approximately six to 10 points since January (FiveThirtyEight.com). Biden’s favorable rating has been net positive for months and is 10 points higher than Hillary’s.

- In contrast, Trump’s job approval, a predictor of vote preference, has been underwater since January 2017. It got worse since his convention and since he got COVID.

- Biden’s cracked the magical 50% mark in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, enough to clear 270 electoral votes. He also hovers at 49% in Florida, Arizona, and North Carolina. If they fall, Biden wins big.

- Early voting (i.e., overwhelmingly Democrats) is off the charts.

- Biden’s coalition is bigger than President Obama’s. He’s winning with young people by more than Obama; with suburban woman by a record margin; and with seniors, a reliably Republican group. Biden’s losing non-college whites but by a much smaller margin than Hillary. And to the surprise of many, Biden made peace (for now) with the Progressives, bringing much of their thinking into his platform.

- “Rioting is not protesting. Looting is not protesting …. Do I look to you like a radical socialist with a soft spot for rioters?”

- Republicans are fleeing the Trump ship like rats. Must be sinking.

- Biden seems to have cracked the code: one, play your game, stay true to who you are and why you’re running. Two, draw a sharp contrast with Trump in everything you do: you follow science, he doesn’t. You connect with Americans’ pain, he doesn’t. You have a plan, he doesn’t. You are empathetic, and he isn’t and never can be.
I will tell you this much, the western side of Pennsylvania is LITTERED with Trump signs. They outnumber Biden signs 50 to 1. I'm sure that's true for central Pennsylvania, but can't guarantee anything for the eastern side of this state. Governor Wolf has upset A LOT of people, and he's a diehard Democrat. So...we'll see.

On 706 from wyalusing to Montrose it's 143 to 17... Not good. In town it's more Trump, but not 4 to 1.

In Michigan where I live it's 15 to 1 ish last I was home in my main block.

There are actually 12 Biden signs last time I was home as opposed to last election there was 1 Hillary / Kaine at the very end.

Trump was thousand plus to one on one of my work areas back in 16. Wore out my click counter.

That work and data don't mean shit.....but it's better for Biden then Hillary from my anecdotal perspective.:confused:
What if Trump steals the election and the USA descends into fascism Russia style? Do we both permaban? ... It's a stupid idea really, either scroll past my posts or engage in a discussion.

But to the point:

- Biden has led Trump nationally by approximately six to 10 points since January (FiveThirtyEight.com). Biden’s favorable rating has been net positive for months and is 10 points higher than Hillary’s.

- In contrast, Trump’s job approval, a predictor of vote preference, has been underwater since January 2017. It got worse since his convention and since he got COVID.

- Biden’s cracked the magical 50% mark in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, enough to clear 270 electoral votes. He also hovers at 49% in Florida, Arizona, and North Carolina. If they fall, Biden wins big.

- Early voting (i.e., overwhelmingly Democrats) is off the charts.

- Biden’s coalition is bigger than President Obama’s. He’s winning with young people by more than Obama; with suburban woman by a record margin; and with seniors, a reliably Republican group. Biden’s losing non-college whites but by a much smaller margin than Hillary. And to the surprise of many, Biden made peace (for now) with the Progressives, bringing much of their thinking into his platform.

- “Rioting is not protesting. Looting is not protesting …. Do I look to you like a radical socialist with a soft spot for rioters?”

- Republicans are fleeing the Trump ship like rats. Must be sinking.

- Biden seems to have cracked the code: one, play your game, stay true to who you are and why you’re running. Two, draw a sharp contrast with Trump in everything you do: you follow science, he doesn’t. You connect with Americans’ pain, he doesn’t. You have a plan, he doesn’t. You are empathetic, and he isn’t and never can be.

That Koolaid is bad stuff.
What if Trump steals the election and the USA descends into fascism Russia style? Do we both permaban? ... It's a stupid idea really, either scroll past my posts or engage in a discussion.

But to the point:

- Biden has led Trump nationally by approximately six to 10 points since January (FiveThirtyEight.com). Biden’s favorable rating has been net positive for months and is 10 points higher than Hillary’s.

- In contrast, Trump’s job approval, a predictor of vote preference, has been underwater since January 2017. It got worse since his convention and since he got COVID.

- Biden’s cracked the magical 50% mark in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, enough to clear 270 electoral votes. He also hovers at 49% in Florida, Arizona, and North Carolina. If they fall, Biden wins big.

- Early voting (i.e., overwhelmingly Democrats) is off the charts.

- Biden’s coalition is bigger than President Obama’s. He’s winning with young people by more than Obama; with suburban woman by a record margin; and with seniors, a reliably Republican group. Biden’s losing non-college whites but by a much smaller margin than Hillary. And to the surprise of many, Biden made peace (for now) with the Progressives, bringing much of their thinking into his platform.

- “Rioting is not protesting. Looting is not protesting …. Do I look to you like a radical socialist with a soft spot for rioters?”

- Republicans are fleeing the Trump ship like rats. Must be sinking.

- Biden seems to have cracked the code: one, play your game, stay true to who you are and why you’re running. Two, draw a sharp contrast with Trump in everything you do: you follow science, he doesn’t. You connect with Americans’ pain, he doesn’t. You have a plan, he doesn’t. You are empathetic, and he isn’t and never can be.

Hey retard. 56 percent report...mind you.... In an economic shutdown pandemic disaster.... are better off then four years ago......

And that is a record.

And....actual job approval ....

Shit canned some terror groups...and garnered some unreal peace deals.

All the while being falsely accused and attacked daily of doing all of the things Biden actually did.....colluding with Russians Chinese and Iran.

No new wars....well ..trade war is a thing...and likely what started the covid cold war....but you will have that doing the right thing.
Oh.....fleeing Republitardzzz. Sure there will be a negligible amount for sure..


20 to 30 percent of super spreader rally attendees are either registered Democrats or first time voters leaning Democrat.

So that smaller then expected lead in early vote might not go too solid.
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On 706 from wyalusing to Montrose it's 143 to 17... Not good. In town it's more Trump, but not 4 to 1.

In Michigan where I live it's 15 to 1 ish last I was home in my main block.

There are actually 12 Biden signs last time I was home as opposed to last election there was 1 Hillary / Kaine at the very end.

Trump was thousand plus to one on one of my work areas back in 16. Wore out my click counter.

That work and data don't mean shit.....but it's better for Biden then Hillary from my anecdotal perspective.:confused:

Yeah I'm seeing that up here, More Biden today than Hillary in '16.
Guys look, I am really trying to "get it" about Trump. I really want to see the good things he is doing for the country. I cannot see past his rhetoric, his endorsement of right-wing extremists and all the other dumb shit he does. I heard he doesn't even work much, watches 7 hours of TV a day (https://www.google.com/search?q=tru...rome..69i57.6745j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) and tweets dumb shit and lies. Over 20K lies alreaedy.
By all indications right now, it looks like Joe Biden will win relatively easily. That should bring me a sense of calm and peace. I should be excited that it looks like this country is rejecting the violent, hate-fueled, racist, xenophobic rhetoric of the current administration.

Instead, I’m worried.

German Communists are worried? That's the best news I've heard in weeks
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