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Trump’s Taxes

I don't need a safe space.

More respectable members of this forum have brought to my attention that name-calling is immature and unproductive (like I didn't know already).

Fighting fire with fire is frowned upon. So I will refrain from such immature and petulant behavior.

Carry on.

(not hiding behind a username)

Dear Mr. Michealcumguzzler,

Kindly go fuck yourself. Please and thank you.

Respectable enough for you? Retard.
Oh, just like me. Yet, I'm not the standing President. :rolleyes:

he donates 100% of his salary, he signed off all his business when he took office, you can do that if you want as well?

also, the funny thing is that his NAME has always been the logo, the brand, the corp. Trump the man doesn't own towers and jets, TRUMP (inc) owns all that shit :laughing: always has been that way.
fwiw, i don't pay taxes either, so i can't really fault him. probably going to change over the next few years, but in retirement i also plan to not own a thing, have it all in the business name and earn 0$ over taxable amount for myself

(which has nothing to do with trump or obama or taxes or whatever)
fwiw, i don't pay taxes either, so i can't really fault him. probably going to change over the next few years, but in retirement i also plan to not own a thing, have it all in the business name and earn 0$ over taxable amount for myself

(which has nothing to do with trump or obama or taxes or whatever)

But how will shaniqua and her 12 kids eat if no one pays taxes? Think of the children :flipoff2:
You guys are arguing about this more than you should because everyone is assuming that a left-leaning or right-leaning person posting here is a political nut swinger for their side. Yeah, there are a few rabid Trump fans on this board, but that's not the majority. There are also a few people here that dangle off the nuts of the liberal media as well, but it's silly to assume that just because someone doesn't like the way Trump has conducted himself in office means they can't notice some media bullshit when they see it.

I see the following as very had to dispute, however:

Trump has not done a bad job in office, we were all riding high until COVID hit.

Trump's ethics are questionable, but so are many other politicians.

Trump's rhetoric is often combative and inflammatory.

Trump's tax returns are most likely on par with any other extremely wealthy person doing their due diligence to ensure they give the least amount of money possible to the government.

I guarantee that Trump wouldn't touch his own tax return with a ten foot pole. That is why you have accountants and lawyers; they do your laundry. I have had a couple of returns this last couple of years that needed a professional tax expert; I hand them the forms and don't ask questions. :smokin:
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So this is the nothing burger hill the Dems have been trying to die on for 4 years? It damn near killed that guy Maddow, he was obsessed
Kind of like Obama and his birth certificate. :flipoff2:

Biggest issue with his birth certificate was it took him until 2008 to obtain one, because he had claimed his entire college career that he was from Kenya. It was everywhere you could find it, the law school review book even listed it.

So he was kenyan for all those years to take advantage of foreign financial aid in the ivy league schools then " hey, I never said I was kenyan. I'm born in america. Here is my birth certificate I never needed until 2008".
he donates 100% of his salary, he signed off all his business when he took office, you can do that if you want as well?

also, the funny thing is that his NAME has always been the logo, the brand, the corp. Trump the man doesn't own towers and jets, TRUMP (inc) owns all that shit :laughing: always has been that way.

no, you aren't right at all. the dangerous part of Trump's finances is that he FREQUENTLY ties his OWN fortune into keepting the INC afloat. That is what the concern was from the republican led senaate committee.. go look it up. His debt structure would actually keep him from getting a security clearance if he wasn't an elected official, he would be too easy to turn or take advantage of... that has always been the concern.
fwiw, i don't pay taxes either, so i can't really fault him. probably going to change over the next few years, but in retirement i also plan to not own a thing, have it all in the business name and earn 0$ over taxable amount for myself

(which has nothing to do with trump or obama or taxes or whatever)

Oh you still pay taxes, on food gas shit you buy at Walmart etc etc. :flipoff2:
Especially if you use the "sales" of the books to launder money you obtained in a shady sort of way. Its easy to burn piles of books and claim mega sales. Who is going to dispute it?

He wasn't liked enough, nor a good enough writer to have sold that many books. Nobody gave a fuck in 1995, why suddenly when he became a shitty president? Dude sure didn't make me want to go out and buy anything he wrote. Hell, he had the economy so fucked up, who could even afford books?

Think about it....

He was a very good salesman though, look how many Guns and how much ammo he sold during his term. Not that he was directly paid on those sales, but he was good at one thing none the less. Hillary didn’t do too bad either on her guns and ammo sales just being a third time running loser.
Surely there is a picture somewhere of Trump sitting at his computer with TurboTax fucking over the country!!

I doubt there are any corporations that actually PAY taxes. We pay them as the just pass those costs to consumers.

Any moron alive knows that a person who owns a corporation pays little to no personal income tax, while also not "buying" anything themselves. New kitchen remodel? Its to entertain clients...writeoff company paid. New car? easy. Company vehicle. Gas, fuel, those vacations to meet clients?

Liberals are truly dumb and see nothing more than envy and whataboutism
Regurge of a 2016 story by same outlet. Why are they still calling for a release of tax returns, if supposedly they have tax returns?. They probably gathered enough information from other people to make it sound legit, and enough to bother Trump slightly. But what does it matter? Especially after you have The Bernie posting what is paid by companies worth BILLIONS and pay less. Bernie technically downplayed Trumps tax history without even realizing it. :homer:
Regurge of a 2016 story by same outlet. Why are they still calling for a release of tax returns, if supposedly they have tax returns?. They probably gathered enough information from other people to make it sound legit, and enough to bother Trump slightly. But what does it matter? Especially after you have The Bernie posting what is paid by companies worth BILLIONS and pay less. Bernie technically downplayed Trumps tax history without even realizing it. :homer:

Funny enough the Maddow tax story came out about the same time right before the first debates of 2016. It's almost like they set their oven timer to publish rehashes of the same stories.
Scraped this shit off the BBC; sort of like scraping dog shit off your shoe.

Speaking on NBC, Ms Pelosi said the report showed that "this president appears to have over $400m in debt".

"To whom? Different countries? What is the leverage they have?" she asked, adding: "So for me, this is a national security question."

"The fact that you could have a sitting president who owes hundreds of millions of dollars that he's personally guaranteed to lenders, and we don't know who these lenders are," she said, and suggested that Mr Trump may be indebted to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

no, you aren't right at all. the dangerous part of Trump's finances is that he FREQUENTLY ties his OWN fortune into keepting the INC afloat. That is what the concern was from the republican led senaate committee.. go look it up. His debt structure would actually keep him from getting a security clearance if he wasn't an elected official, he would be too easy to turn or take advantage of... that has always been the concern.

alright, i might have to actually look a bit deeper into it then
Only $751 from being owed a refund by the government. Imagine the heads exploding. :laughing: I guarantee his accountants looked at each other and said, "should we?" :flipoff2::laughing:
I listen to all the libs melting down over this and think you have to be kidding. they tried a coup on the newly elected president of the united states. you don't think they would have used the IRS to take him out if they could? just silly
Scraped this shit off the BBC; sort of like scraping dog shit off your shoe.

Speaking on NBC, Ms Pelosi said the report showed that "this president appears to have over $400m in debt".

"To whom? Different countries? What is the leverage they have?" she asked, adding: "So for me, this is a national security question."

"The fact that you could have a sitting president who owes hundreds of millions of dollars that he's personally guaranteed to lenders, and we don't know who these lenders are," she said, and suggested that Mr Trump may be indebted to Russian President Vladimir Putin.


It pains me to agree with that idiot Pelosi but she's not wrong that this could pose a potential problem. Security clearance checks look for leverage exactly like that for normal folks.
I could agree.

But... people should at least then demand full transparency for all elected officials

Full transparency for all elected officials is definitely a goal. I believe the past presidents have released their tax info, at least the most recent presidents anyways. Strange that he was holding the info back for so long.
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