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Trump’s Taxes

Imagine that. I believe in my original post I stated something to the effect of getting out because chasing drivers around was detrimental to my family life.

Edit: I looked at the original quote:

Lol that only proves one thing. The noob also has issues with reading comprehension from time to time:rolleyes:Not so perfect after all
Whether or not it is fake is irrelevant at this point. The "damage" has been done. Lefties will go ape shit over his alleged tax fraud and won't care if the real truth gets told. You guys all know how they are:rolleyes:

I just think it's hilarious that this is fine because it's your guy, but if ol demented joe's taxes looked like this there would be calls to lock him up by now.
I just think it's hilarious that this is fine because it's your guy, but if ol demented joe's taxes looked like this there would be calls to lock him up by now.

I think there's a difference between a person using all legal means to reduce his tax burden - and then promoting tax cuts for everyone... and a person using all legal means to reduce his tax burden but demanding that others pay more.
I just think it's hilarious that this is fine because it's your guy, but if ol demented joe's taxes looked like this there would be calls to lock him up by now.

Your entire point is flawed and points out your blatant hypocrisy at the same time.

First, you clearly don’t understand how taxes work, especially corporate taxes, but that’s pretty common with you idiots. If you think that not paying taxes as a corporation is a bad thing, you are beyond help.

Second, where is the outcry from your side, asking for the tax returns of your candidates? Or some sort of explanation how a man can have nothing, run for political office and be a multi millionaire within months.
Your entire point is flawed and points out your blatant hypocrisy at the same time.

First, you clearly don’t understand how taxes work, especially corporate taxes, but that’s pretty common with you idiots. If you think that not paying taxes as a corporation is a bad thing, you are beyond help.

Second, where is the outcry from your side, asking for the tax returns of your candidates? Or some sort of explanation how a man can have nothing, run for political office and be a multi millionaire within months.

You are making an awful lot of assumptions about my stances and education. I'm not voting for biden either, and I want audits of all politicians with prison sentences for anyone found to be corrupt.

Anyway, back to the "he lied about actually being rich but that's OK because honesty doesn't matter" thing. Yes I understand that businesses don't always pay taxes, be it through accounting tricks or tax havens, whatever. It's generally perfectly legal. What this comes down to is how the prez was bagging on other candidates and his predecessor for not paying much in the way of taxes when he himself wasn't either.

And then when reports like this: https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrew...ses-trump-campaign-of-laundering-170-million/
This https://theweek.com/articles/940021/trump-literally-cant-afford-lose-election
This https://apnews.com/article/ruth-bader-ginsburg-courts-donald-trump-7e1d23d1e381ae3e0be6cb293338c05e
and This (NYT so certainly biased against him but still) https://distincttoday.net/2020/09/27/an-editors-note-on-the-trump-tax-investigation/

(these were all from the drudge report)

The guy is a fucking fraud, but that's OK because he's your team's star player. What was that about the debate of voting to win while sacrificing your principles versus the election stealers who vote for the person that actually represents them, even if they're a 3rd party?
The guy is a fucking fraud, but that's OK because he's your team's star player. What was that about the debate of voting to win while sacrificing your principles versus the election stealers who vote for the person that actually represents them, even if they're a 3rd party?

has he been a good POTUS?
You are making an awful lot of assumptions about my stances and education. I'm not voting for biden either, and I want audits of all politicians with prison sentences for anyone found to be corrupt.

Anyway, back to the "he lied about actually being rich but that's OK because honesty doesn't matter" thing. Yes I understand that businesses don't always pay taxes, be it through accounting tricks or tax havens, whatever. It's generally perfectly legal. What this comes down to is how the prez was bagging on other candidates and his predecessor for not paying much in the way of taxes when he himself wasn't either.

And then when reports like this: https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrew...ses-trump-campaign-of-laundering-170-million/
This https://theweek.com/articles/940021/trump-literally-cant-afford-lose-election
This https://apnews.com/article/ruth-bader-ginsburg-courts-donald-trump-7e1d23d1e381ae3e0be6cb293338c05e
and This (NYT so certainly biased against him but still) https://distincttoday.net/2020/09/27/an-editors-note-on-the-trump-tax-investigation/

(these were all from the drudge report)

The guy is a fucking fraud, but that's OK because he's your team's star player. What was that about the debate of voting to win while sacrificing your principles versus the election stealers who vote for the person that actually represents them, even if they're a 3rd party?

Please elaborate on how you learned what his personal wealth is based on his taxes?
You are making an awful lot of assumptions about my stances and education. I'm not voting for biden either, and I want audits of all politicians with prison sentences for anyone found to be corrupt.

Anyway, back to the "he lied about actually being rich but that's OK because honesty doesn't matter" thing. Yes I understand that businesses don't always pay taxes, be it through accounting tricks or tax havens, whatever. It's generally perfectly legal. What this comes down to is how the prez was bagging on other candidates and his predecessor for not paying much in the way of taxes when he himself wasn't either.

And then when reports like this: https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrew...ses-trump-campaign-of-laundering-170-million/
This https://theweek.com/articles/940021/trump-literally-cant-afford-lose-election
This https://apnews.com/article/ruth-bader-ginsburg-courts-donald-trump-7e1d23d1e381ae3e0be6cb293338c05e
and This (NYT so certainly biased against him but still) https://distincttoday.net/2020/09/27/an-editors-note-on-the-trump-tax-investigation/

(these were all from the drudge report)

The guy is a fucking fraud, but that's OK because he's your team's star player. What was that about the debate of voting to win while sacrificing your principles versus the election stealers who vote for the person that actually represents them, even if they're a 3rd party?

I question though, is he actually a fraud? He owns/owned a lot of properties and has been a TV star and now President...frankly, even if he did this while pissing away a ton of money and royally fucking his financial situation, by any real measure he has had a stupidly successful life.
Congress pay is $193,000 per year. It'd be pretty easy to become a millionaire on that pay.

Nancy Pelosi’s estimated net worth is $140 million. i don't care if she looks it. She has not been speaker of the house for 626 years.
I just think it's hilarious that this is fine because it's your guy, but if ol demented joe's taxes looked like this there would be calls to lock him up by now.

Is Joe locked up from bribery of another country's president?

ever hear of an S Corp?
You guys are arguing about this more than you should because everyone is assuming that a left-leaning or right-leaning person posting here is a political nut swinger for their side. Yeah, there are a few rabid Trump fans on this board, but that's not the majority. There are also a few people here that dangle off the nuts of the liberal media as well, but it's silly to assume that just because someone doesn't like the way Trump has conducted himself in office means they can't notice some media bullshit when they see it.

I see the following as very had to dispute, however:

Trump has not done a bad job in office, we were all riding high until COVID hit.

Trump's ethics are questionable, but so are many other politicians.

Trump's rhetoric is often combative and inflammatory.

Trump's tax returns are most likely on par with any other extremely wealthy person doing their due diligence to ensure they give the least amount of money possible to the government.
So why would Trump need to pay taxes on 2017 if he signed his company over to his children and is not taking a presidential Salary? If anything, sound's like he overpaid.
I must have missed it, how were his taxes released? Did someone leak them?

Nyt aquired them through surely totally legal means,, but they are behind a paywall so libs are the only ones reading them.
has he been a good POTUS?

In my opinion he's a total mixed bag but generally no. Ridiculously high spending (before the rona), continuing hopeless wars, generally just being a divisive prick for no good reason and his twitter posts are embarrassing.

Please elaborate on how you learned what his personal wealth is based on his taxes?

Negative cashflow for many years generally doesn't bode well for one's personal wealth.

I question though, is he actually a fraud? He owns/owned a lot of properties and has been a TV star and now President...frankly, even if he did this while pissing away a ton of money and royally fucking his financial situation, by any real measure he has had a stupidly successful life.

When it comes to claiming that he's a billionaire and amazingly great (the greatest ever!) businessman? In my opinion, yes. Has he had a wild life? Absolutely.

Is Joe locked up from bribery of another country's president?

ever hear of an S Corp?

You mean the stuff biden's kid did? And yes I passed business 101.
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In my opinion he's a total mixed bag but generally no. Ridiculously high spending (before the rona), continuing hopeless wars, generally just being a divisive prick for no good reason and his twitter posts are embarrassing.1.

POTUS doesn't control spending... Yes, he signs the bills, but Congress writes the budget.
He's pulled more troops out of foreign lands than almost any other POTUS, correct? And marshalled in how many peace treaties?
Divisive? HUH?
Prick? Subjective.
Twitter - don't read 'em.

before COVID, we had record growth, record low unemployment, record tax cuts, record tax revenue, record DJIA, wall being built, China held to account....

But he says mean things?
no, because he says mean things.

...and I'm dead serious when I say that.

not a billionaire

not a politician

not starting wars

firing war hawks to pull US out of wars

normalizing middle east relations

strong anti-china stance due to their constant human rights abuse #freeTibet #freeHongKong

US emissions dropping faster than paris climate accord stated aims

bringing home thousands of foreign stationed US forces acting as european police

signed EO on police reform

major role in criminal justice reform to address 1994 crime bill failings

promises to push for $500 Billion incentives for "black owned business"


says bad things 🤣

so fkkkn tru
POTUS doesn't control spending... Yes, he signs the bills, but Congress writes the budget.
He's pulled more troops out of foreign lands than almost any other POTUS, correct? And marshalled in how many peace treaties?
Divisive? HUH?
Prick? Subjective.
Twitter - don't read 'em.

before COVID, we had record growth, record low unemployment, record tax cuts, record tax revenue, record DJIA, wall being built, China held to account....

But he says mean things?

I'm wasting my keystrokes here. But didn't he just ship more troops in to Syria or Libya?
TheFlyingDildocupine;n145784 You mean the stuff biden's kid did? And yes I passed business 101.[/QUOTE said:
No....stating he would make sure Ukraine aid would not happen if the prosecutor investigating his son was not fired. He bragged about it on video.

no....I don't think you did.
When it comes to claiming that he's a billionaire and amazingly great (the greatest ever!) businessman? In my opinion, yes. Has he had a wild life? Absolutely.

Forbes says his 2020 net worth is 2.5 billion...so uh....how is he a fraud again?
not a billionaire

not a politician

not starting wars

firing war hawks to pull US out of wars

normalizing middle east relations

strong anti-china stance due to their constant human rights abuse #freeTibet #freeHongKong

US emissions dropping faster than paris climate accord stated aims

bringing home thousands of foreign stationed US forces acting as european police

signed EO on police reform

major role in criminal justice reform to address 1994 crime bill failings

promises to push for $500 Billion incentives for "black owned business"


says bad things 🤣

so fkkkn tru

Ahhh so that is what you see and believe. Interesting.
please take a moment to refute any of the claims that are in that post :)

guess i could have linked articles for each, but didn't feel like it at the time.

I just find it interesting what and how you list it. I don't have to refute anything, as you say things that are true - with the exception of "climate goals".

He tried starting a war with Iran but they said fuck no!!!

"Policing the world" who will take that job if America doesn't want it? Is that a smart move for the USA? Not sure.
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