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Trump’s Taxes

I just find it interesting what and how you list it. I don't have to refute anything, as you say things that are true - with the exception of "climate goals".

He tried starting a war with Iran but they said fuck no!!!

"Policing the world" who will take that job if America doesn't want it? Is that a smart move for the USA? Not sure.

the climate goals thing is true, the USA emissions have exceeded the standards the paris climate accord had intended for us, even with trump exiting the agreement. lots' of articles in 2018 about it.

you are backwards as fuck about Iran :laughing: :laughing:

are you actually going to make the claim that the USA SHOULD be policing the world and that it is our place? :laughing: Because that just might be half my point :laughing:
Well he must be a better businessman than you :flipoff2:

That...and the tax codes are fucked up. But really, if the wealthy can avoid paying and folks in lower brackets get refunds for more than they pay in then something is wrong. I don’t expect anything to change since I don’t foresee rich lawmakers choosing to tax themselves more.
Well i guess this now paves the way to print anything on anyone illegal or not. Let the presses roll! I hope this kind of behavior comes back to bite them in the ass.
Because I apparently pay more taxes than him. :flipoff2:

He has more assets, than you, not more income. Bet he paid way more in property taxes than you did by a long shot. 2016/2017 he signed away his company to his kids and took no salary.
Negative cashflow for many years generally doesn't bode well for one's personal wealth.

I am truly embarrassed at your severe lack of intelligence.

You clearly have no idea how taxes and large corporations work. Lowering your tax burden is a very simple concept and even my 14 year old daughter Understands the concept.

Trumps taxes don’t say shit about his wealth, but go ahead, keep parroting what cnn told you and looking like a complete dumbass:lmao::lmao:

You’re almost as bad as Michealcumguzzler. All you need to do now is start reporting people like he does when they’re meanie heads to you on the internet:lmao::lmao:
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Go to your safe space...

I don't need a safe space.

More respectable members of this forum have brought to my attention that name-calling is immature and unproductive (like I didn't know already).

Fighting fire with fire is frowned upon. So I will refrain from such immature and petulant behavior.

Carry on.

(not hiding behind a username)
I don't need a safe space.

More respectable members of this forum have brought to my attention that name-calling is immature and unproductive (like I didn't know already).

Fighting fire with fire is frowned upon. So I will refrain from such immature and petulant behavior.

Carry on.

(not hiding behind a username)

Clearly you do lol you aren't going to last long here if you can't handle even a bit of name calling. Maybe you'd be better off on fagbook with your "friends".
I don't need a safe space.

More respectable members of this forum have brought to my attention that name-calling is immature and unproductive (like I didn't know already).

Fighting fire with fire is frowned upon. So I will refrain from such immature and petulant behavior.

Carry on.

(not hiding behind a username)

Don’t be such a flaming puss.
Clearly you do lol you aren't going to last long here if you can't handle even a bit of name calling. Maybe you'd be better off on fagbook with your "friends".

I can handle it. Don't you worry, now.

The more respectable users here frown upon the childish and impulsive behavior that some in this thread have displayed. (see fagbook)
I don't need a safe space.

More respectable members of this forum have brought to my attention that name-calling is immature and unproductive (like I didn't know already).

Fighting fire with fire is frowned upon. So I will refrain from such immature and petulant behavior.

Carry on.

(not hiding behind a username)

You’ve talked plenty of shit, trolled like a motherfucker, but now that you’ve become an avatar and it’s very obvious that we know who you are, you’re being a little bitch. :lmao:

You pushed and pushed, now you’re getting exactly what you wanted.
You’ve talked plenty of shit, trolled like a motherfucker, but now that you’ve become an avatar and it’s very obvious that we know who you are, you’re being a little bitch. :lmao:

You pushed and pushed, now you’re getting exactly what you wanted.

You guys have always had access to who I was (It is LITERALLY my username).

I was never hiding behind a username.

Be respectable like I have been requested from other respectable members here.

Carry on.
I can handle it. Don't you worry, now.

The more respectable users here frown upon the childish and impulsive behavior that some in this thread have displayed. (see fagbook)

I'd like you to please point out these "more respectable users" in chit chat.
You guys have always had access to who I was (It is LITERALLY my username).

I was never hiding behind a username.

Be respectable like I have been requested from other respectable members here.

Carry on.

You’re fuckin pathetic.

The only people that have been respectful to you are other trolls.

You went, looking to fuck with people, and they’re fucking with you back. Deal with it:lmao:
first off :beer::beer::beer: to anyone who figures out how to give the government the least ammount of money possible.

Second, why the fuck isnt an investigation being launched into Obama? How the fuck do you legally make that much money as a public servant?
first off :beer::beer::beer: to anyone who figures out how to give the government the least ammount of money possible.

Second, why the fuck isnt an investigation being launched into Obama? How the fuck do you legally make that much money as a public servant?

Didn’t Obama have a few best selling books out before he was elected? Only thing I can think of.
You guys have always had access to who I was (It is LITERALLY my username).

I was never hiding behind a username.

Be respectable like I have been requested from other respectable members here.

Carry on.

I'd like you to please point out these "more respectable users" in chit chat.

You’re fuckin pathetic.

The only people that have been respectful to you are other trolls.

You went, looking to fuck with people, and they’re fucking with you back. Deal with it:lmao:

Books can be some serious money makers!

Especially if you use the "sales" of the books to launder money you obtained in a shady sort of way. Its easy to burn piles of books and claim mega sales. Who is going to dispute it?

He wasn't liked enough, nor a good enough writer to have sold that many books. Nobody gave a fuck in 1995, why suddenly when he became a shitty president? Dude sure didn't make me want to go out and buy anything he wrote. Hell, he had the economy so fucked up, who could even afford books?

Think about it....
first off :beer::beer::beer: to anyone who figures out how to give the government the least ammount of money possible.

Second, why the fuck isnt an investigation being launched into Obama? How the fuck do you legally make that much money as a public servant?

obama had some pretty huge back taxes to resolve, didn't he? it was either him or somebody major in his very early cabinet
obama had some pretty huge back taxes to resolve, didn't he? it was either him or somebody major in his very early cabinet

Something like that. Hes a corrupt as hell Illinois politician, surrounded by other Illinois political swamp creatures at the time so who knows what kind of mess had to be cleaned up. I would guess 75% of the income listed in that Forbes article is actually above board and factual knowing the track record of the political shit stains from that state.
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