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The real-life confirmed Irates?

I think I can rattle off a few.
​​ Provience
@USMCDoc14 (WTF, Apparently has not made the jump yet)

There are a bunch I chat with online but never met "IRL" :laughing:
Dingus, you stayed at my place in Re-Pete and met a shit ton of us.

and yeah, I've met @usmcdoc14

What? We have met? When and where was this LOL...
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I can think of 100 plus from the old place. Wheeling Tellico 6-12x a year for 15 years i know a lot of the south eastern wheelers. Having been to almost all of the western trails riding, racing arca, erroc, pro rock, and all of bob hazels warn events, rolling welderboy/welderbills buggy at pirate clean up on the con in 2002. With all the drunken stupidity of my youth I have meet/wheeled/got drunk with some of the coolest people on earth. I got sober almost 6 years ago, so i have much more reliable memories of recent events. I can only think of a few in here that I have met in person, and they probably do not know me as heavytlc.
Met all the Tin Benders, most of the POR, some folks from Oregon, a bunch from AZ, Gavan from back east and many more at KOH. Of course I always had my beanie and pullover on.
I droped off some beers @ mustard dogs, I think roxy was there? I was also high all the time back then so I may have imagined her :flipoff2:

Forgot all about mustard dog. I went to buy some wheels off of him and was given gps coordinates to somewhere out by cougar butes where he was broke down with a broken knuckle on his toyota axled go fast thing.
Forgot all about mustard dog. I went to buy some wheels off of him and was given gps coordinates to somewhere out by cougar butes where he was broke down with a broken knuckle on his toyota axled go fast thing.

you, yotaitetoo, crustjeep, east beast, 87manche, provience, and a couple others are on my list. you got a spare bunk in the trailer? I am known to be fun company, just check my reviews. :flipoff2:
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I met surveryboy and Jeff Mello at a Calrocks event. Purchased some tires from LordOrange. And there's a few from the cherokee circle I've met as well.
Worked with Lance on the Jergens Trail . ... . he doesn't count :confused: Several others during Rubicon Trail work or clean ups. Some of those were "original" POR and not really impressed with them except that could seriously drink and hold their licker. :lmao: Bebe I think is the only one here I have actually met. We had a possee from PBB back when the Fern Eaters tried to close the trail. I don't think those people are on PBB anymore and surely not here.
Bgaidan I think might be the only one here. Crowbar7 didn't come over from PBB I don't think. I knew lots of people from the old PBB 15+ years ago.
you, yotaitetoo, crustjeep, east beast, 87manche, provience, and a couple others are on my list. you got a spare bunk in the trailer? I am known to be fun company, just check my reviews. :flipoff2:

I noticed yesterday I have your number in my phone but cant for the life of me remember you or where we met.
Long list from pbb - usmcdoc14, crash, lttlbddy rip, gena, puke, black98yj etc huge amounts of ppl I don't recall their u/n in parts swaps

Irate hmm surveyboy toyrunner santa spawntrose :laughing:
Dude, just admit it: you felt excluded because they didnt' offer logoed wife beaters :flipoff2:

EDIT: I've met nobody here (I think) - met geberhard and rockmolester from PBB, and maybe a half-dozen pirates at a Halloween party at rockmolester's. Oh, and a half-dozen to a dozen JKO folks.

EDIT2: anyone know Gui or Geoff, & why they're not here?

I've even found myself generating empathy for normal Californians who are threatened by wildfire. Being off old PBB has improved my mental health a great deal.

The seething hatred for California I normally live with is gone. Used to be, I'd wake up and my first thought was "I hope California suffers massive earthquakes today!" or you pray "Please, someone.... drop a cigarette butt. Amen."

But now I wake up and I don't think of California until I take a shit. That's a huge improvement.
DaddyTall, Rugger, Roxy, and MrRoxy and DOUG. I know DaddyTall and Roxy are here, don't know about the rest
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