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The Kamala thread.

There is no way the MSM folks are not getting paid from the DNC to spew the shit they are spewing. I mean, everybody has a price to sell their soul don't they?
I'm not so sure. I think you underestimate how bad Trump is in their minds and how thoroughly the media has driven out or silenced anyone who doesn't think that way.
I'm not so sure. I think you underestimate how bad Trump is in their minds and how thoroughly the media has driven out or silenced anyone who doesn't think that way.
Yea, woke-ism is a cult. And while I'm sure there's a sprinkle of sell out all over the media in general... most of these people really are true believers. You don't really have to buy someone's soul when you've got them in a religious trance.

Report: Leak Reveals More About Why Obama Hasn't Endorsed Harris​

By Nick Arama | 7:45 AM on July 25, 2024
The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of RedState.com.

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster
Ever since Joe Biden was pressured out of the 2024 race by the Democratic elite and caved to the pressure, many of the Democrats have been jumping on the Kamala Harris bandwagon.

But not Barack Obama.

Now there's a new report that explains why Obama isn't endorsing Harris — because he doesn't think she can beat former President Donald Trump, "according to a source close to the Biden family." Fascinating leak from the Biden side dishing the dirt on Harris.

“Obama’s very upset because he knows she can’t win,” the Biden family source told The Post.
“Obama knows she’s just incompetent — the border czar who never visited the border, saying that all migrants should have health insurance. She cannot navigate the landmines that are ahead of her.”
“When you are running for president there are things you can and can’t say.” [....]
But the source doesn’t have high hopes for a TV debate between Trump and Harris. When Biden was still in the race, a second debate was scheduled for September 10.
“Wait until the debate… She can’t debate. She’s going to put her foot in her mouth about Israel, Palestine, Ukraine. She’s going to say something really stupid,” the source said.
“Obama knew this was going to happen, Joe knew this was going to happen. Now she is going to have to answer real questions.”

There are some who believe that the endorsement of Harris by Biden was actually an effort to get back at Obama and the effort to shove Biden aside. Obama suggested having a "choice" in his statement about Biden dropping out of the race.

But the Kamala pick undercut that whole idea. According to this "source," Obama is "furious" that things haven't gone his way.

After Biden’s ouster, Obama — who did not return a request for comment Wednesday — wanted Arizona Senator and former astronaut Mark Kelly “at the top of the ticket” when the Democratic National Convention is held next month, the source said. [....]
Another well-placed Democrat source said, “Obama being surprised by a smart political decision actually makes sense when coupled with his personal inability to see politics beyond his singular, immediate interests.
Hmm, I wonder who that "source close to the Biden family" is. Whoever is leaking this is leaking to hurt Kamala but maybe also to suggest here that Obama got outflanked by the incoherent Joe Biden or his team.

It's basically forcing Obama's hand, if this report is true, if he doesn't have others on board with whatever else he may have had in mind, given that most of the other leading Democrats have come out for Harris.

There's another report from NBC that Obama does plan to endorse her but just didn't want to "overshadow" Joe Biden's moment including his address. That doesn't make a lot of sense —that didn't stop any of the other Democrats. I think once you have the delegates go to her (although without any vote of the people), that forecloses other options, so you're sort of backed into a corner.

But we'll have to see. Right now, Obama not saying anything still looks like a pretty deafening silence.
I'm not so sure. I think you underestimate how bad Trump is in their minds and how thoroughly the media has driven out or silenced anyone who doesn't think that way.

Maybe so. In that case they gave away their souls for free, if they ever had one to begin with.

The way they have started saying she was never the border czar, leads me to believe they are just insane.
Maybe so. In that case they gave away their souls for free, if they ever had one to begin with.

The way they have started saying she was never the border czar, leads me to believe they are just insane.
If the media (CNN, MNSBC, PBS etc etc) are anything like the Canadian TV media they are all bought and paid for by tax payer funded handouts.
I check on this kid's youtube channel almost everyday. He keeps up with the polls and crunches numbers.

Here's what a Trump vs. Kameltoe election would currently look like with the polls that are currently out. And these poll numbers are pre-assassination attempt and RNC, so it may get even worse for the knob polisher.

thats cute and all. until 90 million votes come in for her.
They really need to just keep playing her old interviews and word salad speeches.
Articles that refer to her and the "Border Czar" or outline her Left Wing record in the Senate are actively being scrubbed from the Internet by the publications that produced them to protect her. It's amazing how much power they have.

I hope someone has been archiving all of this stuff because it would not surprise me if a lot of video disappears too.

What a bunch of shit , homala's bad political record as vp is wiped clean​

And she was never the "border-czar"

Congressional Scorecard Site Purges Damning Page on Kamala Harris​

With less than four months before Election Day, Vice President Kamala Harris is working at a disadvantage as she appears to have been chosen for the position at the top of Democrats' 2024 presidential ticket.

Fortunately for Harris, many in the establishment media and other institutions capable of holding her accountable appear more willing to revise history to protect her than offer any criticism to flourish.

Most recently, a scorecard ranking Harris as the "most liberal" senator during her time in that chamber has disappeared entirely from the internet.

The webpage, belonging to congressional tracking site GovTrack, was live as late as June. An archived version of the post shows exactly what was thrown into the memory hole.

"These year-end statistics cover [Harris'] record during the 2019 legislative year (Jan 3, 2019-Dec 31, 2019) and compare her to other senators serving at the end of that period," an archived version of the post reads, adding it was last updated in 2020.

What the scorecard revealed is damning for Harris' hopes of presenting herself as anything other than a radically partisan candidate.

Compared to all senators, GovTrack ranked her as the "most politically left."

According to the site's archived page, Harris "joined bipartisan bills the least often compared to Senate Democrats."

The missing page also noted: "Of the 471 bills that Harris cosponsored, 15% were introduced by a legislator who was not a Democrat."

Her track record only gets worse from there.

The site records her as being tied among sophomore senators for the fewest committee positions, sitting on a grand total of zero committees and subcommittees.

She was also listed as the third most absent senator, only bothering to appear for 61.9 percent of the 2019 session's votes.

Perhaps most telling of all is the fact that Harris introduced the second most number of bills compared to other Senate sophomores, yet she was only able to push three of these through committee -- making her second-to-last out of her colleagues.

Despite the critical nature of this information in regards to the upcoming election, GovTrack has completely removed this page from the internet. Users, including potential voters, trying to access the damning webpage now will only see a "page not found" notice.

GovTrack does still maintain a page for Harris, but you won't find any of the dismal rankings included on their censored scorecard.

The current page ranks three senators as being more liberal than Harris and highlights the bills she has introduced to the Senate.

It's not just Harris' time in the Senate that needs liberal revising to be palatable to the American voter.

Her appointment as the so-called "border czar" is now undergoing serious revisionism, with some outlets openly disputing that Harris was ever tasked with combating the border crisis.

The left clearly wants Kamala Harris as president, and it seems they won't stop revising history until it happens.

Outlet Edits Article to Protect Kamala Harris, Claims She Was Never Biden's Border Czar​

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, is it a duck?

According to Axios, the answer is “yes,” and then “no” a few years later, when the first answer becomes politically inconvenient.

The media outlet was forced to do this little bit of Soviet-style revisionism after Vice President Kamala Harris ascended to the Democratic Party’s primary presidential ticket position for the 2024 election.

Harris became a so-called “border czar” as she was put in charge of solving the crisis at the southern border and was allowed broad license to do so in the early days of President Joe Biden’s administration.

Of course, the United States is not the Russian Empire — there is no official “czar” title in use in America. While her orders and powers are real, the word itself is political jargon only.

The fact that this title does not exist did not stop outlets from covering Harris’ mandate as a czar-level calling.

Axios Edits Article to Protect Kamala Harris, Claims She Was Never Biden's Border Czar
This is legit "1984". They're editing history right in front of us and most people, like my friend Tom who I really enjoy spending time with, and he's an intelligent man, will eat it right up. My brother will swallow it too. I don't understand it. Brainwashing is a real thing. Propaganda works. It blows my mind that people fall for this shit, and when you confront them about their "stance" on any of the radical shit they have no rational argument, just get confused looking and say "but it's not Trump" :shaking:
Flame suit on, but Republicans need to shut the hell up about abortion. Why they choose to live and die on that hill I don't get. They'll send your kid off to war for oil or whatever, or death penalty, but letting the part of the population that most needs to have MORE abortions is OMG horrible. They got the win from the Supreme Court, it's state's rights, which is Constitutional. Leave it alone.
This is legit "1984". They're editing history right in front of us and most people, like my friend Tom who I really enjoy spending time with, and he's an intelligent man, will eat it right up. My brother will swallow it too. I don't understand it. Brainwashing is a real thing. Propaganda works. It blows my mind that people fall for this shit, and when you confront them about their "stance" on any of the radical shit they have no rational argument, just get confused looking and say "but it's not Trump" :shaking:
Flame suit on, but Republicans need to shut the hell up about abortion. Why they choose to live and die on that hill I don't get. They'll send your kid off to war for oil or whatever, or death penalty, but letting the part of the population that most needs to have MORE abortions is OMG horrible. They got the win from the Supreme Court, it's state's rights, which is Constitutional. Leave it alone.

Most people are just trying to live their life and largely don't pay much attention to this stuff. They just vote team blue or team red or just don't show up if their team's player doesn't excite them.
Not saying pushing Biden out wasn't the plan all along, but it's funny how we've basically already forgotten a former president and current nominee was shot and nearly killed less than 2 weeks ago. The news cycle has largely already moved on because it was favoring Trump.
This is legit "1984".

Another example. Note at the bottom you're not allowed to comment on this article.


They know people will call out the bullshit. It's going to be like this nonstop for the next 13 weeks. Put the ho who got 2% in the primaries on a pedestal and suppress all opposition.
In other news, water is still wet.
Most scientists define wetness as a liquid's ability to stick to a solid surface, or adhere to it. Water doesn't adhere to itself in the same way, so it doesn't meet this criteria. However, water can make other materials wet by sticking to their surfaces. For example, if you pour water on a dry towel, the towel becomes wet.

So water isn't wet.

Most scientists define wetness as a liquid's ability to stick to a solid surface, or adhere to it. Water doesn't adhere to itself in the same way, so it doesn't meet this criteria. However, water can make other materials wet by sticking to their surfaces. For example, if you pour water on a dry towel, the towel becomes wet.

So water isn't wet.

So a prosecutor and a defense attorney get in an argument about who would make it to the ground first if they jumped off a cliff.
Who would win?

Ba dum tish.
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