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The 3D printer thread

Designed this allen wrench holder for my tool bag. the original bondus ones are short, and when they ride down in my tool bag all the of little ones fall out and start getting lost.

This is v1, hopefully it works out like I want it to. It's the full depth of the pocket they live in, so nothing should shift or get lost. Though on this look I see the margin is pretty thin on the one hole. it's currently printing, 18hr something print.

And just whipped up these thjngs, a couple mirror images.

Made a plexi plate with a 6" duct to exhaust through a window that has a screen it in. but theres nothing to hold the plexi in place. I'm really not sure how flexible this will be, but hopefully I can clip it in place with some preload.
If it works out.. or i guess even if it doesn't, ill put up a pic or two to hopefully explain better. I realize this makes no sense without context.

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