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Stupid stuff you see at work...

The 9" grinder didn't work when I plugged it in :confused:. I turned the cord a bit that it would run and held it in place because I was in a hurry, the cord blew up in my hand :homer:.

You can see the split in the cord and soot on my hand.:shaking:
Logged in to the CAT service tool today for the first time in a long time, a tool that is downloaded and installed, I wasn't aware it was "updating" from the web and got this message...

If the software doesn't need the internet for content edit the hosts file so that whatever domain it tries to hit is directed somewhere nonsensical (usually
Good tip but I'm not touching any of that stuff for work, but IF I ever roll my own I'm paying attention...
One of the more glamorous parts of my job, and today's entry in "pictures that you can smell" :barf:


So much stink for such a small critter. And right after lunch too. I didn't plan that one out to good.
I live in a place that's right between meadow and forest and I feel your pain . If the mouse caught in a trap isn't removed within about 3 hours...
I dont know shit about fuck but I've heard that you should. I've towed a trailer about 15 times. :homer:
If your breakaway is correct it pulls out before the chains are fully tight then the brakes keep tension on the trailer and the tongue elevated.
. . . and if your coupler is correct, the breakaway never gets used. Redundant layers of safety are comforting, given that at least one thing can get fucked up.

A couple weeks ago, someone here said, "I'm not superstitious, but I'm a little stitious" :laughing:
I cross my chains. Only had to rely on them once but the tongue was hanging in the chains when I got it stopped. No trailer brakes on that one, it was my pickup bed trash trailer
Any trailer we have without brakes have a chain.
. . . and if your coupler is correct, the breakaway never gets used. Redundant layers of safety are comforting, given that at least one thing can get fucked up.

A couple weeks ago, someone here said, "I'm not superstitious, but I'm a little stitious" :laughing:
It was a fucked up ball couplers. Now everything is a pintle hook so you can visually see if it is connected correctly.
I don't do that. I've had trailers come un hitched with stright chains and nothing worse happened.
I can tell you those pinetle hithches can come open on a hard bump without the safety pin. I about shit my pants when I saw my bb 90 KW generator by my drivers door instead of in back, on a Las Vegas freeway. The chains were drug flat too. One broke and one hung on. Ripped 2 tires off that thing. In addition, cleaned out everything under the seat and placed the junk under the peddles. :laughing:
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