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Stupid stuff you see at work...

That’s silly. What metal is going to be down there to cause an issue? I’m not wearing spurs. I use jumper cables every single day and batteries with fully exposed posts and cables. Rarely is there an issue to report
Knowing my luck I'd be opening a package with my knife, drop it and burn down my truck! Lol
Hard to see in the picture but building engineers are weirdos.
somebody was havin fun in that parkin lot
I was pulling R20 truck rims out of the woods on the edge of the local "donuts and dumping" parking lot. Just as I'm putting it in gear to leave an old dude in a fancy car shows up. Dude parks like I don't know exactly why he's here. :laughing:
I was pulling R20 truck rims out of the woods on the edge of the local "donuts and dumping" parking lot. Just as I'm putting it in gear to leave an old dude in a fancy car shows up. Dude parks like I don't know exactly why he's here. :laughing:

Those old guys like that crack me up.

One of the old loggers last spring, got his new powerstroke tuned and modified a whole bunch. Talked it up so then every geriatric workin in the woods is running around in these hopped up fords. They were trashing Tcases, transmissions,diffs, drivelines etc etc. Was about 8 months of pure carnage before they learned how to sorta behave while behind the wheel of those trucks:lmao:
No less than 147 rod end and pivot zerks on that machine. That roller should be the first one to see grease.

They only try to grease stuff once it stops working. Zerk in the pin had fresh grease on the tip but the whole time I was torching the roller in half to get at the pin there wasn't a hint of flame or the slightest smell of burning grease when i got to the bearing bores. The inner races welded themselves to the pin and that all needs to be cut out today. A tube or two of grease would have been a much cheaper option. :laughing:
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