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Silly season: Never heard of this guy. Vivek Ramaswamy Announces His 2024 Presidential Run

This too. But remember Vivek does have a Soros scholarship is his history. Could be nothing but could be something. Time will tell. I like him but most of conservative america will take anyone over an India looking guy. Just stereotypes and shit.
he addressed it in some interviews, but I honestly don't remember what he said about it.
This too. But remember Vivek does have a Soros scholarship is his history. Could be nothing but could be something. Time will tell. I like him but most of conservative america will take anyone over an India looking guy. Just stereotypes and shit.
Its nothing.
he addressed it in some interviews, but I honestly don't remember what he said about it.
"My defense of that is if someone gives you a merit scholarship at the age of 24, you take it. At the age of 24, if someone gives you a merit scholarship, you take it."
The money came from his brother, not George who is also a philanthropist, but no clue about his political world view.
Yes, the Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans, not George, Just a merit scholarship for First-Generation and Foreign-Born Americans.
Piers hits him pretty good with the questions…..
Vivek checks most of the boxes and has most of the answers in my opinion!!!!

great interviews with PBD.

< his opinions on Nikki Haley making a fortune in the defense industry.
< discussion of the GOP

Very interesting.
I thought he did very well against Hailey in last nights debate. I hope he crushes her.
How did Cheeseburger do ?


real picture as far as a casual glance can tell . . ... . :lmao:

I have read when in politics never have a picture taken whi;e eating

So he is done. He is always shoving food into his opening, so he cant get his pic taken so he is on audio only. He is done. Melted cheese. :homer:
Vivek still is my pick.

Maybe for vp.

His camp has paid attention to what Trumps camp did that made his campaign work and they are duplicating it.
He says all the right things, acts the right way but he's still unknown. Thats a problem Trump didn't have
Maybe for vp.

His camp has paid attention to what Trumps camp did that made his campaign work and they are duplicating it.
He says all the right things, acts the right way but he's still unknown. Thats a problem Trump didn't have
See, I was always going to vote Trump (still might), but Vivek says all the right things and acts the right way.
That's how you get a vote.

EVERYONE is an unknown until they are in the office.

AND we are getting to know him, so he is becoming a known.

Also, we need someone on the stage right now to call out Hailey and the others. We need someone to scream about the corruption of a politician granting a contract and then taking a place on the board (for Hailey the glaring one is Boeing, and it's a big one) . We need someone to point out the hypocrisy of outlawing TikTok, while she allows it in her own household. We need someone to show these warmongers are for war, and they can't even name a province in the area they are warring for. We need someone to say "Y'all were licking Trumps boots, and now you attack him, like you weren't cupping his nut sack a year ago".

The sad part is, it doesn't resonate through the media. He points it out, and unless you are focused on it, it just dies.
Why is trump not participating in these "debates"?
He doesn't need to.
He had 4 years to show you who he is,

AND he would be a distraction.

He would suck up all the energy in the room and everything would be focused on him. You would see nothing of the other candidates.
(and when you did see the other candidates, it would be them bashing Trump not the Democrats or the machine)
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