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Silly season: Never heard of this guy. Vivek Ramaswamy Announces His 2024 Presidential Run

If they're adopting the USD, they're extremely far down the pipeline from the origin of inflationary currency (cantillion effect, if you wanna google it)

pretty much... Whoever is in control of printing the USD is able to tax the holders of the USD. Inflationary "taxation" isn't one that can at all be avoided or protected against. The only way to avoid it is to have no USD in your hands or accounts. The only way to benefit from it is to have a large debt in USD on your books, or to be one of the first receiving the freshly printed currency.

There's an extreme depth to monetary theory, and there are guys out there who simplify it much better than I can.
I'm gonna PM you a couple free books, read them if you want.
You avoided my question. Argentinian currency is in an out of control inflationary spiral. Two options, dump it and adopt another currency that is in place, or start from scratch with a new one. #2 takes much longer and has significant risk of just following the original currency. Javier knows the politicians cannot be trusted to not raid the currency again, so taking on another country's currency is a strong move. If that is accepted, what currency do you pick?

I appreciate the book recommendations. But if I had time to read a book...... Maybe one day when I am no longer useful to general society or get tossed in jail for being a political threat.:flipoff2:
I think we can all agree that the USD is a disaster, under constant attack from our government institutions.

But for a nation with Weimar-like monetary policy, I can see how the USD looks like a paradigm of stability. Ours is the floatiest turd out there.
Heard an interesting take on that, to get in the good graces with the empire so they don't Saddam, (or insert any country bucking the dollar for their own currency who needs "democracy") his ass.
yeah that's what I was figuring was why he was saying he was hot on it while campaigning

easier to kill someone who is campaigning, harder to kill a sworn in head of state
You avoided my question. Argentinian currency is in an out of control inflationary spiral. Two options, dump it and adopt another currency that is in place, or start from scratch with a new one. #2 takes much longer and has significant risk of just following the original currency. Javier knows the politicians cannot be trusted to not raid the currency again, so taking on another country's currency is a strong move. If that is accepted, what currency do you pick?
I didn't avoid your question at all, you're just too stupid to realize how comprehensive my answer was.
Srs, do some reading on currencies and banking. The books I recommended might be a li'l overeager for you.

ETA: maybe I was a li'l harsh
Oh well, not gonna change it. Ignorance is what got us here.
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But for a nation with Weimar-like monetary policy, I can see how the USD looks like a paradigm of stability. Ours is the floatiest turd out there.
*relative stability

but, that stability comes at great cost
once you're contributing a nation's wealth to the biggest central bank there is, you're not getting out from under that "helpful good intentioned umbrella" easily
No matter how I say that it just doesn't sound good.
You know why turds float? Like in real life, it's the fat content.

They thought Hillary had a slam dunk, they've (the people running this shit show) tightened up their boot laces since then.
Sorry not sorry to jack Kumars thread again but here goes-:flipoff2:
I'll be the first to admit that I don't have any idea how candidates get the final nod, but I still think that DeSatan would have the best shot against whoever ends up the D candidate. Despite being branded Anita Bryant lite by some. He got smeared by the Media right up there with the Donald but
seems to me he did a pretty good job in Florididia despite all the BS slung his way. His background is pretty good, JAG rep to Navy Seals, or something like that, look it up!:flipoff2:
I'm not even paying attention to any of the debate nonsense so far, and things rarely work out the way I think they should, but that's what I'm hoping for.
I'll go ahead and still say Trump is an Arrogant ass that has America the country and it's constitution as a wholes best interest at heart, and tried despite all the lies and obfuscations thrown at him.
In the same vein that somehow the Ds figured out that Joetato OBiden was a more palatable candidate to ram down out throats, the Rs should realize DeSatan is the more palatable candidate for a larger amount of all affiliated and Unaffilliated people. I'm not in either of the 2 major parties either.
Perhaps all I learned from voting for Perot is that Kumar Ramalamadingdong doesn't have a chance to do more than make some think he says good stuff.
Sorry not sorry to jack Kumars thread again but here goes-:flipoff2:
I'll be the first to admit that I don't have any idea how candidates get the final nod, but I still think that DeSatan would have the best shot against whoever ends up the D candidate. Despite being branded Anita Bryant lite by some. He got smeared by the Media right up there with the Donald but
seems to me he did a pretty good job in Florididia despite all the BS slung his way. His background is pretty good, JAG rep to Navy Seals, or something like that, look it up!:flipoff2:
I'm not even paying attention to any of the debate nonsense so far, and things rarely work out the way I think they should, but that's what I'm hoping for.
I'll go ahead and still say Trump is an Arrogant ass that has America the country and it's constitution as a wholes best interest at heart, and tried despite all the lies and obfuscations thrown at him.
In the same vein that somehow the Ds figured out that Joetato OBiden was a more palatable candidate to ram down out throats, the Rs should realize DeSatan is the more palatable candidate for a larger amount of all affiliated and Unaffilliated people. I'm not in either of the 2 major parties either.
Perhaps all I learned from voting for Perot is that Kumar Ramalamadingdong doesn't have a chance to do more than make some think he says good stuff.
Just like the last time you posted this drivel in this thread and then didnt look into anything you said you would im going to point out once again what a retard you are. DeSantis is in no way the most palatable candidate. Hes a hard line religous nut who keeps shooting himself in the foot by taking hard stances on shit that most non religious people will not go for. Take abortion for instance. The last sets of elections have proved that abortion matters to most people and a hard no stance isnt the way to go about it. The days of being christian as a selling point for a politician are long gone
Just like the last time you posted this drivel in this thread and then didnt look into anything you said you would im going to point out once again what a retard you are. DeSantis is in no way the most palatable candidate. Hes a hard line religous nut who keeps shooting himself in the foot by taking hard stances on shit that most non religious people will not go for. Take abortion for instance. The last sets of elections have proved that abortion matters to most people and a hard no stance isnt the way to go about it. The days of being christian as a selling point for a politician are long gone

You have a skewed view of a few things. I take it you dislike the religious folk who stick to their morals?
You have a skewed view of a few things. I take it you dislike the religious folk who stick to their morals?
No i am religous. But i am smart enough to know the demographic that is important to is mostly older and shrinking and that dems get that which is why they win elections and republicans lose. Because they are appealing to what was important to people 20 years ago. Youre fooling yourself if you think appealing to the things boomers went crazy for gets you elected.
No i am religous. But i am smart enough to know the demographic that is important to is mostly older and shrinking and that dems get that which is why they win elections and republicans lose. Because they are appealing to what was important to people 20 years ago. Youre fooling yourself if you think appealing to the things boomers went crazy for gets you elected.

Like lower taxes, less government intrusion, more protections for parental rights, etc?
Like lower taxes, less government intrusion, more protections for parental rights, etc?
Those arent what he went for though is it or what he wants. He is all about government intrusion. Just his version of it. And yeah parental rights are great but not while pissing on abortion and gay rights. Two things that have been proven time and time again to be losing points. And sure id take lower taxes but if hes mentioned them at all nobody can remember it because of his appallingly bad stances on other shit.
Like lower taxes, less government intrusion, more protections for parental rights, etc?
And for the record those werent what i meant anyway. Hes shooting for the hardline christian want a whit middle aged male for president demographic. Its a losing strategy and has been for awhile.
Just like the last time you posted this drivel in this thread and then didnt look into anything you said you would im going to point out once again what a retard you are. DeSantis is in no way the most palatable candidate. Hes a hard line religous nut who keeps shooting himself in the foot by taking hard stances on shit that most non religious people will not go for. Take abortion for instance. The last sets of elections have proved that abortion matters to most people and a hard no stance isnt the way to go about it. The days of being christian as a selling point for a politician are long gone
Add to that…. The IDEA of DeSantis makes people think that he’s charismatic and then he talks…. The dude has no charisma. He doesn’t have the personality to draw people to him.
Like lower taxes, less government intrusion, more protections for parental rights, etc?
The property taxes in his state are as bad as Texas and that’s fuckin dreadful.

And he’s using those taxes for free college tuition. If that ain’t redistribution of wealth, I don’t know what is.

And Insurance is out of sight as well (and given the effects of government regulations on insurance…. He’s not immune from the criticism )
The property taxes in his state are as bad as Texas and that’s fuckin dreadful.

And he’s using those taxes for free college tuition. If that ain’t redistribution of wealth, I don’t know what is.

And Insurance is out of sight as well (and given the effects of government regulations on insurance…. He’s not immune from the criticism )
right collectivism has the exact same pitfalls left collectivism has
some secondary moral tenets are shuffled around slightly, but the really important moral failings around private property rights and individual freedoms are the exact same

conveniently enough these shared failings are big enough to bring their systems to an eventual collapse
Just like the last time you posted this drivel in this thread and then didnt look into anything you said you would im going to point out once again what a retard you are. DeSantis is in no way the most palatable candidate. Hes a hard line religous nut who keeps shooting himself in the foot by taking hard stances on shit that most non religious people will not go for. Take abortion for instance. The last sets of elections have proved that abortion matters to most people and a hard no stance isnt the way to go about it. The days of being christian as a selling point for a politician are long gone
Did you ever think OBiden could win?:flipoff2:
Just like the last time you posted this drivel in this thread and then didnt look into anything you said you would im going to point out once again what a retard you are. DeSantis is in no way the most palatable candidate. Hes a hard line religous nut who keeps shooting himself in the foot by taking hard stances on shit that most non religious people will not go for. Take abortion for instance. The last sets of elections have proved that abortion matters to most people and a hard no stance isnt the way to go about it. The days of being christian as a selling point for a politician are long gone
I've looked into it. I think you're full of shit, mainly that the media has spewed. Prove me wrong with some unbiased links. Any restrictions on abortion at all or opposition to pushing sexual topics on little kids is not a hardline religious zealot stance.
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You know why turds float? Like in real life, it's the fat content.
Huh, that makes so much sense now that you pointed it out
I've looked into it. I think you're full of shit, mainly that the media has spewed. Prove me wrong with some unbiased links. Any restrictions on abortion at all or opposition to pushing sexual topics on little kids is not a hardline religious zealot stance.

Huh look the very first line is about his intended ban on abortion after 6 weeks. A point at which many dont even know they are pregnant. Not to mention the proposed law they are talking about he'd definitely sign.

Or this one

And while i dont necessarily disagree its a bad thing 486 was right when he said it the first time. Thats still the state getting involved in what it teaches your children. Which is not a good thing. Sure its a good thing this time. But it won't always be and you're incredibly dumb if you dont see that.
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2016? Yes, easily.

2020? No, not a chance
Honestly i think you have that backwards. In 2016 the donald still has the element of surprise like he had on hillary and being underestimated. I don't understand how so many people don't get that there are a lot of people who didn't vote for biden but voted against trump and they will do it again. They don't care that its stupid or means four more years of bullshit. They think orange man is bad and will show up in droves to make sure he stays out of office. Where as republicans whine about stolen votes and throw a tantrum on the floor and just dont vote because muh stolen election. Both are instances of cutting nose off to spite face. But one side is way more willing to do it because they only have one goal. While republicans sqaubble amongst themselves like children.
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