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Self defense shooting "to stop the threat".

Take it a step further, just because you pull your gun out doesn't mean you have to use it. Plenty of 1080p surveillance footage out there of knife wielding would be thieves fucking off real quick when the guy behind the counter of the liquor/convinced store they intended to rob pulls out a gun.
Do you roll the dice or not?
Sure you could pull it & wait to see what happens. maybe use a laser and you could shine it across their eyes.
Maybe they do run.

Give this one a try have your buddy stand about 20 feet from you with a stick to represent a knife and you hold out a squirt gun.
Then have him lunge at you with the stick
and see who gets poked or wet first.
If you’re around that 20 foot marker or closer I’m not giving you the opportunity to see if you’re gonna run or not.

A knife is a deadly weapon and maybe they shouldn’t have brought it to the gunfight

Because a guy with a knife standing where?
is a threat? How close are you going to let them get or how far away are they where they would no longer pose a threat of great bodily harm or death
You completely missed my point. :shaking:

I'm sure being billy badass with a deagle and pile of spare mags crammed up your ass isn't helping.

I'm sure plenty of other boomers who missed it too will be along shortly to act like I advocated for some absurdity that is in no way backed up by what I posted. :flipoff2:

Do you roll the dice or not?
I'm not gonna shoot someone who's flipped from attack to retreat because that would be unwise for reasons that should be obvious.

Good enough?:smokin:

Looks like yours are going to expand a little quicker than mine
Sure you could pull it & wait to see what happens. maybe use a laser and you could shine it across their eyes.
Maybe they do run.

Give this one a try have your buddy stand about 20 feet from you with a stick to represent a knife and you hold out a squirt gun.
Then have him lunge at you with the stick
and see who gets poked or wet first.
If you’re around that 20 foot marker or closer I’m not giving you the opportunity to see if you’re gonna run or not.

A knife is a deadly weapon and maybe they shouldn’t have brought it to the gunfight

Because a guy with a knife standing where?
is a threat? How close are you going to let them get or how far away are they where they would no longer pose a threat of great bodily harm or death

You go ahead and stand your ground with feet planted. I will be moving and drawing and shooting if necessary. I get the Tueller rule of 21 ft but its based on the defender staying planted so it does not apply if you can keep the distance
If you want to stop a threat immediately, you need to go headhunting first and then the chest. You have to put them in that triangle created by the eyebrow and the nose.

But if you’re adrenaline is only amped up and you’re getting the shakes yeah you probably should go for center of mass and blast away
It’s called a Failure Drill, consisting of a hammered pair to the chest followed by a face shot to the triangle. Headshots in stressful situations are extremely difficult for trained people let alone someone who shoots once/twice a year. Center mass is always your best first shot.
You go ahead and stand your ground with feet planted. I will be moving and drawing and shooting if necessary. I get the Tueller rule of 21 ft but its based on the defender staying planted so it does not apply if you can keep the distance

yes, Doing something is always better than doing nothing.
Sometimes you’re caught by surprise and the only thing you can do is draw your weapon and use it

Scenario, you’re working in a convenience store and you’re trapped behind the counter in a small area…

Scenario two, you’re out in a parking lot full of cars.

scenario, the guy with a knife is also mobile and can run after you as you’re going for cover or a better opportunity to daw your weapon.

Some state have laws like the castle doctrine, or stand your ground some don’t.
Some states almost require you to retreat and avoid the conflict and then if you can’t you can defend yourself.
It’s called a Failure Drill, consisting of a hammered pair to the chest followed by a face shot to the triangle. Headshots in stressful situations are extremely difficult for trained people let alone someone who shoots once/twice a year. Center mass is always your best first shot.
never heard it called failure before, Mozambique was what i learned. but this was before all the politically correct bull shit.
I see lesser petal striations, but interesting design, who makes these?
rugger yours?
I need another personal defense round rabbit hole...:beer:
Their actually
Federal premium Hydro shock 124 grain
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Never shot anyone so I really dont know how many shots it would take to stop them. But I do know how many shots I have.
never heard it called failure before, Mozambique was what i learned. but this was before all the politically correct bull shit.
Same/same. When I was taught it, they called it a Failure Drill later in life I learned it was originally the Mozambique. Tom Cruise has a pretty good demonstration in Collateral
If you are ever asked if you shot to kill, the correct response is "No, I shot to live" or "No I shot so they (potential victims of assailant) could live". I shot to stop the threat is good but I like this better as it goes to your core purpose for carrying in the first place.
Fukk tOm cRuZ
Go online training for the Mozambique drill, not hollieweird

I'm saying that you don't want to put a movie idiot in charge of your life :usa:
Wilson combat channel :usa:
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What does it mean to you when you hear the words "to stop the threat"? At what point does that take place?

Obviously most of us are aware of the fact that when you defend your life, you are not shooting to kill. You are not trying to kill anyone because nobody ever wants to kill anyone.
You are trying to stop the threat. But at what point are you certain the person is no longer a threat? What is that fine line, for you?

In this video, we see a situation where a security guard shoots a hostile party that brandished a weapon. The person takes a few rounds and falls to the ground. The shooting stops, at least for a moment. And then, a few seconds later the party on the ground was able to put aimed and effective fire back at the security guard. Seeing this video might surprise some people, most likely it would surprise most people that aren't familiar with guns in real life because they think one bullet makes bad guys stop instantly like magic.

My opinion on when the threat is stopped:
1) The suspect no longer has access to the weapon and their movements cease or are reduced to the point where I'd be able to react before they regain access to their weapon.
2) The suspect still has the weapon but is no longer moving at all, whether due to giving up the fight or going unconscious or having been disabled by the damage they've sustained.

Your answers might be different and I'm interested in comparing notes and hearing your reasoning for why you think what you do.

You sure put a lot of thought into these kinds of topics. Why are you so afraid?
Fukk tOm cRuZ
Go online training for the Mozambique drill, not hollieweird

I'm saying that you don't want to put a movie idiot in charge of your life :usa:
Wilson combat channel :usa:
I take it this is a reply to me.

Never said learn from tOm CRuZ, just said he demonstrates it well, it’s textbook.
Jesus fucking Christ :shaking:
You identify the tit in the middel Mr. Wizard
I'm not talking about these.
Is it designated as a petal spreader.
We don't all have jobs with federal:flipoff2:


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Sure you could pull it & wait to see what happens. maybe use a laser and you could shine it across their eyes.
Maybe they do run.

Give this one a try have your buddy stand about 20 feet from you with a stick to represent a knife and you hold out a squirt gun.
Then have him lunge at you with the stick
and see who gets poked or wet first.
If you’re around that 20 foot marker or closer I’m not giving you the opportunity to see if you’re gonna run or not.

A knife is a deadly weapon and maybe they shouldn’t have brought it to the gunfight

Because a guy with a knife standing where?
is a threat? How close are you going to let them get or how far away are they where they would no longer pose a threat of great bodily harm or death
That 7yard/21' rule is from holster. If I'm pointed in and a knife attacker charges me, he's getting at least three hits.
A lot of people won’t have fast reaction times when they’re under stress.
You might be able to shoot. Most, nope.

It’s like if somebody with a gun is within arms reach, and yoir hands are empty.

I’m gonna push the gun to the side or fold it back upon them, because their reaction time isn’t there.

A human cannot process the information fast enough to get their finger to pull the trigger before you move.

A little trick to decrease the reaction time is to ask them a stupid question just before you move like when is your mom‘s birthday?
Then strike, the question divides their attention slowing down their reaction.

or with a little bit more training, you could push it up and fold it back upon themselves. so it’s pointing at them and then it convenient little jerk. You can usually get the gun to discharge and shoot them with their own gun.
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