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Russia / Ukraine thread

Sweden does not really have an air defense. Their best "shot" would be SAM type missile launch, their air force is essentially nil. Norway has F-15 or F-16 cant recall which.
Sweden does not really have an air defense. Their best "shot" would be SAM type missile launch, their air force is essentially nil. Norway has F-15 or F-16 cant recall which.
Sweden has interceptor aircraft that are more than capable of taking those Su-27s and two Su-24s - JAS 39 Gripen would eat them alive at 100 miles with BVRAAM or AMRAAMs.

I'd say they just chose not to, that time. They're a gen 4.5 air craft will full sensor integration.

Its a propaganda war bro. NATO works in lock step. Like anyone would listen to Putin if it runs counter to the agenda:shaking:
You don't think if there was actual evidence of this all going down that Putin wouldn't have trotted that out as one of his justifications for his invasion?
Sweden has interceptor aircraft that are more than capable of taking those Su-27s and two Su-24s - JAS 39 Gripen would eat them alive at 100 miles with BVRAAM or AMRAAMs.

I'd say they just chose not to, that time. They're a gen 4.5 air craft will full sensor integration

Good news. My Kwik-Wik showed only really old Harrier Jump Jet type craft or I overlooked the obvious. Watch the Glock talk there :laughing:
You don't think if there was actual evidence of this all going down that Putin wouldn't have trotted that out as one of his justifications for his invasion?
If trump had evidence biden was dirty and trotted it out for the world to see, would it make a difference?

I would like to see this continue, I think the west is using all its propaganda it can against Russia. That tells me something much bigger is going on with this. The longer it goes the clearer the objectives become.
Good news. My Kwik-Wik showed only really old Harrier Jump Jet type craft or I overlooked the obvious. Watch the Glock talk there :laughing:
They have a lot of them, too.

They also have their version of our AEW&C... meaning they knew those air craft were there and could have vectored interceptors to knock them out of the sky.
You mean like this?

You think our propaganda media would honestly report and give credit to Putin having any proof?
If you swallow what's in that article without shit tons of independent back up you'll believe in Santa Claus.
His (Putin) excuses/reasons are basically the same bullshit the old USSR used to justify crushing eastern
Europe under it's jack boot.
If you swallow what's in that article without shit tons of independent back up you'll believe in Santa Claus.
His (Putin) excuses/reasons are basically the same bullshit the old USSR used to justify crushing eastern
Europe under it's jack boot.
What you dont believe Putin accused the USA of meddling? Because thats the reason I posted it to show that Putin WAS raising hell about USA influence in Ukraine. My question was if he did have hard proof would our media show it to the public? I think not.

Plenty of hard evidence that shows our government was highly motivated in influencing and removing Russian influence in Ukraine. You would have to be a fucking fool to think we didnt at the very least offer billions of dollars. Especially given our long history of meddling in other countries politics.
What you dont believe Putin accused the USA of meddling? Because thats the reason I posted it to show that Putin WAS raising hell about USA influence in Ukraine. My question was if he did have hard proof would our media show it to the public? I think not.

Plenty of hard evidence that shows our government was highly motivated in influencing and removing Russian influence in Ukraine. You would have to be a fucking fool to think we didnt at the very least offer billions of dollars. Especially given our long history of meddling in other countries politics.

7 years ago, albeit still relevant.

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You mean like this?

You think our propaganda media would honestly report and give credit to Putin having any proof?
He didn't back it up with any evidence. Just threw the claim out there. I'm guessing that's because it's a lot harder to prove it happened than you're making it out to be.

I can agree with you that it's a possibility and even likely that we organized a coup- the US had a lot to gain. But there's also the possibility that Russia's propaganda department is doing everything they can to make that story legit to help justify their invasion. Correlation doesn't always equal causation, and that's why evidence is needed.
Yeah right....

(Sarcasm in case it's lost)

(More sarcasm)

There's not enough dust on me!

(More sarcasm)

(This statement may or may not be factually accurate. The dust could be dirt or some other organic and or inorganic material. Statements made by Trackerbacker are representative of that user's statements and not of i4x4 llc, etc. Despite preconceived notions, bias or other $40 words)
He didn't back it up with any evidence. Just threw the claim out there. I'm guessing that's because it's a lot harder to prove it happened than you're making it out to be.

I can agree with you that it's a possibility and even likely that we organized a coup- the US had a lot to gain. But there's also the possibility that Russia's propaganda department is doing everything they can to make that story legit to help justify their invasion. Correlation doesn't always equal causation, and that's why evidence is needed.
Thank you. I see way too many people here all too willing to swallow Russian propaganda whole. IMO we possibly helped an existing internal movement in the Ukraine to get rid of a Russian stooge and replace him with someone who the people truly wanted. I agree with you that all that's been thrown out there are accusations.
Thank you. I see way too many people here all too willing to swallow Russian propaganda whole. IMO we possibly helped an existing internal movement in the Ukraine to get rid of a Russian stooge and replace him with someone who the people truly wanted. I agree with you that all that's been thrown out there are accusations.
So you just admitted you agree with Russian propaganda. (Russia propaganda says we interfered in an internal movement) The USA has no business interfering with an internal movement. Its not justified just cause you dont like Russia.
So you just admitted you agree with Russian propaganda. (Russia propaganda says we interfered in an internal movement) The USA has no business interfering with an internal movement. Its not justified just cause you dont like Russia.
We should stop replacing leaders with who we think it should be, or because some petty reason.

Hasn't really ever worked out well for us, next guy in was either top cowardly and created issues, or worse than the guy we didn't like.
Damn, I see a whole lot of Russian apologists in here. The same attitudes as would have believed the USSR was justified to crush the Hungarian revolt in 1956 and the Czechoslovakian revolt in 1968. Putin's used the same bullshit propaganda as the USSR used then.
Sweden has interceptor aircraft that are more than capable of taking those Su-27s and two Su-24s - JAS 39 Gripen would eat them alive at 100 miles with BVRAAM or AMRAAMs.

I'd say they just chose not to, that time. They're a gen 4.5 air craft will full sensor integration.

Does SAAB still exist as an aircraft mfg?
Damn, I see a whole lot of Russian apologists in here. The same attitudes as would have believed the USSR was justified to crush the Hungarian revolt in 1956 and the Czechoslovakian revolt in 1968. Putin's used the same bullshit propaganda as the USSR used then.
Im not apologizing for russia and damn sure dont want to go to war over Ukraine especially nuclear war. Especially cause NATO can suck one and just tried to put me under government tyranny with a fake plandemic and wokeness.
Biden picked a fight by doing nothing while Putin invaded Ukraine and then went on TV and declared we wouldn't commit any troops to the cause? :confused:. I'd love to see you decide to start a bar fight- what do you do? Buy them a drink first or just stand really far away and talk about how you don't want to fight?
No Biden and the White House kept talking about how Tussia was about to invade the Ukraine even after both Presidents from each country asked them to be wuiet because there was peace talks under way. Or how for the last 6 years Biden and the Democrats and all Social media has been spreading lies about how Russia put Trump in office and Russia bad arussia Bad Russia Bad. When it turns out they knew all along that it was the DNC with a few overseas people that started and then maintained the Russia Bad narrative.

#tinfoil. The DNC got pressure put on them for allowing Trump to not start a new war. Remever how pissed off all the Democrats were when Iran shot down a unmanned aircraft and when Trump called off the advised retaliation on them? Yea the DNC is our modern day war machine. Biden left all the arms in AFG to give the defense contractors a huge order of replacement of the equipment. Along with trying to get us back into proxy wars in Eastern Europe/Middle East. But thats just my observations. Let not talk about how within the first 10 days in office Biden was dropping air strikes in Syria.

The modern DNC IS NOT and has NEVER been the party of tolerance and acceptance. It always has been and currently still is the party of hate and discrimination. Jim crow laws. Sitting member of congress that was a KKK chapter founder and president. Signaling the right out by their race, Remember just 2 years ago when everyone who supported Trump was a white supremacy supporter. Yet our current POTUS when Senator said this. NSFW SENATOR Biden dropping the N bomb in senate. Dont play this anywhere your wouldn’t play porn.

What do you got to counter that?:flipoff2::beer:
No Biden and the White House kept talking about how Tussia was about to invade the Ukraine even after both Presidents from each country asked them to be wuiet because there was peace talks under way. Or how for the last 6 years Biden and the Democrats and all Social media has been spreading lies about how Russia put Trump in office and Russia bad arussia Bad Russia Bad. When it turns out they knew all along that it was the DNC with a few overseas people that started and then maintained the Russia Bad narrative.

#tinfoil. The DNC got pressure put on them for allowing Trump to not start a new war. Remever how pissed off all the Democrats were when Iran shot down a unmanned aircraft and when Trump called off the advised retaliation on them? Yea the DNC is our modern day war machine. Biden left all the arms in AFG to give the defense contractors a huge order of replacement of the equipment. Along with trying to get us back into proxy wars in Eastern Europe/Middle East. But thats just my observations. Let not talk about how within the first 10 days in office Biden was dropping air strikes in Syria.

The modern DNC IS NOT and has NEVER been the party of tolerance and acceptance. It always has been and currently still is the party of hate and discrimination. Jim crow laws. Sitting member of congress that was a KKK chapter founder and president. Signaling the right out by their race, Remember just 2 years ago when everyone who supported Trump was a white supremacy supporter. Yet our current POTUS when Senator said this. NSFW SENATOR Biden dropping the N bomb in senate. Dont play this anywhere your wouldn’t play porn.

What do you got to counter that?:flipoff2::beer:

...why would I need to counter it? :confused:
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