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Russia / Ukraine thread

In 20 years a lot has changed. Maybe not air power wise but a lot has changed. From some ROE to having drag shows at us bases to maintain readiness. Army no longer shines boots, not sure about the rest of the branches. Government will pay for you to get you cock chopped off and hormones to help you grow tits. Women are being helped to pass certain physical tests to be combat ready.

Not much has changed…
bro, I was in the Navy, Drag shows are far from a new thing.........:flipoff2:
Question about the pics from the SUN post showing burned out Roosky stuff. Some of them are rusted. Can they rust that fast ?
Yes. Fire burns off the paint, leaving bare steel, and bare steel rusts within minutes when exposed to air. Just look at any car that's been in a fire. It's rusted before it's on the wrecker.
From a military standpoint it makes perfect sense to have the troop build up. IF this stupidity "blows up" into something bigger, like Putin gets pissed off about the arms shipments and launches airstrikes or missiles at NATO members we already have the troops and equipment there. Trying to bring them in afterwards is a losing game.
I get the show of force but we already have decent numbers over there. Imho enough for our part with NATO but I realize shtf we will do the heavy lifting. The troops from Ga were going to Poland but were told there was literaly no where to put them so it got changed to Germany. Another angle is our buildup there likely played a role in the pipeline decision.

I just have a bad feeling potato head already is planning on sending our tanks in as a shield, tying their hands or something else truly stupid.
And all said, this is still a USA vs. Russia game. Nato and EU are just waving flags and alliances around but can't really do shit.
So can you finally admit that Trump did not start massive wars and had nothing to do with all the bullshit you accused him of? Ofter all we hot the Dumacrats back in power and biden was bombing Syria in under 10 days. He abandoned troops and supplies in the botched AFG pull out and appears to be trying to pick a fight with Russia to get rid of the Covid narrative before elections. Seems to me you have been fucking wrong on most of what you have said the last 2 years. Do you own your errors and lies or is it still Trumps fault?

Either way if you think everyone here doesn’t see you for who and wha you are it’s laughable. You have behaved like a coward for the last 2 years. Now suddenly you are an expert of war and manipulation. They f we truly saw all that from the beginning you would have never supported the German government’s policy because you would have seen it for the American imperialism it was. However you constantly bragged about how good the German cock tasted in your mouth. So either you like American imperialism or you just swallowed the nearest cock that got people to accept you so you could feel safe. You’re a coward afraid to stand up for your personal beliefs. Or scared to voice them completely and everything you post is just a flat out lie.
Yes. Fire burns off the paint, leaving bare steel, and bare steel rusts within minutes when exposed to air. Just look at any car that's been in a fire. It's rusted before it's on the wrecker.

Heat also accelerates rusting.
I mean didn’t the United States fund and orchestrate a coup in Ukraine in 2014 that ousted the pro Russian government there? I’d love to see how deep Biden‘s shady profiteering runs in Ukraine. If Pooty Poo can expose that information than this just sounds like two corrupt shit holes colliding to me.
There's no actual proof of that anywhere, otherwise, you would see Putin dragging that out every chance he got.

I give a crap about the whole thing because Russia has the ability to impact oil prices at a global level and we don't have enough energy independence to not feel that here.
appears to be trying to pick a fight with Russia to get rid of the Covid narrative before elections..

Biden picked a fight by doing nothing while Putin invaded Ukraine and then went on TV and declared we wouldn't commit any troops to the cause? :confused:. I'd love to see you decide to start a bar fight- what do you do? Buy them a drink first or just stand really far away and talk about how you don't want to fight?
I give a crap about the whole thing because Russia has the ability to impact oil prices at a global level and we don't have enough energy independence to not feel that here.
America is split into two parties

Party A
Those who see the Golden wheat fields blowing in the wind, wanting to blindly protect that image, while starving.

Party B
Those who reap from the fields they plowed, willing to sell you some wheat.

A hates B. B isn't bothered by A. A seeks to destroy B. B seeks to do as he pleases.

Party A would like Party B to believe we don't/ shouldn't/ can't grow wheat.

We can.
And then condemn, shame or guilt the US for not doing more/doing too much/not fast enough/there longer than need be/too slow.

My opinion, fuck em all. Its beyond time we stop, and start telling europe to take their fucking training wheels off and deal with their own backyard for a change.
But they cried so hard when we asked them to meet their obligations a few years ago :lmao:

At 9:53 this guy states:

"I have received intelligence from a country, but I'm not allowed to share at threats of having my legs broken, that shows exactly every single Ukrainian vehicle that has been destroyed by cruise missiles. Now, again, I'm not allowed to show you until it's published. Which it will be published in the next few days apparently. And I can tell you that. How can I say it? That what we see on television and YouTube is a tiny, tiny little fragrance of what is going on over there. 99% you never even know about. And I can say that Ukraine has got nothing left. It's got nothing. Of anything. [inaudible] of aeroplanes. It's got nothing of anything left. The amount of stuff destroyed...is ridiculous.
I have no idea who this guy is or how/why he would get credible information. So I am not verifying what he said, just pointing it out as interesting. I only watched this one video from him.
Question about the pics from the SUN post showing burned out Roosky stuff. Some of them are rusted. Can they rust that fast ?
Yes, the heat of a vehicle fire can burn the paint off and flash rust the surface. We have a 5 ton truck hood from the 2nd Gulf War in our collection that did that. Took shrapnel and partially burned. Paint is fine were the temp did not trach flash point.
It's taken 30 years since unification, Germany solidly controls European military and economy's at a level only previously feared but never dreamed :flipoff2:

Here's rough expenditures, without noting how many of our billions go overseas or over borders.

Just like welfare state, we need to cut $'s from the warfare state.

Biden's handling of the oil aspect of this whole thing will be his biggest failure (at least to this point) of his presidency. It will mark his term.

Given the situation, there is absolutely NO reason to to not (at least temporarily) curtail his domestic energy regulations. None.

Not rooting for Russia or Ukraine... but I just don't see the evidence Ukraine is claiming.
I believe the real Russian losses are between 498 and 4,500 :flipoff2:

No need to believe any of them but where their wild claims lands does give some kind of border. Ukraine is abvoously going to have the most inflated numbers
There's no actual proof of that anywhere, otherwise, you would see Putin dragging that out every chance he got.

I give a crap about the whole thing because Russia has the ability to impact oil prices at a global level and we don't have enough energy independence to not feel that here.
Thanks to Mr. Potatohead. We went from energy independent back to importing thanks to that idiot. Also, cancelling the Keystone Pipeline was incredibly stupid.
I believe the real Russian losses are between 498 and 4,500 :flipoff2:

No need to believe any of them but where their wild claims lands does give some kind of border. Ukraine is abvoously going to have the most inflated numbers
It may also be possible that Russia is not counting deaths of the untrained cannon fodder that they are sending in. It's like going to war with Mexico and drafting every Garcia in the country and sending them across the border.
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