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Russia / Ukraine thread

Dummm dummm DUMMMMMMMMMMMM....

Transfer three A-10 aircraft squadrons to Ukraine now​

Give us the tools, and we will finish the job,“ spoke U.K. Prime Minister Winston Churchill in February 1941. Following this powerful speech, U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt proposed and Congress approved the lend-lease program. This provided the U.K. equipment and access to United States production capacity. This action was essential to stopping the Nazi advances.

History often rhymes. Now, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is making the same plea for equipment necessary to stop the advance of the Russian autocratic Army. Now is the time for another lend-lease program supporting Ukraine.

Congress is acting in a supportive manner, but details are important. Russia must face a military defeat to enforce sanctions. The history of sanctions supports the conclusion that they do not change policy, but rather make conduct of business far more difficult while imposing distress on the economy as shown in Iraq, Iran, North Korea and others.

Sanctions must be accompanied by military success.

Zelenskyy has requested weapons and support in line with Churchill’s philosophy. Ukrainian soldiers have proved their courage and bravery. There is one more step that could be decisive: the transfer of three squadrons of A-10 aircraft to the Ukrainian Air Force.

This aircraft and its gun system were designed to counter an armored assault in Europe. They proved effective in Desert Storm’s target-rich environment, quite similar to the current advancing Russian force. They also became the infantry’s friend in close-air support missions.

The United States Air Force has deployment packages ready to go. The whole transfer to the Ukrainian Air Force could be completed in days after congressional authorization.

Firepower is needed to defeat the coming onslaught of armored forces. Other weapons are necessary for ground forces, but air power will be decisive. The A-10 has proven this ability and was designed for this purpose.

Zelenskyy asked NATO for air support. This request was declined by NATO. That is an appropriate decision since Russia has not attacked NATO.

However, that decision leaves each country an opportunity to decide based on its own moral compass. Many, including the United States, have decided to provide and have already supplied lethal aid necessary to slow the Russian advance. Some effects are notable, but military analysts agree that the long-term outlook for Ukraine’s survival is not good. One predicts a continuing resistance war for decades.

Zelenskyy is right in requesting air power support. It is necessary to slow or stop the oncoming juggernaut of Russian armored forces. The United States has the most effective weapon for this role — the U.S. Air Force’s A-10 aircraft. It is available since the service wants to retire most of the 30-year-old fleet. The airplane was designed to operate in Europe from ill-prepared facilities. Pilot retraining is minimal. All that is needed is painting Ukrainian insignia and delivering the aircraft. This could be done in days.

Each day is critical to slowing the momentum of Russia’s invading force. It is time to implement the United States’ moral compass and add the A-10 to the list of weapons already scheduled. Failure to add defensive capability to current Ukraine forces, while sanctions develop, weakens the potential impact of sanctions. They are complementary actions.
Dummm dummm DUMMMMMMMMMMMM....

Transfer three A-10 aircraft squadrons to Ukraine now​

"Aircraft retraining is minimal" ? Bullshit. A decent pilot can learn to fly one fairly quickly, but to become really proficient and survivable in combat is not something that's done in a few hours.
Dummm dummm DUMMMMMMMMMMMM....

Transfer three A-10 aircraft squadrons to Ukraine now​

The Author Everett Pyatt is a former assistant secretary of the U.S. Navy for shipbuilding and logistics.

For those of you lamenting the stupid shit people have said in this thread almost all of it has been better than the idiocy in that article. Hell at least people here are able to look up the wiki page on the SU-25 and see that Ukraine does not lack an airframe with similar capabilities to the A-10.
The Author Everett Pyatt is a former assistant secretary of the U.S. Navy for shipbuilding and logistics.

For those of you lamenting the stupid shit people have said in this thread almost all of it has been better than the idiocy in that article. Hell at least people here are able to look up the wiki page on the SU-25 and see that Ukraine does not lack an airframe with similar capabilities to the A-10.
I think I almost got brain cancer from trying to read that article. It HAD to be written by a bot... Professional writers don't write like that these days, do they?

History often rhymes. Now, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is making the same plea for equipment necessary to stop the advance of the Russian autocratic Army. Now is the time for another lend-lease program supporting Ukraine.

Congress is acting in a supportive manner, but details are important. Russia must face a military defeat to enforce sanctions. The history of sanctions supports the conclusion that they do not change policy, but rather make conduct of business far more difficult while imposing distress on the economy as shown in Iraq, Iran, North Korea and others.

I think I almost got brain cancer from trying to read that article. It HAD to be written by a bot... Professional writers don't write like that these days, do they?

It WAS labeled as opinion but there has to be some sort of filter on stupid shit you allow on your site. Best case scenario the writer is just an idiot and articles about the A-10 drives a lot of traffic so they let it slip.
not even close. It's gun carries 250 rounds. And Jet engine not Turbine.
it's has a 30mm autocannon built to cut through tank armor.
It is a slow moving long loiter time CAS airframe
It has a fuckton of hardpoints for more guns and bombs

No it is not an A-10 with a soviet star on it but it is meant to do the same shit it is just not as centered on the gun.

Jesus fucking christ
Damn, I see a whole lot of Russian apologists in here. The same attitudes as would have believed the USSR was justified to crush the Hungarian revolt in 1956 and the Czechoslovakian revolt in 1968. Putin's used the same bullshit propaganda as the USSR used then.
We (the US) have meddled repeatedly in other countries. It is entirely believable that we did here too. It doesn’t justify Russia’s action in Ukraine or make someone a Putin apologist to acknowledge the fact.
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it's has a 30mm autocannon built to cut through tank armor.
It is a slow moving long loiter time CAS airframe
It has a fuckton of hardpoints for more guns and bombs

No it is not an A-10 with a soviet star on it but it is meant to do the same shit it is just not as centered on the gun.

Jesus fucking christ
Got to watch out for the a10 fanbois. They come out of the woodwork when you bring those up.
We (the US) have meddled repeatedly in other countries. It is entirely believable that did here too. It doesn’t justify Russia’s action in Ukraine or make someone a Putin apologist to acknowledge the fact.
The problem I have with them is that from their posts I read what they say as it's "okay" or "justified" what Putin did. That's what I object to.
When you strip away all the bullshit Putin invaded a sovereign country and that's just wrong.
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The problem I have with them is that from their posts I read what they say as it's "okay" or "justified" what Putin did. That's what I object to.
When you strip away all the bullshit Putin invaded a sovereign country and that's just wrong.
I agree. More than one party can be wrong.

I am so sick of our country meddling in other countries. Putin is an ex-kgb dictator.
it's has a 30mm autocannon built to cut through tank armor.
with 250 rounds. That last 2.5 seconds?

There are alot of planes that can sorta do what a A-10 does but they are not equivalents. There is a reason we don't have anything to replace it yet despite the many attempts to do so.
Here's a comparison of the A-10's 30mm to a 30-06.
There is a fire fight going at a nuke power plant in the southren part of the country. Fricken ass holes. That plant has 6 reactors
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