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Russia / Ukraine thread

LMAO then why the MLRS attacks on civilian buildings? Why the shit show with logistics? Why does this excuse invading another country?

You're a Putin nut swinging troll.
Weapons of mass destruction. Whether they have em or not its the only excuse you need. Worked for us.:usa:
that makes as much sense as anything.

What seems like massive, absolutely massive, amounts of incompetence out of the russian ground force is simply mind-bottling. it can't be real. I'm not even talking about the absurd propaganda on both sides with claims of whatever numbers of whatever, just the much more objective "who controls what" loose areas. There's not even enough progress to say that it is a small amount of units making all the tabloid shots.

I refuse to accept that the russian army is this incompetent.

Well... Russian friends say its the human factor. Many Russians are breaking their stuff "by accident" or just leaving and going home.

There are only two scenarios:

  • Full-on WWIII
  • Oligarchs put out a press release a la: "Unfortunately our great leader has suffered a fatal heart attack from long term sickness."
Finally a tax decision I can agree with.

They just called all of russia's vehicles scrap. :lmao:

"Thanks to the courage and victory of the defenders of the Ukrainian state, hostile military equipment, weapons, and other armor arrive as scrap. It is impossible to evaluate such objects in accordance with the Law of Ukraine," read the NACP's guidelines."
Makes leaving their convoy all lined up like sitting ducks even more strange.
I saw the 40 mile long convoy heading to Ukrainian in the news and wondered why Ukrainian wouldn’t take advantage of attacking it?!?
As others in this thread are saying all of the information coming out of this region is suspect as hell. Everybody is just repeating what they want to be true or what they fear is true including news sources. Both sides having similar vehicles and weapons has to be so confusing plus you have the pro Russia faction of Ukrainians. I honestly can't keep up with all of the developments, I think that even if the war ends soon it is going to take years to figure out what really happened.
Well it got this way under that leadership. And you say "corrupt" like it means something to anyone these days...
Truly there are levels of corruption. The US and most Western nations have their own levels of corruption, but are so wealthy that the proletariat is still getting enough wine and chocolate that they don't really do anything about it. Now go got someplace like Mexico or essentially anywhere in Africa and the corruption is so bad that the elite are in MB600's and rest of the country is starving. Zelenskyy has made some progress in this regard, but I doubt he'll be able to do it in one term, and he's still undecided if he'll run for a second.
Truly there are levels of corruption. The US and most Western nations have their own levels of corruption, but are so wealthy that the proletariat is still getting enough wine and chocolate that they don't really do anything about it. Now go got someplace like Mexico or essentially anywhere in Africa and the corruption is so bad that the elite are in MB600's and rest of the country is starving. Zelenskyy has made some progress in this regard, but I doubt he'll be able to do it in one term, and he's still undecided if he'll run for a second.
You mean he's not sure if he'll be alive for a second term? :flipoff2:
speaking of the 40 mile long convoy just sitting. no military exp at all so forgive the dumb question. How far can an RPG reach? UKR natives in the trees/ fields along the roads could make the Russian's pay heavily for that I should think?
I think the Russians are going to circle Kiev, then start artillery and clusterbombing. After day 5 or so they will open up a corridor for non-mil to leave, and then they will turn the entire city into Stalingrad of WWII. Reminds me of Aleppo... same tactics.

Right now it's kids fighting the Ukrainians. The special forces are waiting.

And on the other side there is also this. So Putins claims of Nazis are weirdly true... Profile: Who are Ukraine’s far-right Azov regiment?
speaking of the 40 mile long convoy just sitting. no military exp at all so forgive the dumb question. How far can an RPG reach? UKR natives in the trees/ fields along the roads could make the Russian's pay heavily for that I should think?
The bog standard soviet RPG-7 can be used at very long ranges as indirect fire. It is not very practical though because it is most effective as a shaped charge against armor. Basically you need to be able to see your target to fire on it effectively and that means the enemy can see you.

This hold true for all RPGs. Guided munitions like Javelins are used differently but still have to see the target to lock on with the added issue of being like 175k a pop.
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I thought they were line of sight weapons but I would think 100 people with RPGs in the trees/fields along the road to raise up, shoot then haul ass during the ensuing chaos?

Again if I am way off I apologize.
That is telling me that Ukraine does not have anything in the air AT ALL.

Anybody think the drone footage they're showing of the "Ukrainian" drone strike(s) is actually covert US?

It'd be a helluva gamble but as was said, if they (Ukrainians) have a drone, why in the world wouldn't you hit that convoy?


Why is the Russia stock market down until Saturday (heard that this morning but cannot find corroborating reporting)? I mean I know what we're being told is the reason (the sanctions are crumbling the economy and the Russian Central Bank needs time to infuse cash and buy up stock) but the timing seems odd, so what's the real reason? Is Saturday the time table they expect to smash Kyiv and the rest of the Ukrainian defense?
I saw the 40 mile long convoy heading to Ukrainian in the news and wondered why Ukrainian wouldn’t take advantage of attacking it?!?
Where is the Ghost of Kyiv when you need him? For that matter, does Ukraine have one functional aircraft with air to ground capabilities? I'm starting to think this convoy is just another myth.

"Intercepted radio messages indicate troops are disobeying orders from Moscow to shell Ukrainian towns, and complaining about running out of food and fuel.
The recordings, obtained by British intelligence company ShadowBreak, include a soldier who sounds like he is crying."
I thought they were line of sight weapons but I would think 100 people with RPGs in the trees/fields along the road to raise up, shoot then haul ass during the ensuing chaos?

Again if I am way off I apologize.
I'm sure there is infantry around that convoy providing security. And they would be out a bit from it to keep this from happening.
The Ukraine military has been sticking to urban areas, exploiting their strengths and Russian weaknesses. Fighting in open ground is not for the unsupported small unit. To go after that column, a unit of capable hammers would need to travel openly into another country, with some heavy equipment and hit the column hard enough to do something significant. So that unit needs to be big enough to be effective, but small enough to evade detection. Remember, basically no air power, so dropping them in by helo is out, all land travel.

That is a monumental task considering what they have to work with and the risk of unknown russian support. And probably a suicide trip, unless the russians really are as incompetent as they have displayed so far, which is something of debate.
Where is the Ghost of Kyiv when you need him? For that matter, does Ukraine have one functional aircraft with air to ground capabilities? I'm starting to think this convoy is just another myth.
Shot down and died. At least, this guy is the closest they're gonna get to a real Ghost of Kyiv. I believe I read he had just gotten his 7th confirmed kill before getting shot down: Ukrainian Top Gun Dies as Plane Shot Down

Ukrainian Air Force pilot Colonel Oleksandr Oksanchenko, reportedly nicknamed “Grey Wolf” was killed in an air battle near Kyiv.
President Volodymyr Zelensky posthumously awarded Oksanchenko with the title of Hero of Ukraine.
Confirming the news today, Ukraine’s government it lost “one of the best fighter pilots in the world” while trying to divert enemy aircraft. Unconfirmed reports say he lost his life on Friday night when his jet was shot down by a Russian S-400.
Ukrainian Top Gun Dies as Plane Shot Down

Oksanchenko was a Sukhoi Su-27 display pilot with the 831st Guards Tactical Aviation Brigade from Myrhorod air base from 2013 to 2018. As per reports, he had more than two thousand flight hours and flawless performance of the most difficult elements of aerobatics. He had taken part at various European air shows including SIAF, Royal International Air Tattoo and the Czech International Air Fest. In particular, at RIAT 2017, flying the Sukhoi Su-27P1M he received the ‘As the Crow Flies’ Trophy (FRIAT Trophy), for the best overall flying demonstration as judged by members of the Friends of the Royal International Air Tattoo.

He left active service and joined the reserves in late 2018, but volunteered to remain in the Ukrainian Flanker Solo Display Team as a coach/advisor and travelled with the team during the 2019 display season. He came out of retirement to defend Ukraine from the Russian invasion.

"Intercepted radio messages indicate troops are disobeying orders from Moscow to shell Ukrainian towns, and complaining about running out of food and fuel.
The recordings, obtained by British intelligence company ShadowBreak, include a soldier who sounds like he is crying."
A russian speaking friend sent me this one (may be the same?), they said that the captions are accurate, the video shows captured Russians who claim to be schoolteachers, a locksmith, truck driver in a mine, etc who were told to come for 2-3 days of military training and instead were put in uniforms and sent to invade Ukraine:

Aaron Z
A russian speaking friend sent me this one (may be the same?), they said that the captions are accurate, the video shows captured Russians who claim to be schoolteachers, a locksmith, truck driver in a mine, etc who were told to come for 2-3 days of military training and instead were put in uniforms and sent to invade Ukraine:

Aaron Z

I'm no military jeanus, but that doesn't make any damn sense to me. Wouldn't their SF units make short work of an unprepared Ukrainian military?
A russian speaking friend sent me this one (may be the same?), they said that the captions are accurate, the video shows captured Russians who claim to be schoolteachers, a locksmith, truck driver in a mine, etc who were told to come for 2-3 days of military training and instead were put in uniforms and sent to invade Ukraine:

Aaron Z

Or this could be them given stories to make it sound like they're innocent and not get hit with war crime charges.
Or this could be them given stories to make it sound like they're innocent and not get hit with war crime charges.
"Uh... yeah! I'm a school teacher too! yep!"

Suspicious that they all are the same profession... or maybe schools were on some kind of winter or spring break so they grabbed everyone working at them? The whole thing just gets more and more surreal.
I'm no military jeanus, but that doesn't make any damn sense to me. Wouldn't their SF units make short work of an unprepared Ukrainian military?
No idea, none of the Russian actions make sense from any perspective that I have heard.
Or this could be them given stories to make it sound like they're innocent and not get hit with war crime charges.
Could be, but it sounded like they gave up without a fight and from the stories, this isn't the first such unit who has surrendered.
"Uh... yeah! I'm a school teacher too! yep!"

Suspicious that they all are the same profession... or maybe schools were on some kind of winter or spring break so they grabbed everyone working at them? The whole thing just gets more and more surreal.
If they pulled units together with people from the same town (or they said to break up into groups of X and get into those tanks over there and that group knew each other) I could see that happening.

Aaron Z
A russian speaking friend sent me this one (may be the same?), they said that the captions are accurate, the video shows captured Russians who claim to be schoolteachers, a locksmith, truck driver in a mine, etc who were told to come for 2-3 days of military training and instead were put in uniforms and sent to invade Ukraine:

Aaron Z
So the subtitles are saying that men are Ukrainian (or at least speaking perfect Ukrainian), So former Ukrainians living and working in Russia or Contested territory? Press ganged into going into Ukraine? I guess that could make sense, cannon fodder and removing possible dissidents / saboteurs.

This only makes sense if they are using these troops to cause confusion and chaos which they will then send their actual military into.
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So the subtitles are saying that men are Ukrainian (or at least speaking perfect Ukrainian), So former Ukrainians living and working in Russia or Contested territory? Press ganged into going into Ukraine? I guess that could make sense, cannon fodder and removing possible dissidents / saboteurs.

This only makes sense if they are using these troops to cause confusion and chaos which they will then send their actual military into.
I think so.

Aaron Z
Where is the Ghost of Kyiv when you need him? For that matter, does Ukraine have one functional aircraft with air to ground capabilities? I'm starting to think this convoy is just another myth.
Santa in an A10 is more likely if were talking about figures of imagination saving the day. I'm pretty sure Ukraine had a handful of Su25s but without total air superiority good luck making any use of them,
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