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Russia / Ukraine thread

"The first casualty of war is the truth"

Everyone with an agenda is manipulating this in some way. Both sides. Suspect all news and verify if you can. In a vacuum it is difficult. But I am pretty sure Putin is not the good guy in this. He likes to play the victim to the press.

Old footage and stock photos are also being used to illustrate what is happening even if it is not current because journalists have gotten lazy and won't unass out of their NYC appt to go to a war zone. The ones that are brave enough are mostly still packing their bags.
That's why I'm barely following any of this. Russia attacked Ukraine. I don't even know if its even that. I saw something with a bomb landing through the roof of an apartment. That's the extent of footage I've seen. People at work are all stirred up over it. Meanwhile I can't stop talking about my Harley. :laughing:
This isn't an invasion and it's not a war. This is like a Discovery channel documentary that isn't scripted but all the participants are making it all up as they go. Russia lines up all their ground assets on the road to Kiev and lobs a handful of missiles into town? WTF is going on there isn't a strategy to take over a city or a country, but I haven't quite figured out what it is yet. Did Susan Rice, Putin, and Zelinski hop on a call together and plan this out? Diplomacy Joe will win this war with words alone! Here's a Gulfstream with a couple pallets of cash. Fuck it all.
Now with this Ukraine situation? Not once have they reported anything to do with Covid.

Add to it that the gov is suddenly removing mask mandates? Yeah, this whole thing has been a clown show. And it's continuing to be one it would seem.
covid is over, magically cured :laughing:
This isn't an invasion and it's not a war. This is like a Discovery channel documentary that isn't scripted but all the participants are making it all up as they go. Russia lines up all their ground assets on the road to Kiev and lobs a handful of missiles into town? WTF is going on there isn't a strategy to take over a city or a country, but I haven't quite figured out what it is yet. Did Susan Rice, Putin, and Zelinski hop on a call together and plan this out? Diplomacy Joe will win this war with words alone! Here's a Gulfstream with a couple pallets of cash. Fuck it all.
Go find the analysis Provience posted a few pages back explains it pretty good:homer:
yeah, I figured it they're dug in and in survival mode. So it's more difficult to take the fight to them. I did read somewhere that one of the reasons Ukraine is doing so well is because they are defending in the cities and not meeting the Russian army out in the field. If I was calling the military shot in the Ukrainian army though, I would definitely be trying to come up with ways shoot big explosive type things(bombs, rockets, missiles, rpgs, etc) at that convoy.
Go old school: sabotage using Special Forces units operating within Russia.
It's also clear that at this time, Russia is making some efforts to limit civilian casualties. One only has to look at the war in Chechnya in the 90s to see what their normal SOP is.

How long this is going to last, is anyone's guess.
Prior to this Ukraine situation, my local news was reporting the latest local and nationwide covid cases and deaths. Every. Fucking. Day. They even played some ominous music to lead in to the segment. Even on days that weren't reported by local hospitals, they always made sure to report the local cases, and mention that the numbers are higher because certain hospitals don't report in over weekends. For two years, this has been happening.

Now with this Ukraine situation? Not once have they reported anything to do with Covid.

Add to it that the gov is suddenly removing mask mandates? Yeah, this whole thing has been a clown show. And it's continuing to be one it would seem.

Same, clown world indeed. There are so many distractions going on that it's impossible to keep up with all of it, and I'm not trying. We already forgot about Canada
It's also clear that at this time, Russia is making some efforts to limit civilian casualties. One only has to look at the war in Chechnya in the 90s to see what their normal SOP is.

How long this is going to last, is anyone's guess.

Sounds like that is over: Russia warns Kyiv residents to flee homes

KYIV, March 1 (Reuters) - Russia warned Kyiv residents to flee their homes on Tuesday and rained rockets on the city of Kharkiv as Russian commanders intensified their bombardment of Ukrainian urban areas in a shift of tactics after their six-day assault stalled.​

I’m listening to the Repub press conference….their believing the payops lock stock and barrel
I don’t trust Kevin McCarthy

The internet needs to fact check and vet this woman. Her unhinged over the top emotion had to be an act.

I don’t trust Kevin McCarthy

The internet needs to fact check and vet this woman. Her unhinged over the top emotion had to be an act.

is that Jodie Foster? damn she is looking rough. :laughing:
it might not be smart to point tank with optical device.

With all of the advanced technology, are camera optics/range calculating tech used by the cameras being misinterpreted by the tanks' defense software as a potential targeting system being aimed at the tank?
I'm just amazed a business could survive with that mentality. Throw away thousands+ of product away, that they purchased, for what?
Nobody threw out anything. If any bar or store pulled anything, it was set out of sight to appease the few dolts that would give a single flying iotta of a fuck about some dumb shit like that. It will be back on the shelves before it even has a chance to collect dust.
If we're talking liquor, had heard actual Russian made vodka makes up less than 1% of even just vodka here.

Strap it to your back with duct tape, go to the tour station and demand the records everyone who toured the Grand Canyon on them buses, June 13, 1979. Demand a smoke show show the sweater puppies while you wait. Profit. Then get the poo on you. Or go boom.

It's also clear that at this time, Russia is making some efforts to limit civilian casualties. One only has to look at the war in Chechnya in the 90s to see what their normal SOP is.

How long this is going to last, is anyone's guess.

If you recall, the original Roosky operation into Chechnya was a disaster and a defeat. The Roosky re-grouped later, under Putin, and went wheel to wheel, tread to tread with a massive tactical force. Gronzy (sp?) was leveled. Residents were warned to leave or be assumed as militants and killed on sight. Putin leveld Gronzy or WTF it was, and swept over the land killing Muzzies. It was over and as Mr Mikel said there were a lot of dead people.
Nobody threw out anything. If any bar or store pulled anything, it was set out of sight to appease the few dolts that would give a single flying iotta of a fuck about some dumb shit like that. It will be back on the shelves before it even has a chance to collect dust.
If we're talking liquor, had heard actual Russian made vodka makes up less than 1% of even just vodka here.

Do the distributors eat the cost then? I hate all this misguided virtue signaling.


Open with chrome it will translate

Open with chrome it will translate
That looks kinda weird and you didn't post what it is.

Your post looks like a hacker spam-bot selling viagra pills.
Do the distributors eat the cost then? I hate all this misguided virtue signaling.

Hmmmmm, looks like all those states have state run liquor stores. Correct ?
If you recall, the original Roosky operation into Chechnya was a disaster and a defeat. The Roosky re-grouped later, under Putin, and went wheel to wheel, tread to tread with a massive tactical force. Gronzy (sp?) was leveled. Residents were warned to leave or be assumed as militants and killed on sight. Putin leveld Gronzy or WTF it was, and swept over the land killing Muzzies. It was over and as Mr Mikel said there were a lot of dead people.
He leveled Grozny only after he could not take it. Heavy losses. I have a Military history periodical that covered urban fighting. Called "Forests Of Steel". Chapter on Grozny is called "The Face of Wars to Come"

Of the 6000 troops that went into Grozny almost all became casualties of some sort.

Tactical lesson the author draws is "Hastily assembled and ill-prepared conscripts cannot take a city held by determined fighters defending their homes. Urban combat requires quality forces- forces with an advantage in organization, training, technology. political preparation and timing."

Don't think Putin or his strategists read this document...
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