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Russia / Ukraine thread

3mile long Russian army grows to 17 miles… now 40 mile long army…. On standby!!!!!
Here’s how it will go down…. Russians will make a neutral zone, then tell all Ukrainian citizens that don’t want to die to make way there!!!!! Anyone left is looked at as an enemy combatant!!!!
3mile long Russian army grows to 17 miles… now 40 mile long army…. On standby!!!!!
Here’s how it will go down…. Russians will make a neutral zone, then tell all Ukrainian citizens that don’t want to die to make way there!!!!! Anyone left is looked at as an enemy combatant!!!!
That would be my guess.
Man; that loooong Russian convoy...

I have visions of the 'highway of death' from Operation Desert Shield.

3mile long Russian army grows to 17 miles… now 40 mile long army…. On standby!!!!!

Man; that loooong Russian convoy...

Now I'm no military genius, but to me it seems like a bad idea to line up all your assets super close together where everyone knows where it is and then leave it there for a long enough time for the enemy to plan out how they're going to fawk up your pizza... but that's just me.
Now I'm no military genius, but to me it seems like a bad idea to line up all your assets super close together where everyone knows where it is and then leave it there for a long enough time for the enemy to plan out how they're going to fawk up your pizza... but that's just me.
Has Ukraine attacked Russian assets on Russian soil yet, or are they only defending on their own soil?
Because protesting in Russia gets you thrown in prison. If protests continue you'll probably see a comeback of the gulags. Americans often forget that the rest of the world isn't America. There's no 1st Amendment in Russia. Protestors over there are taking a very real risk.

And the protests over the Presidential vote led to multiple investigations into the election. They didn't come up with shit, just like the left's "Russiagate" investigations into Trump didn't come up with shit. The morons clinging to either are just that... morons.
Wrong. Virtually every case that was brought was dismissed. The evidence and there was a shit ton, was never put before a judge.

And lets not pretend there are not 2 sets of laws that apply in this country. One set for the foot soldiers of the government and 1 set for everyone else. Peaceful protesting that involves death and destruction gets a slap on the wrist if you’re a lefty tard. Taking selfies inside the capitol and stealing pelosis lectern gets you charged as a domestic terrorist and held as a political prisoner.
Has Ukraine attacked Russian assets on Russian soil yet, or are they only defending on their own soil?
I thought I read something they lobbed a few rockets over and blew something up in Russia a day or so after the invasion, but that could have been propaganda. If they have functional jets, it seems to me the smart move would be to fly some over to that convoy and start dropping bombs.
Syria.... Which to be fair, Russian involvement started before Cheeto Jesus, but the russians were exercising equipment there during the entirety of orange man's rein. Its not like they took 4 years off from foreign interventions, they were just invited that time.

I saw an interview the other day that talked about how Russian brass in recent years came to the conclusion that it was cheaper to rotate their forces in Syria on 3-4 month rotations than it was to adequately train them at home - which in hindsight maybe is indicative of a problem with how they (don't) train at home, at least for the reserve/conscripts.

My dad was 82nd in the late 70s/early 80s and was a TOW/Dragon Missile tech(precursor to the javelin) so I was pretty curious to hear his take, since the Ukrainians are living through what he war gamed many, many times. When asked about NATO forces being used in any sort of active way, he said no, NATO is willing to arm and fight to the very last Ukrainian. The interesting thing to him is going to be the data that comes out of this - Javelins and NLAWs being used side by side, compared to RPGs, effectiveness of stingers, ect. A lot of 1970s/1980s war plans being dusted off right now. Very convenient that the russians were kind enough to send in that vintage equipment too...
Great opportunity to clean out old armory stock, too: clean out the stingers, replace them with the newest and most expensive current model.
I thought I read something they lobbed a few rockets over and blew something up in Russia a day or so after the invasion, but that could have been propaganda. If they have functional jets, it seems to me the smart move would be to fly some over to that convoy and start dropping bombs.
I think they said they had hit a Russian military airfield of some sort.

Aaron Z
I thought I read something they lobbed a few rockets over and blew something up in Russia a day or so after the invasion, but that could have been propaganda. If they have functional jets, it seems to me the smart move would be to fly some over to that convoy and start dropping bombs.
I am genuinely wondering now. I haven't seen anything from the MSM (not that I would trust them to report the truth anyway) or alternative news sources to suggest that Ukraine has attacked any targets in Russia. If that is the case, then that is yet one more thing about this whole situation that doesn't add up.

If you are attacked, do you just block the other guy's punches or do you punch back? Why hasn't Ukraine gone on the counter offensive and started attacking Russian assets in Russia in an attempt to disrupt their supply chains? They would be well within their "right" to do so, even on the "world stage", they aren't Israel after all.
I am genuinely wondering now. I haven't seen anything from the MSM (not that I would trust them to report the truth anyway) or alternative news sources to suggest that Ukraine has attacked any targets in Russia. If that is the case, then that is yet one more thing about this whole situation that doesn't add up.

If you are attacked, do you just block the other guy's punches or do you punch back? Why hasn't Ukraine gone on the counter offensive and started attacking Russian assets in Russia in an attempt to disrupt their supply chains? They would be well within their "right" to do so, even on the "world stage", they aren't Israel after all.
with what exactly?
I am genuinely wondering now. I haven't seen anything from the MSM (not that I would trust them to report the truth anyway) or alternative news sources to suggest that Ukraine has attacked any targets in Russia. If that is the case, then that is yet one more thing about this whole situation that doesn't add up.

If you are attacked, do you just block the other guy's punches or do you punch back? Why hasn't Ukraine gone on the counter offensive and started attacking Russian assets in Russia in an attempt to disrupt their supply chains? They would be well within their "right" to do so, even on the "world stage", they aren't Israel after all.

with what exactly?
yeah, I figured it they're dug in and in survival mode. So it's more difficult to take the fight to them. I did read somewhere that one of the reasons Ukraine is doing so well is because they are defending in the cities and not meeting the Russian army out in the field. If I was calling the military shot in the Ukrainian army though, I would definitely be trying to come up with ways shoot big explosive type things(bombs, rockets, missiles, rpgs, etc) at that convoy.
They've hit two airfields so far, one a couple days ago, and one just in the last 24 hours (though this one could have been an accident, but a plane was burning on a russian runway). There are pictures of both.
yeah, I figured it they're dug in and in survival mode. So it's more difficult to take the fight to them. I did read somewhere that one of the reasons Ukraine is doing so well is because they are defending in the cities and not meeting the Russian army out in the field. If I was calling the military shot in the Ukrainian army though, I would definitely be trying to come up with ways shoot big explosive type things(bombs, rockets, missiles, rpgs, etc) at that convoy.
yeah attacking would be a stupid move. They have some defenses but not enough to take on that kind of action. Stay and work with what you've got.
Prior to this Ukraine situation, my local news was reporting the latest local and nationwide covid cases and deaths. Every. Fucking. Day. They even played some ominous music to lead in to the segment. Even on days that weren't reported by local hospitals, they always made sure to report the local cases, and mention that the numbers are higher because certain hospitals don't report in over weekends. For two years, this has been happening.

Now with this Ukraine situation? Not once have they reported anything to do with Covid.

Add to it that the gov is suddenly removing mask mandates? Yeah, this whole thing has been a clown show. And it's continuing to be one it would seem.
Stupidest post of the year.
We’re seeing a repeat of 2007. Fuel prices reaching $5 a gallon and it just starts the domino effect for the housing market to fall on its face. Interest rates climbing will put a mail in it as well. I’m actually surprised housing is still strong with the cost of a 2x4 at $10 :eek:
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Why would anyone be surprised that we are being lied to after the pandemic.

This whole.situation is odd to say the least.
"The first casualty of war is the truth"

Everyone with an agenda is manipulating this in some way. Both sides. Suspect all news and verify if you can. In a vacuum it is difficult. But I am pretty sure Putin is not the good guy in this. He likes to play the victim to the press.

Old footage and stock photos are also being used to illustrate what is happening even if it is not current because journalists have gotten lazy and won't unass out of their NYC appt to go to a war zone. The ones that are brave enough are mostly still packing their bags.
We’re seeing a repeat of 2007. Fuel prices reaching $5 a gallon and it just starts the domino effect for the housing market to fall on its face. Interest rates climbing will put a mail in it as well. I’m actually surprised housing is still strong with the cost of a 2x4 at $10 :eek:
The housing market will stay strong as long as there's a shortage of single family homes. We stopped building at our usual growth rate way back during the 2007 debacle and supply has been behind demand ever since. People need places to live and many are willing to pay high prices to get it, especially if there's a fear that prices will continue to go up.
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