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Russia / Ukraine thread

The world huh? Minus a pat on the back from a diplomat, central and south america give no fucks and have no dog in this fight.
On the global stage, central and South America are irrelevant.
Uniting the world in issuing very sternly worded condemnation letters. Even the financial sanctions aren't all that harsh, as the West needs Russian oil/gas flowing.

The only nations that are serious are the little republics that have suffered the tender mercies of the Russians before and don't want to share a land border with Russia.

And Ukr just received 56 mig 29s and su-25s from Poland, Bulgaria and Slovakia.
Shits about to get interesting, I wonder how many pilots will be from other nations.
What does energy policy have to do with anything? Its the same career intelligence and military people who have been in place for years and in some cases decades. If you think Trump would have handled this invasion any differently then tell me how.

It wouldn’t have happened in the first place if Trump was President
I did read that, and other shit they've been hoarding too.

How long would that last supporting a country the size of Russia, though?🤔
which is retarded because a country the size of russia has all the natural resources they could ever dream of, the size is what gives them that. they just havent built the infrastructure to take advantage of it all, if theres a single country in the world that could actually be self sufficient(given the natural resources) its russia.
The idiotic partisan divide in this country is going to be our undoing if we don't overcome it. I said it when the left was actively rooting against our country's best interests under Trump and I'm saying it now watching a bunch of you nut hugging Putin and Russia right now. You accused the left of having "Trump derangement syndrome" but I think that syndrome pretty clearly swings both ways.

I don't give a fuck who is in the White House. At the end of the day, I want what's best for America.

And Ukr just received 56 mig 29s and su-25s from Poland, Bulgaria and Slovakia.
Shits about to get interesting, I wonder how many pilots will be from other nations.

So... just like the US government wants to hold gun MFG's responsible for those using their guns... and I bet those same people are PO'd that Russia would try to take the same approach.

I'm not supporting any position in this event... just find the irony interesting.
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So Trump was going to start a nuclear war? You really think Putin gives two fawks about who is President of the US?

Uh yeah for sure.

The history speaks for itself. Trump is the only president out of the last 4 where Putin didnt invade someone. It doesnt matter if Trump really would have Putin couldn’t be sure. Trump projected strength and Putin knew there would at least be consequences. Biden openly said he wouldnt do anything.

Thats not even considering that now we are no longer energy independent.
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The idiotic partisan divide in this country is going to be our undoing if we don't overcome it. I said it when the left was actively rooting against our country's best interests under Trump and I'm saying it now watching a bunch of you nut hugging Putin and Russia right now. You accused the left of having "Trump derangement syndrome" but I think that syndrome pretty clearly swings both ways.

I don't give a fuck who is in the White House. At the end of the day, I want what's best for America.

Yeah and whats best? Hugging Ukraines nutsack because putin derangement syndrome?
What does energy policy have to do with anything? Its the same career intelligence and military people who have been in place for years and in some cases decades. If you think Trump would have handled this invasion any differently then tell me how.
Putin would not have done it...period. we've been spending a billion a month with Russia that we were not.

Putin took Georgia and crymie (sp?) Under Obama. Remember Obama's red line? 😄

Then Trump comes in and Putin shuts the hell up. North Korea calms down and the middle east were in peace talks.

Now numbnut is in and Putin will take Ukraine, China will take Taiwan, the Middle East will be in turmoil again and North Korea will be back at it.

Just look past your nose and you won't have to ask such a stupid question.
I don't give a fuck who is in the White House. At the end of the day, I want what's best for America.

Traditional democrats had shitty policies, but no one doubted that they loved America and wanted the country to succeed. This was true of presidents like Carter or even Bill Clinton.

Starting with presidents like Obama, you have people in the White House who think that America is inherently bad and is too influential, so they are in the business of managed decline. This has been going on for some time, but has gotten exponentially worse in the last ten years.

Of course, it doesn't help that the republicans are as awful as they are.

And Ukr just received 56 mig 29s and su-25s from Poland, Bulgaria and Slovakia.
Shits about to get interesting, I wonder how many pilots will be from other nations.

Even my dumbass called that.

You cant expect to provide armament AND keep your hands clean.
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And Ukr just received 56 mig 29s and su-25s from Poland, Bulgaria and Slovakia.
Shits about to get interesting, I wonder how many pilots will be from other nations.

I don;t think Bulgaria is gonna send shit to UKR except help for the Russians. They changed their constitution to allow Rus to attack from Bulgaria
I don;t think Bulgaria is gonna send shit to UKR except help for the Russians. They changed their constitution to allow Rus to attack from Bulgaria
I don;t think Bulgaria is gonna send shit to UKR except help for the Russians. They changed their constitution to allow Rus to attack from Bulgaria
Unless the government body of ukraines Twitter is pushing straight propaganda that report came from them directly

Unless the government body of ukraines Twitter is pushing straight propaganda that report came from them directly

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