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Russia / Ukraine thread

I'm betting putin waits for the olympics to start and while the world is distracted they make their move
a lot of the world media will be covering it. who watches the coverage is a different story.

I still think Putin is chilling and eating popcorn at this point.

He's been ready for this since the American backed coup in 2014.

What is happening though, is that every media outlet screaming this "Putin is going to Invade!" propaganda is losing what little credibility they have left.

Germany certainly isn't buying it (and most EU countries either). Nobody can fly over or drive through Germany if they're arming the Ukraine.

And none the less, if Nukes stayed off the table, they would be no more difficult to handle than Iraq was in the 90s. Their readiness and numbers when it comes to air/sea are pretty minimal, it's only their land based forces (e.g. tanks) that would be significant but without air superiority, they're easy pickings.
You would be in for an ugly surprise if you believe that. Our military is only good on the surface in reality our navy for instance is exceptionally weak. Our newest carriers are ridden with malfunctions and years and billions over budget. Our newest destroyer class was canceled as a complete failure whose guns dont even work with no replacement in site. Meanwhile the ships these were to replace are all being decomissioned at a higher rate all the time. And for every million we toss at the ford class failures putin builds 25 hypersonic missiles. Something our missile defense systems struggle with. And in addition they are basicly on thier turf.
You would be in for an ugly surprise if you believe that. Our military is only good on the surface in reality our navy for instance is exceptionally weak. Our newest carriers are ridden with malfunctions and years and billions over budget. Our newest destroyer class was canceled as a complete failure whose guns dont even work with no replacement in site. Meanwhile the ships these were to replace are all being decomissioned at a higher rate all the time. And for every million we toss at the ford class failures putin builds 25 hypersonic missiles. Something our missile defense systems struggle with. And in addition they are basicly on thier turf.

Russia: 1 non-functioning carrier
USA: 11 functioning carriers

Really weak.
Putin knows this is his chance to take Ukraine back, the US and Europe are being run by weak woke pussies that will do nothing to stop him. I give it 3 weeks before the shit show starts. Right after that china will take Taiwan and no one will stop them.
In fairness;
IIRC, one carrier is in a 4-year nuke refueling/upgrade drydock.

One carrier just came out and one going in recently (within last 6 months).

Yup, fair...and we're still a couple years away from the next Ford class coming out.

Either way, let's say we have more than 10x what Russia has for carriers....and 5th gen fighters for that matter.
You would be in for an ugly surprise if you believe that. Our military is only good on the surface in reality our navy for instance is exceptionally weak. Our newest carriers are ridden with malfunctions and years and billions over budget. Our newest destroyer class was canceled as a complete failure whose guns dont even work with no replacement in site. Meanwhile the ships these were to replace are all being decomissioned at a higher rate all the time. And for every million we toss at the ford class failures putin builds 25 hypersonic missiles. Something our missile defense systems struggle with. And in addition they are basicly on thier turf.
Please name one country that has a fully deployed navy besides our beloved U.S. Navy?

Please name one brand new high technology that didn't have any malfunctions?
The U.S.S. Ford isn't in operational service yet.

Please provide report(s) of our missile systems failing to intercept enemy hypersonic missiles.
Missiles fired from Arleigh Burke class destroyers are successfully intercepting ICBMs.

Your last point is an excellent one indeed.
Same with your overbudget point.
Intercepting an ICBM is totally different than an anti ship missile let alone a hypersonic one.

You don't need a great navy to just defend your coast or invade nations you share a border with. You just need a mediocre one. A great navy is for harassing people on the other side of the world.
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Yup, fair...and we're still a couple years away from the next Ford class coming out.

Either way, let's say we have more than 10x what Russia has for carriers....and 5th gen fighters for that matter.

And if SHTF; we can add at least a couple airwings to each deployed carrier.
Intercepting an ICBM is totally different than an anti ship missile let alone a hypersonic one.
Because of missile maneuverability?

In 1985 an F-15 launched an ASM-135 ASAT missile and destroyed an orbiting satellite (travelling 17,000+MPH).
You don't need a great navy to just defend your coast or invade nations you share a border with.

Good point.
It's interesting that someone from BAE Systems just wrote an op ed in one of the rags, pushing for war. The piece didn't say he was from BAE Systems.
In 1985 an F-15 launched an ASM-135 ASAT missile and destroyed an orbiting satellite (travelling 17,000+MPH)
Huh. Interesting! That's a hell of a jumpshot!


The mission, dubbed the “Celestial Eagle Flight,” saw the F-15 flown by Maj. Wilbert D. “Doug” Pearson launching the missile at 38,100 feet. Streaking into space, the missile homed in on the Solwind at 345 miles above the Earth. The ASAT, travelled at 11,000 mph and hit the 17,000 mph travelling satellite at 320 miles above the hearth: these huge combined velocities disintegrated the Solwind.

In the interesting video below Pearson explains how he was able to become the only fighter pilot in history to accomplish the incredible feat of shooting down an orbiting satellite.
Yes, we could land troops further up the east coast, but then we would have to fight our way the whole way across Russia in order to reach anything of any real importance. And you need only look at a map to see why that’s a bad idea.
And history. Land invasions of Russia never seem to end well for the invader.
And history. Land invasions of Russia never seem to end well for the invader.
True, but probably not as big of a deal as it once was with modern equipment and resources.

I could be remembering it wrong, but I think one of the biggest fuck ups for the Nazi's when they tried during WWII was planning on relying on Russian rail line without realizing they used different track widths than what was standard in Europe at the time.
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