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Russia / Ukraine thread

And no one else ever will as long as we are eager to handle everything.
Well this one is literally our fault as we are the ones who made this possible. The Ukraine was once the worlds third largest nuclear power and one of its better armed forces and we in our brilliant way convinced them to do away with thier nukes and and most of the army in exchange for our protection.

We have a treaty with them for that purpose. I had a teacher from the ukraine who described living under russians and i gotta say subjecting these people to that again after we disarmed them definitely is wrong. And before you say it isn't our problem did you vote for anyone in the 80s? 90s? Because if you did you put the idiots who put them in that position in power. I am much more okay with this than i am with all the waste from the war on terror.

Like it or not the us until it is truly dead will always be involved. Atleast this one is something worth doing.
Well this one is literally our fault as we are the ones who made this possible. The Ukraine was once the worlds third largest nuclear power and one of its better armed forces and we in our brilliant way convinced them to do away with thier nukes and and most of the army in exchange for our protection.

We have a treaty with them for that purpose. I had a teacher from the ukraine who described living under russians and i gotta say subjecting these people to that again after we disarmed them definitely is wrong. And before you say it isn't our problem did you vote for anyone in the 80s? 90s? Because if you did you put the idiots who put them in that position in power. I am much more okay with this than i am with all the waste from the war on terror.

Like it or not the us until it is truly dead will always be involved. Atleast this one is something worth doing.

We can all thank Obama for that one....:mad3::mad3::mad3:
Soon as the Ruski ships arrive in the Black Sea, look out 👀
Soon as the Ruski ships arrive in the Black Sea, look out 👀
I look at the Russian navy like I look at a HF electric tool;
It's a crapshoot if their shit works.

For example:
Their only carrier is not seaworthy because it needs way overdue routine maintenance/upkeep.

Why don't they upkeep it?
Because they don't have a drydock big enough for it to fit.

Why don't they have a proper-sized drydock?
Because the only one they had sunk!:lmao:

What's more expensive than having/keeping a first-rate navy?
A second/third rate navy. 🤔
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Fuck that shit, not our problem.
Their only carrier is not seaworthy because it needs way overdue routine maintenance/upkeep.

Why don't they upkeep it?
Because they don't have a drydock big enough for it to fit.

Why don't they have a proper-sized drydock?
Because the only one they had sunk!:lmao:
Sounds like me trying to run a navy out of my back yard. :lmao:
I look at the Russian navy like I look at a HF electric tool;
It's a crapshoot if their shit works.

For example:
Their only carrier is not seaworthy because it needs way overdue routine maintenance/upkeep.

Why don't they upkeep it?
Because they don't have a drydock big enough for it to fit.

Why don't they have a proper-sized drydock?
Because the only one they had sunk!:lmao:

What's more expensive than having/keeping a first-rate navy?
A second/third rate navy. 🤔
They don't really need the carrier. They will be close to thier turf and are heavily invested in hypersonic ship breaker missiles. And while the carrier is shit they do have the worlds only two functioning battlecruisers and quite a few very good submarines
I feel for the regular people over there. Their politicians got in bed with others and the regular folks are just along for the ride. Folks just getting by and now worried about war. That sucks a lot. Prayers out for them and I hope this shit just hits a halt and doesn't move into any violent conflict. And still not our business so keep our nose home.
It wasn't our business until we signed a treaty saying that in exchange for them getting rid of their nuclear weapons we would protect them against a Russian invasion, now it is our business because we made it our business.

Aaron Z
More info please.
The whole world just watched us hand over a nation to the very people we spent 20 years trying to remove from power. They’ve been watching our news, watching our supply chain and infrastructure crumble. They’ve seen all the shortages, the ports jammed full and unable to unload, the lots full of cars unable to be finished. They watched us cut the throat of our own energy industry, and then go begging to opec to lower the prices. Anyone who thinks the US is their most important ally is sorely mistaken. We are far more dependent on the world then they are on us. A large scale war, especially with a major oil and gas producer, who’s allied with many other oil and gas producing nations, is the last thing anyone here wants. All they have to do is shut the taps to Europe, and opec will be jizzing their pants at the opportunity to fill the void and rape the white devils even harder. Meanwhile the ex soviet bloc can still sell their shit to China if they are so inclined.

Gentlemen, we are living through the fall of Rome. Our last Great War of conquest was fought in the 1940’s, and ever since then we’ve just been fighting off the barbarian invasions.
Almost everybody in here has some strong and unsupportable opinions but this one is way off.
For starters mutual destruction changed the landscape of how large power can fail. Every war since has been proxy third world.We have fucking space lazer nukes and shit! Do you honestly think a land war is even possible without total destruction!
Plus you act like a anti American talking about how fucking bad we are doing when we still hold massive natural resource and personal talent.
The failure you see in the states is not a isolated case,it's world wide corruption and is going to take everything down,not just us.
Our failure is going to come in the form of economic pressure from the trillionares club. When every road is a tollway and everything you buy is designed to break. When it takes all your money just to survive and everything is called a privilege not a right.
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This one will ask you to turn off your track breaker but then will let you read anyway

They don't really need the carrier. They will be close to thier turf and are heavily invested in hypersonic ship breaker missiles. And while the carrier is shit they do have the worlds only two functioning battlecruisers and quite a few very good submarines
And none the less, if Nukes stayed off the table, they would be no more difficult to handle than Iraq was in the 90s. Their readiness and numbers when it comes to air/sea are pretty minimal, it's only their land based forces (e.g. tanks) that would be significant but without air superiority, they're easy pickings.
Isn't this about 5 days too late? I'm sure Russia will sound out the alarms for his men to wait for this.:homer: I think it was announced only to please NATO knowing good and well US troops would not make landfall before Ukraine belongs to Russia.
Isn't this about 5 days too late? I'm sure Russia will sound out the alarms for his men to wait for this.:homer: I think it was announced only to please NATO knowing good and well US troops would not make landfall before Ukraine belongs to Russia.
Makes the liberals feel like they are doing something about a problem they created
As Washington said "Do not get involved in foriegn entanglements, be friendly to all but friends to none!" Or something along those lines
Well, we simply could not ask for a more capable leader than what we have now to guide us through these tumultuous times.
Alot of this is Ukraine's own fault. Once they seen how Obama stood by with crimea they should have said fuck this! They had not been disarmed that long and should have went right back to arming themselves. I mean exactly WTF would Obama have done? Not a fucking thing.

With the way our political shit show swings back and forth, would you put yourself in their hands of "protection"? Hell no.
Well, we simply could not ask for a more capable leader than what we have now to guide us through these tumultuous times.
Wrong side of every foreign policy decision his entire career. It's still true, just look at Afghanistan.

Lloyd Austin is too busy finding face shields and trying to get woke trans kids into the military to pay much attention.
They have nothing. They know it. We know it and certainly Putin knows it. I don't see him as one to not call a bluff.

We have something never seen before...🤣🥱
WTF? Real HUMMER vehicles of war?? Those Russians are screwed LOL:lmao:

How is it logical that there is not way to get Americans out BEFORE anything has even went down?

Not a military guy so no first experience in a war, or potential war, zone so I may be wrong.

There seem that there has to be someway to lift planes out of there.
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