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Russia / Ukraine thread

And people wondered why Russia was so quick to broker a peace in the Armenia/Azerbaijan conflict, especially one where Russia’s client state lost so much and turkey’s gained…
Turkey. Ever since the Turks shot down the Russian bomber in 2015, they have actually grown much friendlier toward each other. So much so that the Turks chose Russian S-400 missile batteries over American F-35's. Turkey is the second largest military power in the NATO pact. But the way other EU counties treat Turkey, I wouldn't be surprised if they decide to ally with Russia. Cue the Ukraine/Russia invasion, or possible invasion, or 'small incursion'.

Turkey leaving NATO won't immediately collapse NATO, but it would put the EU in a difficult position with exports. Putin has thought this through and is much farther ahead.

An article highlighting Turkish and EU relations.


I expect it to happen before the snow melts, it's kind of hard to move tanks around in the spring mud and I doubt you want to just rill down the main highway with them. I wonder how many anti tank missal's we sent to the ukraine, my guess is not nearly enough.
They are getting the gang back together…
Who is going to stop him :confused: Europe is weak and woke, the US is weak and woke. Someone is going to get an ass kicking, weak nations never last long. Until we cut out the weak leaders among us, we are vulnerable as a nation ourselves.
If he's successful in the Ukraine I see the Baltic States as next on his "hit list". He's poisonous megalomaniac.
WWIII and we have a fucking Potato in Chief! Fuck Turkey... Greece is getting real itchy; damm good peeps.
Russia is sitting right around the same inflation rate as us…

Gotta get rid of it somehow, why not the best way we know how?
I'll bet Russia warned the US well in advance and we know exactly when Russia will cross. The last thing Russia want's is to kill a bunch of US or NATO troops.
My view is that Russia isn't going to do anything.

Why? Two reasons.

1. The .gov, cnn and msnbc says they will.
2. The .gov, cnn and msnbc says they will.
didn't putin say its just an exercise and they had no intention on invading? :grinpimp:
Tin foil time.

I heard some report of US State Department officials destroying government computer equipment in Kyiv, due to fears of a Russian invasion/occupation.

Trump knew of Biden's family dealings with Ukraine, evidence of which may possibly be located on government computers in Ukraine, and investigations will be launched as soon as Republicans win the majority control of Congress at the end of 2022.

Prior to the midterms, Putin stages a massive invasion to scare everyone into thinking there is going to be an actual real invasion. As such, protocals call for the destruction of government equipment, including incriminating evidence found on said equipment.

Putin withdraws once all US government equipment in Ukraine is destroyed. No equipment = no evidence of wrongdoing by the Biden family.

Republicans win the midterms, investigate Biden and Ukraine, but oh no, all the evidence has been destroyed. Nothing to see here, move along.

The only logical conclusion here is Biden is colluding with Putin, and Putin controls the Biden administration. :stirthepot:

One would hope that given the amount of time that ramping things up has taken, all data on a computer in the embassy would have been backed up to Washington either over their secure network as a standard backup or via courier (hard to beat the bandwidth of a station wagon full of backup tapes as the saying goes).

Aaron Z
They should be easy to beat and have hot chicks on beaches… Russia needs those to survive.
Look at history, Greece has never been easy on invaders. I know the Persians, Italians, and Germans would all have something to say about invading Greece and how it turned out.
Putin has dreams of reuniting the old USSR.

Putin is on record saying that western wokeness is Marxim and is destroying the west the same way the Bolsheviks destroyed Russia back in 1917. If Putin wanted to reignite the Soviet Union why isn’t he embracing the new Marxist movement like the rest of the world? Maybe you are just parroting bullshit. You know that old commie trick of accusing your enemy of what you are guilty of.
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