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Russia / Ukraine thread

Putin is on record saying that western wokeness is Marxim and is destroying the west the same way the Bolsheviks destroyed Russia back in 1917. If Putin wanted to reignite the Soviet Union why isn’t he embracing the new Marxist movement like the rest of the world? Maybe you are just parroting bullshit. You know that old commie trick of accusing your enemy of what you are guilty of.
He doesn't need to. Wealth and product generation in Russia is still highly consolidated and controlled by the government. Wokism is just the delivery vehicle. He doesn't need it, because he's already got the iron fist.
If he's that much against it, why hasn't he condemned China?
Smoke and mirrors.
Putin is on record saying that western wokeness is Marxim and is destroying the west the same way the Bolsheviks destroyed Russia back in 1917. If Putin wanted to reignite the Soviet Union why isn’t he embracing the new Marxist movement like the rest of the world? Maybe you are just parroting bullshit. You know that old commie trick of accusing your enemy of what you are guilty of.
He doesn't want it to be communist, he wants the territory back. I see you never thought that far, you just had another of your knee jerk reactions.
He doesn't want it to be communist, he wants the territory back. I see you never thought that far, you just had another of your knee jerk reactions.
No you just worded it like shit as you can’t reunite Russia as the “old USSR“ without introducing Soviet era communism and that’s the main talking point everyone likes to throw out. I can agree he wants the territory back.
He doesn't need to. Wealth and product generation in Russia is still highly consolidated and controlled by the government. Wokism is just the delivery vehicle. He doesn't need it, because he's already got the iron fist.
If he's that much against it, why hasn't he condemned China?
Smoke and mirrors.
The examples that people use to prove Russia is communist are more and more able to be applied here. So what, they are a mixed economy like we are. You are going to have remnants left over, you don’t switch economies from the Soviet Union overnight. I would say the needle is moving away from it and the west is steamrolling towards it. Putin speaking against the delivery system of Marxism and warning of the path the west is on gives him the benefit of the doubt.

Why would he condemn China? A strong relation with China is bad for the United States and NATO.

Why don’t we? China owns our debt and half our stuff comes from China? Because all the fake outrage isn’t about morals or principles it’s about power and supporting a global goal. Russia is huge with power and won’t play ball so the focus gets put on them.

Im not defending Russia but I give Putin more credit than the media and at least Russia looks out for Russia which is more than I can say for the United States under Biden.
The examples that people use to prove Russia is communist are more and more able to be applied here. So what, they are a mixed economy like we are. You are going to have remnants left over, you don’t switch economies from the Soviet Union overnight. I would say the needle is moving away from it and the west is steamrolling towards it. Putin speaking against the delivery system of Marxism and warning of the path the west is on gives him the benefit of the doubt.

Why would he condemn China? A strong relation with China is bad for the United States and NATO.

Why don’t we? China owns our debt and half our stuff comes from China? Because all the fake outrage isn’t about morals or principles it’s about power and supporting a global goal. Russia is huge with power and won’t play ball so the focus gets put on them.

Im not defending Russia but I give Putin more credit than the media and at least Russia looks out for Russia which is more than I can say for the United States under Biden.
They aren't moving away from it. They have found a perfect balance of control and exploitation to extract the most they can from the people, while keeping people satiated, fat, and happy. They are doing the same thing the u.s. is doing, no better, no worse.

Oh, enslaving people, putting them in concentration camps, and conducting mass medical experimentation and utilizing sheer size in an attempt to force their way would be a good reason for condemnation.

Oddly, the u.s. is guilty of the same. Prob why the u.s. gov won't condemn them. That, and that sweet sweet Chinese cash.

Just because u.s. gov officials have forsaken their oaths in pursuit of power and control does not mean the American idea and the constitution are not morally superior to crony totalitarianism exercised in China and Russia. We certainly have our own house cleaning to do here. That doesn't mean a pooh bear like Xi or a stalin wannabe like pooty poot are anywhere near honorable or admirable. They are just like Biden, out for themselves looking for the highest bidder, or they themselves are the bidder.

Fuck em.
China and Russia know Biden is weak. They are probing to see how much they can get away with. I predict nothing will happen. Having badass ships and aircraft doesn't work out to well in actual combat. Especially when our shit actually has the electronics to do what they are supposed to do. Don't get me wrong, that russian jet looks cool doing that snake head maneuver but it makes for an easy missile shot. The US aircraft are launching over the horizon weaponry now. Dogfighting is a thing of the past.

I had the opportunity to board and walk around a Russian destroyer once. Thing was loaded with missile systems and radars, most of them weren't even wired up. Like as in no cables going to any of them and we never detected any radar signals from then other than navigation. US on the other hand has working radar and missiles. We detect, track and target with different radars on different channels to prevent jamming and interference.

The other thing on that Russian ship was that there was dog shit in the passageways and compartments. Actual dogshit. Apparently they kept dogs on the ship and didn't bother to clean up behind them. I couldn't imagine visitors on a US Ship stepping in dog shit while touring or official visits. You would read about the entire command leadership being relieved.
He doesn't need to. Wealth and product generation in Russia is still highly consolidated and controlled by the government. Wokism is just the delivery vehicle.

so... just like the the USA....
Could this be the start of the shit show?
It's never been a question of "if". Rather a question of "when" and the only thing we do know. Putin has too much to loose to send em back home now that he didn't get any NATO promises. It's any day if not today. The next questions are what happens after the shit show starts?

Will the Uke's just lay down their weapons like the Crimea'ns did? Or stand their ground?

Will it last days or weeks or be another forever war?

Will home field advantage benefit at all? I've google earthed there and it's a very flat place. Mostly open farmland. Unlike an invasion here, there's nowhere to hide there besides the trenches they've dug.

What about all the anti-tank missiles we've sent, will they amount to anything to help?

Will any NATO boots hit the ground? I know no US boots will.

And will the Russian troops hail their all mighty Putin or have a mind change that blood isn't worth more dirt? And a flat ugly dirt at that.

What about the oil pipeline?

I'm bent on what's more interesting between this or the Freedom Convoy...
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It's never been a question of "if". Rather a question of "when" and the only thing we do know. Putin has too much to loose to send em back home now that he didn't get any NATO promises. It's any day if not today. The next questions are what happens after the shit show starts?

Will the Uke's just lay down their weapons like the Crimea'ns did? Or stand their ground?

Will it last days or weeks or be another forever war?

Will home field advantage benefit at all? I've google earthed there and it's a very flat place. Mostly open farmland. Unlike an invasion here, there's nowhere to hide there besides the trenches they've dug.

What about all the anti-tank missiles we've sent, will they amount to anything to help?

Will any NATO boots hit the ground? I know no US boots will.

And will the Russian troops hail their all mighty Putin or have a mind change that blood isn't worth more dirt? And a flat ugly dirt at that.

What about the oil pipeline?

I'm bent on what's more interesting between this or the Freedom Convoy...
There's a lot more of Ukraine that is worthwile. Such as the the largest Uranium ore deposits in Europe that is there along with all the largest Ti Ore deposit in Europe that is useful for aerospace applications. Lot's of industry is there and if Russia can grab it up without having Ukraine destroy everything as they are pushed out, it's a win for the Commies.
There's a lot more of Ukraine that is worthwile. Such as the the largest Uranium ore deposits in Europe that is there along with all the largest Ti Ore deposit in Europe that is useful for aerospace applications. Lot's of industry is there and if Russia can grab it up without having Ukraine destroy everything as they are pushed out, it's a win for the Commies.
Yes, Ukraine is an exporter to a lot of things other than farming. But there again another question... Will they self implode if they see no stopping the Russians?

Will nukes be involved if Russia sees they can't win without them?

What's it going to do to price of oil and how will it affect other economies such as ours?

If they take it, who's next???

My guess is that there will be a bit more to it than when they took Crimea. And to expect the unexpected.
Yes, Ukraine is an exporter to a lot of things other than farming. But there again another question... Will they self implode if they see no stopping the Russians?

Will nukes be involved if Russia sees they can't win without them?

What's it going to do to price of oil and how will it affect other economies such as ours?

If they take it, who's next???

My guess is that there will be a bit more to it than when they took Crimea. And to expect the unexpected.
I honestly can't answer those questions. But here is my opinion on them.

I don't believe they'll self implode. There are reports of citizens stocking up on arms/ammo. I think they'd defend their own country if it came down to it.

As far as nukes? I doubt Russia would use them. They'd have them in retaliation from NATO.

It's my assumption Russia wants the natural resources of Ukraine. Once Ukraine falls, I'm going to guess Belarus would be next. Then Lithuania.

These are just my guesses... I'm def. no expert on what's going on.
China and Russia know Biden is weak. They are probing to see how much they can get away with. I predict nothing will happen. Having badass ships and aircraft doesn't work out to well in actual combat. Especially when our shit actually has the electronics to do what they are supposed to do. Don't get me wrong, that russian jet looks cool doing that snake head maneuver but it makes for an easy missile shot. The US aircraft are launching over the horizon weaponry now. Dogfighting is a thing of the past.

I had the opportunity to board and walk around a Russian destroyer once. Thing was loaded with missile systems and radars, most of them weren't even wired up. Like as in no cables going to any of them and we never detected any radar signals from then other than navigation. US on the other hand has working radar and missiles. We detect, track and target with different radars on different channels to prevent jamming and interference.

The other thing on that Russian ship was that there was dog shit in the passageways and compartments. Actual dogshit. Apparently they kept dogs on the ship and didn't bother to clean up behind them. I couldn't imagine visitors on a US Ship stepping in dog shit while touring or official visits. You would read about the entire command leadership being relieved.
Russia's conventional military doesn't even come close to ours in any measure. Even places they have similar capabilities, they simply have less of it by a large stretch.
It's their nuclear arsenal that's still formidable and what makes them a threat. They can't beat us in a ground war, but they can definitely nuke us back to the stone age.
CBC is reporting there's some fighting and "shelling" happening right now, but that it's not Russia.

Said it's Ukraine separatists or something to that effect.
Ukraine made Bitcoin legal tender today.

I’m glad they gave their citizens another tool for asset preservation if shit goes sideways.

I kinda wonder if it also has to do with the large amount of BTC miners in the country also.
Ukraine made Bitcoin legal tender today.

I’m glad they gave their citizens another tool for asset preservation if shit goes sideways.

I kinda wonder if it also has to do with the large amount of BTC miners in the country also.
The real interesting thing is Russia giving Bitcoin the green light also.

Some speculate that they are trying to use this as a tool to limit US sanctions and get farther away from dollar. Others dive even deeper and think it’s a way to get past the petro-dollar and that they will be pushing to trade in petro-BTC soon.
The real interesting thing is Russia giving Bitcoin the green light also.

Some speculate that they are trying to use this as a tool to limit US sanctions and get farther away from dollar. Others dive even deeper and think it’s a way to get past the petro-dollar and that they will be pushing to trade in petro-BTC soon.
Thats exactly whats needed to kick our red, white, and blue McDonald's flavored freedom inflation into overdrive.

Maybe we'll all live to see a star spangled depression. Complete with deep cultural division and turmoil.

For those that have studied regime changes and governmental collapses throughout history, whereby the delivery vehicle was "societal good" and the changing event was economic depression, id reccomend paying attention.

Easy to look like the saving grace by handing out freebies when you've made the world go to shit.

Soldiers with the US Army’s 101st Airborne Division departed from Fort Campbell in Kentucky on February 16, as part of a US effort to bolster its NATO presence in Europe as Russia masses troops near Ukraine.

The Biden administration has ordered thousands of additional personnel to deploy to counter Russia’s buildup.
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