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Russia / Ukraine thread

He could nuke every city in Ukraine just out of spite. And since they’re not in NATO, it puts the NATO countries into a predicament: do they retaliate with nukes? Doing that would give Putin an actual cause to nuke the rest of the west. Or does NATO order a conventional war/invasion of Russia, risking a nuclear retaliation?

People keep talking about how Putin is playing chess while Biden is playing checkers. Anyone who plays chess understands that sometimes you need to sacrifice your best piece if it means an assured victory. If Putin is a chess player like pretty much all Russians are, this is a good cause for concern.
so yuri saying nuke keiv just to nuke it? and if NATO doesn't do shit about it....then just keep blasting them? If russia wanted to start shit with nato it would be far easier to false flag inside a nato country

that's just silly, even for a nutjob. to be honest, i really don't think putin is insane in that sense.
so yuri saying nuke keiv just to nuke it? and if NATO doesn't do shit about it....then just keep blasting them? If russia wanted to start shit with nato it would be far easier to false flag inside a nato country

that's just silly, even for a nutjob. to be honest, i really don't think putin is insane in that sense.
Exactly. He invaded just for the sake of invading, so is it really that preposterous to think he’d nuke just for the sake of nuking?

NATO knows if any of them attack, he’s already got their cities up on the nuclear speed dial, so they will have to think long and hard about any retaliation. He can easily live the rest of his days in China, so he literally has nothing to lose at this point.
Exactly. He invaded just for the sake of invading, so is it really that preposterous to think he’d nuke just for the sake of nuking?

NATO knows if any of them attack, he’s already got their cities up on the nuclear speed dial, so they will have to think long and hard about any retaliation. He can easily live the rest of his days in China, so he literally has nothing to lose at this point.
you can say he invaded just 'cuz, but there is a legititmate line of thinking and justification for it. control of resources, control of population, expanding territory, reclaiming past dues, supporting an end to the violence in the east, many lines have been spun about it. yet they still aren't raping and pillaging their way through town or razing shit to the ground.

they got slowed down for likely many reasons going further towards keiv and "paused" for a day to offer ukraine a chance to negotiatie, then they moved in for another day and now are again "paused" as ukraine offered them a chance to negotiate.

the reactions are all over the damn place, but russia has not made moves that are in line with the line that says they are doing this to provoke a much larger conflict or inflict maximum pain.

will they have a moment similar to Iran's downing of the ukrainian (?) airliner full of candadians after putting their own air defense on high alert? I don't think so.

edit: NATO has been very clear for MONTHS that they were not going to attack or respond with people on the ground to anything inside of ukraine, so it isn't even a threat really.
I cannot imagine he's going to throw down with nuclear weapons. Raising the alert level is like us going to Defcon 3 or 2. It happens from time to time and I think it's more bluster and posture than anything... But no one really knows.

I'd imagine Brussels would be target number one but I think he said "defensive" weapons were placed on alert which would indicate the current thinking isn't a nuclear first strike but instead a deterrent from NATO engaging in active operations...

Now, if NATO imposes a No Fly Zone over Ukraine, then the game changes... The first russian fighter blown out of the sky by a NATO jet is all the justification he'd need to say that NATO is engaging in offensive actions. After that, anything is on the table.
Found this guy providing a (semi) decent situational update. Cliff notes:

-Russia is doing a proper invasion.
-Multiple fronts and an amphibious landing at Odessa.
-Russia is advancing through the Chernobyl exclusion zone (for those caring).
-Russian Troops invading from Crimea (he has a cool screenshot of a Ukranian Border camera of a Russian soldier just straight up bum rushing the guard post)
-Sounds like Ukraine is getting their asses beat.
-Only border left open to the west is Poland.
-Gives background on all the cyber attacks.

-Russia is going to try and preserve as much infrastructure as possible so they don't have to rebuild as much when they win this thing (so all the idiots complaining about reactors, I suspect those are the safest spots right now). Putin has said that Ukraine is a natural territory for Russia so he just sees this as a step to get Ukraine back into the fold with Russia.

Who's the idiot now?

Russian military threatens Ukraine nuclear power plant
Exactly. He invaded just for the sake of invading, so is it really that preposterous to think he’d nuke just for the sake of nuking?

NATO knows if any of them attack, he’s already got their cities up on the nuclear speed dial, so they will have to think long and hard about any retaliation. He can easily live the rest of his days in China, so he literally has nothing to lose at this point.
I don't think his ego would allow that. He's basically become the junior trading partner with China on energy. He probably thinks since he controls production that he has them where he wants them, but he's incorrect on that one as well. It's a temporary set of circumstances that benefits him in the short term.

His $631 Billion in reserves will sustain him for a while, but with body bags stacking up and people getting more and more pissed at home he is likely to continue his off the rails episodes and that is dangerous. Hopefully his staff locks him up or takes him out before he tries to end the world.
Putin underestimated the amount of pushback from the world community and Ukraine. He has become a Pariah and is quickly being looked upon as another Saddam Hussein. The Ukraine army has had previous successes against the Russians before. As we speak, many more people and lethal aid are arriving in Ukraine to "assist".
Best way to slow the Russians down and buy time is IEDs. Their units are not trained to deal with them as American EOD units are.
If only there was a believable leader available to tell Putin he is walking a thin line, step over it with a nuke and his ass is grass. You sure could do some damage where everything is assembled at the borders.
If only there was a believable leader available to tell Putin he is walking a thin line, step over it with a nuke and his ass is grass. You sure could do some damage where everything is assembled at the borders.
The problem is he still has a strategic nuclear force at his disposal.
if kamala harris had joe biden killed, would you support her?

it isn't like putin is surrounded by a bunch of different thinking people

Good analogy... but to continue it, Biden has Repubs around him too.

They also took Trump's nuke power from him in his last days in office.
Moldova is the only other country to the West that's not a NATO member. Moldova would give him a buffer to Romania.

After that, the most likely would be the Baltics as that would shore up the Northern border and one of the main supply/invasion routes. But, they're NATO countries and hitting them would truly start WWIII.

If the poor performance of the Russian military is to be believed, then none of that is happening... Hell, he may not hold Ukraine.

That's of course based on the assumption that Putin hasn't actually had the ole egg slide right off the pan. If it has, then God help us because no one knows what he'll do. What happens if the Ukranians actually manage to win? This is a war of senseless aggression and ego... If that ego is deflated, will he just lash out?

Goddamnit we have the worst leadership in place we could possibly have for the horrifying possibilities that are on the table.

Romney disagrees with you. :flipoff2:

Romney: Biden Has Done 'Extraordinarily Well' Working with Our Allies
The guy is clearly off of his rocker. How does it end? NATO steps in to help Ukraine and it's full scale on. His ego will not allow him to withdraw his troops and say "my bad". Does he abandon all of the troops and equipment he has in Ukraine right now?

I would not put it past him to launch even a tactical nuke against a Ukrainian target, even if it was to create an unusable hot zone as a buffer between Russia and NATO.
They’re fact checking the Russian invasion :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Someday, way in the future, aliens/dolphins/cockroaches will be plying small tablets from fossilized skeletons and de-crypting the ancient SSDs to witness historical images of a great fireworks show.
Really? So youre speaking of strictly of military personell right? Thats probably an issue.
Many USCs have dual citizenship and there is nothing in US law that prevents them from having dual citizenship or as a citizen of a foreign country, fighting for that country.
In other words.
Billy Bob "Hi Ukraine Im Billy Bob Jones from the US Im here to volunteer to fight".
Ukraine "Hi Billy Bob! Here is your Ukrainian citizenship papers and your AK. Enjoy killing Commies". USCs with dual citizenship in countries that have military requirements serve in those other countries all the time. Look at the Jewish military many USC Jews go back to serve
Dude, he said Special Forces or US Special Forces (can't remember which). Meaning active duty military. Even retired guys would stand to lose their benefits if the wrong politician got a bug in their ass. A private citizen may be able to get away with it in the proper political climate but these days, I wouldn't count on it.
Did you install that AC compressor yet?
I have no AC compressor to install.

but what I did have was a thread full of facts in which we had chased off arti and we weren't discussing politics, just the facts as we knew it of the battles developing.

Now I'm stuck in this giant shit show.
Dude, he said Special Forces or US Special Forces (can't remember which). Meaning active duty military. Even retired guys would stand to lose their benefits if the wrong politician got a bug in their ass. A private citizen may be able to get away with it in the proper political climate but these days, I wouldn't count on it.
I was referring to SF in general (any country) but what I was alluding to was a state sponsored black op, ie: sending in a small handful of SF soldiers under the guise of being civilian volunteers to help organise guerilla units made up of Ukrainians and use their knowledge to setup some nasty surprises for the Russians
Worked and lived i the Crimea in the late 80's. Its Russian for sure. Its the Miami of Russia. All the retired people live or have places there. From some of the contacts I still have they are just happy about Russia coming back. New Airport, infrastructure being repaired. Ukraine was corrupt then as it is even more so today. There a lot of Russians living in Ukraine but not as many as Crimea.
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Someone made a great choice of which vehicle to hit. Watch the secondaries.

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