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Russia / Ukraine thread

It sounds and is brutal but that is how you put down a standing army, militia or insurgency. If you had served you would know that the term “military aged male” means you just got a check in the box to kill them. ROE in Iraq most of the time was any MAM, and a radio, cell phone, or binocular. If they got 2 checks in the boxes, they died.
It wasn’t lost on me that there was most certainly a number of unlucky bastards that couldn’t get a cell signal and went to the roof for a bar or two and died for it.
Of course ROE’s constantly change for our forces because we let politicians fight our wars. That is why they are long and drawn out. I have seen Team guys sent back to Norfolk for punching a piece of shit IED maker in the stomach. We shouldn’t be there if we are to that point.

We did not commit systemic selective authorized mass murder of mil age males in any war. That's what the Mongols did. We committed mass murder, by definition, when we fire bombed Dresden and Tokyo, and later dropped two nukes on two cities. But those actions killed everyone in the kill zone. That was modern war and it is total. Killing a few boys with cell phones is not wiping out and crushing an entire region or nation by murdering all the mil males which is what I think you said. Agree with you on the rest of it. :usa:
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Not going to argue it out with you but it ain’t done by winning the hearts and minds. You have to reduce or eliminate the standing army. You are reaching back into history where the world was so desperate that whole sale murder sounded like a reasonable action. Yet, it may come to that again one day. I pray not.
Was finally able to bring that proposed S-300 strike up. Definitely wasn’t a cruise missile. Cruise missiles don’t leave a trail of smoke. If is was a S-300 or another GTA missile something went horribly wrong which happens. I am talking out of class here but I don’t believe you can get a lock on a building with any air defense system to hit it with any kind of certainty. So I don’t think it was intentional by UKR. It wasn’t a very large warhead. If Russia thought there was something in that building they would have brought the whole thing down. Trajectory looks like it was possibly aircraft delivered. But really, who the knows? Probably an accident.
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Can anyone ID these rifles?
Captured from Russian saboteurs
Can anyone ID these rifles?
Captured from Russian saboteurs
I don't really know much about gun culture over there but those look out of place and seem like pretty typical American long range builds that belong stateside.
Maybe I should send them a case or 2.
So I did my patriotic duty last night and fired up Command and Conquer: Red Alert and ran some simulations. Here is what I found and should be the NATO strategy going forward:
-we must attack Russians ore trucks so they can stop building shit, number one priority
- we have to neutralize the Tesla coils, you can use some tactical nukes to take out the power plants or air power if they don't have SAMs around them

After a few theaters of battle using the above techniques and BTFO of the ruskies and their allies, it looks like a solid plan.

I called the Pentagon and shared what I found, we got this boys:usa::usa::usa::usa::usa::usa::usa::usa::usa::usa::usa::usa::usa::usa::usa:

Ashke? You've been here on IBB all along?!?

You called it.

How's the crow tasting, asshole? :lmao: :homer:

It's fine, asshole. Pat yourself on the back for calling heads or tails without a fucking clue. Post-edit: You called heads, heads, heads, heads, because that's what you were told to think.

Good going.

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Not going to argue it out with you but it ain’t done by winning the hearts and minds. You have to reduce or eliminate the standing army. You are reaching back into history where the world was so desperate that whole sale murder sounded like a reasonable action. Yet, it may come to that again one day. I pray not.

Agreed. Kinda of a twist and difficult to accept but that's what the Viet Cong and N Viet Nam did. They won the hearts and minds of the American people by never quitting, not giving in even against incredible odds. They outlasted our acceptance for war.
Fifth hand summation based on his speech about Ukraine always being Russia:flipoff2:

Russia entered Ukraine, beyond the separatist borders, to get them to change policy. That isn't trying to be left alone. That is allowing Ukraine self determination. Denying self determination is denying existence:flipoff2:
Putin's invasion of Ukraine is a rape/robbery on a national scale. It's a naked grab for territory and resources. If you believe otherwise you're a fool.
I'd be OK with TX seceding just so they can go "hay russia, we're not part of the US, plz don't nuke us. kthnx."
I for one am not believing everything coming out of that area until verified by experts. I am sure Russia and UKR are both completely versed in misinformation. Personally, I am more inclined to believe that was a UKR accident until proven otherwise. As previously stated, Putin has been conducting this invasion very politely compared to what one would expect. Putin has always been a master of subterfuge and it appears he is attempting to leave the infrastructure intact. Why in the world would he conduct a missile-ex on a fucking apartment building unless he wanted to involve the international community into his little excursion?

They obviously need better equipment and understanding how a MANPAD works.

If they sanction Russia and take away the ability to use Swift for banking...Russia will just go Crypto...and suddenly China (who has been buying bitcoin while making it illegal in China) will legalize it for their population.

In other words: buy Bitcoin now.
And now Putin is threatening Finland and Sweden.
I for one am not believing everything coming out of that area until verified by experts. I am sure Russia and UKR are both completely versed in misinformation. Personally, I am more inclined to believe that was a UKR accident until proven otherwise. As previously stated, Putin has been conducting this invasion very politely compared to what one would expect. Putin has always been a master of subterfuge and it appears he is attempting to leave the infrastructure intact. Why in the world would he conduct a missile-ex on a fucking apartment building unless he wanted to involve the international community into his little excursion?
Politely? I don't know about a dickweed but you are sure as fuck a dickhead. I have friends of the family actually in the ukraine who have seen them shell every single structure on an island till nothing still stands. They sent two cruisers to kill 13 border gaurds on a tiny island. When they asked the city of sumy to to surrender and they refused they moved on to indiscriminately shelling civilian targets. My favorite teacher had her childhood home flattened by a soviet t90 last night. Polite invasion. What a sick joke
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