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Russia / Ukraine thread

putin is threatening finland and sweeden with military/economic consequences if they join nato. Seems like he is just never happy

And not for the first time, you're full of shit.

Russia wanted to be left alone. But that was not in the cards for NATO/Deep State/World banks.

They were going to be and trying to be, a World country and join the rest of the Planet in moving things forward for ALL mankind.

But it's been nothing but fucking bullshit, after bullshit, after bullshit by others (America/Deep state) that got in their way if they were going to be successful without being under someone else's yoke.

Basically, Russia has become the anti-poster child for "One World Government" by someone else's rule.

They should know why this isn't a good thing. They have deep experience with it.
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Moldova is the only other country to the West that's not a NATO member. Moldova would give him a buffer to Romania.

After that, the most likely would be the Baltics as that would shore up the Northern border and one of the main supply/invasion routes. But, they're NATO countries and hitting them would truly start WWIII.

If the poor performance of the Russian military is to be believed, then none of that is happening... Hell, he may not hold Ukraine.

That's of course based on the assumption that Putin hasn't actually had the ole egg slide right off the pan. If it has, then God help us because no one knows what he'll do. What happens if the Ukranians actually manage to win? This is a war of senseless aggression and ego... If that ego is deflated, will he just lash out?

Goddamnit we have the worst leadership in place we could possibly have for the horrifying possibilities that are on the table.
No. We keep all of us home because this isn't a "home" thing for us.
I care more about every Special Forces guy, and his family, than this issue.
We are sending a tank division to Germany/Poland, I know others were told to be ready to go. It makes me sick but other people sleep better having Biden lie to them than Trump telling them the truth.
Dickweed, Ukraine could have bought their own weapons but instead went the route of corruption. Fuck them.
We don't need to print money we don't have to give them weapons.

Kiev is encircled now it's just a matter of time.
Russia still has 2/3 of its troops in reserve.
Biden is going to be printing it for this or Covid, whatever crisis they can perpetuate.
Who do you think makes the fentanyl that's pouring into the country? I'll give you a hint, it's China.
They execute people for drug use so good luck with your master plan.
That flight tracker is really cool. VIPER41 rolling over Romania... F-16 relieving another one that was flying on the Romanian border.
That second video with the guy hiding behind the tire and the other turns the corner and shoots him, who is Russian and who is Ukraine?
And is that tank on the side of the guy hiding or the guy that shoots him?
Guy on behind the tire was Russian. Not sure about the tracked vehicle. Thought to be Russian, but I've seen reports it's Ukrainian. One of the problems with both sides using the same stuff
Who do you think makes the fentanyl that's pouring into the country? I'll give you a hint, it's China.
They execute people for drug use so good luck with your master plan.
I know they make it, and supply the ingredients for Mexico to make it. I also know how harsh they treat drug users and peddlers. That’s why the cartels will need and get to use their fancy weapons.
Not saying it’s a great plan, but it’s a plan. What’s yours?:flipoff2:
oh noes not the norks I saw in a documentary that they invaded the us once already a few years ago

'best korea' is a joke
Huh? Are you, or anybody, surprised that China and n Korea are buddy buddy?

Although if it would end our enduring occupation of s Korea, I'd gladly finish off the Korean War and party all over the north
We couldn’t win it 70 years ago
The communist Chinese just sent more unarmed men across the border than we had bullets .

Now won’t be any different

Especially all the media , we could not win any war .
Been saying for years , "It's coming". Many could see it trending, but still, many that refuse to believe. Our cities WILL burn too.
China and NK are on their own in the end. Russian is using China and will deal with them when/if needed. Russia is probably using China to keep our attention while they go through eastern Europe. It’s almost like history is repeating itself…

ETA: words
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We couldn’t win it 70 years ago
The communist Chinese just sent more unarmed men across the border than we had bullets .

Now won’t be any different

Especially all the media , we could not win any war .
True, the media is the losing deal.

We certainly could have won it 70 years ago. Lack of political will is the bigger problem
We may require a draft. I am fine with it. Send the pussy millennials to die with the brave ones. Also, can we please draft the feminists and trannies? Use them to find land mines or something.
I'm not a draft supporter and doubly so when it is for a not within our borders concern.

They already voted to keep women exempt from the draft a year or so ago.
I'm not a draft supporter and doubly so when it is for a not within our borders concern.

They already voted to keep women exempt from the draft a year or so ago.

I agree that a draft to fight foreign wars is not cool. Especially since our elected representatives put us in this current situation.

Over the past twenty years we could’ve financially crushed China and instead we watched corporation after corporation move there and feed that country with endless money. The majority of our goods are made there.

We’ve already lost. We just don’t know it, I guess. This current administration is not what we need to deal with these foreign nations.
I'm not a draft supporter and doubly so when it is for a not within our borders concern.

They already voted to keep women exempt from the draft a year or so ago.
I agree. I thought the assumption in this thread is that it will be within our borders if things continue to devolve.

I didn’t say to draft women. Just trannies and feminists. If you wore a pussy hat you get to see how real the struggle is.
I agree. I thought the assumption in this thread is that it will be within our borders if things continue to devolve.

I didn’t say to draft women. Just trannies and feminists. If you wore a pussy hat you get to see how real the struggle is.
If they show up over here, that'd be a trip :laughing:

Watching the CA national guard get activated and stuff :rasta:
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It may well end up within our borders... it would be the nuclear option though.
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And not for the first time, you're full of shit.

Russia wanted to be left alone. But that was not in the cards for NATO/Deep State/World banks.

They were going to be and trying to be, a World country and join the rest of the Planet in moving things forward for ALL mankind.

But it's been nothing but fucking bullshit, after bullshit, after bullshit by others (America/Deep state) that got in their way if they were going to be successful without being under someone else's yoke.

Basically, Russia has become the anti-poster child for "One World Government" by someone else's rule.

They should know why this isn't a good thing. They have deep experience with it.
Tough to say you want to be left alone when you are the one violating borders because your neighbor is working on a political alliance.
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