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Russia / Ukraine thread

Biden seems to have found a way to provide them arms. Maybe if he wasn't so busy defending his ego on Twitter he could have figured out something. He was a genius president for 4 years but yet just threw up his hands on this mess. Yeah right like I'd want that genius back in office.
Biden doesn't have Congress looking for every single excuse they can find to impeach him and a national media lying out it's ass on a 24/7 basis against him either. Regardless, it's only been legal for Biden to do it because the groups the Obama admin were doing it for (after repealing previously legislation banning it) have since been incorporated into the national military.

And once again, to what end? Why take sides and put us in the middle of a conflict that has fuckall to do with us? You're so desperate for this to be Trump's fault that you're just pulling random shit out your ass with no thought. We get it, you don't like Trump, doesn't mean everything happening on the planet is his fault. :shaking:
Biden seems to have found a way to provide them arms. Maybe if he wasn't so busy defending his ego on Twitter he could have figured out something. He was a genius president for 4 years but yet just threw up his hands on this mess. Yeah right like I'd want that genius back in office.

I'm still trying to figure out why we're(USA) suppose to be giving them anything. Payment for Hunter Original paintings?
"Because if we don't, you must like inflation. We need to. We need them. It benefits us!"

You're so desperate for this to be Trump's fault that you're just pulling random shit out your ass with no thought.
Wrong. Not once have I said this was all Trump fault. I said he didn't do anything to help the situation while he was in office, but yet he's hailed as a genius here. A genius that did nothing but defend his ego. If you do nothing then your just as much part of the problem as someone who does the wrong thing.
They (ukraine) are doing it on their own, right? No outside active help?

There’s a lot of paramilitary coalition forces, recon information support by NATO and NATO is keeping them supplied with weapons/resources.

There are chechnyans fighting on both sides, and Syrians have stated they are/will coming to help Ukraine.
the ERA explodes when hit and disturbs the stream of metal from the shaped charge. That's the reactive bit. What you described is spaced armor.

I'm sure the big roof rack is to keep people with RPGs and shit on top of buildings from shooting directly top down. RPG probably punch through the top of a T72/80 turret. The ERA would stop it, but costs money to replace and multiple hits would deplete it and leave you vulnerable.

Worst part about the T-64/72/80/84/90 etc is the auto loading carousel, if anything penetrates the turret it usually ends up detonating the ammunition that’s right the the center of the crew compartment.
I'm still trying to figure out why we're(USA) suppose to be giving them anything. Payment for Hunter Original paintings?

Cause we said we would defend them in stead of having them install missile bases? If you can't stand by what you promise then what's your worth. If you do intent to follow that then say that and give them back their missile bases. Maybe that's what Trump should have done, surly his genius brain considered that.
Boy this is getting more world war-ish by the minute isnt it.
the only people not calling it a war are the russians.

I have no doubt that they will succeed in taking whatever land they want to take and that they will occupy it.

and then we're gonna pump arms into the ukraine for the next 5 years while they Afghanistan it up.
the only people not calling it a war are the russians.

I have no doubt that they will succeed in taking whatever land they want to take and that they will occupy it.

and then we're gonna pump arms into the ukraine for the next 5 years while they Afghanistan it up.

Sadly, I feel you are correct. I'm still not sure what legal ramifications there are to UN/US/NATO involvement. I suspect that very shortly nato will invoke article 5, and Ukraine will be a great tour for US personnel in the future. :shocked:

Either way, the damage Putin has caused his people is astronomical. I'm not sure they will recover.

Stateside drilling & oil production
Incentives to bring manufacturing/ production back
Lack of meddling overseas, and if we must, make it swift, in/ out.

Can't seem to remember who was marching us towards that.

So again, why/ what do we have to gain by meddling? Lower gas/oil prices? Reduction in exports for stateside companies? Pray tell

They were a start but the follow through was horrible and there was no clear path forward. Derail. For example though, the Bear Ear area in Utah, you don't rescind the protections and open it up for exploration without drawing attentions and outrage from the general public. Go find some other way to increase production that is less high profile. Another notable change was the increase or tariffs on imports. How did that help? One place I have noticed it is Harbor Freight, everything went up in price. Welders are one I have been looking at. There is only a slight difference in cost between a HF unit and one of the other brands. It's all just more expensive now. Where does all of our lithium and chips come from? Others.

I was actually hopeful for awhile there that Trump would give Russia something that they were looking for to improve relations, it started that direction then the door was seemingly slammed shut and nothing ever came of it but the status quo.

The current admin is doing none of those things and if they continue that trend then we are very much dependent on others. If we get off our asses and change then no. I don't see the point in focusing "what if" based on conditions that don't exist. Nothing is progressing in the way of less dependence. Or claiming that we don't need these places or care what happens when in fact we do.

I agree sanctions don't do jack all.
Sadly, I feel you are correct. I'm still not sure what legal ramifications there are to UN/US/NATO involvement. I suspect that very shortly nato will invoke article 5, and Ukraine will be a great tour for US personnel in the future. :shocked:

Either way, the damage Putin has caused his people is astronomical. I'm not sure they will recover.
Article 5 is only for if a NATO country is attacked...Ukraine don't count. Russia would have to go full retard and hit Poland or something.
I have seen questioning reports of Putin's health being bad. Makes me wonder if it could be a potentially terminal situation, and he's decided to go out in a blaze.
Saw earlier F35's and Apache's deployed the Baltics...

Beware the fog of war... Only takes one dumb thing happening to light the fuse.
I have seen questioning reports of Putin's health being bad. Makes me wonder if it could be a potentially terminal situation, and he's decided to go out in a blaze.
I saw an Article where the Kremlin was essentially threatening Sweden and Finland if they pursue NATO membership. I'm thinking that has to be a red-line.
There’s a lot of paramilitary coalition forces, recon information support by NATO and NATO is keeping them supplied with weapons/resources.

There are chechnyans fighting on both sides, and Syrians have stated they are/will coming to help Ukraine.
So where's the Gofundme?

I wand "sponsored by some dude still driving an Aerostar" sharpied on the business end of an AT4.

Refueling Ukrainian aircraft?
"it's for the observation drones"

IDK if the Ukrainean air force has compatible equipment to refuel from our tankers or if they've trained to do so.
Buy Bitcoin NOW. Like before they sanction Russia from using Swift, Alfa bank etc.

I think the Chinese will unban crypto...They may have banned it to tank it some so they can buy it up.

It will be one of the few ways Russia can buy shit if they are sanctioned on a bunch of different banks.
I have seen questioning reports of Putin's health being bad. Makes me wonder if it could be a potentially terminal situation, and he's decided to go out in a blaze.
One can only hope. Fuck that guy. I hope he lives long enough to realize he ruined his shit ass country that no one wants. He is at best a junior partner to China today and nothing tomorrow.
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