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Russia / Ukraine thread

I didn't back peddle anything. WTF's wrong with you?

Look: bring relevant shit to this thread or FUCK OFF.


Hey dick

You engaged me first by making a personal insult when I posted up actual data (relevant shit) to dispute an emotional claim.

No context for why I was stupid just that I was stupid.

When pressed to post up relevant shit as to why I was wrong, you post up a source that matches the same data as mine. “ Oh uh….well the data is all over, not quite a million…buuuuut) No one said a million fucker it was millionS with an S.

And nice how you ignore the main body of your own article and point to some obscure footnote as your proof.

Now you sit here and play victim like someone is shitting up your thread when you fired first.

Dont want something to delve into mud slinging then dont start it.

Kapick mother fucker?
Hey dick

You engaged me first by making a personal insult when I posted up actual data (relevant shit) to dispute an emotional claim.

No context for why I was stupid just that I was stupid.

When pressed to post up relevant shit as to why I was wrong, you post up a source that matches the same data as mine. “ Oh uh….well the data is all over, not quite a million…buuuuut) No one said a million fucker it was millionS with an S.

And nice how you ignore the main body of your own article and point to some obscure footnote as your proof.

Now you sit here and play victim like someone is shitting up your thread when you fired first.

Dont want something to delve into mud slinging then dont start it.

Kapick mother fucker?

Dude, start a thread. You're full of shit. Let's hash it out elsewhere. Stop fucking up this thread.

Sorry I hurt your feelers.

Mac Gregor has been right for the past year, even when theorizing.

That douche puppet clown has been wrong on all his shit. Some of his fantastic assurances were posted here in iBB and he is full of himself and shit. The Youtube Tool is his name.

Red, why dont you ever link or even try to support anything that you post as fact ? :confused:

Icon, I am not referring to your post, he may be right for once, but all his other nonsense that he drips around the internet. I fling giz in his general direction :laughing:
That douche puppet clown has been wrong on all his shit. Some of his fantastic assurances were posted here in iBB and he is full of himself and shit. The Youtube Tool is his name.

Red, why dont you ever link or even try to support anything that you post as fact ? :confused:

Icon, I am not referring to your post, he may be right for once, but all his other nonsense that he drips around the internet. I fling giz in his general direction :laughing:

Well, here we go.

When has he been wrong?

He certainly isn't my sole source, but he's not been wrong very much, if at all. Show me (and us) what you see.

Not a challenge, with the understanding that opinions are only that.
I think MAcGregor is usually spot on. Larry Johnson from Son of the New American Revolution follows along the same path as MacGregor.
Home - A Son of the New American Revolution

For reading more about where the Russian military is Andre Martyanov. Andre is an X-Russian AeroSpace engineer and Military person under the old Soviet system . He now works for the US Aerospace industry. His blog discussion include the Russian Radar systems, Missile systems, AWACs and all things Russian Military. You can agree or disagree with his posts but certainly worth the read. He also has a Youtube page.
Reminiscence of the Future...

‘The Russians Blew Up Our Dam!’ Says Zelensky While Still Holding Detonation Plunger Thingy
WORLD·Jun 7, 2023 · BabylonBee.com

KYIV — During a public Zoom call with U.S. Congress, Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky emphatically claimed, "The Russians blew up our dam," while still holding a detonation plunger thingy commonly seen in cartoons when things blow up.
Zelensky then asked everyone to be on the lookout for the chief suspect: A short man wearing army green pajamas who was seen escaping the disaster on rocket skates. "It was probably Putin himself."
The dam disaster comes just months after a dripping-wet Zelensky pulled a Baltic Sea Bass out of his trousers and then announced that Russia had blown up the Nordstream gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea.
"The most patriotic way to fight evil Putin's evil Russia is by sending $60 billion to fix our precious dam and...for...other things," said the president while brushing chunks of concrete from his hair and shoulders. Zelensky then ended the Zoom call by strapping on a jetpack and flying up through the ceiling of one of his mansions.
At publishing time, Congress had approved $60 billion in aid for Ukraine, including another shipment of ACME Dam-Blast-O-Matics and Pipeline-Destructo-Scuba-Bombs.
I think theres going to be some good and bad with this dam collapsing. The bad is the mosquitoes population will be in a frenzy the good is when the waters drop all those islands in the river will go back to being a swamp so the crawdad fishing will be great.
Matt Taibbi's latest piece:

Press Silence on Latest Twitter Files Scandal a New Low
Newly released documents clearly show the FBI tried to help Ukrainian intelligence censor Aaron Mate, but the mainstream press continues to show their lack of scruple
Matt Taibbi
Jun 8



CNN had the gall the other day to run a story called, “Twitter’s own lawyers refute Elon Musk’s claim that the ‘Twitter Files’ exposed US government censorship.” The plummeting cable network, which consistently refused to cover any of the Twitter Files revelations in real time, is citing a legal motion filed by Twitter that, shockingly, does not confess to liability in a years-old First Amendment claim filed by Donald Trump.

This motion, in conjunction with stories like CNN’s, is being used by the usual suspects to argue that the Twitter Files reports, and the notion that they “exposed government censorship,” have been proven untrue. If nothing else, the stubborn dishonesty is impressive, especially given the confidence they’ve again showed in blowing off another clearly newsworthy Twitter Files expose, this time by Aaron Maté. Apparently, the mainstream press doesn’t consider it news when the FBI works with a foreign intelligence service to try to censor an award-winning Western reporter.

Aaron found in Twitter’s internal correspondence emails showing the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) ask an FBI attache in Kyiv, Aleksandr Kozbanets, for help in removing 175 accounts they accused of “spreading fear and disinformation” from social media. The 175 names included an expected gaggle of Russians, including one-time Guinness Book record holder for largest newspaper circulation (Komsomolskaya Pravda), the Russian Communist Party, the Donbas Police, TASS, and others. One name stood out, however: Aaron’s own. His @AaronJMate Twitter handle was included with no explanation.

As was the case with nearly all the Twitter Files reports, there’s no factual controversy. The published emails show all the important elements: the request from the SBU, its forwarding by Kozbanets to Twitter, the list of accounts, and Twitter’s response:

Clockwise from top right: request from FBI attaché Alexander Kozbanets, list entries for Komsomolskaya Pravda and the Russian Communist Party, the entry for Aaron Maté, and Yoel Roth’s response.

It’s already scandalous that Ukrainian intelligence would ask the FBI to “take urgent measures to block” a well-known, award-winning Western reporter (Aaron is Canadian). What makes this as important as any of the earlier Twitter Files reports is the fact that the FBI agreed to help. Kozbanets passed the list to both the San Francisco field office of the FBI and to Twitter, “for your review and consideration.” Twitter’s Yoel Roth ultimately declined to remove Aaron and many others — “only” 34 were suspended — noting in a blunt characterization I’m not sure I’d agree with that “authentic news outlets and reporters that cover the conflict with a pro-Russian stance are unlikely to be found in violation of our rules.”

That was an admirable enough stance, in keeping with others we found. For instance, Roth’s reluctance at times to endorse the work of Hamilton 68, the Clemson Media Forensics Hub, even our own government’s Foreign Influence Task Force (FITF) suggested some level of pushback by the Twitter Trust and Safety department did in fact go on.

The disposition of the incident isn’t the point, however. The FBI even attempting to censor a well-known Western journalist on behalf of a foreign intelligence service represents serious abuse. Several reports have hinted at this kind of thing, from Lee Fang’s article showing the FBI pressured Facebook to remove “disinformation” at the behest of the SBU, to a report in Twitter Files #9 that the FITF sent Twitter (and presumably other platforms) an Excel spreadsheet identifying a string of YouTube videos as having promoted “anti-Ukraine narratives.”

Government efforts to suppress or surveil domestic writers have traditionally gained a lot of press traction, from Nixon’s plotting against Jack Anderson to the Pentagon Papers case to FBI monitoring of Thomas Wolfe and Truman Capote. In this case, apart from excellent prompt coverage in The Hill shown above, not one mainstream reporter uttered a peep in protest. This is revolting no matter whether this is proved illegal in the end or not.

This latest salvo by CNN in the seemingly endless procession of leprechaun tricks deployed to deflect attention from the Twitter Files makes use of a ruse normally used by the likes of Politifact and the Washington Post’s “Fact-Checker” column, “debunking” claims not actually made. The CNN lede for instance reads, “Twitter owner Elon Musk and his allies have amplified baseless claims that the US government illegally coerced Twitter into censoring a 2020 New York Post article about Hunter Biden.” They cited a tweet from Musk saying, in reaction to the first Twitter Files report, “If this isn’t a violation of the Constitution’s First Amendment, what is?”

The Donald Trump vs. Jack Dorsey, Twitter et al suit referenced by CNN was filed in July, 2021, and pertains narrowly to the decision to remove Donald Trump from the platform. The new motion getting so much attention focuses narrowly on a Hail Mary attempt by Trump’s lawyers to use the Twitter Files to reopen an already adjudicated case. Defendants here only need to prove the Twitter Files (the “New Materials”) don’t constitute evidence on-point enough to do that. The broader question of the legality of “anti-disinformation” efforts by the FBI, DHS, the Global Engagement Center and other federal agencies is only just starting to be hashed out in the ongoing Missouri v. Biden litigation, as well as Berenson v. Biden, the New Civil Liberties Alliance suit against the Stanford Internet Observatory, and other cases.

Everyone who worked on the Twitter Files knew questions of constitutionality would take years to sort out, which is why none of us made that a focus. We focused on making sense of material we had, showing clear episodes of shadowbanning, industry meetings with FBI/DHS/ODNI, the mass-forwarding of moderation requests through the FITF, mass-monitoring of domestic accounts by enforcement agencies under the banner of monitoring “malign foreign influence,” the creation of cross-platform surveillance partnerships with input of agencies like the DHS and CDC, and now, internal evidence outing hoaxes like Hamilton 68, and other issues.

Whatever courts decide about any of this, it sure looked upsetting to millions of people, with the most conspicuous exception being professional journalists apparently more interested in protecting intelligence agencies than doing their jobs. Their silence about the FBI passing on a request to block a legitimate journalist by Ukrainian intelligence is just another brick in their proverbial wall of shamelessness.
They destroyed a pile of them with a batch of leopards. Up over 100 assorted armored vehicles destroyed. Some talk that the first wave was newly conscript soldiers. They Just got slaughtered. There was columns of vehicles in Ukraine heading into the battle line and just got annihilated in Ukraine by Russian copters. Theres 4 fronts Ukraine is doing in the south and they are just getting wasted before they even get to the first defensive line. I dont know the vehicles enough to say whats listed in this picture is true.
Loitering drones from the offensive. Russia sends out groups of these. They fly around until they find something and crash into the target. They take out complete columns of vehicles.

I have no idea what to believe. The pro-Russian propaganda would lead you to believe that Russia should've already rolled across all of Ukraine as planned. The pro-Ukrainian propaganda would lead you to believe that Russia isn't just on the brink of losing this war but is on the brink of total collapse. The only thing I know for sure is that it's all propaganda. I assume the truth is somewhere in the middle which given the VERY wide gap that is "the middle" in this situation makes it an extremely safe bet.
I have no idea what to believe. The pro-Russian propaganda would lead you to believe that Russia should've already rolled across all of Ukraine as planned. The pro-Ukrainian propaganda would lead you to believe that Russia isn't just on the brink of losing this war but is on the brink of total collapse. The only thing I know for sure is that it's all propaganda. I assume the truth is somewhere in the middle which given the VERY wide gap that is "the middle" in this situation makes it an extremely safe bet.
the truth is that it's trench warfare.
both sides are hucking men and material into an abyss of death and despair, and nobody but weapons manufacturers are winning.
just as intended.
What's the copper tubing looking cage on the nose all about? Guard for the trigger?
The truth is that Rider's first post stated " artillery" and now it's aircraft then it's drones that "slaughtered' stuff. Anything that can go out into the webs I guess. There is no way to corroborate any of this bullshit. I highly doubt that Ukraine sent newly conscripted lackeys with their new best armored units. That sound simply stupid. I think it is evident to anyone that is paying attention that armored vehicles are a easily defines and targeted target. Metal, heat, movement and there are eyes in the sky everywhere on both sides. After the highly widely publicized pics and text about the original Russian columns of vehicles that were obliterated in the early stages of the war, like the first 3 days, it's hard to believe any source that states any force is riding columns of anything right down a road in braid daylight within range of any incoming ordinance. It just sets the tilt meter off.

Other credible sources have disclosed that Ukraine assembled and trained 9-15 battalions of troops with armor support with EU and USA tactics for the offensive.
None of the "slaughtered" vehicles in that Russian PR shot look seriously damaged. No smoke, holes, twisted metal.. I see one tread off, maybe it's like a Jeep on the Rubicon Trail :flipoff2:

Contrast with pics we have seen of mostly Russian Tanks being smoked. They go up in a poof and turrets commonly blow off, twisted carnage and burned grass and bodies. That pic is just goofy. :shaking:
the truth is that it's trench warfare.
both sides are hucking men and material into an abyss of death and despair, and nobody but weapons manufacturers are winning.
just as intended.
Truth. The people buying into us supporting Ukraine out of benevolence simply can't accept that ultimately Russia has a lot more bodies and a lot more materials to throw into this meat grinder than Ukraine does. Yeah, the west has more materials than Russia does but Russia has more will in this endeavor. You can distinctly feel the tide turning in public opinion throughout the western world. Like, yeah in general we "support Ukraine". But to what ends? How much are we willing to spend? How close are we willing to flirt with WWIII? We're past those lines for a lot of people and the further we go in this the more peoples' lines we'll surpass.

The reality is that based on what Russian leadership has risked on this, their resolve is likely to outlast the west's. This is likely inevitably an unwinnable war for Ukraine. So what are we actually doing here? IMO we're just enriching the MIC in a proxy war with Russia with the secondary goal of overall weakening Russia and we're using Ukrainians as our cannon fodder. That's the bitter pill the Ukraine flag wavers don't want to swallow. I feel awful for the Ukrainian people. Hell, I feel awful for the Russian conscripts being thrown into Ukraine. It's all fucking horrible. It's a humanitarian disaster. That's why we need to transition to diplomacy. It always should've been that but American leadership can't resist the carrot of a proxy war with Russia. We absolutely provoked this war. To deny that is just being intentionally obtuse. Is Russia still to blame for taking the bait? Sure. But don't deny that we put out a bunch of bait for Russia while revving Ukraine up that we've got their backs al the way. We were absolutely school playground instigators here ensuring we got the fight we wanted.
More wasted NATO armor goof. This was 31st battalion a NATO trained unit. Wiped out. The West is making genocide out of this country. Ukraine has no air support. The first offensive they lost 4 mig fighters, those aircraft didnt even get close to the action to support the ground forces.

More wasted NATO armor goof. This was 31st battalion a NATO trained unit. Wiped out. The West is making genocide out of this country. Ukraine has no air support. The first offensive they lost 4 mig fighters, those aircraft didnt even get close to the action to support the ground forces.

Not "wasted". The MIC got paid and that bill got tacked onto the national debt.
Truth. The people buying into us supporting Ukraine out of benevolence simply can't accept that ultimately Russia has a lot more bodies and a lot more materials to throw into this meat grinder than Ukraine does. Yeah, the west has more materials than Russia does but Russia has more will in this endeavor. You can distinctly feel the tide turning in public opinion throughout the western world. Like, yeah in general we "support Ukraine". But to what ends? How much are we willing to spend? How close are we willing to flirt with WWIII? We're past those lines for a lot of people and the further we go in this the more peoples' lines we'll surpass.

The reality is that based on what Russian leadership has risked on this, their resolve is likely to outlast the west's. This is likely inevitably an unwinnable war for Ukraine. So what are we actually doing here? IMO we're just enriching the MIC in a proxy war with Russia with the secondary goal of overall weakening Russia and we're using Ukrainians as our cannon fodder. That's the bitter pill the Ukraine flag wavers don't want to swallow. I feel awful for the Ukrainian people. Hell, I feel awful for the Russian conscripts being thrown into Ukraine. It's all fucking horrible. It's a humanitarian disaster. That's why we need to transition to diplomacy. It always should've been that but American leadership can't resist the carrot of a proxy war with Russia. We absolutely provoked this war. To deny that is just being intentionally obtuse. Is Russia still to blame for taking the bait? Sure. But don't deny that we put out a bunch of bait for Russia while revving Ukraine up that we've got their backs al the way. We were absolutely school playground instigators here ensuring we got the fight we wanted.

You've said a lot here, and I can't in this moment address it all. I'd be writing a book.

I agree with most of your take. All of this is terrible. Ukrainian civilians stuck in the middle of a shittier situation than they were before.

But there is ONE thing that some who don't follow stuff like this may not know.

I think I may have posted this before:


Watch for the subtle twist in that article.

Now let that sit in your head for a bit: Russia asked to join NATO.

Imagine what that would have meant.

Like I said 15-30 pages ago: Russia has won this war, and Ukraine is/was only a side show.
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Theres been a lot of chatter of why theres so many pictures of groups of armored vehicles piled up in bunches destroyed. NATO mine sweeping tactics create this. The mine sweeper is in the lead, Russia destroys a couple vehicles in the lead then the vehicles behind those go around and into other mines the the artillery opens up and destroys the rest. I dont know NATO tactics but makes sense.

Last night 3 more offensives happened all at night. All 3 were repulsed. No damage reports on the last offense.

Seems like Ukraine has 600 tanks in reserve and rumors are in the next few days all of these will go in at one time.
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