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Russia / Ukraine thread

To be fair, if being part of the crowd that prides themselves on getting drunk and staying up all night is considered "college culture" I can see why they would avoid it...
I certainly did when I was in college.

Aaron Z

I did that some nights but also met a lot of people and had a good time not drinking as well. They were just very antisocial which I understand in the big gen ed classes but once you get into your major it as the same 50-60 people you had the same classes with every day, so you would get to know them. There were about 5 Asians who didn’t talk to anyone just did group projects by themselves ect was just odd.

Had one guy that was from china that was in our class and he would come out on Friday and playing pickup sports games with us, just like one of the guys.

If I was going to a foreign country I would want to make the best of it meeting locals and seeing the sights. Hanging out with other Americans and not leaving the insulated group wouldn’t be high on my list, but to each his own.
If I was going to a foreign country I would want to make the best of it meeting locals and seeing the sights. Hanging out with other Americans and not leaving the insulated group wouldn’t be high on my list, but to each his own
On the other hand, considering the level of paranoia that generally exists in authoritarian societies such as china, it's not out of the question to assume that;
  1. They were here as a group, with their travel and education being paid by somebody back in China
  2. They're expected to come back and continue being "model Chinese citizens" with us educations and will not want to jeopardize that
  3. At least one of the people in the group is likely reporting back to China as to how the others are doing
  4. As such, it would be detrimental to their future prospects for them to be seen as somebody who's spending too much time trying to "be an American student" versus being a "good studious Chinese student"
At least that would my take, considering what I know about authoritarian societies and what I've heard from a friend who's in higher education and deals with foreign students in groups like that frequently.

Aaron Z
Good points.

True but going to a state/ party school in the early 2000s just wasn’t my take on it. Definitely makes sense looking back especially if they were “state sponsored kids”, I’m far from a social butterfly but it struck me as very odd socially. Let alone them getting US money when they were sponsored by wealthy Chinese dollars.

edit: worst autocorrect in the history of autocorrect.
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Yeah, you really aren't clued in to how the US FUCKED Germany; and the other EU states are quietly disengaging from them.

You aren't paying attention. Russia won the war almost 18 months ago, and it has not much to do with Ukraine: the US fucked around way past what it thought it had, and it already knows it found out. It's not about the Ukraine. It hasn't been for a while.
Ukraine and Russia were going to sign a peace deal in Spring of last year. The UN sent in Borris Johnson to let Zelensky know a peace deal was not an option for him.

We also bombed Nordstream 2 to let Germany know they weren't going to be making any kind of energy deals with Russia.
Imagine, if during Desert Storm, George Bush said that we're going to kill Iraqis all over the earth, everywhere.
Yeah, libs would burn him down. Yet here is their current favorite flag supporting such BS and not a peep negative about it.

People don't realize that there are innocent Russians out there, perhaps against the war? Yet they should die because of where they were born?
What year is this? Are we still on earth?
We killed millions of innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan while most of the country cheered it on the entire time.
Short of nuclear, I'm curious what sort of escalation this would lead to? Aren't both sides already trying really hard to kill each other? We'd have to be crazy to believe that Russia hasn't already been trying to kill Zelensky on the sly.
Russia has been holding back most of its military in case of NATO intervention.They want to deal with Ukraine with the smallest amount of resources possible.
We killed millions of innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan while most of the country cheered it on the entire time.
You missed the point. This is about Russians outside of the combat zone, outside of Russia, too.
You also missed the point that GB never advocated to kill Iraqis all over EARTH.
True but going to a state/ party school in the early 2000s just wasn’t my take on it.
Ah, but a US University degree is their meal ticket for life, they don't care if it's known as a party school in the US as long as they get the degree...
Definitely makes sense looking back especially if they were “state sponsored kids”,
Even if they aren't "officially" "state sponsored", their companies are far more intertwined with the government than ours as far as control of the company by the government goes.
I’m far from a social butterfly but it struck me as very odd socially. Let alone them getting US money when they were sponsored by wealthy Chinese dollars.

edit: worst autocorrect in the history of autocorrect.
Also have to remember that they are more like someone who is getting sent back to school by their employer than your "typical college student" and they probably went to a University in China first.

Aaron Z
Russia has been holding back most of its military in case of NATO intervention.They want to deal with Ukraine with the smallest amount of resources possible.

I disagree completely. They have expended most of their armored forces, lost substantial numbers of irreplacable first line soldiers, and been shut off by all of Europe, and added more to NATO. Evrything Putin has done has cratered, his ineffective troops sufffering the worst. People here let hate for the EU and the system cloud their judgement of what is in front of them. Russia hasnt won a single thing excpet a death contest.
This goes along with schools are being hit with Russian missiles. The schools are being used to house Ukraine military hardware. The hospital is the same not hardware but wounded Ukraine soldiers. You dont put military soldiers in civilian hospitals in a war zone that makes them a target.
Kinda been removed from politics for a while.

Has there been questions from anyone from either party, in the house or the senate, about what the fuck we are sending Ukraine? And about becoming dangerously close to de facto war with one of the largest nuclear superpowers? Like, anyone kinda step back and say "hey, maybe we don't have all the facts to start swinging our dick around" or has everyone just kinda fallen back and watch the biden-clinton machine throw billions of dollars at a country that was their personal playground for corruption?
UKR soldiers (what remains of them) have been in trenches..

They're fighting WWI trench warfare against massive eyes in the sky.


They got FUCKED by their own corrupt puppet government, via the US and the cuckold UK (who are trying to remain relevant).

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UKR soldiers (what remains of them) have been in trenches..

They're fighting WWI trench warfare against massive eyes in the sky.


They got FUCKED by their own and our corrupt puppet government.

Follow Lindsay Graham's shitty, bloody money trail (amongst many other)....and you will see why he is (and others are) advocating this damned mess.
Lindsey Graham what needs to shut his trap. Great way to stir up a bigger war.


Fucking clown world for sure:mad3:
This is one of many reasons so many feel it’s impossible to change DC. 99% on both sides at a minimum need to be expelled from office and most should be tried for crimes against the Constitution and American people.

Graham will probably stay elected until he decides its time not to run again. Fuck that war monger piece of shit.
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Fucking clown world for sure:mad3:
“I will continue to stand with and for Ukraine’s freedom until every Russian soldier is expelled from Ukrainian territory,”

...just 2 more weeks to flatten the Russians...
Russians are trampling Ukraine. Everything thats being sent is being destroyed. So far 2 Patriot batteries have been destroyed. The one taken out last night shows the missiles going all over into buildings and onto the streets. Were just wasting money and equipment. Its been rumored that the Patriots are not manned by Ukraines if so the west has some body bags coming home. The new Budget that is proposed has 4 trillion extra spending. Wonder how much of that is going to Ukraine?
what do ya'll think of all these drone strikes on Russian land???
A great example how the greed of the blood soaked criminals running the USA and most of Europe, along with the military industrial complex is going to potentially get us and the rest of the world wiped out.
A great example how the greed of the blood soaked criminals running the USA and most of Europe, along with the military industrial complex is going to potentially get us and the rest of the world wiped out.
Ahh, the circle of life.
Our military hardware, sent to UKR, finds it way it home to the cartels south of our border.

If only we could get a true look into the corruption that makes this happen, and who's filthy pockets were lined along the way.
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