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Russia / Ukraine thread

Sarcasm or real? I can see that being possible, but did the driver then panic after they got off the car and skip the left and carry on down the road?
Not sarcasm. No way the tanker was aiming at the car.

He was on the car for a while before he reversed off. Prolly shit his pants, called HQ, and his Sgt told him to get the fuck out of there.
The Ukrainians may very well lose the physical battle....but I believe they will inevitably win the emotional war (for whatever good that does).

Nothing is more dangerous than a person defending their beloved home, with no visible way out.

Doubtful. I've heard over and over men age 18-60 are not allowed to leave the country. How do you force a person who wants to leave to fight?

You'll always have groups who will continue to resist, but Russia will own Ukraine in short order.
I keep seeing headlines about the Russians being at or near Kyiv, bombs exploding, etc. Here is a live cam from Kyiv and I'm not seeing or hearing anything of the sort.

Man, soo trusting. I have a e friend in ukraine, this morning he said kyiv was bombed all night. He's also had non stop internet issues for the last 2 weeks.
Japan did actually have boots on the ground
It was the Aleutian Islands, but it was boots on the ground

I honestly think the weather did the most damage to both sides and I don't think it lasted that long
what is crazy is how are we getting all this footage of ukraine, i mean i thought for sure cell networks and internet would be taken down for this very reason. crazy shit
Man, soo trusting. I have a e friend in ukraine, this morning he said kyiv was bombed all night. He's also had non stop internet issues for the last 2 weeks.
Yeah, Ive been hearing that Kyiv was bombed all night too. Every video I've seen shows the same apartment building with some damage. What else was hit? Where are the fires? WTF does internet activity have to do with bombs exploding?
Japan did actually have boots on the ground
It was the Aleutian Islands, but it was boots on the ground

I honestly think the weather did the most damage to both sides and I don't think it lasted that long
if that's Japans 'invasion' of the US in WW2, then they were dumber than we thought.

cause invading an Island thousands of miles from the main land is practically marching through DC huh
Stalker 2 is now delayed due to this bullshit. Think I'm gonna play it this weekend to blast some ruskies though.
Whatever is in the labs will not survive for very long in the wild. Prolly not a significant concern.

I was part of the team that designed and built Unit #1 of the Donald C Cook nuclear plant back in the 70s. Holy crap, the regulation and paperwork we had to deal with back then - and this was well before TMI, let alone Chernobyl. I can't imagine what it is like today.

We in this country have a bad habit of ignoring or throwing away perfectly good capabilities. Example: the Shoreham nuclear plant on Long Island. Yes, the utility (LILCO, long gone now) was incompetent resulting in delays and cost overruns. But it was completely finished, ready to go, and then....locked up and torn down without ever having generated 1 watt for customer use. NY ratepayers are still paying that one off in terms of increased rates. Tearing that new plant down was an incredible example of incompetence and malfeasance.
Satsop Nuclear plant...another blunder
Real or ????

News source I saw that on said it was a Ukranian tank and it was an accident.
Yeah, Ive been hearing that Kyiv was bombed all night too. Every video I've seen shows the same apartment building with some damage. What else was hit? Where are the fires? WTF does internet activity have to do with bombs exploding?
Ha, Russian bombs shut down by wifi?
if that's Japans 'invasion' of the US in WW2, then they were dumber than we thought.

cause invading an Island thousands of miles from the main land is practically marching through DC huh
I believe that the words were 'boots on the ground"
did it accomplish anything? I don't think so
It's truly mind boggling that the left in this country is so "woke" that it not only managed to support a President who voted for segregation and is on the record in Congress calling black people n*****s. But within two years is actively supporting a far right totalitarian government with strong roots in straight up fucking neo-nazi movements.

Shit just keeps getting more and more strange the last few years.

Here's an interesting thought: Putin says he's trying to rid Ukraine of a government run by neo-nazis. One which apparently we installed. Ask Biden about that and why isn't getting rid of neo Nazis bad if he's said the greatest threat to America is white supremacists and neo Nazis?
Stalker 2 is now delayed due to this bullshit. Think I'm gonna play it this weekend to blast some ruskies though.

Satsop Nuclear plant...another blunder

News source I saw that on said it was a Ukranian tank and it was an accident.
I read that it was russians dressed as Ukrainian soldiers.
It's truly mind boggling that the left in this country is so "woke" that it not only managed to support a President who voted for segregation and is on the record in Congress calling black people n*****s. But within two years is actively supporting a far right totalitarian government with strong roots in straight up fucking neo-nazi movements.

Shit just keeps getting more and more strange the last few years.

Not enough Slavic squats. Not real.
Slow day at work so I got on google maps and started cruising around Kyiv checking it out.

Actually a pretty cool looking city. Then I got off track and started looking for hot Ukrainian chicks by cruising virtually through the city. Did not disappoint. :grinpimp:
It's supposedly stolen by Russians, but who knows. I'd take anything reported from any source with a huge grain of salt. Media is getting very limited information at best before you even get into the typical spin and bullshit.
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