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Russia / Ukraine thread

So whats the point of taking chernobyl? Is there something stashed there we dont know about. It would be a great place to hide something.

It still serves as an electrical substation I believe. So power to part of Ukraine could be shut off.​

Haven't seen any new videos or pics coming out of Ukraine today. Russia must have been successful in taking out internet/cell towers/comms.

Bur don't worry, Sean Penn grabbed a camera crew and hauled ass to Ukraine to document the whole ordeal.
I am not sure what I feel about this in terms of which side to take.

I mean, I feel really badly for the civilians getting injured, maimed, or killed, or who have lost their homes or workplaces. No one wants to see that.

But - Ukraine is corrupt. I can see Russia's side of it, especially if some of the newer allegations flesh out.

So I do not know which side to root for.

That said, one thing I am 100% convinced of is that our leader and his family are eyeballs-deep in corruption, and that their actions and those of their non-Trump predecessors have way too much skin in the game.
I cannot help but believe it to be true. If this is ww3, why in the holy hell would putin not take out the lines of cars with evacuating citizens in them. Make a point, win the war, end the war. Even better yet, drop a bomb. No, this is something else. Look at this hand and dont pay attention to what is happening over there in the other hand.

If it were about the donetsk region, putin would just take it back. Mightily. Instead he is jumping around all over the country, leaving most of the msn's clueless about a "strategy".
If he takes out people evacuating it all but ensures a United military fight against him. He knows America is the teeth of NATO and the UN for that matter. He knows America is very weak in leadership and economy currently.

How did Russia “lose” the cold war? Economy and Infrastructure. We had 8 years of Obama and shovel ready jobs to improve our infrastructure and the money mostly got pilfered before it could get to the “jobs”..

Putin is probably trying to sucker us into the same trap thy fell into. And we seem to be going along nicely under Biden. Build Back Better, The Great Reset. They will not quit until they destroy every free willed independent country. The Great Reset is a 1 world government. Cant have outsiders…
I cannot help but believe it to be true. If this is ww3, why in the holy hell would putin not take out the lines of cars with evacuating citizens in them. Make a point, win the war, end the war. Even better yet, drop a bomb. No, this is something else. Look at this hand and dont pay attention to what is happening over there in the other hand.

If it were about the donetsk region, putin would just take it back. Mightily. Instead he is jumping around all over the country, leaving most of the msn's clueless about a "strategy".
Most assuredly.

Putin is a strategist. Probably up there compared to what's been seen in 50 years. Additionally, putin has tried for years, do we all really believe putin is the boogeyman that we make him out to be?

I don't think he's a good guy, but a bad man doing good things occasionally. The same as trump=Hitler, is putin=Hitler? Comparing anyone to Hitler is a high bar I've yet to see for Trump or putin.

As far as zelensky, I think he's somewhere in the middle.

We are also not being shown what's truly happening. Nor why.

We have us/nato/un/ etc saying one thing about Russia v Ukraine.
We have Ukraine saying something different about Russia v Ukraine
We have Russia saying something different about Russia v Ukraine.

I can wholeheartedly say I don't trust un/nato/us bureaucracy, nor the media, and that's evidenced from 2016- now. Plain as day.


It may be tinfoil, but there's more evidence to support that there's something much deeper going on, then a land grab, the west doesn't want it known. And Ukraine by and large doesn't seem to be "large scale fighting? "

I agree with trump regarding Russia/ putin. The west hated trump more than putin. And they used Ukraine as the silver bullet, many of us asked "why choose that hill to die on" for impeachment.

How many conflicts have we seen since 2010, and how much was captured to be seen around the world. Yet this incident doesn't seem to have much light shed on it, or if they do, very short and very little for what it is made out to be.


We'll see what comes of it. I for one will sit and observe.
I am not sure what I feel about this in terms of which side to take.

I mean, I feel really badly for the civilians getting injured, maimed, or killed, or who have lost their homes or workplaces. No one wants to see that.

But - Ukraine is corrupt. I can see Russia's side of it, especially if some of the newer allegations flesh out.

So I do not know which side to root for.

That said, one thing I am 100% convinced of is that our leader and his family are eyeballs-deep in corruption, and that their actions and those of their non-Trump predecessors have way too much skin in the game.
Same here. It is always the civilians that get the hammer.
Hopefully that's easier to read. But holy shit. If this is true. A: that's pretty fucked up and B: what kind of shit storm did he just release by blowing them up and spreading whatever was in them all over. :eek:

Whatever is in the labs will not survive for very long in the wild. Prolly not a significant concern.

I don't understand the dislike for newer gen nuclear, other than the amount of fucking retarded gov't bullshit mandated to implement it. I get we need safety, and a company might cut corners if not watched. The amount of hoops is financially and operationally stifling the greenest of production methods. Yes, btw, I'd love a non 1950's nuke plant in my backyard (10ish miles away so I can't always hear it and see the lights etc)

I was part of the team that designed and built Unit #1 of the Donald C Cook nuclear plant back in the 70s. Holy crap, the regulation and paperwork we had to deal with back then - and this was well before TMI, let alone Chernobyl. I can't imagine what it is like today.

We in this country have a bad habit of ignoring or throwing away perfectly good capabilities. Example: the Shoreham nuclear plant on Long Island. Yes, the utility (LILCO, long gone now) was incompetent resulting in delays and cost overruns. But it was completely finished, ready to go, and then....locked up and torn down without ever having generated 1 watt for customer use. NY ratepayers are still paying that one off in terms of increased rates. Tearing that new plant down was an incredible example of incompetence and malfeasance.
The Great Reset is a 1 world government. Cant have outsiders…

That's fine as long as I am the head honcho. (I will take all of youse along - I'll make you Barons or Earls or something.........)
Any truth to Ukraine arming its common people to fight to fight back? I saw something on it briefly in passing earlier but wasn't really awake yet.

I think the worst thing I'd fear as a possibly unwilling solder in a peaceful land is them breaking and fighting back. They may not be solders but they have way more to lose.
That's fine as long as I am the head honcho. (I will take all of youse along - I'll make you Barons or Earls or something.........)
That was my lineage before Hitler. Family evacuated as he took power. Thats I will stay a free Citizen of the United States of America, until she burns to the ground. Then if I am still here I will fight to rebuild it as it once was.
Any truth to Ukraine arming its common people to fight to fight back? I saw something on it briefly in passing earlier but wasn't really awake yet.

I think the worst thing I'd fear as a possibly unwilling solder in a peaceful land is them breaking and fighting back. They may not be solders but they have way more to lose.
I heard this morning that citizens were asked to make Molotov cocktails!!!!
Real or ????

Pretty clearly an accident. Tank driver lost it making the left. He went into the turn too quickly, tried to turn harder to the left by locking the left track, and then when it caught the tank pivoted hard left. Car just happened to be there.

Kids - this is what happens when you drive too fast and drift a heavy tracked vehicle on a hard and somewhat slick surface.
That was my lineage before Hitler. Family evacuated as he took power. Thats I will stay a free Citizen of the United States of America, until she burns to the ground. Then if I am still here I will fight to rebuild it as it once was.
With an attitude like that, I'll make you a Super Earl.

A SuE. Johnny Cash had a song about that IIRC.
Putin is a hard nut to crack. Feared and loved by his people. A no-shit Russia first guy. Russia has suffered from the US and EU for a lot of years. He has done some dirty shit like putting that nuke pellet in that one guy, spraying the other dude and daughter with Novochok etc...But we do the same shit. CIA always meddling around playing fuck fuck games with everyone. It is hard to point a finger at him and say bad man when we have done the same kind of shit or worse. Apparently we paid for, developed and released C19. We really did have Biolabs in Ukraine which I wouldn't want near our borders either. I have never been a fan of Bio weapons. Our ships carried them for years until some treaty made us offload the CBR weaponry that took 3 days for CV-67 to get rid of.
I keep seeing headlines about the Russians being at or near Kyiv, bombs exploding, etc. Here is a live cam from Kyiv and I'm not seeing or hearing anything of the sort.
Pretty clearly an accident. Tank driver lost it making the left. He went into the turn too quickly, tried to turn harder to the left by locking the left track, and then when it caught the tank pivoted hard left. Car just happened to be there.

Kids - this is what happens when you drive too fast and drift a heavy tracked vehicle on a hard and somewhat slick surface.
I dont know anything about tanks ( I wish I did bc :smokin:) but that actually makes sense to me.

I keep seeing headlines about the Russians being at or near Kyiv, bombs exploding, etc. Here is a live cam from Kyiv and I'm not seeing or hearing anything of the sort.

It's dark there now, but earlier there were cars were driving around as usual, people walking down the street. No explosions, no fires. I'll keep watching, but it's almost like the media is making this out to be more than it is.
Pretty clearly an accident. Tank driver lost it making the left. He went into the turn too quickly, tried to turn harder to the left by locking the left track, and then when it caught the tank pivoted hard left. Car just happened to be there.

Kids - this is what happens when you drive too fast and drift a heavy tracked vehicle on a hard and somewhat slick surface.
Sarcasm or real? I can see that being possible, but did the driver then panic after they got off the car and skip the left and carry on down the road?
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