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Russia / Ukraine thread

Once again, you don't need to have boots on the ground to invade a country. OBL was very effective and low cost which caused more damage than any boots he could have put on the ground. Boots on the ground is for occupying and holding territory these days.

And, movie tickets from a Norfolk theater were found on 2 of the sunken U-boats, so in your mind, yes, German boots were on the ground.
We know their spies were here. Not the same as an invasion. Not what is meant by “boots on the ground”.
Oh, and for the "boots on the ground guys", Russia, among other countries can easily shut down our power grid amongst many other "annoyances", so let me know that an invasion means when you dumbasses can't charge your cell phones, access the internet to talk shit, much less live your cushy lifestyle.
If Russia could easily shut down our power grid they (or another group) would have already tried it. I agree with you on most points but this is absurd. It is harder than it looks.
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If Russia could easily shut down our power grid they (or another group) would have already tried it. I agree with you on most points but this is absurd. It is harder than it looks.
We know their spies were here. Not the same as an invasion. Not what is meant by “boots on the ground”.
I don't think "boots on the ground" means what it used to mean. It is for occupational purposes only. The war machine has evolved, you can ruin countries without getting out of bed these days. Cyber attacks, missiles etc... The US power grid has been overloaded and vulnerable and the only reason it hasn't been attacked yet is that there is no money in it and it would be an act of war. Not that Biden would do anything about it. For reference: Sophisticated hackers could crash the US power grid, but money, not sabotage, is their focus. 3 Men Plead Guilty in Plot to Attack U.S. Power Grid

It isn't particularly hard to take down our grid. Just ill advised.
If you got the time, this is putins speech translated without any talking heads blabbering over him:

The man does make valid points. I dont agree with him attacking Ukraine, but I get it. They had concerns, attempted to resolve this diplomatically, it didnt work out, and he put his foot down.

We dont really have much of a leg to stand on when it comes to telling them not to invade another country. We have been busy doing that for the last half century

I concur. He does make some very valid points and while I was aware of the corruption of Ukraine (why else would the Biden be in there) I was unaware of the Neo-nazis and sniping civilians. My only heartache is the civilians that will be killed or suffer until their infrastructure is restored.
I don't think "boots on the ground" means what it used to mean. It is for occupational purposes only. The war machine has evolved, you can ruin countries without getting out of bed these days. Cyber attacks, missiles etc... The US power grid has been overloaded and vulnerable and the only reason it hasn't been attacked yet is that there is no money in it and it would be an act of war. Not that Biden would do anything about it. For reference: Sophisticated hackers could crash the US power grid, but money, not sabotage, is their focus. 3 Men Plead Guilty in Plot to Attack U.S. Power Grid

It isn't particularly hard to take down our grid. Just ill advised.
Is war not I'll advised?

"Sir, we could cripple them if we attack the grid"
"Stand down soldier, that's ill advised"

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"What the fuck are you doing in our land?"
Tactically and probably Strategically, this was the perfect time to pull this. The sanctions that would hurt the Ruskies won't be used unless NATO is prepared to cripple half of Western Europe.

I don't think he's insane enough to take a swing at the Baltics, but what a ballsy move that would be if the attack on Ukraine was half land grab, half diversion and he headed North next week to take Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania... Right about the same time the Chinese launched an attack to take Taiwan.

You could paralyze NATO and remove the US as a serious player in one stroke. Take full advantage of US leaderships incompetence and impotence.
It's your cushy lifestyle too there sallysue.

What's your grand solution?
We know sanctions don't and won't work as long as Europe keeps buying their oil an gas.
Throw money at Ukraine so the corrupt government can steal it.
Give them weapons so the Russians can have shiny new American toys like Afghanistan.
Invade and occupy Ukraine the American people Don't have the stomach for that.

So get the fuck over it and let Ukraine sink or swim on their own.
I think you are correct. Ukraine sits on a metric shit ton of energy resources and instead investing it properly, they quickly became the most single corrupt country in the region. Instead of paying Hunter and "the big guy", they should have taken that money and updated their WWII Air Defense System that is seen in pictures smoldering. I don't see a solution now. It is too late and Ukraine is lost. Taiwan is next. We are too busy worried about getting pronouns right, CRT and mandatory vaccinations to help anyone at this point. We will all be speaking Spanish in a few years anyways.
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I'm gonna have to admit. I have no clue WTF is going on here. I don't understand Putin's desires here. USSR is not Russia. Is this all just over NATO?

Is Ukraine strategic for Russia because of farmland, size, etc? Is Putin looking at this as we looked at Vietnam, Korea, etc?

I'm just not processing this whole chess game
I'm gonna have to admit. I have no clue WTF is going on here. I don't understand Putin's desires here. USSR is not Russia. Is this all just over NATO?

Is Ukraine strategic for Russia because of farmland, size, etc? Is Putin looking at this as we looked at Vietnam, Korea, etc?

I'm just not processing this whole chess game
There's full text of a Putin speech regarding this in Dickweed/SmithKPs thread.
It's your cushy lifestyle too there sallysue.

What's your grand solution?
We know sanctions don't and won't work as long as Europe keeps buying their oil an gas.
Throw money at Ukraine so the corrupt government can steal it.
Give them weapons so the Russians can have shiny new American toys like Afghanistan.
Invade and occupy Ukraine the American people Don't have the stomach for that.

So get the fuck over it and let Ukraine sink or swim on their own.
i too have that same view, sink or swim, bottom line russia has their hands in way too much and in alot of ways hold the upper hand. sucks to admit. we need their oil, last i heard like 7-10 percent of what we use we import from them, especially now since we shot down the idea of the keystone pipe, genius move there. :mad3:

sorry random thoughts and i get a bit fired up over this BS because what the hell did anyone think would happen if russia move an army to the border with ukraine. :shocked:
I think you are correct. Ukraine sits on a metric shit ton of energy resources and instead investing it properly, they quickly became the most single corrupt country in the region. Instead of paying Hunter and "the big guy", they should have taken that money and updated their WWII Air Defense System that is seen in pictures smoldering. I don't see a solution now. It is too late and Ukraine is lost. Taiwan is next. We are too busy worried about getting pronouns right, CRT and mandatory vaccinations to help anyone at this point. We will all be speaking Spanish in a few years anyways.
You seem to be forgetting that Obama negotiated them into disarming their missile defense....
So whats the point of taking chernobyl? Is there something stashed there we dont know about. It would be a great place to hide something.

So whats the point of taking chernobyl? Is there something stashed there we dont know about. It would be a great place to hide something.

I saw this movie. All the gold and shit is there. One good commando is all we need to get it for ourselves.
We supply the VAST majority of NATOs funding.
Ukraine is NOT a NATO member.
WTF do you want us to do legally?
Per the Budapest Memorandum we can (but are not obligated to) defend Ukraine against Russian incursions:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest_Memorandum_on_Security_Assurances said:
The memorandum included security assurances against threats or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan.
PUTIN:What next, what are we to expect? If history is any guide, we know that in 1940 and early 1941 the Soviet Union went to great lengths to prevent war or at least delay its outbreak. … The attempt to appease the aggressor ahead of the Great Patriotic War proved to be a mistake which came at a high cost for our people. … We will not make this mistake the second time. We have no right to do so.[/B][/B][/B]
Apparently the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was a figment of my imagination: Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact - Wikipedia


"What the fuck are you doing in our land?"
If its the one my coworker was talking about, she gave him a bunch of sunflower seeds and told him to put them in his pockets so when he gets buried there will be sunflowers growing on his grave.

There's full text of a Putin speech regarding this in Dickweed/SmithKPs thread.
Link: Full text of Vladimir Putin’s speech announcing ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine
I have the full text in there.

Aaron Z
I concur. He does make some very valid points and while I was aware of the corruption of Ukraine (why else would the Biden be in there) I was unaware of the Neo-nazis and sniping civilians. My only heartache is the civilians that will be killed or suffer until their infrastructure is restored.
From what I read there were something like 29 ceasefires between the Ukrainian government and the separatists, the longest one was under 3 months and most lasted under a week, it seems that both sides were shooting at each other, I am sure civilians were caught in the middle, but I would also be surprised if both sides DIDN'T have people in civilian clothing shooting at the other side and there are Russian armed forces fighting on the separatist's side.
From Wikipedia, so its worth what you payed for the information:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_in_Donbas said:
Since the start of the conflict there have been 29 ceasefires, each intended to remain in force indefinitely, but none of them have stopped the violence.[54][55][56] The most successful attempt to halt the fighting was in 2016, when a ceasefire held for six consecutive weeks.[56] Ukraine, Russia, the DPR, the LPR and the OSCE agreed to a roadmap for an end to the conflict on 1 October 2019.[57] However, the conflict did not thaw since then and, by late summer 2020, still remained unresolved on multiple levels. The latest ceasefire (29th) came into force on 27 July 2020 which led to no Ukrainian combat losses for more than a month. According to Ukrainian authorities, from 27 July 2020 until 7 November 2020 Ukrainian mortal losses decreased tenfold (three Ukrainian soldiers were killed) and the number of attacks decreased 5.5-fold.[61] The first trimester of 2021 saw a large increase in Ukrainian fatalities (25, compared with 50 deaths in the whole of 2020) and the buildup of a large Russian military force on the Donbas-Russian border late March to early April 2021 and from late October and November 2021 onwards.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_separatist_forces_in_Donbas said:
it’s widely believed that the separatists are supported by the Russian Armed Forces. Ukraine, the United States, and some analysts consider 1st and 2nd Army Corps to be Russian formations under the command of the 8th Combined Arms Army, which was formed up in 2017, in Novocherkassk, Rostov oblast. Although the Russian government often denies direct involvement, stating that their soldiers were there voluntarily and not under orders, some of them were captured with documents that said otherwise. The separatists have admitted receiving supplies from Russia and being trained there. BBC reported that separatist ranks are composed of thousands of Russian citizens.[18][19] Registered Cossacks of the Russian Federation have been reported to also be supporting the separatists. DPR head Alexander Zakharchenko claimed in August 2014 that there are around 3,000 to 4,000 Russian volunteers fighting for the militia, which includes current and many retired Russian Army servicemen.

Since September 2015, the separatist units, at the battalion level and up, are acting under direct command of Russian Army officers, with former local commanders sometimes serving as their deputies.

Aaron Z
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