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Russia / Ukraine thread


I wasnt going to post it because its too much for that dickweed retard to process in his little brain, just as he cant handle his excitement around trannies and cant contain himself from bringing guns onto millitary bases.

Also, people gloss over the fact that the Donbass region is wholly filled with Russian speaking individuals who consider themselves Russians but Ukrainian born. Since 2014, Zelenski (Ukrainian pres) has been bombing and shelling this area nonstop. Something like 90% percent of all civilian casualties since then are from this region. So when Zelenski bombs civilians, they are Russian Separatists. When Russia invades, they are Ukrainian civilians.

Again, this is no our issue, this is not our fight. So to look at it through cold-war glasses is being naïve at best.
Exactly this. Here is a Ukrainian drone popping a "Russian proxy", i.e. Eastern Ukrainian on the dome. Almost wesome use of modern tech, glad to see what some of our billions bought.
I really hope this “ghost of Kiev” mig-29 pilot is still alive, 6 a2a kills on other jets in one day. First ace in 57 years, if it’s not just ukr propaganda do boost morale that is pretty wild.
If there is any real Ukraine, they should have stowed away a few tac nukes somewhere. Just a few. It would take only one small one to stop this entire event. Surprised it hasnt happened yet. France, a non NATO member since De Gaul, deployed tac nukes more than 45 years ago. They have no fear of any eastern huns or similar defiling their vineyards.
Ukraine is probably lost. We need to get ready to act with Nato. Protests in russia. was not expecting that. I think china moves in the next two weeks. Biden and the dems go down as the party that loses europe.

But hey there were no mean tweets last night and i'm sure russia is using preferred pronouns as they invade.

Hopefully this injects a little reality into the extreme left
Hooefully this screenshot loads...

There is another that basically says we need to remember to not be gender specific in any war pictures that are shown because we don't know their preference


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Hooefully this screenshot loads...

There is another that basically says we need to remember to not be gender specific in any war pictures that are shown because we don't know their preference
Once again, you don't need to have boots on the ground to invade a country. OBL was very effective and low cost which caused more damage than any boots he could have put on the ground. Boots on the ground is for occupying and holding territory these days.

And, movie tickets from a Norfolk theater were found on 2 of the sunken U-boats, so in your mind, yes, German boots were on the ground.
Simply attacking without plans to occupy does no good. Ww2 Hitler had to occupy France with boots on the ground to advance and aquire resources. He attacked Great Britain
Has anybody planned the international conference yet? You know, the one where we all get together and decide that Russia can have certain parts of Ukraine containing "ethnic Russians"? Ukraine of course, will not be invited to this meeting.
History repeats, Appeasement did not work during other conferences.
History repeats, Appeasement did not work during other conferences.
And what lead to conditions for Hitler to rise to power? Germany was punished so heavily post-WWI that they economy never recovered and they were spiraled into hyperinflation to the point they could only overcome it through warfare.

We're seeing the same thing now after decades of demonizing the Russians and sanctions post-Cold War. Putin likely wouldn't be pushing into Ukraine right now had every Dem admin since the fall of the USSR hadn't tried to push Russia into war. Funny how their boogeyman status completely disappears when a Republican is in office. The Russian ruble was pretty stable for years until ~2010 when the Obama admin started stirring all this shit up in eastern Europe with anti-russian militant groups. It's declined severely ever since.
If they were dumb enough to believe that we would defend them from Russia then that's their problem.

thats a pretty chicken shit answer. Either up hold the agreement or make arrangements so they can fulfill what we promised them. Sorry we lied and ripped you is piss poor.
And what lead to conditions for Hitler to rise to power? Germany was punished so heavily post-WWI that they economy never recovered and they were spiraled into hyperinflation to the point they could only overcome it through warfare.

We're seeing the same thing now after decades of demonizing the Russians and sanctions post-Cold War. Putin likely wouldn't be pushing into Ukraine right now had every Dem admin since the fall of the USSR hadn't tried to push Russia into war. Funny how their boogeyman status completely disappears when a Republican is in office. The Russian ruble was pretty stable for years until ~2010 when the Obama admin started stirring all this shit up in eastern Europe with anti-russian militant groups. It's declined severely ever since.

And that's chicken shit as well. They have plenty of opportunities to create and improve their country. If they can't figure things out while owning the land mass they have they maybe you should let someone else run the country.
And that's chicken shit as well. They have plenty of opportunities to create and improve their country. If they can't figure things out while owning the land mass they have they maybe you should let someone else run the country.
Sanctions are an act of war. We've spent years effectively cutting them off from trade from the rest of the world.
thats a pretty chicken shit answer. Either up hold the agreement or make arrangements so they can fulfill what we promised them. Sorry we lied and ripped you is piss poor.

Boo hoo. You want to go fight and die for Ukraine be my guest. I sure as shit don't and won't.

The world needs to solve its own problems and we need to keep our nose out of it.
Some observations, that may or may not effect some comments here.
1. France has been a NATO country since 1949. They just do not allow US troops in their country on military bases.
2. The US did have a protection treaty with Taiwan. Now we have the Taiwan relations act. It states that any governmental change in the eastern pacific rim, through other peaceful means is of grave concern to the United States and allows them to use the full force of the US might to protect an6 country in that area. The only reason we do not have a protection treaty with Taiwan is because the second worst president in modern history canceled it unilaterally.
3. Ukraine borders the Black Sea. The only access to the black sea is through a little strait that passes through Turkey. Turkey is a full NATO country, and since they are territorial Turkish waters, passage can be denied. Overflights can also be denied. Kind of curious that Russia has a huge fleet in the eastern Mediterranean.
Boo hoo. You want to go fight and die for Ukraine be my guest. I sure as shit don't and won't.

The world needs to solve its own problems and we need to keep our nose out of it.
Very true…

But you reap what you sow, and it sounds like we haven’t been very innocent.
Sanctions are an act of war. We've spent years effectively cutting them off from trade from the rest of the world.
By that logic we should stop locking up drug dealers and criminals, you know years of punishment for doing bad thing.

The are how many countries that seem to operate without sanctions.
Boo hoo. You want to go fight and die for Ukraine be my guest. I sure as shit don't and won't.

The world needs to solve its own problems and we need to keep our nose out of it.
Plenty of ways to support them without sending troops ya maron.
I guess what perturbs me is that most don't/can't/won't see the rippling effects of this invasion throughout the world. Sanctions don't work. Russia, China, Iran and North Korea have had years to practice how to protect their money and work around sanctions. Is there any historical proof that a country yelled uncle due to sanctions? Biden has already fucked our economy and ruined supply vs demand. Am I the only one who has been seeing empty grocery shelves? Shortly, Russia and China are going to negate the dollar and when that happens, we are all going to be poor overnight and we will be living like a 3rd world country. I know many of you have never been in a 3rd world country and have no idea what it really means. I unfortunately have and it isn't pretty. Within 45 minutes of being in Sierra Leon I watched a dude walk up to another guy and shoot him in the head. My OIC said he couldn't believe that just happened. I told him I couldn't believe that just happened on a busy city street and nobody even paused to look or try to help let alone scream.

I am not a war monger. I have been in every conflict from 10/10/88 to 7/31/12 and none of them was a "good time". Boots on the ground involved and seeing the results of aggression and war and the real victims are the innocent civilians who had no say in the war/invasion/strike just like the folks in the twin towers had no say. To protect the American way of life, we have had to maintain the status quo and when we do not, we will suffer the consequences of inflation, lack of supplies, lack of trade = no money coming in to take the place of the money going out. Our dollar will no longer be the standard in trade. We are currently led by inept eunuchs that have been paid off by both war mongering countries. What I am trying to say is that we all, the entire world, should care what Russia and China does if we like our way of life. Unfortunately, the current generations are too worried about their pronouns and which bathroom to shit in to understand world economics and how EVERYTHING effects the US.

If something doesn't happen soon, I hope you guys like standing in lines to get food, gas, oil, for hours and when you get to the front of the line, sorry we don't have anymore. Or like Greece, go too the ATM to get your paycheck and surprise!!, no money in the ATM to get and if there were, you can't afford a pack of baloney anyways. And why the fuck do we need to worry about Greece? Because their economy was too low for the EU when they were sucked up and guess who paid to right the ship? The US ad Britain. All of us clowns paid our taxes and sent them billions of dollars except Britain. They wised up and got the fuck out of the EU. Just like how we all spend over 45% of our income on taxes and a good chunk of that money goes to NATO and the EU who are currently sitting on their asses talking about sanctions. Russia sits on half of the worlds supply of oil and natural gas, that just increased with the addition of Ukraine. You think they give a fuck about sanctions? They have all the energy they need and the rest of Europe is dependent on them. Germany is close to 100% dependent on Russian energy. With you Ukraine, they can put a stranglehold on much of the world.
I guess what perturbs me is that most don't/can't/won't see the rippling effects of this invasion throughout the world. Sanctions don't work. Russia, China, Iran and North Korea have had years to practice how to protect their money and work around sanctions. Is there any historical proof that a country yelled uncle due to sanctions? Biden has already fucked our economy and ruined supply vs demand. Am I the only one who has been seeing empty grocery shelves? Shortly, Russia and China are going to negate the dollar and when that happens, we are all going to be poor overnight and we will be living like a 3rd world country. I know many of you have never been in a 3rd world country and have no idea what it really means. I unfortunately have and it isn't pretty. Within 45 minutes of being in Sierra Leon I watched a dude walk up to another guy and shoot him in the head. My OIC said he couldn't believe that just happened. I told him I couldn't believe that just happened on a busy city street and nobody even paused to look or try to help let alone scream.

I am not a war monger. I have been in every conflict from 10/10/88 to 7/31/12 and none of them was a "good time". Boots on the ground involved and seeing the results of aggression and war and the real victims are the innocent civilians who had no say in the war/invasion/strike just like the folks in the twin towers had no say. To protect the American way of life, we have had to maintain the status quo and when we do not, we will suffer the consequences of inflation, lack of supplies, lack of trade = no money coming in to take the place of the money going out. Our dollar will no longer be the standard in trade. We are currently led by inept eunuchs that have been paid off by both war mongering countries. What I am trying to say is that we all, the entire world, should care what Russia and China does if we like our way of life. Unfortunately, the current generations are too worried about their pronouns and which bathroom to shit in to understand world economics and how EVERYTHING effects the US.

If something doesn't happen soon, I hope you guys like standing in lines to get food, gas, oil, for hours and when you get to the front of the line, sorry we don't have anymore. Or like Greece, go too the ATM to get your paycheck and surprise!!, no money in the ATM to get and if there were, you can't afford a pack of baloney anyways. And why the fuck do we need to worry about Greece? Because their economy was too low for the EU when they were sucked up and guess who paid to right the ship? The US ad Britain. All of us clowns paid our taxes and sent them billions of dollars except Britain. They wised up and got the fuck out of the EU. Just like how we all spend over 45% of our income on taxes and a good chunk of that money goes to NATO and the EU who are currently sitting on their asses talking about sanctions. Russia sits on half of the worlds supply of oil and natural gas, that just increased with the addition of Ukraine. You think they give a fuck about sanctions? They have all the energy they need and the rest of Europe is dependent on them. Germany is close to 100% dependent on Russian energy. With you Ukraine, they can put a stranglehold on much of the world.
And what are "we" supposed to do? The current idiots in power are all for crippling any non "green" power, which has only helped Russia gain more power and made other countries dependent on Russia, which is only going to make your fears come true quicker. Rescind the no assassination of heads of state policy like we should have done with Saddam Hussein and vote Putin out from the rooftop? Nuke em? What's your wonderful effective solution? Boots on the ground? How will that help?
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Oh, and for the "boots on the ground guys", Russia, among other countries can easily shut down our power grid amongst many other "annoyances", so let me know that an invasion means when you dumbasses can't charge your cell phones, access the internet to talk shit, much less live your cushy lifestyle.
if only there was a map that outlined what Putin wants???

Oh wait there is…


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Oh, and for the "boots on the ground guys", Russia, among other countries can easily shut down our power grid amongst many other "annoyances", so let me know that an invasion means when you dumbasses can't charge your cell phones, access the internet to talk shit, much less live your cushy lifestyle.
So the answer which has been talked about for weeks is saying that Ukraine won't be allowed into NATO? Isn't it too late for that now? Did I miss where you said what you think should happen next to avert more problems?
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