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Russia / Ukraine thread

got word from some folks I know that are leaving country for Poland.
Lots of explosions all over the country today, even in the western part.
Everyone is pulling money of of ATMs
Currency is tanking
Men 18-65 are not being allowed to leave the country
Caught the last few minutes of the potato's press conference. The reporters were pretty harsh (quite different than their usual ice-cream questions).

He was pressed on what he was going to do swiftly that would have serious effect. 'Sanctions' was his answer. 'How long will it take for them to work?' was a follow-up question. 'Don't know, let's come back in two months and we'll see' was his response. I guess his dog collar then went off as he immediately scurried off the stage.
To a point I would agree but America "Obama" convinced Ukraine to disarm as we would protect them.

As much as I hate that asshole, if America doesn't stand behind its word, then any other country should tell us to fuck off. Actually Ukraine should have gotten a clue over Russia taking crimea and rearmed themselves.
They kinda screwed themselves in 94 with the Budapest Memorandum.
And none have ever been shot down before today, ka-52’s are extremely effective aircraft
What a massive looking POS :confused:
I remember when a high-ranking Soviet pilot defected with his MiG-25 to Japan in 1975.

When the U.S. took it apart to exam the plane; they were shocked when they found glass vacuum tubes in their electronics!:eek:
The Soviet's top of the line interceptor had technology from the '50s.
The U.S. concluded the MiG-25 was a disposable monster engines with wings able to only do maybe two real interceptions before falling apart.

I've always looked at the Soviet Union/Russia military as a punch of IRATE4X4 members with various forms of shitboxs making do with what they got.
They made shit work of a shoestring budget.
I've always looked at the Soviet Union/Russia military as a punch of IRATE4X4 members with various forms of shitboxs making do with what they got.
They made shit work of a shoestring budget.

They build some pretty rough equipment but they fuckin build a TON of em compared to other countries.

I’m wondering if they will use their new T14 Armata, it hasn’t seen real combat yet.

But here’s a T80BVM with a popped turret from today, disabled BTR-4 and some other IFV next to it aswell.
That would be a good but I honestly don't think "even if they know its true" will ever admit it. Their only page in their play book is to double down.

Not a chance, they will double down on every single stupid ass thing they believe in.

Really? No fawking way until their cushy lives are disrupted. All of em are making money off this.


I poked around on some far left boards/groups...

It's all Trumps and Republicans fault. Not Biden, not Putin, not Zelenskyy. Orange man bad.
Ukraine is probably lost. We need to get ready to act with Nato. Protests in russia. was not expecting that. I think china moves in the next two weeks. Biden and the dems go down as the party that loses europe.

But hey there were no mean tweets last night and i'm sure russia is using preferred pronouns as they invade.

Hopefully this injects a little reality into the extreme left
it won't. MSNBC and their ilk are already going on about how this is Trump's fault, and the sheep will believe them.

I wasnt going to post it because its too much for that dickweed retard to process in his little brain, just as he cant handle his excitement around trannies and cant contain himself from bringing guns onto millitary bases.

Also, people gloss over the fact that the Donbass region is wholly filled with Russian speaking individuals who consider themselves Russians but Ukrainian born. Since 2014, Zelenski (Ukrainian pres) has been bombing and shelling this area nonstop. Something like 90% percent of all civilian casualties since then are from this region. So when Zelenski bombs civilians, they are Russian Separatists. When Russia invades, they are Ukrainian civilians.

Again, this is no our issue, this is not our fight. So to look at it through cold-war glasses is being naïve at best.
Europe in general is a clusterfuck when it comes to borders. It's hard for Americans to comprehend because it's wildly different and we don't have a history dating back thousands of years.. Most countries in Europe are post-WWII governments and few of them existed as unified countries prior to that. The lines in Europe have been changing for thousands of years and there's never been prolonged periods of peace because ethnic and cultural distributions vary significantly from the current boarders that have been divided up.

Europe's problems need to be Europe's problems. It's bad enough that we were involved in WWI and WWII and our involvement in both basically comes down to those who stood to profit within our government at the time taking actions to ensure that we'd get dragged into both wars. Pearl Harbor happened because we tried to economically strangle Japan and FDR had been taking action for months to ensure we'd get dragged into the war. There's even evidence he intentionally ignored intelligence reports that Pearl Harbor was going to be attacked. He'd also spent months "revealing" secret Nazi plans to take over North and South America prior to that. Every war we've been involved in post-Civil War has been pushed by people who stood to make money off of it at the expensive of our young men.
They build some pretty rough equipment but they fuckin build a TON of em compared to other countries.

I’m wondering if they will use their new T14 Armata, it hasn’t seen real combat yet.

But here’s a T80BVM with a popped turret from today, disabled BTR-4 and some other IFV next to it aswell.
Excellent points.

When a then brand new MiG-21 was commandeered by Israel in '67; Israel was surprised by the roughness of how it was produced.
How the aircraft's skin panels had gaps between them.

What they were very impressed with was how reliable it flew with little maintenance (Israel didn't have anyone tech'ed on it!).
Their test pilot flew it against their own AF; 100s of hours.
As a commander said, "Gas and go, gas and go."
There's a lot of ignorance going on in here.

The Japanese occupied part of the Aleutian Islands in ww2. They took over multiple Islands and us military bases in the pacific.

In regards to the situation in Ukraine, if the people of Ukraine would rather flee than fight for their country then they have already lost.
Why the hell should we send our soldiers to fight and die for them if they won't do it themselves.
I am not willing to fight for Ukraine I am not willing to send my or other people's children to fight for Ukraine. We have no business there.
If they were dumb enough to believe that we would defend them from Russia then that's their problem.
This whole situation is their problem. Instead of bribing us politicians and stealing taxpayer money, they should have concentrated on their defense.
Europe in general is a clusterfuck when it comes to borders. It's hard for Americans to comprehend because it's wildly different and we don't have a history dating back thousands of years.. Most countries in Europe are post-WWII governments and few of them existed as unified countries prior to that. The lines in Europe have been changing for thousands of years and there's never been prolonged periods of peace because ethnic and cultural distributions vary significantly from the current boarders that have been divided up.
Yes....the region has been repeatedly cut up/re-drawn/modified with what is currently politically beneficial (mostly)....but with much less thought/consideration/understanding even given to the cultural (and in some cases, historical) aspects.
You're gonna have dumb conscripts running this shit.
simple and strong is the way for russian vehicles it seems.

so protests in russia?
off to the gulag with all of them.
Don't worry guys. The liberal white women are on the job


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I don't think Putin plans to just take the 2 cities, he closing down and bombing way west as well as east. Seems he wants all of Ukraine. He is conducting conventional warfare by closing down ALL the airports, communication systems and infrastructure.
He is absolutely going to invade and take ALL of Ukraine.

I poked around on some far left boards/groups...

It's all Trumps and Republicans fault. Not Biden, not Putin, not Zelenskyy. Orange man bad.
I've been snooping around and yep....Trump withheld funds from Ukraine for defense. Mention to them that Obama convinced them to disarm and give up their missiles along with Biden paying Russia a billion a month for oil that Trump never did and you're just a republican idiot.

They're completely retarded.
Looks like Ukraine made some good hay with the javelins we sent them. Read reports of a lot of armor taken out and the signature javelin top down entries.
Putin is definitely recouping the entire homeland and there are reports that Chechens are in Ukraine as well fighting for Russia. That is hard to believe considered how Russia has continually kicked the shit out them since the breakaway.

I wish someone that has some modern weapons would get involved. Russian machinery is not that good. They just make a million of everything to account for their shortcomings. Other than the nukes, and the sheer number of bodies, I don't think Russia is that fierce. There was a Global Hawk , which is an easy target, mission that spent extensive time over the eastern part of Ukraine left unmolested. Kind of surprising because I don't think Putin considers Biden is any threat whatsoever.

I bet the Ukrainians are fucking pissed about how much money they gave the Bidens and he won't provide any substantive assistance.
There's a lot of ignorance going on in here.

The Japanese occupied part of the Aleutian Islands in ww2. They took over multiple Islands and us military bases in the pacific.

In regards to the situation in Ukraine, if the people of Ukraine would rather flee than fight for their country then they have already lost.
Why the hell should we send our soldiers to fight and die for them if they won't do it themselves.
I am not willing to fight for Ukraine I am not willing to send my or other people's children to fight for Ukraine. We have no business there.
If they were dumb enough to believe that we would defend them from Russia then that's their problem.
This whole situation is their problem. Instead of bribing us politicians and stealing taxpayer money, they should have concentrated on their defense.
I think most of us here are aware of the Aleutian occupation, and how much effort we put in to take it back, along with the U-boats off the east coast, the fire balloons from Japan as well as some shelling of the west coast, all during WWII, but I think that can hardly be considered an invasion, more like harassments. Not like the Blitzkrieg or operation Barbarosa or D-Day for that matter, or the invasion of various countries in the Pacific by Japan.

I agree with others that this is a resource grab by Putin under the ruse of getting the ethnic Russians back under the wing. And getting some more space between NATO and Moscow.

And I wholeheartedly agree with your second paragraph.
Also, people gloss over the fact that the Donbass region is wholly filled with Russian speaking individuals who consider themselves Russians but Ukrainian born. Since 2014, Zelenski (Ukrainian pres) has been bombing and shelling this area nonstop. Something like 90% percent of all civilian casualties since then are from this region. So when Zelenski bombs civilians, they are Russian Separatists. When Russia invades, they are Ukrainian civilians.
Any sources where I can read more into this? Everything I have read points to both sides fighting back and forth in and around civilians (and with separatists fighting in and out of uniform).
Looks like Ukraine made some good hay with the javelins we sent them. Read reports of a lot of armor taken out and the signature javelin top down entries.
Good for them.
Putin is definitely recouping the entire homeland and there are reports that Chechens are in Ukraine as well fighting for Russia. That is hard to believe considered how Russia has continually kicked the shit out them since the breakaway.
As they say, war makes strange bedfellows.
I wish someone that has some modern weapons would get involved. Russian machinery is not that good. They just make a million of everything to account for their shortcomings. Other than the nukes, and the sheer number of bodies, I don't think Russia is that fierce. There was a Global Hawk , which is an easy target, mission that spent extensive time over the eastern part of Ukraine left unmolested. Kind of surprising because I don't think Putin considers Biden is any threat whatsoever.
I'd be curious to know how much we are seeing with the global hawk and or other drones in the area.

I bet the Ukrainians are fucking pissed about how much money they gave the Bidens and he won't provide any substantive assistance.
Nothing worse than not getting a return on your bought and paid for investment...

Aaron Z
I think most of us here are aware of the Aleutian occupation, and how much effort we put in to take it back, along with the U-boats off the east coast, the fire balloons from Japan as well as some shelling of the west coast, all during WWII, but I think that can hardly be considered an invasion, more like harassments. Not like the Blitzkrieg or operation Barbarosa or D-Day for that matter, or the invasion of various countries in the Pacific by Japan.

I agree with others that this is a resource grab by Putin under the ruse of getting the ethnic Russians back under the wing. And getting some more space between NATO and Moscow.

And I wholeheartedly agree with your second paragraph.
Agreed. My main issues is the loss of innocent civilians and the ruse to take over Ukraine against the majority opinion. The world let him walk on the taking of Crimea so I am surprised it took him this long to take more. He is doing it because of our poor leadership and what the world just witnessed in Afghanistan. And believe me when I tell you that the next thing we will be discussing is China taking over Taiwan. And why should we care when other countries are taken and absorbed by other countries? Because unchecked aggression doesn't have boundaries or limits. What happens when these power hungry psychos decide to take over all the Chinatowns or Little Odessas in the US to protect their citizens or bring them under the homelands protection? What happens when China and Russia Band together and start dividing the world? Sound familiar?

I realize there are idiots that would spout the same thing, why do I give a fuck about what is happening in New York, I live in Colorado. Fuck California, let them have it. The fact remains that our world keeps getting smaller and you can kiss your freedoms goodbye. Then we can deal with the reality of talking shit about Biden or the government and you get shot in the head or the old Novichok treatment.
So if ICBMs are in the air i guess you have to believe they are nukes when you are fighting another Nuclear Nation.... or is there somekind of gentlemans` agreement not to launch a nuke counter-attack? Or would one assume russia wouldn't send conventionwl tipped our way?

We shot a bunch of Tomahawks off the Mississippi (CGN40) during Desert Storm, but
that wasn't much of a challenge when you were shooting fish in a barrel. 1970's tech that could put that missle within 15' of target at 1500 miles.

Seems to me that would put us in a good old fashioned conventional ground war.

The Cold War was so much easier than the real thing.

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I wasnt going to post it because its too much for that dickweed retard to process in his little brain, just as he cant handle his excitement around trannies and cant contain himself from bringing guns onto millitary bases.

Also, people gloss over the fact that the Donbass region is wholly filled with Russian speaking individuals who consider themselves Russians but Ukrainian born. Since 2014, Zelenski (Ukrainian pres) has been bombing and shelling this area nonstop. Something like 90% percent of all civilian casualties since then are from this region. So when Zelenski bombs civilians, they are Russian Separatists. When Russia invades, they are Ukrainian civilians.

Again, this is no our issue, this is not our fight. So to look at it through cold-war glasses is being naïve at best.
Exactly this. Here is a Ukrainian drone popping a "Russian proxy", i.e. Eastern Ukrainian on the dome. Almost awesome use of modern tech, glad to see what some of billions bought.
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